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Which french poryphrin test/why?

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Hi everyone,

We were about to order a test from labbio.net, but a friend told me

her DAN! recommended a test from them that cost $400 for mercury

testing. The one I always thought to do, or rather the only I one I

knew of was about $125. I looked on the website, but couldn't find an

explanation. Does anyone know what the difference is? Thanks,

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The UPPA test, the " one I knew of was

about $125 " test is a TEST for mercury

poisoning -- IT does NOT measure mercury!!!

The other test seems to be a test for

mercury in some unspecified sample

(as you doid not provide any details

about this test.

In genaral, UNLESS the exposure was recent

(within 3 days), direct testing for mercury

does NOT:

1. Give you an accurate measure of the

body burden of mercury, or

2. Tell you whether or not your child

(or yourself) is mercury poisoned.

To overcome the first limitation,

chelation challenge studies MAY give

you some idea of the body's level

of mercury retention and poisoning

but, in many cases, it does NOT.

The UPPA test is a test that, if a

valid sample is submitted and valid

results are reported, CAN answer the

mercury poisoned or NOT question and,

based on some as yet unpublished

research, for those whos porphyrin

profiles classify them as mercury

poisoned, MAY provide a useful measure

of the severity of the mercury poisoning

and, based on publsihed data, can be

used to track the " success " of a given

chelation protocol in removing mercury

from the body of a mercury-poisoned


For more information on the UPPA test,

you can visit the CoMeD web site:


Hopefully, the information provided

to you has adequately addressed your



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Dr. King



At 03:15 2/9/08 -0000, wrote:


>Hi everyone,


>We were about to order a test from labbio.net,

>but a friend told me her DAN! recommended a

>test from them that cost $400 for mercury

>testing. The one I always thought to do, or

>rather the only I one I knew of was about $125.

>I looked on the website, but couldn't find an

>explanation. Does anyone know what the difference

>is? Thanks,


> <<SNIP>>

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Dr. Sherry , (environmental medicine) reommends the Porphyrin Profile from metametrix.com, Phone number 800 221-4640. I don't know the cost. Re: Which french poryphrin test/why?


The UPPA test, the "one I knew of was

about $125" test is a TEST for mercury

poisoning -- IT does NOT measure mercury!!!

The other test seems to be a test for

mercury in some unspecified sample

(as you doid not provide any details

about this test.

In genaral, UNLESS the exposure was recent

(within 3 days), direct testing for mercury

does NOT:

1. Give you an accurate measure of the

body burden of mercury, or

2. Tell you whether or not your child

(or yourself) is mercury poisoned.

To overcome the first limitation,

chelation challenge studies MAY give

you some idea of the body's level

of mercury retention and poisoning

but, in many cases, it does NOT.

The UPPA test is a test that, if a

valid sample is submitted and valid

results are reported, CAN answer the

mercury poisoned or NOT question and,

based on some as yet unpublished

research, for those whos porphyrin

profiles classify them as mercury

poisoned, MAY provide a useful measure

of the severity of the mercury poisoning

and, based on publsihed data, can be

used to track the "success" of a given

chelation protocol in removing mercury

from the body of a mercury-poisoned


For more information on the UPPA test,

you can visit the CoMeD web site:

http://www.mercury- freedrugs. org

Hopefully, the information provided

to you has adequately addressed your


************ ********* ********* ********* ****

*The information provided in this email *

*and any attachment thereto is just that *

* -- information. *

* *

*It is not medical advice and it does not *

*require any specific action or actions. *

* *

*While the information is thought to be *

*accurate, no representation is made as *

*to the accuracy of the information posted*

*other than it is my best understanding of*

*the facts on the date that this email and*

*any attachments thereto are posted. *

* *

*Everyone should verify the accuracy of *

*the information provided for themselves *

*before acting on it. *

************ ********* ********* ********* ****


Dr. King

http://www.dr- king.com

++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ ++++

At 03:15 2/9/08 -0000, wrote:


>Hi everyone,


>We were about to order a test from labbio.net,

>but a friend told me her DAN! recommended a

>test from them that cost $400 for mercury

>testing. The one I always thought to do, or

>rather the only I one I knew of was about $125.

>I looked on the website, but couldn't find an

>explanation. Does anyone know what the difference

>is? Thanks,


> <<SNIP>>

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The $125 test from France is the Porphyrin Profile; it is for

mercury/lead toxicity.

Maybe the DAN wants some more testing; the French lab is doing also

Urine's Organics Acids, pterines test, etc…

> >

> >Hi everyone,

> >

> >We were about to order a test from labbio.net,

> >but a friend told me her DAN! recommended a

> >test from them that cost $400 for mercury

> >testing. The one I always thought to do, or

> >rather the only I one I knew of was about $125.

> >I looked on the website, but couldn't find an

> >explanation. Does anyone know what the difference

> >is? Thanks,

> >

> > <<SNIP>>


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Does she still practice somewhere in NY? One of the first books I read

on medicine and it's pitfalls was hers. My Dan! (Derrick Lonsdale)

had it in his office. She is wonderful. I remember one great line

particularly, (paraphrasing, since I read it a decade ago) " A headache

is not a Darvon deficiency. "


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The Poryphrin's test is a good test -- but basically a waste of your

money. Does that make sense?

You can do a test now on your child and get low mercury and then

run it again in a few months and get high mercury levels.

It does not tell you if you need to continue to chelate or detox,

It only reads what is presently floating in your system at that given

time of the test.

In EOHarm , Kangas <kangasanna@...> wrote:


> Sherry is retired but continues to write her monthly

newsletter, Total Wellness. She writes books including Detoxify or

Die. Order from prestigepublishing.com.



> Re: Which french poryphrin test/why?















> Does she still practice somewhere in NY? One of the

first books I read


> on medicine and it's pitfalls was hers. My Dan! (Derrick



> had it in his office. She is wonderful. I remember one great line


> particularly, (paraphrasing, since I read it a decade ago) " A



> is not a Darvon deficiency. "




> KS















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Well, I got the french porphyrin profile (UPPA), and more recenty the American


through LabCorp. The results were consistent for BOTH of my mercury poisoned


so in my opinion, it was worth the cost of the French lab (which was 110.00 at

the time),

and my insurance paid for the LabCorp test, thanks to our DAN!

Hope this helps,

> >

> >Hi everyone,

> >

> >We were about to order a test from labbio.net,

> >but a friend told me her DAN! recommended a

> >test from them that cost $400 for mercury

> >testing. The one I always thought to do, or

> >rather the only I one I knew of was about $125.

> >I looked on the website, but couldn't find an

> >explanation. Does anyone know what the difference

> >is? Thanks,

> >

> > <<SNIP>>


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