Guest guest Posted December 14, 1999 Report Share Posted December 14, 1999 Gail, You are definately not alone! I have those feelings frequently. My twins are two and I think about the " what is going to happens " alot, but I have to tell myself that things will be worked out as we go, and as they grow so will we. I'm just thankful they start as babies and not teenagers!!! I'm glad that you were able to express your feelings as I can never seem to do so. Hang in there. Hugs to you! Kim mom to Abigail and ds - 2yrs and Mikayla - 4yrs from the heart stuff > From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...> > > If you all read this, thanks! But I feel I must get my " real " thoughts > and feelings out, not ment to offend anyone, but you can all let me know > what you think. > It's like this, first of all I feel I get this " emotional " this time > every month{PMS I guess}It's like i dare to entertain my true feelings! > " I didn't want a child with Ds, I am still in shock, sad, bummed! It > hasn't gone away! I am feeling a little better since almost 9 months > ago.I'm also in denial, when I hear what other parents challenges are > with their older children, I feel sad for them, but then say in my head, > that won't be Tara! How will grow up, knowing that's his twin? A > sister who has mental retardation? Will he think he does too? Will his > " friends " think that too when he brings them home and they meet Tara? > How about Bobby and Jillian? Will peers make fun of them because of > their baby sister? Husband and I planned to room Jillain and Tara > together eventually, will that happen? Should we, will Tara grow to be a > pain or embarrasment for Jillian when she brings her girlfriends home? > {I'm really crying now}Sometimes I hold eric and put him to bed and > think, we only wanted one more child, but we need to go on fertility > drugs{for all my kids} and insemination to get pregnant, it worked first > cycle. we had to adjust to twins, now to this! I have'nt live a princess > life, I consider myself to be pretty resilient, but this is really > testing me. a neighbor recently sipped and said " thank god this didn't > happen to us!{she also has boy/girl twins} I was numb > I know my friends from my town really love me and my family, they were > just as shocked and saddened, and were really there for me and husband > and my kids , they took my older tow out to the pool all summer, BUT I > know they also feel sorry for me/us, and glad this didn't happen to tham > either.I hate that pitty thing. On the one hand I on purpose stay > involved in our church and community and friends, I want Tara out there, > I want her{and she is right now by most people}excepted, she will to > grow up with my friends children, and go to the puplic schools. But man > this is bumming me out. BUT I love her soo much! > But I sometimes can't understand when parents say how blessed they are, > how wonderful their child is. Am I not there yet? In some place where > all these other parents are? I want to be, I want to except her 100%, > how can I expect my children to, or others if I don't? Am I missing > somthing screw in my brain? > Ok this is long enough, sorry , but I needed to do this, know one else > would understand these mixed emotions, IF you all do??????? > thanks Gail > don't feel like such a good mom today? > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 1999 Report Share Posted December 14, 1999 Gail, I guess this is " weepy tuesday " for the both of us. Sometimes we are entitled. Your feelings are ones that we've all experienced, and as you read from my post, will continue to experience. The only words of wisdom I can offer you is, this too shall pass, and yes, you ARE a good mom, you wouldn't be if you didn't have these feelings and acknowledge them. I guess we never truly get OVER it, but it just gets a little easier with time. ((({{{HUGS}}}))) Judi-who's a little blue today too, but feels better after sending her post. __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 1999 Report Share Posted December 14, 1999 Hi Gail, I guess I really don't know what to say to you except that you're not alone and that I feel the same way quite often about a (DS). When I feel like this I try to turn my thoughts to God and ask for his guidance, strength, and support. The last 16 months have not been easy for my husband and I. Also, for my family. They saw what we have gone through with a. Recently, my older brother had gotten married in July. He had married a woman from Russia (a internet romance) and she had gotten pregnant right away and found out that their baby boy had DS and some other defect that my brother did not want to go into detail with us on, so they ended up having the labor induced at 4 1/2 months and aborting it. Even though most other family members were against it. Well, it's to late now, but I think my brother really regrets doing that. He said that he held the baby and it looked normal. His new wife didn't seem to want anything to do with it. I don't think there marriage will last. Sometimes Life is great and sometimes Life seems to be full of hard lessons. I guess now I'm kind of getting my emotions out here. Sorry! - Mom to a (DS) and Cory 16 months from the heart stuff > From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...