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RE: Rosie's e-mail

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Rosie's email is TheRosie@... and the message boards are at her web site.

I don't know the address I just know it is AOL keyword Rosie. Did anyone see

Oprah I think it was yesterday, at the very beginning she had this woman

stand up and told everyone it was her 21st birthday and then she came up and

Oprah gave her a gift. Well, the woman had DS!! It was really sweet and the

woman spoke very well!!! My hubby didn't believe me that she had DS at first

till he got a good look at her! I read Jewel a while ago and liked it. I am

eager to find the book you are all talking about Expecting Adam!

Mom of Bill(DS) and Alec age 4 and Hunter Age2

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Thank you very much. is doing much better. His fever is gone, now we

have the cough. He is up and running (cruising) again! I am praying that the

other two do not get it, it is very miserable.

Also I am reading Jewel, I'm having a hard time getting into it too. It seems

to wordy or to explanitive (sp?). To much detail maybe. I don't know what it

is but I'm trying to get through it. We're about at the same spot. I realy

want to read Expecting Adam and Angel behind the rocking chair.

Thanks again,

Kim - Abigail and ds - 23 mos, Mikayla - 4

Original message -

Hi Kim,

Poor ! I hope he starts to feel better!

Also, I hope Abigail and Mikayla don't get it too. We

seem to all pass stuff at our house.

mom to Ashton and

Landon(DS) - 15 months

I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a wonderful

book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

" Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way, Sara, I

didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam " under the

inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have them

listed somewhere else? I am currently reading " Jewel "

and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm on

about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read this?

What did you think?

mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

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Yes yes yes, I just finished reading Expecting Adam. I even mention it in

the letter I wrote to Rosie-she could have the author on as a guest. I

loved the book; very honest very real! Everyone should read it. Expecting

Adam by Martha Beck.

Rosie's e-mail

Please do post her e-mail address. I tried looking for it and didn't get

anywhere but then I'm new to computers. It would be so wonderful to have

such a positive public service announcement like that on our television.

About the Family Law program, that show will be especially interesting to

us in the Atlanta area, a family here sued her doctor for not giving her an

amnio. the Ga. Supreme court ruled against the family saying they do not

recoginize wrongful birth suits. was in a group therapy with their

little boy and its very sad. The family is still having a hard time

accepting their little boy has DS. She is an anestheologist (sp?) and her

husband a lawyer. Our DS Association wrote letters to the paper when their

suit was featured in our newspaper but they didn't print any of the letters.

Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A friend just gave it to me

and she said it was wonderful very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I

am looking forward to reading it if I ever have time.

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Hi! I recently read " Expecting Adam " and I LOVED IT!

I practically read it in one sitting! I think you'll

like it too!

Judi-Mom to Sam & , 32mos. Identical Twins

--- greysean <greysean@...> wrote:

> Please do post her e-mail address. I tried looking

> for it and didn't get anywhere but then I'm new to

> computers. It would be so wonderful to have such a

> positive public service announcement like that on

> our television.


> About the Family Law program, that show will be

> especially interesting to us in the Atlanta area, a

> family here sued her doctor for not giving her an

> amnio. the Ga. Supreme court ruled against the

> family saying they do not recoginize wrongful birth

> suits. was in a group therapy with their little

> boy and its very sad. The family is still having a

> hard time accepting their little boy has DS. She is

> an anestheologist (sp?) and her husband a lawyer.

> Our DS Association wrote letters to the paper when

> their suit was featured in our newspaper but they

> didn't print any of the letters.


> Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A friend

> just gave it to me and she said it was wonderful

> very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I am

> looking forward to reading it if I ever have time.


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I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a wonderful

book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

" Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way, Sara, I

didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam " under the

inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have them

listed somewhere else? I am currently reading " Jewel "

and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm on

about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read this?

What did you think?

mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton


> Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A friend

> just gave it to me and she said it was wonderful

> very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I am

> looking forward to reading it if I ever have time.


