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Re: (OT) Ron on Larry King Live (unaired video)

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Your taxes are also a heck of alot higher......

Socialized medicine is not the answer. I refuse to be taxed because

Joe Blow won't get off of his completely abled rear end and get a job.


> http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050


> Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people should

not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained that " charity "

may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I doubt it

will work that well for working families who may incur fairly big

expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal " health

care system could use some improvements, but it does take care of most

of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families with

several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us who are

working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.


> Aasa

> P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of vaccines

for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other services

which are found to be lacking.


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I am a Ron fan and he stands for little federal gov't involement

and these social issues should be up to the individual states to

provide not the federal government. I have not seen the piece yet so

I really can't offer anymore then that for an answer. I think over

all he is the best candidate on either ticket.



> http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050


> Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people should

not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

that " charity " may take care of these expenses for the less

fortunate, but I doubt it will work that well for working families

who may incur fairly big expenses, like some of ours do. Here in

Canada, our " universal " health care system could use some

improvements, but it does take care of most of the basics, which

helps life be less stressful for families with several children. And,

it is not exactly " free, " as all of us who are working, pay into it,

now even moreso than before.


> Aasa

> P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of

vaccines for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other

services which are found to be lacking.


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Never thought I would say this but HERE HERE ! I always used to

lean to the left on issues like this but now I find myself thinking

how would a program like this benefit me and my family? I am already

taxed up the wazoo here on Long Island and don't know how much more I

can take. I am sick and tired of drug addicts claiming they have a

disease and get on medicaide for life that I HAVE TO SUPPORT?!?!?!No

more and enough is enough! I have joined the Ron Revolution and

agree with him so much on issues like this.


> >

> > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> >

> > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people should

> not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

that " charity "

> may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I doubt


> will work that well for working families who may incur fairly big

> expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal "


> care system could use some improvements, but it does take care of


> of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families with

> several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us who


> working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> >

> > Aasa

> > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of


> for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other


> which are found to be lacking.

> >


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Ron was on ' Radio show yesterday - he sounded so great. If you want to find out more where he stands on the issues go to www.ronpaul2008.com He really stands for common sense. I too have join the revolution. Did you know that it was an Israel company that tabulated the IOWA caucus votes? That just is unpatriotic to me.

**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

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What you mean the drug addicts whose brain s were injured by previous abuse of drugs prescribed by docs due to dysfunction caused by vaccines? Or the ones who have had some terrible misfortune in life and need help,? or have no hope for the future due to terrible childhood circumstances, financial or other? Or the ones who were put on the earth to suck you dry?

Methinks a little compassion in all aspects of this society would be a healing thing.



Re: (OT) Ron on Larry King Live (unaired video)

Never thought I would say this but HERE HERE ! I always used to lean to the left on issues like this but now I find myself thinking how would a program like this benefit me and my family? I am already taxed up the wazoo here on Long Island and don't know how much more I can take. I am sick and tired of drug addicts claiming they have a disease and get on medicaide for life that I HAVE TO SUPPORT?!?!?!No more and enough is enough! I have joined the Ron Revolution and agree with him so much on issues like this.Tina> >> > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050> > > > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people should> not have a "right" to health care. I know, he explained that "charity"> may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I doubt it> will work that well for working families who may incur fairly big> expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our "universal" health> care system could use some improvements, but it does take care of most> of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families with> several children. And, it is not exactly "free," as all of us who are> working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.> > > > Aasa> > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put> healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of vaccines> for "free", and instead using those dollars to beef up other services> which are found to be lacking.> >>

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I don't think Dr. ment no one had a right to health care. What

he means is no one has a right to free health care paid for by the

hard earned $$ of the working middle class. Come to Massachusetts and

take a look at the bill Romney passed. It raised the number of health

insurance paid for by the already overtaxed working family. If you

don't buy it you lose your state exemtion, and then you are fined 50%

of the lowest cost plan offered. He let the Industry write the bill.

I looked at the lowest cost plan for me. At age 55 I would get a plan

for 350 a month with incredible out of pocked expenses. They are also

forcing twenty year old to buy plans with drug coverage, by the way

they did nothing to lower the cost of health insurance and their is

nothing preventing the insurance companies from increasing the cost

yearly. They are shiiting their pants because now it opened the door

for more peole to get free health insurance and the ones that can't

afford it are going to take the penalty. Its cheeper than paying for

the insurance. The law is also unconstitutional. There is no such

thing as Free Care. It all costs money. It just depends on who is

going to pay for it. It won't be the rich, or the so called poor. It

will be dumped on the backs of the struggling middle class as usual.

