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Re: (OT) Ron

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I agree... I don't want to pay for someone's bad choice... I don't want my hard earned money to bail out drug addicts and people who choose not to work.. I see this all the time through my job.. I am a family based therapist and I see it all... LiaStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Why I support Ron :

1. Life and liberty - if we lose our liberty, we lose everything!

2. He is not " bought " by big pharma or any other lobbies/special

interest groups.

3. Against government mandated vaccines *which could be untested and we

are used as guinea pigs (even more than now)

4. patriot act - we all know autism has nothing to do with terrorism

and see the underhandedness of our elected officials to fight the

autism vaccine connection. Govt protecting the big pharma. According to

the patriot act - I could be a homegrown terrorist for speaking against

my govt.

5. CAFTA - central american free trade act - do you want to have to get

prescriptions for pharmaceutical made synthetic vitamins and


6. I am constantly paying more for health insurance and getting less.

I am a nurse and I see everyday how the federal govt handouts hurts all

of us. Ron says " whenever the federal govt subsidizes a problem,

we get more of it " AMEN Why do we pay more for illegal aliens

healthcare while our own veterans are homeless and committing suicide

at the rate of 120/week.

7. Is he the only candidate that actually knows the history of America?

Those who don't know their history is doomed to repeat it.

This is just a few reasons why I support Ron . Let's get america



mom of Sydney 15yo with severe autism

usually just a lurker, but had to speak up (while I am still able to)

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All of us can agree with we need to take care of those who can't. I

see the daily abuse of multi generational welfare living. Those who

can help themselves but don't. I work in a very small, rural hospital

that just closed their OB department. The only OB department in the

whole county. Very sad - all due to state and federal control of

money, mainly medicaid reimbursement. The illegals crossing the

borders are getting better care than us. We still remain a county

owned hospital, but for how long? We the people have more control

when the issues remain local--county and state. We start losing when

the federal, large corps take over. The reason to make the fed govt


I am very grateful for the internet, all of us should be. It is what

brought us together, to discuss our autistic children, spread the

word about the mercury, alternative treatments, etc. This will be

gone once they start regulating the net. Ron says no to

internet regulation--freedom of speech. See, ignorance is truly a

bliss. The truth is able to spread via the people over the net. We

must protect it.

If we lose our basic liberty, we are done. Ron is fighting for

our liberties--that is number one over any other issue. Do you think

that we will still have the constitution with the NAU (north american

union)? It will be gone. They want to control the sheeple and it

freighten the establishment that we are waking up and realizing what

is going on. Where would we all be if it wasn't for our autistic

children waking us up?

Ron is against the National ID card. If we refuse the ID card,

we lose our driver's liscense and are not allowed in any federal

building -- we will basically become a non-person. Will it

eventually be needed to buy food and goods? Lead to the microchip?

It's the economy! Ron is the only one that makes any sense on

this issue. None of us can live the way our fed govt lives on

spending. Why are we borrowing money from china to finance " our " war

in Iraq? What is going to happen when our autistic children start

signing up for disability at the age of 18? The social security sytem

is not going to be able to handle it. My daughter is just 2 years

away from this (she was in the beginning of the epidemic).

Why is the govt not worried about this epidemic? It should panic

them that a whole generation of children is sick. Instead, they do

what they do - ignore us and paint us as kooks.

Becareful " christians " when voting the more christian candidate.

Isn't this how Bush became president in 2000? Hitler started the

same way. Kinda scary. No politician will get my vote by saying he

is more " christian " ?Huckabee. Ron is christian, but he is not

going to us it for a vote. Humble.

I am proud to be a kook -- if it means that i know the truth!!

Ron 2008 -- he knows the truth and is " for us " .


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