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Re: (OT) Ron on Larry King Live (unaired video)

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Lia, It's really interesting that you would pose this question on the heels of your last posting: agree... I don't want to pay for someone's bad choice... I don't want my hard earned money to bail out drug addicts and people who choose not to work.. I see this all the time through my job.. I am a family based therapist and I see it all... Lia How will/can Ron "differentiate" between adults who cannot work due to autism and the "drug addicts and people who choose not to work"? How do we know that some of these might not be people with autism, whether they are diagnosed or not, as many have likely slipped through the cracks, especially if they are adults, because nothing regarding ASD was even discussed until recently. I have followed the discussion here, with regards to "universal" health care, and I am still happy with whatever we have here in Canada, even though it isn't

perfect. There may be folks who try and take advantage of the system, but the insurance companies will out them eventually. I am happy that whenever my kids or my parents (myself included) have a health problem, they will be seen by a doctor and will have access to a hospital if they need it, without having to pay more out of our pockets to get basic care, because we have already paid for it through our taxes. Someone once said, that the mark of a great civilization/society, is how they would look after their most vulnerable. I can't recall who said that, but I sincerely believe we need to do that, to make this work for all of us. I cannot speak for all Canadians, but what comes off my paycheque and goes towards healthcare does not cause me much pain. What does cause me some pain, is seeing how a good deal of this money is being spent by our dumb leaders (who I did not vote for, by the

way, last election). Our leaders, here in Canada, are wasting too many taxpayer dollars, by providing free vaccines for various groups. There are many of us who want NO PART in flu and HPV4 (Gardasil), hepatitis B vaccines etc. Personally, I would much rather see these monies being spent in other health areas. Just the same, despite their mismanagement of our tax dollars, I still believe in the concept of "universal health care". In the end, it may not be the same for all, but the basics, at least, should be there for all. It may take a lot of discussion and debate to get the glitches worked out. Aasa AasaLFMleczko@... wrote: How does Ron stand on adults with autism who need the medical insurance? who can't work due to autism?.. and housing? how about disability?... SSD? Lia Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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The way I have understood this is that every soul wants to increase

its soul standing. How it does this is upto it - it can do this

kicking and screaming OR it can decide to rise to the occasion and do

it gracefully with its dignity intact. Getting there is what life, as

we know it, is about.

My 2 cents.


PS Fretting too much about it doesn't help. Ultimately you do get

there :).

> >

> > What you mean the drug addicts whose brain s were injured by

> previous abuse of drugs prescribed by docs due to dysfunction caused

> by vaccines? Or the ones who have had some terrible misfortune in

> life and need help,? or have no hope for the future due to terrible

> childhood circumstances, financial or other? Or the ones who were


> on the earth to suck you dry?

> >

> > Methinks a little compassion in all aspects of this society would


> a healing thing.

> >

> > Ange

> > .

> >


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If you are at college and your husband works 2 jobs and you have 3 children under 10, who cares for the children?


Re: (OT) Ron on Larry King Live (unaired video)

Look, we all have hard lives. I could make a lot of you cry if I waswilling to share my kiddiehood, but so could a lot here. Addiction isa horrible gig, regardless of the whys & hows. Past doesn't justifycurrent actions, and my past doesn't justify excuses. I believe mostpeople are doing the best they know to do, no matter how sick that"best" can be, and I also believe it's a truth that until the personwants change, we can offer all we can, it won't matter, they won'ttake it. I've seen & heard it far too much to know people aren'tstaying sick from lack of opportunity. Compassion toward those who get out & work hard is also needed.Compassion that they deserve what they are willing to work hard enoughto get. I'm right now in college with 3 kids under 10, one withautism, while hubby works 2 jobs. When I'm out, that will put us over$100k/yr. Should I feel guilty for being able to earn a good income?Heck no, I'm paying my dues. I have a right to keep what I earn and dowith it as I will. Absolutely anyone else can do what I'm doing andpay their dues, too, 'cause there are so many programs out there. There is a welfare mentality among some who receive welfare. I knowone mom who was willing to leave her 10 yr old daughter to babysit her6 yr old severely autistic brother at night while she worked aminimum wage job at a desk at night, part-time. I suggested she get ajob waiting tables because she'd make so much more/hr and evensuggested a former employer where I worked to help get her a job. Herresponse? "I'm not cut out for restaurant work." What the heck ever. She wanted to pick the sort of job she had becauseshe wanted to keep her manicure nice and not break a sweat. She alsodidn't want her former classmates to see her in a subservientposition. No, I'm not making it up. Now, I partially understand it,she had shame in being so poor and that was something she could looktoward as a source of pride, her hands and makeup, and didn't wantothers to know she had not made more of herself, she had big dreams.At the same time, if she had been willing to cut the bull, get ahigher paying job, she could have paid off her student loans in whichshe'd defaulted and go back to finish college. At the end of the day,her pride kept her right where she is. That's none of our faults, anduntil she is willing to work through it, she won't succeed. Debi>> What you mean the drug addicts whose brain s were injured byprevious abuse of drugs prescribed by docs due to dysfunction causedby vaccines? Or the ones who have had some terrible misfortune inlife and need help,? or have no hope for the future due to terriblechildhood circumstances, financial or other? Or the ones who were puton the earth to suck you dry?> > Methinks a little compassion in all aspects of this society would bea healing thing.> > Ange> .>

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I go while they are in school -- 5, 8, 10. My youngest is in

kindergarten, before that she went to preschool for a language delay.