Ron is the only hope we have of getting out of this mess.


> >

> > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> >

> > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people should

> not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

> that " charity " may take care of these expenses for the less

> fortunate, but I doubt it will work that well for working families

> who may incur fairly big expenses, like some of ours do. Here in

> Canada, our " universal " health care system could use some

> improvements, but it does take care of most of the basics, which

> helps life be less stressful for families with several children.


> it is not exactly " free, " as all of us who are working, pay into


> now even moreso than before.

> >

> > Aasa

> > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of

> vaccines for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up


> services which are found to be lacking.

> >


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I wish I could find the interview Ron did when someone asked

about legalizing marijuana. I alsmost fell off my seat when he said

that prescription drugs are more deadly than illegal drugs.


> > >

> > > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> > >

> > > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people


> > not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

> that " charity "

> > may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I


> it

> > will work that well for working families who may incur fairly big

> > expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal "

> health

> > care system could use some improvements, but it does take care of

> most

> > of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families


> > several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us who

> are

> > working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> > >

> > > Aasa

> > > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> > healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of

> vaccines

> > for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other

> services

> > which are found to be lacking.

> > >

> >


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Ok, I have to say, my sister and I have this same arguement. People

in this country would have health insurance if they would get up off

their butts and get a job. It drives me insane. I've been employed

steadily all my life. I have a supervisor's position at a restaurant

and I have no health insurance. I know I am not alone. This is a big

problem. It seems to me the people who are lucky enough to have a

job that provides health insurance are the first to assume that

those of us with no insurance are just lazy. But,for those of us who

work full time and have no benefits, what are we supposed to do? I

can barely pay my bills so I can't afford a policy of my own and my

kids are on medicaid. I wish people would stop making assumptions

about the uninsured population in this country.


> >

> > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> >

> > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people should

> not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

that " charity "

> may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I

doubt it

> will work that well for working families who may incur fairly big

> expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal "


> care system could use some improvements, but it does take care of


> of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families with

> several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us who


> working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> >

> > Aasa

> > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of


> for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other


> which are found to be lacking.

> >


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Drives me nuts all this ," I work so hard and everyone else is out to screw me drivel. " I bet these types have a good income, nice cars , two holidays a year, air conditioning, ........

living in a country whose population collectively consume 25 percent of the planets resources whilst having only 4 percent of the population.( looked at the international news lately?)

The whole planet and human race are in deep deep caca ( due mainly to the polluting policies of a few!) and not to have a heart for all the suffering in the world, both in your own unfortunate population and in other countries is , I am afraid one of the biggest impediments to the collective evolution of our species into something sustainable and well..... decent.

I think you should have more taxes. It is disgusting that there are homeless people dying on the streets and no safe house to go to paid for by the generosity of their fellow man.


Re: (OT) Ron on Larry King Live (unaired video)

Ok, I have to say, my sister and I have this same arguement. People in this country would have health insurance if they would get up off their butts and get a job. It drives me insane. I've been employed steadily all my life. I have a supervisor's position at a restaurant and I have no health insurance. I know I am not alone. This is a big problem. It seems to me the people who are lucky enough to have a job that provides health insurance are the first to assume that those of us with no insurance are just lazy. But,for those of us who work full time and have no benefits, what are we supposed to do? I can barely pay my bills so I can't afford a policy of my own and my kids are on medicaid. I wish people would stop making assumptions about the uninsured population in this country. Chrissy> >> > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050> > > > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people should> not have a "right" to health care. I know, he explained that "charity"> may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I doubt it> will work that well for working families who may incur fairly big> expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our "universal" health> care system could use some improvements, but it does take care of most> of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families with> several children. And, it is not exactly "free," as all of us who are> working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.> > > > Aasa> > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put> healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of vaccines> for "free", and instead using those dollars to beef up other services> which are found to be lacking.> >>

