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The HERESY of claiming that MERCURY is a POISONOUS ELEMENT http://fumento.com/disease/vaccines2008.html So says Fumento. He continues: “We are in an angry and paranoid universe” “We send death threats to public health service officials” “We are fanatics that are truly fanatical” We - refers to those that want HEALTHY, AUTISM FREE children. Fumento is an expert on “disease” and book writer “extraordinaire”. His rhetoric is “priceless” but the only real priceless object in his piece is the little MERmaid from Denmark. A truly and real pricless object. Is he having fun at the expense of the health and life even of our children? MERmaids are hostile to all MEN and lure them to their doom. This is precisely what the MERcury in thioMEl does in the ratio of 4 to 1 to the young men who hoped to lead normal and healthy lives only to be struck down with some head swelling event and later diagnosis of autism. Innocent boys or young men are lured by thimerosal as being a preservative to prevent harm from contaminated vaccines when the very opposite is the truth. Some people granted do not get autistic after a flu shot. Some people even boast – “I had my mercury shot and did not feel autistic afterwards”. Wetterhahn had her mercury “shot” and did not feel autistic afterwards. She was well and fit for months after this shot. But she did die in an undescribable and painful destruction of her brain cells. Not for her the “resting” state of autism, just a straight run through to Hell followed by Death. At 42 the most healthy of persons turned from the world’s most brilliant chemist to the proof of the harm from chemical compounds of mercury to the UNLUCKY few in less than 1 year. We can put a number to the risk of this happening – in the 1950’s we had the risk estimate of 1 in 500. With the evidence of vaccines we see like some kind of athletic record we have claims today of a hit rate of 1 in 166. Any claims to beat this? Not from that’s for sure. uses a LITTLE MERmaid to create a HUGE MYTH The HERESY of claiming that MERCURY is a POISONOUS ELEMENT

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