No autism praise God! There are some times that my husband has to take

off work early to come home if I have a night class, his boss is

thankfully understanding. His other job is his own computer business,

so he often works on computers as the kids play around him, does his

networking after I get back from class, etc. Next year they will

probably be in after-school care, but then my oldest will be in middle

school & going later in the day.



> If you are at college and your husband works 2 jobs and you have 3

children under 10, who cares for the children?




> .Ange


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Thanks, Greg, for clearing that up, some of us just don't have time to

research all of the correct details.....

> > I hear you on this one Trish! I like the idea that Ron wants

> us

> > to keep the money we earn so we can afford to buy decent cars and

> > nice tv's etc... and not be taxed ridiculous amounts that would

> take

> > for Hillary's UHC plan. RP's plan would stimulate the economy and

> > would allow us more freedom to do alternative medicine like the

> > biomedical stuff that I do for my daughter that has practically put

> > us in the poor house. I am a registered nurse for almost 20 years

> and

> > my husband owns 2 businesses and I feel we should be rolling in

> money

> > but so much goes to taxes and to biomedical stuff (that NO

> insurance--

> > -universal or private) would ever cover. Do our Canadian friends

> get

> > biomedical things like chelation and hyperbarics covered under

> their

> > UHC????

> >

> > Tina

> >

> >

> > > LOL...we have a good income, decent cars and air conditioning.

> But

> > > we haven't been on so much as a getaway weekend, or even gone to

> > the

> > > movies and dinner for over 3 years! Our 20 year old 26 "

> television

> > > is our source of entertainment... Not complaining, because we

> have

> > a

> > > vaccine injured grandson who is recovering... yet, it would be

> nice

> > > to free up some of the money that we spend on alternative

> > > healthcare.

> > >

> > > THIS is an issue that needs to be addresses by our Presidential

> > > candidates. We need someone in office who is not afraid to stand

> up

> > > to the blokes who dictate what doctors we can see and how they

> are

> > > going to treat us. We deserve the freedom to choose the type of

> > > healthcare that serves us best, and that should include DAN! Drs,

> > > Chiropractors, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, Reike

> > > Masters, etc...in addition to Allopathic Practitioners...

> Insurance

> > > coverage needs to be all inclusive.

> > >

> > > Unfortuntely, children and adults continue to be dameged in

> droves

> > > by over-used, under-tested, unsafe vaccines and Rx drugs. The

> > market

> > > continues to be fed by a nation of patients who now require

> > > extensive medical services to treat them for damages incurred. As

> > > long as we are forced to remain in a system that keeps us sick,

> the

> > > healthcare industry will flourish.

> > >

> > > I am still greatful to have my insurance..should I break a bone

> or

> > > sever a finger, I know that I can be treated at the local ER.

> > Should

> > > something catastropic arise and we do choose to use the system,

> we

> > > know it is there. At least until I retire, which is a whole

> > > different story...

> > >

> > > My vote is still with Ron . He seems to be willing to address

> > > govenment interferrence and mandates when it comes to our

> > > healthcare...hopefully, he can make a difference in expanding

> > > coverage requirements. I know he only received 10% in the Iowa

> > > caucus, but there is a tremendous undercurrent of support out

> there

> > > that is still untapped. Hopefully, this support will continue to

> > > grow.

> > >

> > > Looking back, when family life with our now grown NT daughters

> was

> > > just hunky dorry, I really didn't care much about politics. I

> > > trusted that our elected officials knew what was best for us and

> > > that our healthcare system was among the best in the world... Now

> > > that one of my own has been affected by autism, my life has

> changed

> > > drastically...suddenly I care because it became apparent

> > that " they "

> > > do not! We can all only hope and pray that whoever is voted in

> will

> > > truly make a difference.

> > >

> > > Whew... all of this has sure got me thinking!!!

> > >

> > > -Trish

> > >

> >


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I like your response :)

On 1/5/08 8:34 PM, " Gayatri Rampal " <gayatri_rampal@...> wrote:

The way I have understood this is that every soul wants to increase

its soul standing. How it does this is upto it - it can do this

kicking and screaming OR it can decide to rise to the occasion and do

it gracefully with its dignity intact. Getting there is what life, as

we know it, is about.

My 2 cents.


PS Fretting too much about it doesn't help. Ultimately you do get

there :).

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We also are Ron supporters. People seem to misunderstand him about health care issues. He is against ILLEGAL immigrants getting free health care which is causing hospitals to close which hurts those of us citizens who then don't have access to care. He said that last night on the ABC debate. People take his comments out of context. He is probably THE most caring candidate and the most truthful. He is against big government programs such as Nationalized Health Care which bankrupt us more and would not provide quality care, if any. The fact that Fox is excluding him Sunday's debate is telling. He might "be on to something" and they don't want us to have it. As he said he wants peace and prosperity for we Americans.


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>I alsmost fell off my seat when he said that prescription drugs are more deadly than illegal drugs<

I am sure he was not implying all illegal drugs. Keep in mind he is doctor and was once connected to the industry. He is honest. He advocates legalizing marijauna for cancer patients and he is very right when he says that it is safer than the drugs prescribed for it. Let me clarify, I do not use any drugs, including prescriptions!


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