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Re: The Detection & Estimatiom of Mercury Poisoning

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First, mass spectrometry is NOT being used to

" determine body burden " of depleted uranium

in the article you cite but rather to detect

its presence in urine.


To " determine body burden, " you need a

non-invasive technique that measures the

concentration and distribution of mercury

in the WHOLE body or else your studies are

EFFECTIVELY limited to autopsies of the dead.

As you may know, whole-body magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) is one such technique--

one which is currently being routinely used

in this manner for hydrogen and carbon species

to detect abnormalities and and cancers in the

human body.

Though no systems are being sold today for

MRI imaging of mercury, such systems are

feasible with today's high-field magnets,

sophisticated midulation/demodulation

techniques and ultrasound assisted imaging




Today, indirect estimates of mercury poisoning

and the degree of mercury poisoning (body burden)

are best done by an appropriate valid urine

porphyrin profile analysis (UPPA) test.


The UPPA test is an INDICATOR test that uses the

ration of late-stage porphyrin compoinds to the

early porphyrin (uroporphyrin) to identify a

pattern that discloses that the patient IS

mercury poisoned and can, in many cases, be

ised to estimate the RELATIVE body burden in a

given individual.

UPPA is a technique that, though proven valid

for 20+ years for identifying mercury poisoning

and estimating the level of mercury poisoning

on those who have occupational or incident

mercury exposures, is currently being attacked

by the Establishment and labeled " unproven "

by this Establishment (much as the Establishment

once attacked those who found that the Sun was

not the center of our universe).

The current ESTABLISHMENT (medical, public

health, media, drug makers, judiciary, etc.)

is attacking the use of the UPPA test to detect

mercury poisoning in children because the

implications of proving mercury poisoning by

Thimerosal and other mercury compounds added

to vaccines and other drugs without ANY PROOF

of safety ARE TOO DANGEROUS to the livelyhoods

of those who have and are profiting from knowingly

mercury poisoning children with Thimerosal-

containing vaccines while FALSELY claiming, among

pther things, that mercury has been REMOVED from

vaccines when Thimerosal has NOT been removed

from ALL vaccines and, to compensate for the

reduction in childhood mercury by removing

Thimerosal from some vaccines, the CDC knowingly

added Thimerosal-preserved influenza vaccine shots

to the vaccination recommendations for pregnant

women and children 6 months to 23 months of age

in April of 2002.



The CDC made these recommendations even though

they KNEW that Thimerosal-preserved flu shots

given to pregnant women resulted in increased

" hospital standardized " relative risks for

certain birth defects that were 2.0 to 7.1

times the background rate for children whose

mothers did NOT get a Thimerosal-preserved flu

shot (see the " influenza virus vaccine " entry

in the tables in Appendices " 4 " and " 5 " of

Heinonen OP, Slone D, Shapiro S. BIRTH DEFECTS

AND DRUGS, 1977 [ - PSG Inc, 545

Great Road, Littleton Mass 01460, USA.,

& Sons Ltd, 42-44 Triangle West, Bristol

BS8 1EX, England - printings: 1977, 1977, 1978,


>The data presented in this book are from the

>Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP) of the

>National Institute of Neurological and

>Communicative Disorders and Stroke. The

>following institutions participated in the

>CPP: Boston Lying-In Hospital; Brown University;

>Charity Hospital, New Orleans; Children's

>Hospital of Buffalo; Children's Hospital of

>Philadelphia; Children's Hospital Medical

>Center, Boston; Columbia-Presbyterian Medical

>Center; Hopkins Hospital; Medical College

>of Virginia; New York Medical College;

>Pennsylvania Hospital; University of Minnesota

>Hospitals; University of Oregon Medical School;

>and University of Tennessee.

>This study was supported by a contract

>(N01-NJ-2-2322) with the National Institute of

>Neurological and Communicative Disorders and

>Stroke, the U.S. Public Health Service, and

>a contract (223-75-3036) with the Food and Drug

>Administration "



> Between 1958 and 1965, under the auspices of

>the National Institute of Neurological and

>Communicative Disorders and Stroke, a prospective

>study of over 50,000 pregnancies was undertaken

>with the main objective of determining whether

>there are factors during pregnancy or delivery

>that are related to the risk of cerebral palsy

>or other neurological outcomes. This study came

>to be known as the Collaborative Perinatal Project.

>Among other items of data obtained, drug use was

>recorded during pregnancy, and birth defects

>identified in the children were recorded subsequently.

>With the growing realization that drugs are sometimes

>teratogenic, it became mandatory to evaluate the data

>from that perspective. In 1970, our group was

>assigned this task.

> The purpose of this book is to present data on

>drugs used by 50,282 gravidae in relation to the

>birth defects identified in the children. The

>achievement of this objective was difficult and

>complicated. Prior to commencing analysis, it

>was necessary to verify and classify many of the

>recorded birth defects; and most importantly of

>all, to make a detailed assessment of the drug

>exposure data, much of which had to be re-recorded

>and assigned new code numbers after original

>records were scrutinized.


> ...





Hopefully, this response has addressed your

question and given you food for thought as

to why the Establishment's mantra is:

" ANYTHING but mercury "

when it comes to the harm done and still

being done to our children by the USE of

Thimerosal, a proven human teratogen, mutagen,

carcinogen, and immune system disruptor at

levels below 1 ppm, (and other mercury

compounds) in drugS and some medical


Most recently, we read of a child who was

diagnosed with autism being found to be

lead poisoned and there is no Establishment

attempt to deny this reality.