> > > If you all read this, thanks! But I feel I must get my " real " thoughts > and feelings out, not ment to offend anyone, but you can all let me know > what you think. > It's like this, first of all I feel I get this " emotional " this time > every month{PMS I guess}It's like i dare to entertain my true feelings! > " I didn't want a child with Ds, I am still in shock, sad, bummed! It > hasn't gone away! I am feeling a little better since almost 9 months > ago.I'm also in denial, when I hear what other parents challenges are > with their older children, I feel sad for them, but then say in my head, > that won't be Tara! How will grow up, knowing that's his twin? A > sister who has mental retardation? Will he think he does too? Will his > " friends " think that too when he brings them home and they meet Tara? > How about Bobby and Jillian? Will peers make fun of them because of > their baby sister? Husband and I planned to room Jillain and Tara > together eventually, will that happen? Should we, will Tara grow to be a > pain or embarrasment for Jillian when she brings her girlfriends home? > {I'm really crying now}Sometimes I hold eric and put him to bed and > think, we only wanted one more child, but we need to go on fertility > drugs{for all my kids} and insemination to get pregnant, it worked first > cycle. we had to adjust to twins, now to this! I have'nt live a princess > life, I consider myself to be pretty resilient, but this is really > testing me. a neighbor recently sipped and said " thank god this didn't > happen to us!{she also has boy/girl twins} I was numb > I know my friends from my town really love me and my family, they were > just as shocked and saddened, and were really there for me and husband > and my kids , they took my older tow out to the pool all summer, BUT I > know they also feel sorry for me/us, and glad this didn't happen to tham > either.I hate that pitty thing. On the one hand I on purpose stay > involved in our church and community and friends, I want Tara out there, > I want her{and she is right now by most people}excepted, she will to > grow up with my friends children, and go to the puplic schools. But man > this is bumming me out. BUT I love her soo much! > But I sometimes can't understand when parents say how blessed they are, > how wonderful their child is. Am I not there yet? In some place where > all these other parents are? I want to be, I want to except her 100%, > how can I expect my children to, or others if I don't? Am I missing > somthing screw in my brain? > Ok this is long enough, sorry , but I needed to do this, know one else > would understand these mixed emotions, IF you all do??????? > thanks Gail > don't feel like such a good mom today? > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 1999 Report Share Posted December 14, 1999 Gail, You are only human. When I get really bummed, which can be quite frequently, I think of someone else in a worse situation. There is a family that I work with in my town, who had her second child back in June. He wasn't born without any eyes. Her first child was born with glaucoma in one eye and without the other eye. He also has a diagnosis of perhaps severe autism. She told me oneday, that she was robbed of taking her kids to Disney World because they couldn't see the lights, etc. Thank God Landon will be able to enjoy all those things.When she said that to me, I literally had to fight back the tears, partly for her and partly for myself(guilty) because of how I feel sometimes. I also worked with a family who had fraternal girl/boy twins and both of them had a rare disease of ataxia telangectasia. They would gradually lose motor skills by age five, progressively lose sight, speech becomes slurred and eventually they are in wheelchair full time by the age or prior to the age of ten. Death usually happens by their early or late teens. The little girl died a couple of months ago at the age of 12. Her brother is pretty much in the last stages. This mom is going to have to go through this twice and explain to her little boy the reasons of his sister's death. When I think of these two families and the crisis that they are encountering, I thank God for Landon only having DS. I didn't meant to add to the depression, I just wanted to let yall know how I try to cope. The good days are far more than they were 6 months ago Gail. ((((((Hugs to you too)))))))))))))). - mom to Landon (ds) and Ashton 18months GVanHouten <rjvh@...