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- what is this???Pediatricians, ABC and Censorship: Facts Are Scarier Than Fiction - Huffington Post

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- wonderful article.................AND

" why the Federal Government recently conceded a real vaccine-autism lawsuit

in a real court and will soon pay a real (taxpayer-funded) settlement to a

real American family and a very real child with autism. "

I've been traveling lately - did I miss something?





Pediatricians, ABC and Censorship: Facts Are Scarier Than Fiction

Posted January 27, 2008 | 04:19 PM (EST)


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

Voicemail US 530-740-0561

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm

NEXT CLASSES start by email January 9 & 10

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