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Big Pharma, FDA turned patients into guinea pigs (plus other news)

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Subject: Big Pharma, FDA turned patients into guinea pigs (plus other news)Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 15:44:38 -0700 NewsTarget Insider Alert (www.NewsTarget.com) newsletter Dear NewsTarget readers, There are more breaking news developments on the scientific fraud committed by Merck with its failed cholesterol drug Vytorin. It turns out the company delayed the release of data showing the drug didn't work, even while millions of prescriptions were being written, racking up huge profits based on junk science! Today's feature story explains the Vytorin fraud

in more detail. Be sure to also view the Vytorin parody video by clicking the video thumbnail on the right. Also today: Have you read Sugar Shock by Connie ? Today's book review brings you details about this timely book on the links between sugar and both mental and physical disease. Also: Deplete Uranium | Superbugs go wild at hospitals | FDA hopes to eliminate vitamin companies (by Byron s) | Asbestos ... and even a sneak preview of a movie clip from "All Jacked Up" (see below). This is the story we'll be headlining later this week. Check the link below to watch the behind-the-scenes video now. Click any headline below to view: Health: Merck Committed Scientific Fraud in Delays, Distortions of Vytorin Drug Trial (opinion)(NewsTarget opinion) The latest round of scientific fraud from Big Pharma arrives in the form of yet more junk science conducted by Merck on its blockbuster cholesterol drug Vytorin. Results of a clinical trial involving the drug were finally released... Health: A Review of Sugar Shock by Connie SUGAR SHOCK! How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life, written by journalist Connie

with Sinatra MD, is not just another low-carb diet book. In the book, Ms. explains the addictive nature of sugar and... Health: New Test Finds Depleted Uranium 20 Years After ExposureDepleted uranium (DU) has been found in the urine of Gulf War vets as long as 20 years after exposure. A highly sensitive test has been developed which can detect DU even when previous screening has proven negative. This test may assist with... Health: U.S. Hospitals Plagued by Ten Times More MRSA Superbug Infections than Previously ThoughtNearly five percent of patients in U.S. hospitals may have acquired a particular antibiotic resistant staph infection, according to a nationwide survey conducted by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology ... Health: Vytorin Parody Advertisement and Scientific Fraud at Merck (video)This is a parody advertisement of Vytorin, the cholesterol drug manufactured and marketed by Merck and Schering-Plough that turns out to have been promoted with scientific fraud. Even though the drug received FDA approval several years ago, no one was... Health: Making a New Year's Resolution? How About Changing Your MindsetIt seemed appropriate to write an article about making New Year's resolutions. By

coincidence as I was putting the article together it came to my attention, due to a chance viewing of a TV advertisement, that a major chemist chain (that's... Health: FDA Announces Plan to Eliminate Vitamin CompaniesThe FDA, emboldened by its transformation into a drug company, has embarked upon an anti-American plan of interfering with business and intentionally eliminating various dietary supplement companies from the market. The FDA announcement came... Health: Spotlighting Asbestos: The Death of a Compensation Campaigner Bernie Banton, an Australian noted for his persistent effort in getting compensation for sufferers of asbestos related disease, died on the 27th of November of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the lung caused by exposure... Health: Exclusive clip from the documentary movie "All Jacked Up" covering the Economics of Junk Food (with the Health Ranger) (video)This is an exclusive clip from the movie All Jacked Up by Faerie Films, featuring Mike (the Health Ranger) talking about the economics of junk food, food marketing and poor health among consumers. On this clip, you'll hear the Health Ranger talk... Health: Golden Path Alchemy Launches Line of Truly Natural Botanical Skin Care Products Containing Zero Chemical

AdditivesIn my continued search for healthful skin care products, I'm usually disappointed by products that claim to be "natural" or "herbal." Nearly everything on the market today -- including the skin care products sold at "natural" retailers like...Our special report, "The Great HPV Vaccination Hoax Exposed" is available now at: http://www.newstarget.com/Report_HPV_Vaccine_0.html Archived audio: Nutritionally illiterate journalism at CNN?Listen to the Health Ranger dissect the

nutritional stupidity found in the mainstream media...http://www.newstarget.com/podcasts/HRR017_Badfoods_48.mp3Secrets to personal success and personal growth in 2008http://www.NewsTarget.com/podcasts/HRR016_New_Year_48.mp3A 45-minute audio report on the HPV vaccination fraud. It's called the Health Ranger Report and features a detailed discussion of the evidence showing the scientific fraud and fear mongering that's powering Big Pharma's mandatory vaccination push

in America today. The program is available for immediate download as an MP3 file at: http://www.NewsTarget.com/podcasts/HRR015_HPV_48.MP3 Listen to Real Health with Dr. Steve which features multiple guests in a fast-paced, information-rich format. The show is now listed on iTunes and can be accessed directly at: http://web.mac.com/drsteve720/Site/Podcast/Podcast.html(The interview on HPV Vaccinations is found in show #11.)To your health, - Mike , the Health Ranger P.S. Don't miss out on our NewsTarget DrugWatch database: It reveals the side effects and herbal interactions of more than 540 popular brand name drugs. Click the photo below to visit it right now, or click: http://www.newstarget.com/DrugWatch_Home.html (Click to view.) Truth revealed about Big Pharma and the FDA (+ remedies for 100 health conditions!) My latest book, Natural Health Solutions, reveals the truth about the FDA and Big Pharma, documenting the censorship, oppression of natural health, and the "planned diseasification" of the American public. The book also reveals natural treatments and cures for over 100 common health conditions (and diseases) using foods, herbs

and natural therapies. "Mike is leading the charge to protect your rights to have control over your body. Natural Health Solutions is a must read for anyone that wants to maintain their health and their health freedom." - Kunin, Co-Founder, Ola Loa http://www.truthpublishing.com/NaturalHealthSolutions.html Unsubscribe: Not yet a subscriber? Sign up at:http://www.NewsTarget.com/ReaderRegistration.html Please DO NOT reply to this email. To contact NewsTarget, email: reply@... Privacy policy: http://www.newstarget.com/privacypolicy.html The NewsTarget Insider is published by Truth Publishing, which is solely responsible for all content. Truth Publishing International, Ltd. 12F-4, No.171, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan District, Taipei 105, Taiwan Have you subscribed yet? Total Health Breakthroughs e-newsletter features multiple natural health authors... A new electronic publication from Early to Rise features solution-oriented articles from Mike and dozens of other leading health writers. Issues are emailed out every Friday and feature half a dozen articles packed with top health knowledge on disease prevention, nutrition, longevity and much more! In just two minutes each Friday, you'll learn how to gain more control over your health and fitness. Subscribe now at:

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