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It wasn't until mid-nineties+ that anyone has really made a case for UHC. Fifty (probably forty) years ago there was no need. What has changed?You can ask yourself the same question about autism and other behavioral problems increasing. What has changed since the 80's?Increase production of drugs. Example. My mom, now 74 in perfect health at age 60 (just like her parents) went in to have a simple knee surgery (torn maniscus(sp?). Within months she was on Coumadin, blood pressure meds and something else. She gained 30 lbs. no longer walked every day and this fed the vicious cycle of bad health. If she had a doc who would have recommended something like

Wobenzyme (Tour de France athletes use this for inflammation) instead of surgery, she would not be in this predicament. She further went on to need hip replacement surgery (inactivity from first surgery and weight gain), developed a staph infection for which she took two months of antibiotics and ruined her gut. O, and in all of this early after the first surgery when she gained the weight, she started drinking two cans per day of diet pop (aspartame - no warning label on that product by our government, is there).I believe Ron 's statements are all about healthcare coverage choice and I might just have to hold his feet to the flames on that one because that is what I will expect if I give him a vote.Rox Re: (OT) Ron on Larry King Live (unaired video)

Ok, I have to say, my sister and I have this same arguement. People

in this country would have health insurance if they would get up off

their butts and get a job. It drives me insane. I've been employed

steadily all my life. I have a supervisor's position at a restaurant

and I have no health insurance. I know I am not alone. This is a big

problem. It seems to me the people who are lucky enough to have a

job that provides health insurance are the first to assume that

those of us with no insurance are just lazy. But,for those of us who

work full time and have no benefits, what are we supposed to do? I

can barely pay my bills so I can't afford a policy of my own and my

kids are on medicaid. I wish people would stop making assumptions

about the uninsured population in this country.


> >

> > http://www.dailypau l.com/node/ 20050

> >

> > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people should

> not have a "right" to health care. I know, he explained

that "charity"

> may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I

doubt it

> will work that well for working families who may incur fairly big

> expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our "universal"


> care system could use some improvements, but it does take care of


> of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families with

> several children. And, it is not exactly "free," as all of us who


> working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> >

> > Aasa

> > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of


> for "free", and instead using those dollars to beef up other


> which are found to be lacking.

> >


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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> I wish I could find the interview Ron did when someone asked

> about legalizing marijuana. I alsmost fell off my seat when he said

> that prescription drugs are more deadly than illegal drugs.

> Peggy

Peggy, talks about legalizing drugs on Meet the Press, Dec. 23.

The interview is on the MSNBC website. Maybe that's what you saw?

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How does Ron stand on adults with autism who need the medical insurance? who can't work due to autism?.. and housing? how about disability?... SSD? LiaStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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My children are grown and I am still working the wonderful job that

has been providing my health benefits. I have enjoyed full family

coverage for next to nothing, for the past 28 years. It worked well

for me at the time, but this is my dilemma now: My husband and I no

longer use mainstream medical doctors, with the exception of vision

and dental, which is barely covered at all. Now, if one of us (and I

have to insert " God forbid " )shoud develop cancer, my insurance would

cover radiation and chemotherapy 100%. However, it is not in our

vision to ever treat such a condition conventionally. I pay out of

pocket for an independent insurance policy that will give us the

cash outright to spend as we wish, should cancer ever be an issue.

That is when we will hop on a plane and head to the best alternative

treatment facility that we can find. When the money runs out...

well, we will see what happens if we cross that bridge...

My husband and I are paying 100% for our grandson's biomedical

treatment, and as you all know so well, NONE of it is covered by my

dd's insurance. My dh and I see a Chiropractor who stopped taking

insurance because he was only being reimursed $7.00 per visit. So,

we pay the $45 (or whatever) for each visit, and full price for the

supplements that have enabled my dh to get off of the cholestoral

meds that were causing dibilitating muscle pain and weakness, as

well as naturally lowering his blood pressure and regulating his

thyroid. My asthma has been cured by 1) stopping the flu shots that

caused it in the first place and 2) by eating organic non-GMO foods,

and 3) by taking supplements specific to my needs determined by

Meridia Stress tests.

I know none of this has anything to do with whether or not we should

institute universal health care in the US, but it has everything to

do with what insurances should cover. Like I said, I'm fortunate to

have excellent coverage through my employer, but for me, at least

right now, it is next to useless. I wish there was a reward system

for saving THEM money.

