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Erectile Dysfunction

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Regardelss of its pathogenisis, ED can be a problem for many of

us....wether the etiology is urological, medication induced, r/t

psychiatric problems, other comorbidities or idiosyncratic, most men,

not all, like to do something about this " floppy " situation (so to


I tried Viagara about 10 years ago but had no remarkable

results, I tried it at the suggestion of my ID MD at the time

although the ED was not really an issue for me psychologically, you

see I am one of the " sicker ones " here as far as battling many

debilitating IO's over the years, so at the time I tried the Viagara

I was more focused on my overall wellness that a hot romp in the

sack, so the fact the Viagara didn't work was moot for me as other

concerns tokk a higher priority....

Move forward 10 or so years & I am beginning to have the same

problems again, although my IO's area under control, the ED is

popping back into my life it was however a thing of the past for the

past 2 years, but his ugly head has reared again (or should I

say " not reared " ....LOL)....now I am more concerned & woulde like a

good stiff woody to keep my boyfrind & I happily entertained....

My bf takes Cialis & beleive you me it works WONDERFULLY & keeps

me smiling & both of us entertained, I look at it & it stands

straight up, he is also HIV-.....so now since I am beginning to feel

a little " inadequate " at this point when I am with him I have

approached Dr. Slim about my longing for some nice " stiffies " ....he

would not prescribe me the Cialis as his rationalization was since I

take 100 mg Norvir BID it would increase it's half lfe & he didn't

want to take that approach, we bypassed the whole Viagara idea as my

history with that was less than " so-so " ....he did however, prescribe

the Levitra which is patiently waiting to be cracked-open this

upcoming Tesday 1/8 to be welcomed for our planned party (we don't

live together)....

My question to all of you is, what other approaches have any of

you taken in the past?, have any of you taken Levitra, Cialis or

Viagra & can you share your experiences with us all?....

Feedback please.... RN, Montclair, NJ

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Levitra is all right. It works a lot like Viagra. Cialis works for 2-3 days in some guys. But some still preferred good ol' Viagra since it seems to give them better and faster erections. I hate all three. They give me headaches, a flushed face, heart burn, diarrhea...yeah I may get hard but who wants to have sex with all these side effects? These side effects were worse when I was on Norvir, even at a lower dose for all three. Al Benson suggested that I used Zyrtec or Claritin plus Advil plus limotyl to counter the three side effects. It seems to work but I hate the pill burden. I prefer to use TRIMIX injections when I am very horny and want to go for a long time (sorry but it is "hard" not to "share" too much when speaking about hard ons). Some guys are still victim of bad doctors and get prescriptions for Caverjet, which is a horrible product in my opinion. One warning: you

cannot use "combination Therapy" with TRIMIX or Caverjet plus oral agents like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. This will send you to the emergency room with an erection that lasts over 12 hours (priaprism) and your penis has to be drained to prevent it from coagulating and causing cangrene. For a long weekend of fun, Cialis plus my side effect prevention regimen works wonders, but I have to plan ahead for that. I also find that these drugs work better when your testosterone is high-normal. DHEA supplements at 25 mg a day seem to also give me an extra "motivation". It also seems that women I talk to love DHEA at 10-20 mg a day to get their sex drive up. I remember when all we had was a cock ring to deal with ED. It is so good that in 2008 we have so many options to have good sex even as we age with HIV. I tell people to get over the shame of admitting they have

ED and try one of these options. Life is too short for hang ups about performance anxiety. I find that when my sex drive is the highest, I also feel the healthiest and more connected with people and my partner. It is not all about 'sex" but also feeling passion for others. I am not sure if anyone has done a study about this. Of course, a high sex drive can make some of us compulsive, so we have to be highly aware of that! I hope this helped some. <NJBlueiii@...> wrote: Regardelss of its pathogenisis, ED can be a problem for many of us....wether the etiology is urological, medication induced, r/t psychiatric problems, other comorbidities or idiosyncratic, most men, not all, like

to do something about this "floppy" situation (so to speak)....I tried Viagara about 10 years ago but had no remarkable results, I tried it at the suggestion of my ID MD at the time although the ED was not really an issue for me psychologically, you see I am one of the "sicker ones" here as far as battling many debilitating IO's over the years, so at the time I tried the Viagara I was more focused on my overall wellness that a hot romp in the sack, so the fact the Viagara didn't work was moot for me as other concerns tokk a higher priority....Move forward 10 or so years & I am beginning to have the same problems again, although my IO's area under control, the ED is popping back into my life it was however a thing of the past for the past 2 years, but his ugly head has reared again (or should I say "not reared"....LOL)....now I am more concerned & woulde like a good stiff woody to keep my boyfrind & I

