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Re: New to this board & to RA

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Dear Meg, Welcome to the group! I'm 25 (just this past Tuesday) and have an arthritis since 1999. (symptoms started in September & I was diagnosed that November). I currently live in VA, about 2 hours from DC. Like you, my arthritis started during a high stress time -- my last semester at college. When the pain 1st started, I attributed it to the stress. Over a few weeks I lost the use of the left side of my body. I understand the stairs problem -- I lived on the 6th floor of my dorm and the elevator was frequently broken.

For me, the nods were on my wrist and fingers the most. My rheumy says they appear where my inflammation is the highest. Once I found meds that worked, the nods decreased.

Unfortunately, incorrect diagnosis is far too common with arthritis. I saw 13 doctors before being diagnosed and they said I had a blood clot, a brain tumor, lupus, MS and a bunch of other stuff. Very scary. I can't tell you how many times I was told "We still don't know what's wrong." The 2nd neurologist I saw personally made sure a rheumy would see me that day. When I explained the symptoms I had, he asked if I had had an infection prior to the symptoms developing. I had what I thought was pink eye for the first time ever before the pain started. Actually it was uvitis, a disease of the inner eye that can trigger Reiter's Syndrome (viral induced arthritis). Like you, it was too late to know if the uvitis was the cause. Since I continually test negative for the rheumatoid factor, I was diagnosed with severe inflammatory (sero-negative) arthritis.

When you see the rheumy again he will probably order a bone density test during the next few months. It's important for him/her to know what your bone density is so there is a starting point and they will know how fast your arthritis progresses before it is too late. I get one every year but some doctors think every 2-3 years is okay.

Hope that helps,


“The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.” (Napoleon Hill)


>Anyway, Im sure you'll see me around here plenty. Any advice any of

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Hi Meg -- it sounds like you are getting good care for your RA. Good work! Too bad you were allergic to the Plaquenil.....but many people rave about Methotrexate. It sounds like a drug that "sounds" far scarier than it is.

I don't really have any advice except one thing that I have found helpful is the swimming pool. I go to waterfit classes and always spend time before and after class in the hot tub. Great way to stretch everything out in a nice warm atmosphere. It might help your hands and wrists (and other parts!).

Good luck with it all,

----- Original Message -----

From: werdolls

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 9:59 AM

Subject: New to this board & to RA

Hi everyone! Im new to the RA community (unfortunately) and wanted to share my story with you all, since you all can relate to what Ive been going through. Im 27 years old and live in Austin, Texas with my fiance. We're supposed to be getting married next spring, but the wedding planning is on hold while I try to stabilize my RA.Here is a little history on my experience with RA:Last fall my mom and I opened a business (a doll store!) and ever since the grand opening, my feet would just kill me! They hurt so bad that the only time they didnt hurt was when I was laying in bed. From the moment I got out of bed in the morning, til the moment I went back to bed at night, they would hurt. Every step I took I was aware of. If the ground wasnt level, it hurt. Going down stairs was next to impossible, and I live on the 3rd floor! I just kept telling myself that the floor must be too hard at work or that I was working too much on my feet. And I just kept going.Then I started noticing my hands were getting weak. I was having trouble gripping things, opening soda bottles, was clumsy, etc. I also started noticing some small nodes in the palm of my hand, which appeared to be making my fingers curl in slightly, so I couldnt straighten them out. They, too, ached so badly! I would cry myself to sleep most nights because of the pain. Another thing I noticed about my hands was that when my fiance and I went ring shopping, I was having to try on rings much larger than my normal size because my knuckles were so swollen. I started to see a doctor in January of this year, who diagnosed me incorrectly (but that caused me A LOT of stress) because I was told I would be deformed and would need surgery after surgery and that there was nothing else that could be done.Well, I decided that I needed to see a hand specialist. While I was waiting to be seen by him, I was put on a whole slew of medications from Naproxen and Relafen to Vioxx and Celebrex. Nothing was helping. I felt like I was losing my mind! I also had xrays done, nerve tests, etc. while waiting to see the specialist.When I was finally able to see the hand specialist, he confirmed that I was misdiagnosed and even told me why I didnt have what I was told. I was impressed! This guy was wonderful! Then he told me that he thought I had arthritis. And gave me several names of top Rheumatologists here in town. He even personally called and made my appointment with the one he thought was best! Needless to say, this guy was my lifesaver!!!I saw the Rheumatologist 2 weeks later, did blood tests and had my exam and was put on Prednisone while we waited to see how the tests came back. On 8-8-02 was diagnosed with Sero-Negative Rheumatoid Arthritis, which they suspect was viral-induced from a Strep Virus I had last fall (right before all this started). But since it had been soo long since then, they werent able to determine if it is or not.I started on Plaquenil and exactly 2 weeks later stopped taking it because I developed an allergic reaction to it and broke out in a rash. Ugh! I went to see the Rheumatologist again (to confirm this) and have now doubled my Prednisone til the rash is gone and then will start on Methotrexate.Ive done a lot of reading on it and am a little upset about having to take it because as I said (way above) Im about to be married and this will mean I will have to wait to have children at least 2 years. But I know that its in my best interest to get this under control and into remission.The Prednisone is helping (and much better now that Im on the double dose). My fingers are straightening back out and Im able to walk with a bounce in my step again and I can even go down stairs normally (but slowly) instead of one-at-a-time. I still cant make a fist and my hands still ache and are stiff through out the day, but at least Im functioning on my own!Anyway, Im sure you'll see me around here plenty. Any advice any of you may have is always welcome and appreciated! Thanks for listening!!Meg

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