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Your 28Dec07 Article 'MoreVaccines,LessDisease,ButKidsFeelLikePincushions

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Dear FOX Editor,

Gerencher's 28 December 2007 article,

" More Vaccines, Less Disease, But Kids Feel

Like Pincushions, " begins by asserting a

false dichotomy, " More Vaccines, Less Disease. "

This is the case because, when you factor in

the vaccine-related increases in chronic

childhood diseases (e.g., asthma and COPD,

both types of diabetes, obesity, cancers,

digestive disorders, cardiovascular disorders,

food allergies and intolerances,

neurodevelopmental disorders, and other

autoimmune disorders), it is clear to

this student of U.S. child health that

more vaccines have led to more TOTAL

illness in U.S. children.

In addition, we now have an infant mortality

rate of 6.4+ first-year deaths per 1,000 children

that is roughly twice the 3.2+ first-year deaths

per 1,000 children in Japan.

To other than those who benefit from an

ever-increasing vaccination program, most

who look at the whole " child health " picture

KNOW that our misplaced faith in vaccines

as a panacea has resulted in America's

increasingly becoming a nation of chronically

ill children.

You can continue to publish articles

like this one that ONLY look where

you are led to look, or you can look

at the whole picture of CHILD health

and report about the APPARENT (to other

than vaccine apologists and/or those

with a vested interest in promoting

vaccines and vaccination no matter

what the costs to the public) NET

HEALTH HARM (both economic and medical)

from the long-term chronic illness " side

effects " from:

1. The increasing use of Thimerosal as a

preservative in vaccines without the

required toxicological proof of safety

to the standard " sufficiently nontoxic "

(see 21 CFR Sec. 610.15(a)) and

2. The less-than-safe and/or less-than-

effective vaccines added to the early

childhood vaccination schedule in 1986

and after.

You should also investigate and report on

the lengths that the government agencies,

the healthcare establishment and the drug

manufacturers have gone to NOT honor their

1999 PROMISE to remove Thimerosal from

VACCINES as soon as possible -- NOT a " reduce

Thimerosal in vaccines " promise NOR a promise

to remove Thimerosal from all vaccines EXCEPT

most doses of the influenza vaccines and add

unsafe Thimerosal-preserved flu vaccines to

the vaccination recommendations for pregnant

women and young children in 2002 -- apparently

to counteract the drop in maximum Thimerosal

exposure from the reduction in the level of

Thimerosal in several of the other early

childhood vaccines.

If you want details on some of the harm

caused, then by all means visit:


and read the science-supported information

posted there with an open mind.

If you want to know more about

who I am, you can visit:


Finally, as to the issue of " Thimerosal

causing autism, " you might want to

read the vaccine court records on

Hannah Poling v. Sec. HHS (02-1466V)

that was conceded by the federal government

in November of 2007.

Hopefully, if you do really look into

the facts, you will at least improve the

factual accuracy of your reporting or,

if you need the ad revenues that the drug

companies provide, ONLY publish articles

like this one as clearly labeled

ADVERTISEMENTS, which such articles so

obviously are.


Dr. King


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Excellent, Dr. King...you said it all!


> Dear FOX Editor,


> Gerencher's 28 December 2007 article,

> " More Vaccines, Less Disease, But Kids Feel

> Like Pincushions, " begins by asserting a

> false dichotomy, " More Vaccines, Less Disease. "


> This is the case because, when you factor in

> the vaccine-related increases in chronic

> childhood diseases (e.g., asthma and COPD,

> both types of diabetes, obesity, cancers,

> digestive disorders, cardiovascular disorders,

> food allergies and intolerances,

> neurodevelopmental disorders, and other

> autoimmune disorders), it is clear to

> this student of U.S. child health that

> more vaccines have led to more TOTAL

> illness in U.S. children.


> In addition, we now have an infant mortality

> rate of 6.4+ first-year deaths per 1,000 children

> that is roughly twice the 3.2+ first-year deaths

> per 1,000 children in Japan.


> To other than those who benefit from an

> ever-increasing vaccination program, most

> who look at the whole " child health " picture

> KNOW that our misplaced faith in vaccines

> as a panacea has resulted in America's

> increasingly becoming a nation of chronically

> ill children.


> You can continue to publish articles

> like this one that ONLY look where

> you are led to look, or you can look

> at the whole picture of CHILD health

> and report about the APPARENT (to other

> than vaccine apologists and/or those

> with a vested interest in promoting

> vaccines and vaccination no matter

> what the costs to the public) NET

> HEALTH HARM (both economic and medical)

> from the long-term chronic illness " side

> effects " from:

> 1. The increasing use of Thimerosal as a

> preservative in vaccines without the

> required toxicological proof of safety

> to the standard " sufficiently nontoxic "

> (see 21 CFR Sec. 610.15(a)) and

> 2. The less-than-safe and/or less-than-

> effective vaccines added to the early

> childhood vaccination schedule in 1986

> and after.


> You should also investigate and report on

> the lengths that the government agencies,

> the healthcare establishment and the drug

> manufacturers have gone to NOT honor their

> 1999 PROMISE to remove Thimerosal from

> VACCINES as soon as possible -- NOT a " reduce

> Thimerosal in vaccines " promise NOR a promise

> to remove Thimerosal from all vaccines EXCEPT

> most doses of the influenza vaccines and add

> unsafe Thimerosal-preserved flu vaccines to

> the vaccination recommendations for pregnant

> women and young children in 2002 -- apparently

> to counteract the drop in maximum Thimerosal

> exposure from the reduction in the level of

> Thimerosal in several of the other early

> childhood vaccines.


> If you want details on some of the harm

> caused, then by all means visit:

> http://www.mercury-freedrugs.org

> and read the science-supported information

> posted there with an open mind.


> If you want to know more about

> who I am, you can visit:

> http://www.dr-king.com


> Finally, as to the issue of " Thimerosal

> causing autism, " you might want to

> read the vaccine court records on

> Hannah Poling v. Sec. HHS (02-1466V)

> that was conceded by the federal government

> in November of 2007.


> Hopefully, if you do really look into

> the facts, you will at least improve the

> factual accuracy of your reporting or,

> if you need the ad revenues that the drug

> companies provide, ONLY publish articles

> like this one as clearly labeled

> ADVERTISEMENTS, which such articles so

> obviously are.


> Respectfully,


> Dr. King

> http://www.dr-king.com


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