LOL...we have a good income, decent cars and air conditioning. But

we haven't been on so much as a getaway weekend, or even gone to the

movies and dinner for over 3 years! Our 20 year old 26 " television

is our source of entertainment... Not complaining, because we have a

vaccine injured grandson who is recovering... yet, it would be nice

to free up some of the money that we spend on alternative


THIS is an issue that needs to be addresses by our Presidential

candidates. We need someone in office who is not afraid to stand up

to the blokes who dictate what doctors we can see and how they are

going to treat us. We deserve the freedom to choose the type of

healthcare that serves us best, and that should include DAN! Drs,

Chiropractors, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Reike

Masters, etc...in addition to Allopathic Practitioners... Insurance

coverage needs to be all inclusive.

Unfortuntely, children and adults continue to be dameged in droves

by over-used, under-tested, unsafe vaccines and Rx drugs. The market

continues to be fed by a nation of patients who now require

extensive medical services to treat them for damages incurred. As

long as we are forced to remain in a system that keeps us sick, the

healthcare industry will flourish.

I am still greatful to have my insurance..should I break a bone or

sever a finger, I know that I can be treated at the local ER. Should

something catastropic arise and we do choose to use the system, we

know it is there. At least until I retire, which is a whole

different story...

My vote is still with Ron . He seems to be willing to address

govenment interferrence and mandates when it comes to our

healthcare...hopefully, he can make a difference in expanding

coverage requirements. I know he only received 10% in the Iowa

caucus, but there is a tremendous undercurrent of support out there

that is still untapped. Hopefully, this support will continue to


Looking back, when family life with our now grown NT daughters was

just hunky dorry, I really didn't care much about politics. I

trusted that our elected officials knew what was best for us and

that our healthcare system was among the best in the world... Now

that one of my own has been affected by autism, my life has changed

drastically...suddenly I care because it became apparent that " they "

do not! We can all only hope and pray that whoever is voted in will

truly make a difference.

Whew... all of this has sure got me thinking!!!


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I'm against socialized medicine for one reason. I refuse to allow the

government to tell me what will and will not be covered by my own

money that I should have the power to spend as I please. I allowed

them to push me into immunizing my kids, looked at what happen.

I agree with Ron in that none of us have an inalienable right to

have health insurance guaranteed to us. I do not believe it is a

Constitutional guarantee. That said, we all have a right to seek out

and earn health insurance all day long, and I think as a taxpayer I

would like to see us collectively choose to provide for those who

cannot provide. The balancing act continues to be deciding who can/cannot.

My op, at least in my region, there are plenty of places for homeless

people to turn to. That is not because some rich bastard is too cheap

to help out someone in need, it's because the vast majority of

homeless people have mental health problems and CHOOSE to be homeless.

Women from my church attend a rescue ministry group once a month. The

feed, talk with, and help clothe homeless women who come in for a

night & leave the next morning. This shelter offers all sorts of

programming to help get them housing, jobs, etc. These women don't

want it.

So, at the end of the day, I'm sure there are those rich bastards who

don't wanna help, and those lazy bastards who won't get off their

butts, but I think the vast majority are somewhere in the middle.

I don't think I should have more taxes. I cannot afford the treatments

I want for my child as-is, and when I'm finished with college if I'm

only going to lose the vast majority of income I'm seeking to help my

child, what's the point? I'll sit on my lazy butt & wait for someone

else to do it...



> Drives me nuts all this , " I work so hard and everyone else is out

to screw me drivel. " I bet these types have a good income, nice cars

, two holidays a year, air conditioning, ........

> living in a country whose population collectively consume 25 percent

of the planets resources whilst having only 4 percent of the

population.( looked at the international news lately?)


> The whole planet and human race are in deep deep caca ( due mainly

to the polluting policies of a few!) and not to have a heart for all

the suffering in the world, both in your own unfortunate population

and in other countries is , I am afraid one of the biggest impediments

to the collective evolution of our species into something sustainable

and well..... decent.


> I think you should have more taxes. It is disgusting that there are

homeless people dying on the streets and no safe house to go to paid

for by the generosity of their fellow man.



> Ange

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I'm against socialized medicine for one reason. I refuse to allow the

government to tell me what will and will not be covered by my own

money that I should have the power to spend as I please. I allowed

them to push me into immunizing my kids, looked at what happen.

