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My BioAlcamid Nightmare - Round Three

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I know that everyone by now is probably tired of hearing about my

progress (or lack thereof) with this issue. However, a number of

individuals asked that I continue to post my progress.

I finished the antibiotics after my surgery to remove the BioAlcamid

on December 17th. I am still waiting for the three layers of

stitches inside my face to dissolve which should take another four


Unfortunately, on December 30th I was forced back on antibiotics for

the THIRD time because the infection returned to one area of my face

that developed in fibrotic tissue after the BioAlcamid infection and

subsequent removal. I finally saw the surgeon and my doctor for a

follow up on January 4th. I am now looking at having to stay on

antibiotics for the next 6-8 weeks to see if the infection can be

driven out of the fibrotic tissue which is likely harboring the

remaining bacteria.

For those of you considering BioAlcamid as a facial filler, I beg you

to reconsider. Do NOTHING before putting this product in your

face. If you already have it in your face, reconsider adding

anything else to it. My treatments were done by Dr. Casavantes

who probably has more experience with BioAlcamid than any other

physician in North America. He has COMPLETELY stopped using the

product and moved to PMMA because of ALL the infections he has seen

in the last few years.

Time seems to be the greatest factor in all these cases except for

those which were started by fine tuning with additional products like

PMMA and Silicone. A large number of us having problems received

the treatments around four years ago. The surgeon that removed my

BioAlcamid said some of it had indeed migrated from their original

locations to pool lower in my face where the infection started.

I enjoyed all the benefits for the last four years of having my face

restored. However, you can't imagine how bad it feels to know that

on top of the HIV itself, I now am dealing with something that I can

only pray that I can get rid of.

If you put BioAlcamid in your face, you are putting a time bomb

waiting to get infected in your face down the road. It is that

simple and everyone else besides Canada realizes that now and has

stopped using the product.

I just want you to know what you are getting into if you make this

choice. I hope you do not have to go through this.

(BTW, for those that have asked my health status: CD4's - 359, VL -




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