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Thanks to all of you for your kind words and support. You are all

right, my parents have been awesome and have spent their lives

giving to others and loving even their foster children

unconditionally. They saved so many futures for so many damaged


My parents have neither one ever received a flu shot in their lives

and I too think getting dentures long ago and rid of their amalgam

filled teeth probably helped.

It's funny because my mother was raised a devout Christian Scientist

so never received a vaccination in her life and neither did I or any

of my five siblings. Too bad we all didn't follow her amazing


It is also the reason my mother never went to a doctor and so may

have missed the signs that may have been caught, nor went to

alternative caregivers. I believe you do need help at times,

whether that is alternative or allopathic, you have to be active in

your own health.

If I thought chelation would help either my mother or father I would

do it in a heartbeat, no pun intended.

My mother did cook GFCF for my daughter but did not necessarily eat

it for herself. I thought my Mom did well diet wise even before the

diabetes though as she is old school cooking, so everything was

basically from scratch. She cooked for a huge household most of her

life so she was very creative and frugal. When I was a child we

canned our own foods, raised a garden, hunted for meat, and were

allowed one soda pop a payday. I remember when my mother made our

own ketchup, baked all of our bread. She knits beautiful sweaters,

crochets, and sews. I was in fourth grade before I had my first

bought outfit and that was a present from an aunt. My mother could

chop wood, sew, cook, and she is an extraordinary gardener. But made

time for foster children and kids she took in from our community

that were out of their homes for some reason. She tranformed

horribly abused children into self-confident achievers, she had an

amazing gift, despite the " idiots at children's services that acted

more for their own egos than what was best for the children " . My

Mom despised them and what they often did to kids.

I had not realized though that my parents were eating a lot more

junk food, especially goodies, chocolate, cakes, etc. over the last

several years. They admit they were having the things they could

never afford before. For my Mother it was a bad move that only

hindsight can now evaluate.

So, yes she has made the major diet changes, we have both tackled it

like we did for Keely. We research on the internet, print out info

and share it with each other. She cannot yet stand long enough to

cook a full meal but she is now helping out. As much as I am anti-

allopathic they did what I think they are there for, emergencies.

And, I convinced her to go to cardiac rehab, I think it has a great

value, and I am hoping it will help her get back on her feet more.

Tomorrow, they are actually going to the store for the first time,

she has relented and despite her pride, decided to use one of the

electric carts at the store. She hates the idea of it though.

I feel like my parents are becoming one, her mind and his body. A

funny and odd combination but probably more reliant on each other

now than ever in their life.

It has also made me look at my own health closer too. Geez, when

your mother has a major coronary and breast cancer in a matter of 3

years you definitely start looking at your own health and those

wonderful genes.

I haven't seen a doctor in 9 years, it might be time to see someone.

Thanks again everyone, I am actually beginning to think I may be

more like my Mother than I ever thought I was. There is always

something and the calm always seems to be just before a storm, but I

seem to actually thrive better in the storms. So, I have been in

the zone lately, cooking, researching, studying, reading, doing the

holidays and of course my very valuable time with Keely.

I'm focused and getting a lot done, but have missed the Autism

community horribly and must stay in touch. I have to get writing


I love you all, it has helped me since day one, and is doing so



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