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Re: Do flu shots have aluminum?

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There is no aluminum in flu shots. Perhaps you are thinking of H. Hugh Fudenberg's study. Info about that study can be found here: http://www.momsagainstmercury.org/mercury.htm Aasa Avril <lorned@...> wrote: Hi all,Could someone tell me if this is right? Is there no aluminum in any flu vaccine? Wasn't there a study some years back showing a correspondence with Alzheimers

for the regularity of getting flu shots and relating it the use of aluminum as an adjuvant? I personally find the person a bit of a thorn in my side, but I should respond to her,Avril, scratching head The links you cite below seem to be from vaccine-skeptical websites and authors, which can sometimes jumble together a variety of health concerns relating to vaccines without regards to the specifics of each. There is no flu vaccine which includes aluminum as a component; it is well-known that this is not an aluminum-adjuvanted vaccine so if you come across a website which claims otherwise you may wish to ask its authors where they are drawing their information. Those interested in determining which vaccines contain which ingredients would be better served by going directly to the package inserts for each vaccine, which always contain a list of components. There is no basis for

concern that aluminum is somehow secretly present even if it is not listed, as aluminum is openly listed as an adjuvant for every vaccine in which it is used. For example, every package insert for a DTaP product lists aluminum as a component. Package inserts are also a good way to determine whether thimerosal is present, and how much; part of the irony of the whole thimerosal debacle was that thimerosal was openly listed as a preservative for years before it became controversial - one could say that this was an outrage hiding in plain sight. To demonstrate the information available from package inserts, here is an excerpt from the Fluzone package insert: "Fluzone®, Influenza Virus Vaccine, (Zonal Purified, Subvirion) for intramuscular use, is a sterile suspension prepared from influenza viruses propagated in embryonated chicken eggs. The virus-containing fluids are harvested and inactivated with formaldehyde. Influenza virus is

concentrated and purified in a linear sucrose density gradient solution using a continuous flow centrifuge. The virus is then chemically disrupted using a nonionic surfactant, octoxinol-9, (Triton® X-100 – A registered trademark of Union Carbide, Co.) producing a “split virus.†The split virus is then further purified by chemical means and suspended in sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution. Fluzone vaccine has been standardized according to USPHS requirements for the 2007–2008 influenza season and is formulated to contain 45 micrograms (μg) hemagglutinin (HA) per 0.5 mL dose, in the recommended ratio of15 μg HA each, representative ofthe following three prototype strains: A/ Islands/3/2006 (H1N1), A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2) and B/Malaysia/2506/2004. 1Gelatin 0.05% is added as a stabilizer. Fluzone

vaccine is supplied in four different presentations: a 5 mL vial of vaccine which contains the preservative thimerosal [(mercury derivative), (25 μg mercury/dose)]; a 0.25 mL prefilled syringe (No Preservative: Pediatric Dose, for 6–35 months of age) distinguished by a pink syringe plunger rod; a 0.5 mL prefilled syringe (No Preservative, for 36 months of age and older); and a single dose vial (No Preservative, for 36 months of age and older). There is no thimerosal used in the manufacturing process of the No Preservative unit dose presentations of Fluzone vaccine. " So, to respond to the specific concerns you bring up, there is formaldehyde present in the vaccine above, but no aluminum. There is thimerosal present in the multi-dose vial, but not in the single-dose vials (the "No Preservative" presentations). Of course, these are not the only ingredients about which parents may be

concerned. Here are links where you can find the package insert PDFs for some of the flu vaccines currently in use: Sanofi Pasteur, Fluzone: http://www.vaccineshoppe.com/secure/?fa=piexpress GlaxoKline, Fluarix, FluLaval: http://www.gsk.com/products/vaccines/us/vaccines-us.htm Novartis, Fluvirin (scroll to link for full prescribing info): http://www.novartisvaccines.com/products/influenza.shtml CSL, Afluria: www.afluria.com/pi.pdf MedImmune, FluMist: http://www.flumist.com/prescribing-information.aspx

(this is the live vaccine so of course includes no preservatives) By the way, in providing this information, my intention is not to position myself as an advocate of the current immunization program. Rather, I think it's important that vaccine critics be scrupulously accurate. This is especially crucial in an activist context. Currently, many people are concerned about the new flu vaccine requirement for NJ preschoolers. If those fighting this want to be taken seriously, they must have their facts in order. I am also aware that vaccine advocates are prone to misstatements and errors and that these mistakes often get a free ride. The double standard is not fair, I know, but resisting an entrenched orthodoxy is always going to be an uphill battle. Miriam ------------------------------- Thanks for the heads up. Could you please site your sources for saying that the flu shot does

not contain aluminum? Everything that I have says it's still in there. http://www.planetc1.com/cgi-bin/n/v.cgi?c=1 & id=1194472753 http://ezinearticles.com/?Mercury-and-Aluminum-Present-in-Flu-Shots? & id=274744 http://www.peakhealthclinic.com/Wellness%20Pages/Preventing%20the%20Flu.htm http://www.newswithviews.com/Ciola/greg7.htm http://www.vran.org/vaccines/flu/flu-tar-babies.htm Parents have been asking to have the toxins (including formaldehyde) removed from vaccines for years. So if there are flu shots with all preservatives and adjuvants removed, it would be good to hear about it.

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No the flu vaccines do not have aluminum salts although i bet there is still a

little bit as a


it is the mercury in the flu shot that has been implicated in Alzheimer's

according to Dr Fundenberg

dayoub, md

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No the flu vaccines do not have aluminum salts although i bet there is still a

little bit as a


it is the mercury in the flu shot that has been implicated in Alzheimer's

according to Dr Fundenberg

dayoub, md

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Thank you everyone for your replies.

I wonder when they cleaned up the flu vaccines? No answer needed,

but I just wonder if it wasn't in response to all the parents who

have been concerned about vaccine safety.

Best regards,


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