> wrote: > If you all read this, thanks! But I feel I must get > my " real " thoughts > and feelings out, not ment to offend anyone, but you > can all let me know > what you think. > It's like this, first of all I feel I get this > " emotional " this time > every month{PMS I guess}It's like i dare to > entertain my true feelings! > " I didn't want a child with Ds, I am still in shock, > sad, bummed! It > hasn't gone away! I am feeling a little better since > almost 9 months > ago.I'm also in denial, when I hear what other > parents challenges are > with their older children, I feel sad for them, but > then say in my head, > that won't be Tara! How will grow up, knowing > that's his twin? A > sister who has mental retardation? Will he think he > does too? Will his > " friends " think that too when he brings them home > and they meet Tara? > How about Bobby and Jillian? Will peers make fun of > them because of > their baby sister? Husband and I planned to room > Jillain and Tara > together eventually, will that happen? Should we, > will Tara grow to be a > pain or embarrasment for Jillian when she brings her > girlfriends home? > {I'm really crying now}Sometimes I hold eric and put > him to bed and > think, we only wanted one more child, but we need to > go on fertility > drugs{for all my kids} and insemination to get > pregnant, it worked first > cycle. we had to adjust to twins, now to this! I > have'nt live a princess > life, I consider myself to be pretty resilient, but > this is really > testing me. a neighbor recently sipped and said " > thank god this didn't > happen to us!{she also has boy/girl twins} I was > numb > I know my friends from my town really love me and my > family, they were > just as shocked and saddened, and were really there > for me and husband > and my kids , they took my older tow out to the pool > all summer, BUT I > know they also feel sorry for me/us, and glad this > didn't happen to tham > either.I hate that pitty thing. On the one hand I on > purpose stay > involved in our church and community and friends, I > want Tara out there, > I want her{and she is right now by most > people}excepted, she will to > grow up with my friends children, and go to the > puplic schools. But man > this is bumming me out. BUT I love her soo much! > But I sometimes can't understand when parents say > how blessed they are, > how wonderful their child is. Am I not there yet? In > some place where > all these other parents are? I want to be, I want to > except her 100%, > how can I expect my children to, or others if I > don't? Am I missing > somthing screw in my brain? > Ok this is long enough, sorry , but I needed to do > this, know one else > would understand these mixed emotions, IF you all > do??????? > thanks Gail > don't feel like such a good mom today? > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > <HR> <html> > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 1999 Report Share Posted December 14, 1999 Hi Gail, , everyone; ...I can't believe what you had to watch your brother do/go terrible. Five months after was born, 's (my husband) first cousin had a baby boy (6 weeks premature......was in a car accident) and this baby boy has down syndrome as well, its kinda weird that ds has never been in either of our families and then it happened two times within 5 months of each other.....this really doesn't have anything to do with the posts lately but I just felt like telling everyone about that. Gail, I know all the feeling that you have all too well and I think part of the problem for me is having a husband that hasn't been very supportive of the whole situation. Its hard to keep positive when your significant other isn't. I wonder the things that you do too. Will Nicala be made fun of because of ? Especially because not only are they siblings BUT they are twins. Should I separate them in school right away? Keep them together? My husband wants to separate them and I am undecided. I often think that I should use the twins " due date (March 5) " for 's b-day and the " actual birth date (Dec 8) " for Nicala. We had to help (push him along) but its been quite the opposite. is such a demanding child I find no time in the day to spend with the twins and my heart just aches when I see all the things that can do and can't when she is two years younger then him. I have been kinda down these past few days and that is because I am realizing that is surpassing (mostly in the communication area) and I guess I didn't believe that it would happen this soon. There are still some things that can do and can't but I am fearing that it won't be long before that isn't the case anymore. I also keep telling myself that will be better off then older children with ds because of all the early intervention that is available now and wasn't before BUT what really are we doing for our children that any other parent (such as ...Rudy,ds) didn't