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You all have to read Angels Unaware by Dale . Yes, it

is the Dale /Roy rodeo/cowboy team. Their daughter

Robin born in the early 50's had DS. It is a wonderful story, very

short. You can finish it in an hour. You will need plenty of tissues

but it is a wonderful journey...it was written in the 50's so

some of the material is dated but I read it to my daughter

(nda)(9 yrs) and we both cried together. It was so

beautifully done...


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Huckabee wrote:


> From: Huckabee <ahuckabee@...>


> I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a wonderful

> book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

> " Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way, Sara, I

> didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam " under the

> inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have them

> listed somewhere else? I am currently reading " Jewel "

> and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm on

> about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read this?

> What did you think?

> mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

> >

> > Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A friend

> > just gave it to me and she said it was wonderful

> > very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I am

> > looking forward to reading it if I ever have time.

> >


> > http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples

Hi I'm also in the middle of reading " Jewel " it was on Oprah's list last

season. I'm not crazy about it and in fact have not got back to it for a

couple of nights now. My sister read it{who is an h.s. English teacher}

and didn't enjoy it and said I shouldn't read it. She thinks there are

more uplifting, enjoyable books for me to spend my time on.

Gail Mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and Tara{Ds}6months

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" Expecting Adam " and " 's Gift " will be on Product

21 soon.

To tell you the truth, I'm not a big fan of " 's

Gift " and I haven't finished " Expecting Adam " yet. I'm


That they are individuals... and not something

unearthly. True, there are some earth angels (I

believe) ... my Kaitlyn was one. But there are plenty

of kids with DS that are just plain kids. Sometimes, I

get sick of hearing " oh! He's such a special little

angel. " To me, it promotes the mythe that " people with

DS are happy all the time. " Which is not true either.

People with DS have all human emotions... just like

everyone else. So... when I read these and they got

real into " angels " and such, I wasn't so impressed.

Anyway, I'm glad others liked it, so I'll post them on

Product 21.

As for Jewell. I liked Jewell. BUT, I didn't like it

until I finished it. Throughout the entire thing I was

thinking " this drags on, this is sad, depressing,

sucks " etc etc. But when the end wraps it all up... I

was in tears. :o)

Stay tuned for 's (Ciarra's mom) new book!!

:o) There will be some of my quotes in there! LOL



--- Huckabee <ahuckabee@...> wrote:

> From: Huckabee <ahuckabee@...>


> I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a wonderful

> book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

> " Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way, Sara,

> I

> didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam " under

> the

> inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have

> them

> listed somewhere else? I am currently reading

> " Jewel "

> and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm on

> about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read this?

> What did you think?

> mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

> >

> > Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A

> friend

> > just gave it to me and she said it was wonderful

> > very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I am

> > looking forward to reading it if I ever have time.

> >


> ---------------------------

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I love " Angel Unaware " ! I read it right after my

Kaitlyn died and I felt like I was reading Kaitlyn's

heart. It was so sad and I cried for a period longer

than it took my to read the book. It's an oldie, but


Did you ever hear the story of Dale deciding to

publish it?? She was turned down by a few publishing

agencies and she felt like it just wasn't meant to be.

So, on the streets she stopped and asked G-d " send me

a sign, so I know we are ready for this. That this was

made to be. " She looked up and saw a little boy with

Down syndrome walking towards her. She knew it was

G-d's Will.



--- Devitb@... wrote:

> From: Devitb@...


> You all have to read Angels Unaware by Dale

> . Yes, it

> is the Dale /Roy rodeo/cowboy team.

> Their daughter

> Robin born in the early 50's had DS. It is a

> wonderful story, very

> short. You can finish it in an hour. You will need

> plenty of tissues

> but it is a wonderful journey...it was written in

> the 50's so

> some of the material is dated but I read it to my

> daughter

> (nda)(9 yrs) and we both cried together. It

> was so

> beautifully done...


> Bonnie


> ---------------------------

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I have not read Angel Behind...but I have read posts on other lists

that do say the book is a bit preachy but worth the read. I have

not tackled it yet...Angels Unaware was enough for me right now.