I agree with Ron in that none of us have an inalienable right to

have health insurance guaranteed to us. I do not believe it is a

Constitutional guarantee. That said, we all have a right to seek out

and earn health insurance all day long, and I think as a taxpayer I

would like to see us collectively choose to provide for those who

cannot provide. The balancing act continues to be deciding who can/cannot.

My op, at least in my region, there are plenty of places for homeless

people to turn to. That is not because some rich bastard is too cheap

to help out someone in need, it's because the vast majority of

homeless people have mental health problems and CHOOSE to be homeless.

Women from my church attend a rescue ministry group once a month. The

feed, talk with, and help clothe homeless women who come in for a

night & leave the next morning. This shelter offers all sorts of

programming to help get them housing, jobs, etc. These women don't

want it.

So, at the end of the day, I'm sure there are those rich bastards who

don't wanna help, and those lazy bastards who won't get off their

butts, but I think the vast majority are somewhere in the middle.

I don't think I should have more taxes. I cannot afford the treatments

I want for my child as-is, and when I'm finished with college if I'm

only going to lose the vast majority of income I'm seeking to help my

child, what's the point? I'll sit on my lazy butt & wait for someone

else to do it...



> Drives me nuts all this , " I work so hard and everyone else is out

to screw me drivel. " I bet these types have a good income, nice cars

, two holidays a year, air conditioning, ........

> living in a country whose population collectively consume 25 percent

of the planets resources whilst having only 4 percent of the

population.( looked at the international news lately?)


> The whole planet and human race are in deep deep caca ( due mainly

to the polluting policies of a few!) and not to have a heart for all

the suffering in the world, both in your own unfortunate population

and in other countries is , I am afraid one of the biggest impediments

to the collective evolution of our species into something sustainable

and well..... decent.


> I think you should have more taxes. It is disgusting that there are

homeless people dying on the streets and no safe house to go to paid

for by the generosity of their fellow man.



> Ange

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So sorry Ange but compassion waved bye bye to me a long time ago. I

am tired of watching alcholoics and drug addicts abuse the system and

get free health care on my dollar. Yes this sounds mean but I work in

a busy ER and see this crap first hand. They want a warm place to

sleep and a few free meals then they leave the ER to get a fix and

come right back in the next night knowing we cannot refuse them

treatment. It is a merry-go-round and we are all paying the price for

that. Are you suggesting that they are addicts because of vaccines?


> > >

> > > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> > >

> > > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people


> > not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

> that " charity "

> > may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I


> it

> > will work that well for working families who may incur fairly


> > expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal "

> health

> > care system could use some improvements, but it does take care


> most

> > of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families


> > several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us


> are

> > working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> > >

> > > Aasa

> > > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> > healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of

> vaccines

> > for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other

> services

> > which are found to be lacking.

> > >

> >


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I believe this 100% and I see it first hand in my family and in the

ER that I work in! People think " but the doctor ordered for me so it

must be okay! " I love RP for this kind of honesty and logical



> > > >

> > > > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> > > >

> > > > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people

> should

> > > not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

> > that " charity "

> > > may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I

> doubt

> > it

> > > will work that well for working families who may incur fairly


> > > expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal "

> > health

> > > care system could use some improvements, but it does take care


> > most

> > > of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families

> with

> > > several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us


> > are

> > > working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> > > >

> > > > Aasa

> > > > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> > > healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of

> > vaccines

> > > for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other

> > services

> > > which are found to be lacking.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I believe this 100% and I see it first hand in my family and in the

ER that I work in! People think " but the doctor ordered for me so it

must be okay! " I love RP for this kind of honesty and logical



> > > >

> > > > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> > > >

> > > > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people

> should

> > > not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

> > that " charity "

> > > may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I

> doubt

> > it

> > > will work that well for working families who may incur fairly


> > > expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal "

> > health

> > > care system could use some improvements, but it does take care


> > most

> > > of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families

> with

> > > several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us


> > are

> > > working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> > > >

> > > > Aasa

> > > > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> > > healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of