do? I find alot of the therapists recommendations are things that any parent would do naturally out of love for their child. I think that will be better off then an older person with ds that was institutionalized but that would be the case of any child, with or without ds. I unlike most on this list do NOT cry, that is my way of coping, I don't cry. I can't remember the last time I have cried and the only significant time that I remember crying is when I was first told of having ds. I guess that maybe I feel that if I start to cry I will never stop, so I put up my wall and don't cry. I deal with my feeling by getting pissed off at the medical/education profession (and setting them straight) researching, researching and researching, trying to make it thru my days of non-stop crying from without ending up in the looney bin and hoping that I am doing everything that I can for . I get very upset if I feel that I have missed out on something I could of and should have been doing with . is only three years old now and I feel like there has been so many things that I should have been doing with him but didn't. What if I had done all that I should have done, would he be higher functioning? I wish I had know prenatally that has ds. I wish I had the time that I don't to work with him. Also, any of the " success " stories that I hear of come from families that have alot of $. We don't have alot of $ and I feel that it is unfair that you have to have alot of $ to ensure the success of your child. The other thing that I notice about the success stories are that the child with ds usually only has 1 other sibiling, hense the parents have more time to dedicate to the ds child. Well, I could go on forever BUT will stop now. Gail, your still in " cure mode " and in some ways still am I. I know you are looking for answers, some which probably arn't out there, some are. I believe that NuTriVene-D does have some benefits, but have questioned it at times (that is why I discontinued its use for a year). Just yesterday, I ordered a new supply. I believe that NuTriVene-D is better then the other nutritional suppliments that are offered ( " Hap Caps " , " the U series " , " MSBplus " ). There are other alternative therapies out there that I have tried and some that I would try if I had the money. Out of all the " alternative therapies " that I have tried the nutritional suppliments are the ones that I have seen the least results with but after doing alot of research on the subject I feel that I don't want to miss out on the benefits even though they may not be incredibly noticable. Ok, there I go again; I said I was going to stop and I will. , mom to Nicala and ,ds (3) and (1 & forever unhappy) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 1999 Report Share Posted December 14, 1999 Ahhh Gail.... honey I wish I was there to give you a huge hug and let you know it will be ok. Reality is though, it just aint gonna be perfect. But then again what is? My " babies " are 13 now. Funny age 13. You know what though? Its ok. I can honestly say Rudy has made it just fine. He has loads of friends and all of his twin's friends play with him and include him in parties etc. Of course she has some things she does by herself but all in all, she includes Rudy in alot, we all do. I have found that people pity those who pity themselves. I have so many friends and relatives who I think would rather come to see Rudy than any of the rest of us!! How rude huh? But thats cool. Rudy is a natural born ham!! He does not realize he has limitations only rules. I also have to share with you that I went to my daughter's Christmas choir recital last nite and one of the featured singers was a 14 yr old boy with DS. He started the recital. Yes I cried, but they were tears of joy that this young man's parents also have taught him he has no limitations. And yes, Gail, I am one of the ones who feels blessed but I also feel you will get there too. Chin up and hug the baby!! mom to Rudy (ds) & 13, TJ 16 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 14, 1999 Report Share Posted December 14, 1999 Hi Gail You are far from being a bad Mom! You're a great Mom! We all do the best we can and sometimes we all doubt our abilites to cope with what has been given to us. on (nearly 8) and (6 1/2) adore their sisters and understand fully what DS is. All their friends think its cool that we use sign language and love coming to our house to play. I really believe it will always be that way and on and choose to be friends with the nice kids and say " bye bye " to the kids who aren't so kind! Isn't that neat! My time too is no longer wasted on people who, I have discovered since having Ems and Nickers, didn't really care for us at all. Like I said to Judi - I have had my fair share of blue days to and will continue to I guess. Early on after Nicki I felt I needed to go onto Prozac which I am no longer on but I so low in a pit, I couldn't see light! I hope you feel better soon and take some Evening Primrose Oil, it's great for PMT! (((((BIG BEAR HUG FOR YOU))))) Carolyn from the heart stuff > From: GVanHouten <rjvh@...