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Re: Parents Contact ABC & Med. Dept. Boston on Dr. lies

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I want to call both ABC and the Medical Dept. in Boston but I also

wanted to make sure I have solid information I can direct them to, ie

the Amish study or the group of home schooled non-vaccinated kids in

Illinois that do not have autism.

Does anyone have web links on these studies they can share? Please

post it on this listserve. Thanks!


Here's the number for

ABC's news bureau. 212-456-2700.



> From: new-a-p [mailto:new-a-p ]

On Behalf Of julieobradovic@...

> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 1:37 PM

> EOHarm ; new-a-p ;

rescueangels ; illinoisbiomedicalkids

> Subject: [new-a-p] Dr. Tim lies on GMA/ Contact ABC!




> Today, with Diane Sawyer, Dr. Tim , the ABC medical

" expert " said the following lie.




> When asked about the connection between Autism and vaccines, he

said QUOTE:




> " Well, it's understandable why parents make that connection

because their kids get shots and they get Autism at the same ages.




> But I have to tell you, Diane, every good study that looks at

this has found no increased risk from vaccines. They look at kids who

get vaccinated and kids who don't.









> The Institute of Medicine, which I think is an impeccably

independent body, has looked at all the evidence an said there's no

connection. I think that's the truth. "




> Now, unless I've been under a rock, the only study of the

vaccinated versus the unvaccinated that exists happens to be the one

Generation Rescue performed. He completely crossed the line in his

gross overstatement about what they IOM has indeed concluded.




> To contact ABC, go to www.abcnews.com and click on GMA. You can

still see the clip for yourself in the story about the flu shot

recommendation. You have to sign in to get an email to them from what

I can tell.




















> ---------------------------------

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