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Re: Interesting prevalence factoids(?)(This is OT)

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Here's a link to Math, according to Ma and Pa Kettle. It has nothing to do with gestation times, but is funny in its own right. It reminds me of what I'll have to go through with my students again, once our holidays are over: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=430860752085769143 Aasa Aasa <penas7ar@...> wrote: Maurine, 40 weeks does not equal 10 months, necessarily. As you

know, there are 12 months in a year and 52 weeks. That means each month is cerca 4 1/3 weeks long. Multiply 4 1/3 by 9 and you will get closer to the 40 weeks. It is still off because some months have 30 days, others 31, and February has even less, if it's included. Do any of you have the link to the quirky Ma and Pa Kettle video where they are trying to explain some math to one of their sons/he was trying to explain it to them? That was hilarious and may be fitting here. Math aside, some extreme preemies do turn out OK. One of my cousin's sons is a case in point. He was born months too early, was in the hospital for many months, and now is a strapping young man with all his wits about him, 18 years later, and doing well. AasaMaurine Meleck <maurine_meleck > wrote: well wait a

minute------------------not all babies born before 37 weeks are premature. My daughter was born a month early-at the end of my 8th month(aren't babies in the womb 9 months-? wouldn't 40 weeks make it 10 months?) anyway, she weighed in at 5 pounds at the end of my 8th month and was not considered a premie. Mschaferatsprynet <schafersprynet> wrote: Excerpt from "A Fight for Survival", statesman.com Note the 1981 dateand 30% increase. hmmmm? I think these are CDC numbers, which makesthem a bit dubious. The article doesn't cite source. LennyOne out of eight babies in this country arrives prematurely. That's500,000 infants born before 37 weeks in the womb, a number that hasincreased 30 percent since 1981. And technology is allowing doctors tosave more of them at an

earlier age: Normal gestation is 40 weeks;many babies born at 23 weeks now survive. But prematurity remains the leading cause of death for newborns,killing more than 10,000 each year. Those who survive have a higherrisk of cerebral palsy, mental retardation, poor vision, severe acidreflux, learning disabilities and behavior problems. Prematurity outpaces autism, which affects 1 in 150 children; multiplesclerosis, which hits 1 in 700; and Down syndrome, which occurs in 1out of 733. http://tinyurl.com/2ycewx Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Interesting that McElwain's video is in the " math " section of

Youtube. It this the perception, that " geek = autistic " ? Jeez.

The Ma and Pa Kettle video was hilarious. Especially because of what

it brings up about trying to devide 25 by 5 using the method they



> Excerpt from " A Fight for Survival " , statesman.com Note the 1981


> and 30% increase. hmmmm? I think these are CDC numbers, which makes

> them a bit dubious. The article doesn't cite source.


> Lenny


> One out of eight babies in this country arrives prematurely. That's

> 500,000 infants born before 37 weeks in the womb, a number that has

> increased 30 percent since 1981. And technology is allowing doctors


> save more of them at an earlier age: Normal gestation is 40 weeks;

> many babies born at 23 weeks now survive.

> But prematurity remains the leading cause of death for newborns,

> killing more than 10,000 each year. Those who survive have a higher

> risk of cerebral palsy, mental retardation, poor vision, severe acid

> reflux, learning disabilities and behavior problems.

> Prematurity outpaces autism, which affects 1 in 150 children;


> sclerosis, which hits 1 in 700; and Down syndrome, which occurs in 1

> out of 733.


> http://tinyurl.com/2ycewx






> ---------------------------------

> Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.


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