Guest guest Posted January 3, 2001 Report Share Posted January 3, 2001 - Well, based on what you have just said, I believe you may indeed be one of the " educable " docs, and I also think you deserve a little dispassionate (as best I can!) insight into where this vitriol is coming from. In theory, I agree with you- education instead of confrontation is always the best approach. We've tried that, and after you slam your head against a brick wall a bunch of times, you conclude that you end up with nothing but a headache. That is where a lot of us parents are- holding our aching heads, reaching for the aspirin (or something stronger!) and wishing we didn't have to deal with walls. First, let me tell you that if you are engaged in forward-thinking stuff such as secretin, and considering or doing mercury chelation therapy, this puts you ahead of about 99.9% of the doctors out there. I think the offer you made to help parents order tests was very kind, and you may have just contributed in a big way to the health of a lot of kids whose parents have noplace else to turn. You should not assume that your compadres in the doctoring business are as flexible, openminded and interested in learning new things as you appear to be. They are not. I have to congratulate you on being one of the few. I wish we could clone docs like you!! Without having a child with special needs, dealing day in and day out with doctors who are closedminded, unhelpful, patronizing, and in some cases threatening to turn you in to social services for child neglect when you are doing what you feel is best for your child (for example, choosing not to vaccinate), you're right, it is very difficult for you to walk in our shoes. But this is the road we travel daily. We spend our days dealing with doctors, therapists, some of us schools, social workers, and what-not, our other children, trying to keep our marriages afloat, and in our copious spare time, we scan e-mail newsgroups like this one and search Medline looking for a glimmer of information that might help our children. After doing this, I for one have bloodly little patience with a doctor who is arrogant, patronizing... and has his/her FACTS wrong to boot!! And who stands between me and the medicine chest or the lab slips- whatever it is that will help my child get better. In my opinion, a doctor should be an advisor- one who has an educated opinion, and who can help guide me throught the forests of sometimes conflicting information out there. If I ask about a therapy, I want risk/reward information. I don't need to be told that I read too much (my ex-ped!) or that I'm just " worried well " (I guess chronic fatigue (trashed thyroid and adrenals), chronic low back pain, memory loss, headaches and unexplained weight gain don't qualify as symptoms worth concern according to my ex-GP!) or that I'm just a desperate parent in denial (various mainstream docs upon learning that I thought the folate mismetabolism, hypomethylation, chronic oxidative stress and even the deranged immune response in Down syndrome might be addressed with nutritional supplements). I also particularly love the ENT who left us waiting for a post-op report for over an hour until we learned that he had just gone into his next surgery and that the written (illegible) hospital release form was all we were gonna get by way of instruction. Or the ENT (what is it with ENTs, anyway?) who examined my daughter, and then proceeded to dictate the letter to my ped in front of me, and assumed that this constituted everything I needed to know about my daughter's ear situation. I had to stop him from leaving the room so that I could ask him the particular questions I had, and he seemed surprised! Doctors should not get angry when a patient or patient mom pulls out medical journal articles to discuss. (You want to know why we think they are not educable?) They should not tell us that we shouldn't believe anything that we learn on the internet because it's all junk. (Translated: the balance of power in terms of information is tilting against us, and I don't want to have to spend extra time to answer questions, especially when I don't know the answer!!) These are just a small sampling of my war stories. Every parent on this list has a cadre of stories as bad or worse than mine, and I will not entertain you with the counseling I've given other parents whose docs would not order tests, or handed them prescriptions for Prozac when they needed thyroid meds!! There is nothing like having a special needs kid (or in my case 2) to make you really HATE the medical establishment. The groupthink- the gestalt- of doctor behavior is what we rage against. I don't really hate all doctors individually and personally. (Some of my best friends are doctors..hee hee. Actually, that's true. One of my best friends is my daughter's former neonatologist, and I'm on pretty friendly terms with the ER doc at our local hospital- our kids do Kindermusic together.) In fact, I have a few doctors that I put in the " hero " category, whether or not I agree with everything they say. Dr. Megson and Dr. Wakefield are 2 that I have met and that belong there. So is the orthopedist who stayed in his office until 1.5 hours past his quitting time while I got my daughter X-rayed, and also fought on my behalf with the lab so that I could bring him the films after the radiologist went home so that he could advise me on surgery- our first visit. Above and beyond the call of duty. The first 2 have taken a huge amount of flak for standing up to the vaccine cartel. I don't know if everything they say is right or not, but BOY do they have chutzpah- and principles!! At the vaccine conference this September, during his talk, Dr. Wakefield described how one of the biggest things he had to accomplish during his first visit with most parents was to re-establish trust, because most of the parents he had to deal with were so totally distrustful and disenfranchised from mainstream medicine that they were often overtly hostile to any doctor they were forced to deal with. Add to this that in some cases, my son's included, our kids were MADE special needs by treatments done by those very doctors- those arrogant, pigheaded docs, who instead of examining the contents of the vaccines they are shooting in to our kids and seeing what they could do to help, threaten to call the social workers if we don't want them to do it again, and refuse to report vaccine events because they categorically don't believe that vaccines could be a problem. Vaccines are a religious belief amongst doctors- it is not founded on anything that resembles science. They are the valiant warriors on a crusade against infectious disease. We are the heretics, and they are attempting to burn some of us at the stake!! Do you understand the anger now? No, rage. We are trapped in a locked system with our tormentors. Caged tigers often lash out. G Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. (Whatever is said in Latin sounds lofty.) Re: [ ] Re: Finding a good chelation doctor I should have mentioned that I am a MD in my original posting. Hopefully my education did not include a course in Godliness. I have been using secretin in my practice since one of my patients asked me to try it on their child. Since then I have done over 2000 infusions. I charge $30 for the infusion plus the cost of the secretin - if a parent has their own then it is only e $30. I have a great difficulty with those DAN docs who charge $500+ for the same procedure. (This is one of my pet peeves.) I have begun to help a few parents with chelation and this is a confusing area for me. Unlike secretin where most docs did about the same thing, there is as of yet no single method or methods to use. Do you keep changing the protocol while you are treating a child? Who really are the " experts " other then Dr. Holmes and her associates. One last item I have read of many parents having a problem with their doc ordering tests. I have no problem ordering the tests for any parent as long as I am sent the form with a stamped return envelope so I am have to sign my name and use my physician number. I do not have a child with autism so I cannot fully understand your burden. Nevertheless to slam doctors is not going to help us change the thinking of others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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