I think I'll just stay with some light reading...maybe The Testament by



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Hey : I read Jewel a few months ago when I saw

the author on Oprah. It took a little while getting

into. Initially I was bothered by the use of a

certain racial slur, but if you keep plugging, you

will see they eventually learn the error of their

ways. It helped me get into it better when I was able

to realized it wasn't a book about down syndrome, but

a love story. I saw it as a love story not only

between a mother and daughter but husband and wife. I

think you'll like it.


--- Huckabee <ahuckabee@...> wrote:

> From: Huckabee <ahuckabee@...>


> I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a wonderful

> book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

> " Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way, Sara,

> I

> didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam " under

> the

> inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have

> them

> listed somewhere else? I am currently reading

> " Jewel "

> and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm on

> about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read this?

> What did you think?

> mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

> >

> > Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A

> friend

> > just gave it to me and she said it was wonderful

> > very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I am

> > looking forward to reading it if I ever have time.

> >


> ---------------------------

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Granted, Jewel is not one of those uplifting books,

however, when I read it, I was able to take away how

lucky I am that my kids were born in the 90's instead

of the 40's and I am also greatful for families like

Jewel, who kept their children home and loved them

instead of institutionalizing them. Jewel and her

family went thru some pretty tough struggles to get

the help for Kay that she needed (when help,

such that it was, was virtually non-existant). It was

people like her way back when who had the courage to

do this that makes society more accepting of our kids


--- GVanHouten <rjvh@...> wrote:

> From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...>


> Huckabee wrote:

> >

> > From: Huckabee <ahuckabee@...>

> >

> > I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a wonderful

> > book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

> > " Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way,

> Sara, I

> > didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam " under

> the

> > inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have

> them

> > listed somewhere else? I am currently reading

> " Jewel "

> > and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm

> on

> > about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read

> this?

> > What did you think?

> > mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

> > >

> > > Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A

> friend

> > > just gave it to me and she said it was wonderful

> > > very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I

> am

> > > looking forward to reading it if I ever have

> time.

> > >

> >

> > > http://DSyndrome.com/Multiples



> Hi I'm also in the middle of reading " Jewel " it was

> on Oprah's list last

> season. I'm not crazy about it and in fact have not

> got back to it for a

> couple of nights now. My sister read it{who is an

> h.s. English teacher}

> and didn't enjoy it and said I shouldn't read it.

> She thinks there are

> more uplifting, enjoyable books for me to spend my

> time on.

> Gail Mom to Bobby-5, Jillian-3, and

> Tara{Ds}6months


> ---------------------------

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I really liked " Angel Unaware " too! However, I'm

having a tough time with " Angel behind the Rocking

Chair " . I don't know what it is because both books

are very spiritual and religious, but I feel that the

tone of " Rocking Chair " is just a little bit too much

scripture quoting for my tastes. Now, I don't mean

to start a whole " religious " controversy thing here.

I'm a religious and spiritual person, and don't mean

to offend anybody, but I personlly feel that a persons

actions and deeds speak louder than quoting scripture.

I don't know why I can't seem to get past all of that

in this book.

Judi - Mom to Sam & , 32mos. Identical Twins

--- Devitb@... wrote:

> From: Devitb@...


> You all have to read Angels Unaware by Dale

> . Yes, it

> is the Dale /Roy rodeo/cowboy team.

> Their daughter

> Robin born in the early 50's had DS. It is a

> wonderful story, very

> short. You can finish it in an hour. You will need

> plenty of tissues

> but it is a wonderful journey...it was written in

> the 50's so

> some of the material is dated but I read it to my

> daughter

> (nda)(9 yrs) and we both cried together. It

> was so

> beautifully done...


> Bonnie


> ---------------------------

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Thanks Judi,

I'll keep reading!

--- Judi Grossman <judig2@...> wrote:

> From: Judi Grossman <judig2@...>


> Hey : I read Jewel a few months ago when I

> saw

> the author on Oprah. It took a little while getting

> into. Initially I was bothered by the use of a

> certain racial slur, but if you keep plugging, you

> will see they eventually learn the error of their

> ways. It helped me get into it better when I was

> able

> to realized it wasn't a book about down syndrome,

> but

> a love story. I saw it as a love story not only

> between a mother and daughter but husband and wife.

> I

> think you'll like it.