> > vaccines

> > > for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other

> > services

> > > which are found to be lacking.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I hear you on this one Trish! I like the idea that Ron wants us

to keep the money we earn so we can afford to buy decent cars and

nice tv's etc... and not be taxed ridiculous amounts that would take

for Hillary's UHC plan. RP's plan would stimulate the economy and

would allow us more freedom to do alternative medicine like the

biomedical stuff that I do for my daughter that has practically put

us in the poor house. I am a registered nurse for almost 20 years and

my husband owns 2 businesses and I feel we should be rolling in money

but so much goes to taxes and to biomedical stuff (that NO insurance--

-universal or private) would ever cover. Do our Canadian friends get

biomedical things like chelation and hyperbarics covered under their



> LOL...we have a good income, decent cars and air conditioning. But

> we haven't been on so much as a getaway weekend, or even gone to


> movies and dinner for over 3 years! Our 20 year old 26 " television

> is our source of entertainment... Not complaining, because we have


> vaccine injured grandson who is recovering... yet, it would be nice

> to free up some of the money that we spend on alternative

> healthcare.


> THIS is an issue that needs to be addresses by our Presidential

> candidates. We need someone in office who is not afraid to stand up

> to the blokes who dictate what doctors we can see and how they are

> going to treat us. We deserve the freedom to choose the type of

> healthcare that serves us best, and that should include DAN! Drs,

> Chiropractors, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Reike

> Masters, etc...in addition to Allopathic Practitioners... Insurance

> coverage needs to be all inclusive.


> Unfortuntely, children and adults continue to be dameged in droves

> by over-used, under-tested, unsafe vaccines and Rx drugs. The


> continues to be fed by a nation of patients who now require

> extensive medical services to treat them for damages incurred. As

> long as we are forced to remain in a system that keeps us sick, the

> healthcare industry will flourish.


> I am still greatful to have my insurance..should I break a bone or

> sever a finger, I know that I can be treated at the local ER.


> something catastropic arise and we do choose to use the system, we

> know it is there. At least until I retire, which is a whole

> different story...


> My vote is still with Ron . He seems to be willing to address

> govenment interferrence and mandates when it comes to our

> healthcare...hopefully, he can make a difference in expanding

> coverage requirements. I know he only received 10% in the Iowa

> caucus, but there is a tremendous undercurrent of support out there

> that is still untapped. Hopefully, this support will continue to

> grow.


> Looking back, when family life with our now grown NT daughters was

> just hunky dorry, I really didn't care much about politics. I

> trusted that our elected officials knew what was best for us and

> that our healthcare system was among the best in the world... Now

> that one of my own has been affected by autism, my life has changed

> drastically...suddenly I care because it became apparent

that " they "

> do not! We can all only hope and pray that whoever is voted in will

> truly make a difference.


> Whew... all of this has sure got me thinking!!!


> -Trish


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And where does it end? Next people will be demanding free college

educations and free houses because it is everyones right to be

educated and own a home????


> > >

> > > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> > >

> > > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people


> > not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

> that " charity "

> > may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I


> it

> > will work that well for working families who may incur fairly


> > expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal "

> health

> > care system could use some improvements, but it does take care


> most

> > of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families


> > several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us


> are

> > working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> > >

> > > Aasa

> > > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> > healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of

> vaccines

> > for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other

> services

> > which are found to be lacking.

> > >

> >


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And where does it end? Next people will be demanding free college

educations and free houses because it is everyones right to be

educated and own a home????


> > >

> > > http://www.dailypaul.com/node/20050

> > >

> > > Unfortunately, this man lost me when he said that people


> > not have a " right " to health care. I know, he explained

> that " charity "

> > may take care of these expenses for the less fortunate, but I


> it

> > will work that well for working families who may incur fairly


> > expenses, like some of ours do. Here in Canada, our " universal "

> health

> > care system could use some improvements, but it does take care


> most

> > of the basics, which helps life be less stressful for families


> > several children. And, it is not exactly " free, " as all of us


> are

> > working, pay into it, now even moreso than before.

> > >

> > > Aasa

> > > P.S., I still think our government here in Canada can put

> > healthcare dollars to better use by not providing a myriad of

> vaccines

> > for " free " , and instead using those dollars to beef up other

> services

> > which are found to be lacking.

> > >

> >


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Remember, Health Freedom=End to forced vaccination. This means the

gov't would have to stop forcing us to have our kids vaccinated to go

to school, college, etc. This is what Ron stands for, ending

the gov't control over our lives and the lives of our children.