happily entertained....My bf takes Cialis & beleive you me it works WONDERFULLY & keeps me smiling & both of us entertained, I look at it & it stands straight up, he is also HIV-.....so now since I am beginning to feel a little "inadequate" at this point when I am with him I have approached Dr. Slim about my longing for some nice "stiffies"....he would not prescribe me the Cialis as his rationalization was since I take 100 mg Norvir BID it would increase it's half lfe & he didn't want to take that approach, we bypassed the whole Viagara idea as my history with that was less than "so-so"....he did however, prescribe the Levitra which is patiently waiting to be cracked-open this upcoming Tesday 1/8 to be welcomed for our planned party (we don't live together)....My question to all of you is, what other approaches have any of you taken in the past?, have any of you taken Levitra, Cialis or Viagra

& can you share your experiences with us all?....Feedback please.... RN, Montclair, NJWelcome to our group!If you received this email from someone who forwarded it to you and would like to join this group, send a blank email to -subscribe and you will get an email with instructions to follow.You can chose to receive single emails or a daily digest (collection of emails). You can post pictures, images, attach files and search by keyword old postings in the group.For those of you who are members already and want to switch from single emails to digest or vice versa, visit www., click on , then on "edit my membership" and go down to your selection. The list administrator does not process any requests, so this is a do-it-yourself easy process ! :)Thanks for joining. You will learn and share a lot in this group!NOTE: I moderate, approve or

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I have taken both Viagra and Levitra, though neither of them often enough to speak with any great conviction about either. For me, Viagra and Levitra work about the same. Levitra does work faster, but it also gives me more of a headache.I'm on Norvir too, so for either of them, I use a pill splitter and take no more than 1/4 tablet each time. I do notice some decreased sensitivity though. Sometimes that can be good, though :-)>> My question to all of you is, what other approaches have any of > you taken in the past?, have any of you taken Levitra, Cialis or > Viagra & can you share your experiences with us all?....> Feedback please.... RN, Montclair, NJ>

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I've used Viagra, and with the same side-effects that describes. What always struck me is that the sinus headache and bloodshot eyes were remarkably like the effects I got from poppers years ago (when "everyone" seemed to use them during sex) - that was then, this is now. I'm only willing to use Viagra these days if I'm really planning on one of those "all-nighters", which was a much more frequent thing when I wasn't single. And it's a half-dose, since I'm taking Kaletra.

- I'll take your "sharing too much" about hardons over gangrene, any day!...


[Norton AntiSpam] Re: Erectile Dysfunction

Levitra is all right. It works a lot like Viagra. Cialis works for 2-3 days in some guys. But some still preferred good ol' Viagra since it seems to give them better and faster erections.

I hate all three. They give me headaches, a flushed face, heart burn, diarrhea...yeah I may get hard but who wants to have sex with all these side effects? These side effects were worse when I was on Norvir, even at a lower dose for all three. Al Benson suggested that I used Zyrtec or Claritin plus Advil plus limotyl to counter the three side effects. It seems to work but I hate the pill burden. I prefer to use TRIMIX injections when I am very horny and want to go for a long time (sorry but it is "hard" not to "share" too much when speaking about hard ons). Some guys are still victim of bad doctors and get prescriptions for Caverjet, which is a horrible product in my opinion. One warning: you cannot use "combination Therapy" with TRIMIX or Caverjet plus oral agents like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. This will send you to the emergency room with an erection that lasts over 12 hours (priaprism) and your penis has to be drained to prevent it from coagulating and causing cangrene.

For a long weekend of fun, Cialis plus my side effect prevention regimen works wonders, but I have to plan ahead for that. I also find that these drugs work better when your testosterone is high-normal. DHEA supplements at 25 mg a day seem to also give me an extra "motivation". It also seems that women I talk to love DHEA at 10-20 mg a day to get their sex drive up.

I remember when all we had was a cock ring to deal with ED. It is so good that in 2008 we have so many options to have good sex even as we age with HIV. I tell people to get over the shame of admitting they have ED and try one of these options. Life is too short for hang ups about performance anxiety.

I find that when my sex drive is the highest, I also feel the healthiest and more connected with people and my partner. It is not all about 'sex" but also feeling passion for others. I am not sure if anyone has done a study about this. Of course, a high sex drive can make some of us compulsive, so we have to be highly aware of that!

I hope this helped some.

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  • 11 months later...

I'm lucky enough to have an excellent gay friendly urologist who got

me through my kidney stones, and we've discussed those occasional

floppy penis bouts.

He strongly advises against using cock rings, as he feels they damage

the blood vessels at the base of the penis, and over time, worsen

erectile function.


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