> Judi


> --- Huckabee <ahuckabee@...> wrote:

> > From: Huckabee <ahuckabee@...>

> >

> > I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a wonderful

> > book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

> > " Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way,

> Sara,

> > I

> > didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam " under

> > the

> > inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have

> > them

> > listed somewhere else? I am currently reading

> > " Jewel "

> > and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm

> on

> > about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read

> this?

> > What did you think?

> > mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

> > >

> > > Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A

> > friend

> > > just gave it to me and she said it was wonderful

> > > very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I

> am

> > > looking forward to reading it if I ever have

> time.

> > >

> >

> > ---------------------------

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Okay, Sara, You have motivated me to read the rest of

Jewel. I'm going to try not to read the end first(lol)

but you have sparked my interest. I will agree about

those Banruka puppets and extraordinary stuff in

Expecting Adam. I just skimmed some of that! I also

think that most of our kids are just regular kids who

just happen to have an extra chromosome. While we are

on this subject. When Landon was born, I know two out

of three people told me that special people only have

special children. What a crock. If so, there wouldn't

be so many children who have special needs for

adoption. A friend of mine who has a child with DS

used to ask people that made this comment, What made

her more special than them. That ended that subject

right then. I did like both of the books because they

were true stories and written from a mom's

perspective. I can't wait to read 's book.

I've chatted with her a few times on Unomas and she is

a lot of fun.By the way, I really like Product 21 and

I plan on ordering a couple of books this week.I am

really interested in reading " Angel Unaware " .


mom to

Landon(DS) and Ashton - 15 months

Sara Greenberg <dsyndrome@...> wrote:

> From: Sara Greenberg <dsyndrome@...>



> " Expecting Adam " and " 's Gift " will be on

> Product

> 21 soon.


> To tell you the truth, I'm not a big fan of " 's

> Gift " and I haven't finished " Expecting Adam " yet.

> I'm

> a real guru for " CHILDREN WITH DS ARE CHILDREN TOO. "

> That they are individuals... and not something

> unearthly. True, there are some earth angels (I

> believe) ... my Kaitlyn was one. But there are

> plenty

> of kids with DS that are just plain kids. Sometimes,

> I

> get sick of hearing " oh! He's such a special little

> angel. " To me, it promotes the mythe that " people

> with

> DS are happy all the time. " Which is not true

> either.

> People with DS have all human emotions... just like

> everyone else. So... when I read these and they got

> real into " angels " and such, I wasn't so impressed.


> Anyway, I'm glad others liked it, so I'll post them

> on

> Product 21.


> As for Jewell. I liked Jewell. BUT, I didn't like it

> until I finished it. Throughout the entire thing I

> was

> thinking " this drags on, this is sad, depressing,

> sucks " etc etc. But when the end wraps it all up...

> I

> was in tears. :o)


> Stay tuned for 's (Ciarra's mom) new book!!

> :o) There will be some of my quotes in there! LOL


> Cheers,

> Sara


> --- Huckabee <ahuckabee@...> wrote:

> > From: Huckabee <ahuckabee@...>

> >

> > I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a wonderful

> > book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

> > " Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way,

> Sara,

> > I

> > didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam " under

> > the

> > inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have

> > them

> > listed somewhere else? I am currently reading

> > " Jewel "

> > and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm

> on

> > about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read

> this?

> > What did you think?

> > mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

> > >

> > > Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A

> > friend

> > > just gave it to me and she said it was wonderful

> > > very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I

> am

> > > looking forward to reading it if I ever have

> time.

> > >

> >

> > ---------------------------

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Great! I'm updating Product 21 later today, so if you

are ordering... and want some of the profits to go to

the Gaffney Foundation... make sure to order

after I've corrected the link errors. I'll post when

I've corrected them. Sorry for the delay.