BTW. When he says he wants to decriminalize drugs, he's talking

about the federal level. He wants to return this authority back to

the states just like it says in the constitution. So illegal drugs

will not suddenly be legal. But the federal gov't will get out of

the business of regulating them. The states will take over

enforcement of their own state drug laws.

Also, I don't think anyone agrees with Dr. 100%. The reason

people like him is that he's honest. He does not sound rehearsed

when he speaks. He speaks from his heart and he honestly believes

what he says. Most of the other candidates, unfortunately, say only

what people want to hear to get elected. What a refreshing change

from politics as usual!

If you want to see Dr. tonight, he will be participating in the

ABC debate. Check your local listings. I believe it starts at 7PM

eastern time.

Go Ron !

> I hear you on this one Trish! I like the idea that Ron wants


> to keep the money we earn so we can afford to buy decent cars and

> nice tv's etc... and not be taxed ridiculous amounts that would


> for Hillary's UHC plan. RP's plan would stimulate the economy and

> would allow us more freedom to do alternative medicine like the

> biomedical stuff that I do for my daughter that has practically put

> us in the poor house. I am a registered nurse for almost 20 years


> my husband owns 2 businesses and I feel we should be rolling in


> but so much goes to taxes and to biomedical stuff (that NO


> -universal or private) would ever cover. Do our Canadian friends


> biomedical things like chelation and hyperbarics covered under


> UHC????


> Tina



> > LOL...we have a good income, decent cars and air conditioning.


> > we haven't been on so much as a getaway weekend, or even gone to

> the

> > movies and dinner for over 3 years! Our 20 year old 26 "


> > is our source of entertainment... Not complaining, because we


> a

> > vaccine injured grandson who is recovering... yet, it would be


> > to free up some of the money that we spend on alternative

> > healthcare.

> >

> > THIS is an issue that needs to be addresses by our Presidential

> > candidates. We need someone in office who is not afraid to stand


> > to the blokes who dictate what doctors we can see and how they


> > going to treat us. We deserve the freedom to choose the type of

> > healthcare that serves us best, and that should include DAN! Drs,

> > Chiropractors, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Reike

> > Masters, etc...in addition to Allopathic Practitioners...


> > coverage needs to be all inclusive.

> >

> > Unfortuntely, children and adults continue to be dameged in


> > by over-used, under-tested, unsafe vaccines and Rx drugs. The

> market

> > continues to be fed by a nation of patients who now require

> > extensive medical services to treat them for damages incurred. As

> > long as we are forced to remain in a system that keeps us sick,


> > healthcare industry will flourish.

> >

> > I am still greatful to have my insurance..should I break a bone


> > sever a finger, I know that I can be treated at the local ER.

> Should

> > something catastropic arise and we do choose to use the system,


> > know it is there. At least until I retire, which is a whole

> > different story...

> >

> > My vote is still with Ron . He seems to be willing to address

> > govenment interferrence and mandates when it comes to our

> > healthcare...hopefully, he can make a difference in expanding

> > coverage requirements. I know he only received 10% in the Iowa

> > caucus, but there is a tremendous undercurrent of support out


> > that is still untapped. Hopefully, this support will continue to

> > grow.

> >

> > Looking back, when family life with our now grown NT daughters


> > just hunky dorry, I really didn't care much about politics. I

> > trusted that our elected officials knew what was best for us and

> > that our healthcare system was among the best in the world... Now

> > that one of my own has been affected by autism, my life has


> > drastically...suddenly I care because it became apparent

> that " they "

> > do not! We can all only hope and pray that whoever is voted in


> > truly make a difference.

> >

> > Whew... all of this has sure got me thinking!!!

> >

> > -Trish

> >


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Look, we all have hard lives. I could make a lot of you cry if I was

willing to share my kiddiehood, but so could a lot here. Addiction is

a horrible gig, regardless of the whys & hows. Past doesn't justify

current actions, and my past doesn't justify excuses. I believe most

people are doing the best they know to do, no matter how sick that

" best " can be, and I also believe it's a truth that until the person

wants change, we can offer all we can, it won't matter, they won't

take it. I've seen & heard it far too much to know people aren't

staying sick from lack of opportunity.

