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Re: Loving our bodies

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horsemom-@... wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13770


> But ,

> we are never done on the inside (or outside), always evolving

Of course...I guess what I should have said was " all it's done for me

so far on the inside " ...I am constantly noticing changes taking place

both inside and outside on a daily basis. That's the beauty of

tae-bo...that you are never done. There is always something else to

work on and it just keeps getting better and better :)

who loves noticing differences in the way she thinks and feels about

her body every day :)

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" susan ferron " <srferro-@...> wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13781

> ,


> How about making a photocopy of the photos and either drawing black

> strips of a bra over those bountiful mammaries...then send them to

> . LOL It could work, ya know.


LOL....believe me, I have already thought of that. I do have that one

of me with my bra and undies that is not too revealing....kind of looks

like a bathing suit. I could probably alter that one a little easier

than the other one. And it is a really good " before " picture!

who can't believe she used to tae-bo with those things :)

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" susan ferron " <srferro-@...> wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13781

> ,


> How about making a photocopy of the photos and either drawing black

> strips of a bra over those bountiful mammaries...then send them to

> . LOL It could work, ya know.


LOL....believe me, I have already thought of that. I do have that one

of me with my bra and undies that is not too revealing....kind of looks

like a bathing suit. I could probably alter that one a little easier

than the other one. And it is a really good " before " picture!

who can't believe she used to tae-bo with those things :)

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" susan ferron " <srferro-@...> wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13784


> When I first lost weight at the age of fourteen, my parents thought it

> was the best thing ever. They had no idea how sick I was and how

> desperate I was. As long as I was thin, all was well by their

> standards. They had no idea that I spent the entirety of my 10th


> writing up six months worth of meal plans, day after day...or that I

> figured out that sorbitol caused me to have diahrrea which I used to


> ill-supposed " advantage. " I had gotten down to 103 pounds, and was

> lucky(?) or blessed, or something...to realize that my chest was flat

> as a board and that my thighs were not going to change (well, with Tae

> Bo...30 years later...they are changing!) When I gained all the


> back, plus some, at age 16, my parnets came down on me like attack

> dogs. They would ask, " Why do you hate yourself so much, " then say,

> " You know that no man in his right mind would ever want to have

> anything to do with you looking the way you do! " Talk about mixed

> messages! (A couple of years ago, when I referred to myself as having

> been anorexic to my mother and stepfather, my mother was shocked...she

> had no idea.)


Thanks for sharing your experiences! It's amazing the depths we have

been to...and more amazing that we made it back up! Along with all my

self-hatred journals, I also have journal upon journal of my daily

diet...counting each and every calorie and fat gram. I also took

laxatives and considered getting ipecac syrup to make myself get sick

(although I never got to that point...that would have required asking

somebody where it was and lying about having a child, etc.). I never

got dangerously thin or had to be hospitalized, but I definitely

suffered from both forms of eating disorders! I am so grateful that we

both made it back and have finally come to a place where we can love

our bodies and love ourselves!

Thanks :)

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" *mary* " <mmgrave-@...> wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13818

> I noticed

> something last night when I was working out...when I do my leg

kicks..I can

> feel my ab muscles working to help lift my legs..not just my legs

doing all

> the work. I think that is a step in the right direction too.


Wow, you really have accomplished a lot in a very short amount of time!

Congratulations on the drop in fat %...that's huge and on being in a

smaller size than when you met your husband...and last, but not least

on feeling those ab muscles working on the leg lifts....that's a big

one! It means you are doing the move correctly and will really start

to notice those muscles developing :)

Keep it up, . We'll be wishing you luck as you join the Marines in

no time :)

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" shannon owens " <slowen-@...> wrote:

>I am so grateful that we

> both made it back and have finally come to a place where we can love

> our bodies and love ourselves!


> Thanks :)




Me too!!!!


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Wow . Your post had me in tears. I am so happy for you that you

have come this far. You have a lot to be proud of. It is really sad

that people have to feel that low when they are beautiful inside and

out already. But I too, have felt like a failure at everything. The

last time I ended up being clinically depressed. This time I think

it's because of the stress and because I do get down in the dumps about

our situation (even though it could be worse, it is still the pits to

have to go through). This time I am aware though of what is causing

it. The one time I do feel good is doing Taebo. Thank you so much for

sharing. ((((HUGS)))) le

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