Yet though Thimerosal is about 1000 times

as toxic as the lead oxides from the leaded

jewelry and lead salts found in the paints

that are the source of most of today's

lead-poisoning cases and, in general, a given

mercury compound is > 10 to 100 times more

toxic than the corresponding lead compound,

the Establishment vehemently denies that

Thimerosal/mercury poisoning from vaccines and

other drugs could have poisoned the children

given these Thimerosal-laced vaccines and drugs

though the Establishment:

1. Offers NO TOXICOLOGICAL proof to support this

claim, and

2. Has failed to conduct the appropriate toxicity

studies to show, as required by law, that a

Thimerosal-preserved vaccine or other drug is

" sufficiently nontoxic " in a manner that meets

the clear requirement minimum of the applicable

regulation (see 21 C.F.R. Sec. 610.15(a)).


The preceding is NOT meant to say that Thimerosal/

mercury poisoning is the only poisoning factor --

as the recent story shows some children are lead


However, based on the available toxicological

data and the identification of mercury poisoning

in most all of the untreated children with a

diagnosis that is in the ASD group, Thimerosal/

mercury poisoning is a MAJOR factor in all cases

where valid UPPA testing has NOT ruled out

mercury poisoning on children as well as in

adults where the UPPA test has been used to

identify or rule out occupational mercury

poisoning for decades.

Hopefully, these brief remarks will help

all to focus on eliminating the major

source of harm to the fetus and children

by pharmaceuticals containing Thimerosal

and/or other mercury compounds without


applicable requirement minimum:

" sufficiently nontoxic ... " as set forth

in 21 C.F.R. Sec. 610.15(a).


Dr. King


PS: When it comes to human toxicity:

1. Mercury compounds orders of magnitude

more toxic that the corresponding lead

compounds, and

2. Lead compounds are orders of magnitude

more toxic than the corresponding

aluminum compounds.

Thus, in terms of specific toxicity (amount

of toxin/kg of body mass):

mercury (Hg) >> lead (Pb) >> aluminum (Al).

At 02:06 1/16/08 -0000, you wrote:


>Mass spectrometry is being used to determine body burden of depleted

>uranium: http://www.newstarget.com/022503.html


>Apparently it's being used for " ultratrace " (ooh, cool term) levels of

>mercury as well, though I'm not clear on how this testing is performed.

>Could this be used to determine body burden? Has it been done? Sites:










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Thank you for the detailed response and clearing up my confusion.

Ah, I was just wondering if this could be added to our arsenal in

terms of evidence, that's all. We personally go by UPPAs but find

that the method is under attack from established medicine. I'm

curious about other methods for determining mercury in cells which

add to the mercury-induced autism argument and could potentially

corner the mainstream medical community into waking up. Not that

anything substantial which has come before has managed to do this--

not when mainstream medicine is so determined to look away and ignore

the evidence, but established beliefs do seem more and more

ridiculous the more evidence on our side is amassed.

> >

> >Mass spectrometry is being used to determine body burden of


> >uranium: http://www.newstarget.com/022503.html

> >

> >Apparently it's being used for " ultratrace " (ooh, cool term)

levels of

> >mercury as well, though I'm not clear on how this testing is


> >Could this be used to determine body burden? Has it been done?


> >

> >http://tinyurl.com/2jrg5u

> >

> >http://tinyurl.com/35gtxe

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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If I am not mistaken, mass spectrometry was how Karyn

Seroussi's husband (a chemist for DuPont) found opiods

in the urine of his autistic child, lending strong

scientific evidence to the leaky gut theory.



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That is so cool. Do you have any links for that?


> If I am not mistaken, mass spectrometry was how Karyn

> Seroussi's husband (a chemist for DuPont) found opiods

> in the urine of his autistic child, lending strong

> scientific evidence to the leaky gut theory.






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Wellllll... She did write a book about it



You might hit up your local library to see if they

have it or can get it on loan so you can read it

through before deciding whether to buy it.

Re: The Detection & Estimatiom of Mercury Poisoning

Posted by: " anacat_11 " anacat_11@... anacat_11

Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:39 pm (PST)

That is so cool. Do you have any links for that?



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The book looks fantastic, thank you. One thing-- in the numerous rave

reviews for the book at Amazon, it's mentioned that Karyn doesn't

write anything about mercury or chelation. Clearly she or her husband

must have communicated something about this in a different



> Wellllll... She did write a book about it


> http://www.amazon.com/Unraveling-Mystery-Pervasive-Developmental-



> You might hit up your local library to see if they

> have it or can get it on loan so you can read it

> through before deciding whether to buy it.


> Re: The Detection & Estimatiom of Mercury Poisoning

> Posted by: " anacat_11 " anacat_11@... anacat_11


> Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:39 pm (PST)

> That is so cool. Do you have any links for that?







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Her focus was almost exclusively on opoid peptides.

She did not look into mercury/lead/etc. at the time

she had written this book. Whether she has since I do

not know.

My point was the testing process of mass spectrometry

has been used to detect potential factors in autism

prior to the mention here. I did not mean to imply

that the Seroussis had used it for toxic metals.



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