> > > If you all read this, thanks! But I feel I must get my " real " thoughts > and feelings out, not ment to offend anyone, but you can all let me know > what you think. > It's like this, first of all I feel I get this " emotional " this time > every month{PMS I guess}It's like i dare to entertain my true feelings! > " I didn't want a child with Ds, I am still in shock, sad, bummed! It > hasn't gone away! I am feeling a little better since almost 9 months > ago.I'm also in denial, when I hear what other parents challenges are > with their older children, I feel sad for them, but then say in my head, > that won't be Tara! How will grow up, knowing that's his twin? A > sister who has mental retardation? Will he think he does too? Will his > " friends " think that too when he brings them home and they meet Tara? > How about Bobby and Jillian? Will peers make fun of them because of > their baby sister? Husband and I planned to room Jillain and Tara > together eventually, will that happen? Should we, will Tara grow to be a > pain or embarrasment for Jillian when she brings her girlfriends home? > {I'm really crying now}Sometimes I hold eric and put him to bed and > think, we only wanted one more child, but we need to go on fertility > drugs{for all my kids} and insemination to get pregnant, it worked first > cycle. we had to adjust to twins, now to this! I have'nt live a princess > life, I consider myself to be pretty resilient, but this is really > testing me. a neighbor recently sipped and said " thank god this didn't > happen to us!{she also has boy/girl twins} I was numb > I know my friends from my town really love me and my family, they were > just as shocked and saddened, and were really there for me and husband > and my kids , they took my older tow out to the pool all summer, BUT I > know they also feel sorry for me/us, and glad this didn't happen to tham > either.I hate that pitty thing. On the one hand I on purpose stay > involved in our church and community and friends, I want Tara out there, > I want her{and she is right now by most people}excepted, she will to > grow up with my friends children, and go to the puplic schools. But man > this is bumming me out. BUT I love her soo much! > But I sometimes can't understand when parents say how blessed they are, > how wonderful their child is. Am I not there yet? In some place where > all these other parents are? I want to be, I want to except her 100%, > how can I expect my children to, or others if I don't? Am I missing > somthing screw in my brain? > Ok this is long enough, sorry , but I needed to do this, know one else > would understand these mixed emotions, IF you all do??????? > thanks Gail > don't feel like such a good mom today? > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 15, 1999 Report Share Posted December 15, 1999 Lesfevr21@... wrote: > > From: Lesfevr21@... Gosh , do I sound like an idiot or what? You must think I'm a nut job{I might be}, BUT, I LOVE to hear stories just like you just told! I will get thru this, I want to be " there " for all my kids! You're right, people pity people, who pity themselves, and I WILL NEVER HANG MY HEAD DOWN! Thanks for sharing your experience, I love to hear/read all about them, it's important to me!!!!! Gail mom to Bobby-5 1/2, Jillian-3, and Tara{ds}8months > > Ahhh Gail.... honey I wish I was there to give you a huge hug and let you > know it will be ok. Reality is though, it just aint gonna be perfect. But > then again what is? My " babies " are 13 now. Funny age 13. You know what > though? Its ok. I can honestly say Rudy has made it just fine. He has > loads of friends and all of his twin's friends play with him and include him > in parties etc. Of course she has some things she does by herself but all > in all, she includes Rudy in alot, we all do. I have found that people pity > those who pity themselves. I have so many friends and relatives who I think > would rather come to see Rudy than any of the rest of us!! How rude huh? > But thats cool. Rudy is a natural born ham!! He does not realize he has > limitations only rules. I also have to share with you that I went to my > daughter's Christmas choir recital last nite and one of the featured singers > was a 14 yr old boy with DS. He started the recital. Yes I cried, but they > were tears of joy that this young man's parents also have taught him he has > no limitations. And yes, Gail, I am one of the ones who feels blessed but I > also feel you will get there too. Chin up and hug the baby!! > mom to Rudy (ds) & 13, TJ 16 > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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