--- Huckabee <ahuckabee@...> wrote:

> From: Huckabee <ahuckabee@...>


> Okay, Sara, You have motivated me to read the rest

> of

> Jewel. I'm going to try not to read the end

> first(lol)

> but you have sparked my interest. I will agree about

> those Banruka puppets and extraordinary stuff in

> Expecting Adam. I just skimmed some of that! I also

> think that most of our kids are just regular kids

> who

> just happen to have an extra chromosome. While we

> are

> on this subject. When Landon was born, I know two

> out

> of three people told me that special people only

> have

> special children. What a crock. If so, there

> wouldn't

> be so many children who have special needs for

> adoption. A friend of mine who has a child with DS

> used to ask people that made this comment, What made

> her more special than them. That ended that subject

> right then. I did like both of the books because

> they

> were true stories and written from a mom's

> perspective. I can't wait to read 's book.

> I've chatted with her a few times on Unomas and she

> is

> a lot of fun.By the way, I really like Product 21

> and

> I plan on ordering a couple of books this week.I am

> really interested in reading " Angel Unaware " .




> Thanks,


> mom to

> Landon(DS) and Ashton - 15 months

> Sara Greenberg <dsyndrome@...> wrote:

> > From: Sara Greenberg <dsyndrome@...>

> >

> >

> > " Expecting Adam " and " 's Gift " will be on

> > Product

> > 21 soon.

> >

> > To tell you the truth, I'm not a big fan of

> " 's

> > Gift " and I haven't finished " Expecting Adam " yet.

> > I'm

> > a real guru for " CHILDREN WITH DS ARE CHILDREN

> TOO. "

> > That they are individuals... and not something

> > unearthly. True, there are some earth angels (I

> > believe) ... my Kaitlyn was one. But there are

> > plenty

> > of kids with DS that are just plain kids.

> Sometimes,

> > I

> > get sick of hearing " oh! He's such a special

> little

> > angel. " To me, it promotes the mythe that " people

> > with

> > DS are happy all the time. " Which is not true

> > either.

> > People with DS have all human emotions... just

> like

> > everyone else. So... when I read these and they

> got

> > real into " angels " and such, I wasn't so

> impressed.

> >

> > Anyway, I'm glad others liked it, so I'll post

> them

> > on

> > Product 21.

> >

> > As for Jewell. I liked Jewell. BUT, I didn't like

> it

> > until I finished it. Throughout the entire thing I

> > was

> > thinking " this drags on, this is sad, depressing,

> > sucks " etc etc. But when the end wraps it all

> up...

> > I

> > was in tears. :o)

> >

> > Stay tuned for 's (Ciarra's mom) new

> book!!

> > :o) There will be some of my quotes in there! LOL

> >

> > Cheers,

> > Sara

> >

> > --- Huckabee <ahuckabee@...> wrote:

> > > From: Huckabee <ahuckabee@...>

> > >

> > > I have read " Expecting Adam " and it is a

> wonderful

> > > book! Two other good ones are " 's Gift " and

> > > " Angel Behind the Rocking Chair " . By the way,

> > Sara,

> > > I

> > > didn't see 's Gift and " Expecting Adam "

> under

> > > the

> > > inspirational section at Product 21. Do you have

> > > them

> > > listed somewhere else? I am currently reading

> > > " Jewel "

> > > and I am having a hard time getting into it. I'm

> > on

> > > about the fifth chapter. Has anyone else read

> > this?

> > > What did you think?

> > > mom to Landon(DS) and Ashton

> > > >

> > > > Has anyone read the book " Expecting Adam " ? A

> > > friend

> > > > just gave it to me and she said it was

> wonderful

> > > > very uplifting and she couldn't put it down. I

> > am

> > > > looking forward to reading it if I ever have

> > time.

> > > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------

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Bonnie: Glad to know it's not just me! Maybe that

was my problem because I read them back-to-back

(starting w/Angel Unaware, definitely a multi-hanky

book!) I'm sure I'll pick Rocking Chair up again soon

(mostly because I borrowed it from our support group's

lending library and I have to give it back soon!).

About now some Grisham sounds good too!


--- Devitb@... wrote:

> From: Devitb@...


> I have not read Angel Behind...but I have read posts

> on other lists

> that do say the book is a bit preachy but worth the

> read. I have

> not tackled it yet...Angels Unaware was enough for

> me right now.

> I think I'll just stay with some light

> reading...maybe The Testament by

> Grisham.


> Bonnie


> ---------------------------

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