Compassion toward those who get out & work hard is also needed.

Compassion that they deserve what they are willing to work hard enough

to get. I'm right now in college with 3 kids under 10, one with

autism, while hubby works 2 jobs. When I'm out, that will put us over

$100k/yr. Should I feel guilty for being able to earn a good income?

Heck no, I'm paying my dues. I have a right to keep what I earn and do

with it as I will. Absolutely anyone else can do what I'm doing and

pay their dues, too, 'cause there are so many programs out there.

There is a welfare mentality among some who receive welfare. I know

one mom who was willing to leave her 10 yr old daughter to babysit her

6 yr old severely autistic brother at night while she worked a

minimum wage job at a desk at night, part-time. I suggested she get a

job waiting tables because she'd make so much more/hr and even

suggested a former employer where I worked to help get her a job. Her

response? " I'm not cut out for restaurant work. "

What the heck ever. She wanted to pick the sort of job she had because

she wanted to keep her manicure nice and not break a sweat. She also

didn't want her former classmates to see her in a subservient

position. No, I'm not making it up. Now, I partially understand it,

she had shame in being so poor and that was something she could look

toward as a source of pride, her hands and makeup, and didn't want

others to know she had not made more of herself, she had big dreams.

At the same time, if she had been willing to cut the bull, get a

higher paying job, she could have paid off her student loans in which

she'd defaulted and go back to finish college. At the end of the day,

her pride kept her right where she is. That's none of our faults, and

until she is willing to work through it, she won't succeed.



> What you mean the drug addicts whose brain s were injured by

previous abuse of drugs prescribed by docs due to dysfunction caused

by vaccines? Or the ones who have had some terrible misfortune in

life and need help,? or have no hope for the future due to terrible

childhood circumstances, financial or other? Or the ones who were put

on the earth to suck you dry?


> Methinks a little compassion in all aspects of this society would be

a healing thing.


> Ange

> .


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Look, we all have hard lives. I could make a lot of you cry if I was

willing to share my kiddiehood, but so could a lot here. Addiction is

a horrible gig, regardless of the whys & hows. Past doesn't justify

current actions, and my past doesn't justify excuses. I believe most

people are doing the best they know to do, no matter how sick that

" best " can be, and I also believe it's a truth that until the person

wants change, we can offer all we can, it won't matter, they won't

take it. I've seen & heard it far too much to know people aren't

staying sick from lack of opportunity.

Compassion toward those who get out & work hard is also needed.

Compassion that they deserve what they are willing to work hard enough

to get. I'm right now in college with 3 kids under 10, one with

autism, while hubby works 2 jobs. When I'm out, that will put us over

$100k/yr. Should I feel guilty for being able to earn a good income?

Heck no, I'm paying my dues. I have a right to keep what I earn and do

with it as I will. Absolutely anyone else can do what I'm doing and

pay their dues, too, 'cause there are so many programs out there.

There is a welfare mentality among some who receive welfare. I know

one mom who was willing to leave her 10 yr old daughter to babysit her

6 yr old severely autistic brother at night while she worked a

minimum wage job at a desk at night, part-time. I suggested she get a

job waiting tables because she'd make so much more/hr and even

suggested a former employer where I worked to help get her a job. Her

response? " I'm not cut out for restaurant work. "

What the heck ever. She wanted to pick the sort of job she had because

she wanted to keep her manicure nice and not break a sweat. She also

didn't want her former classmates to see her in a subservient

position. No, I'm not making it up. Now, I partially understand it,

she had shame in being so poor and that was something she could look

toward as a source of pride, her hands and makeup, and didn't want

others to know she had not made more of herself, she had big dreams.

At the same time, if she had been willing to cut the bull, get a

higher paying job, she could have paid off her student loans in which

she'd defaulted and go back to finish college. At the end of the day,

her pride kept her right where she is. That's none of our faults, and

until she is willing to work through it, she won't succeed.



> What you mean the drug addicts whose brain s were injured by

previous abuse of drugs prescribed by docs due to dysfunction caused

by vaccines? Or the ones who have had some terrible misfortune in

life and need help,? or have no hope for the future due to terrible

childhood circumstances, financial or other? Or the ones who were put

on the earth to suck you dry?


> Methinks a little compassion in all aspects of this society would be

a healing thing.


> Ange

> .


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