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Chroomsome 16 and Autism

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Chromosome 16 and Autism - January 2008 Several years of careful work by genetic researchers have found deletions and duplications in the chromosomes of autism cases and the figure is around 1 per cent of autism cases. But again many with the defects do not have autism. The plausibility of mercury causing autism was put forward by nearly every Government and regulatory agency circa 1999 in the wake of the death of Professor Wetterhahn and the realisation that no one knew a brain destroying chemical was in our childrens vaccines in massive quantities. In short the knowledgable world turned from disbelief to the dark realisation of what had happened to generations of children supposedly being protected but being killed and maimed by safe vaccines. Time has moved on and with trillions of pounds of settlements looming large on the horizon everyone has retreated from this too simplistic position and even the removal of mercury has been neurologically impaired or at least schizophrenic in implementation. A less than masterly job of obfuscation has succeeded by the oldest known truth: overwhelming power is all powerful and brain destroying chemicals are actually the food of life. Autism is in our genes and the parents of autistic children god bless ‘em are the feeble class producing even feebler offspring. Mercury in its other life has a strange property. It also damages our DNA splitting it and generally making a chemical mess of them. This is likely to be not just to chromosome 16 but it is a well established fact that deletions and duplications abound in response to toxic chemicals like mercury. The government workers and industry paid researchers are pushing this genetic cause of autism and increasing numbers are being taken in by this ploy. If the work is examined or if the work is completed properly it will in due course, if not already, prove that mercury is the culprit. Decades ago top scientists were logging the deletions and insertions of mercury compounds into living matter. One top scientist even went as far as saying that the ability of mercury to form organic compounds was unique out of all the elements. I am not sure that he took into account phosphorus and all the organophosphates which also produce nerve destroying toxins and split our DNA, but mercury to him was first and who am I to argue. The government as I have said are no fools and even this double bill of attack on our health by nerve destroying phosphorus compounds and mercury compounds has already attracted much research and papers. The increasing numbers of chromosomes found to be damaged in autistic children do not point to any genetic cause of autism but to a toxic insult and mercury takes the top places in the suspicion stakes. First we need a worldwide ban on mercury and then we need to wait 7 years to see if this was the major cause of autism. There is nothing else other than an abandonment of the current over vaccination schedule and at a too early age if we don’t get reductions in autism very soon and explanations that are not polical, economical and partial. Look at most true genetic illnesses and you find very specific chromosomes involved and very specific risks some of which clock in almost to the second relatively with destruction of eyesight or brain capacity etc. Autism cannot therefore be a genetic illness and the multiple chromosomal damage only emphasis the toxic cause of the illness. Genetic research may not be proving mercury is innocent but implacably trapping it as the major cause of autism. What is the unknown is what happens to those people with genetic faults but not autistic in generations to come? From our current knowledge, duplication is the built in defence mechanism to make the next generations more resistant to mercury or the toxic insult. Deletions will make them susceptible even without mercury and this will make the culprit even harder to track down and prove guilty. If we don’t ban the mercury which is in almost all of us in increasing amounts we may need these duplications to survive. The chosen few? The UK incidence of BSE was at one time thought to be mercury (vaccines – for improved health of the animals) and or organophosphates (sheep dip for insects irritating the sheep and again improving the health of the animals and then thrown on cow pasture when used up) and the ominous possibility is that a proper evaluation of BSE back in 1986 would in turn have alerted the world to the dangers of nerve destroying chemicals earlier. In the same way decades ago thousands of letters laying blame in exactly the right spot were then ignored and today we see the same repeat 20 years on when the stakes are higher – millions and not hundreds of thousands and the species humans not animals for food is self evident. It really is time to take toxic chemical illness seriously: 3 clinical signs is enough to get life terms for parents in prison for vaccine injured harm layed on the door of the last parent left holding the baby. 100 clinical signs for mercury toxicity as the cause for autism is enough to get the claims for damages thrown out of every court in the world. The almighty power of ignorance, disbelief or simply the fear of loss of this almighty power? MERCURY must get a worldwide ban. A chemically plausible cause of autism is MERCURY And now the GENETICALLY likely culprit is again pointing at MERCURY.

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