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The Criminalization of Parents-- article

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The criminalization of parents



Posted: March 15, 2008

1:00 am Eastern

© 2008

By Baskerville

The California appeals court decision criminalizing parents who

homeschool their children is only the tip of an iceberg. Nationwide,

parents are already being criminalized in huge numbers, and it is not

limited to homeschoolers.

During the Clinton years, the trend toward turning children into

tools for expanding government power increased rapidly. Otherwise

indefensible programs and regulations are now rationalized as " for

the children. "

As a result, government now has so many ways to incarcerate parents

that hardly a family in America has not been touched. The

criminalization of parents is highly bureaucratic, effected through a

bureaucratic judiciary and supported by a vast " social services "

machinery that few understand until it strikes them. They then find

themselves against a faceless government behemoth from which they are

powerless to protect their children or defend themselves.

Homeschoolers are usually accused of " educational neglect, " a form of

child abuse. Like other child abuse accusations, it does not usually

involve a formal charge, uniformed police, or a jury trial. Instead

the accusations are leveled by social workers, whose subjective

judgment is minimally restrained by due-process protections. As

Orr, head of the federal Children's Bureau points out, these social

workers are in effect plainclothes police – but they are not trained

or restricted like regular police.

Homeschoolers are not alone. Any parents can be charged with " child

abuse " on the flimsiest of pretexts, because child abuse has no

definition. Because of our presumption of innocence, crimes are

generally defined as they are adjudicated: A crime has been committed

if a jury convicts. But the roughly 1 million cases of child abuse

annually (out of 3 million accusations) are " confirmed "

or " substantiated " not by jury trials but by social workers or

(sometimes) judges. Most such parents are not imprisoned. They merely

lose their children.

Virtually every American can now tell of a relative or friend visited

by the feared Child Protective Services because of a playground

injury or a routine bruise. Too many dismiss these frightening

ordeals as aberrations. In fact, they proceed from a bureaucratic

logic that is driven by federal funding. The more " abuse " the social

workers find, the more money they get to combat it.

But serious as this is, it is still mild compared to the largest

sector of semi-criminalized parents: the involuntarily divorced. The

moment one parent files for divorce, even when no grounds are

evinced, the government automatically and immediately seizes control

of the children, who become effectively wards of the state.

Astoundingly, they are then almost always placed in the " custody " of

the parent that initiates the divorce, placing the divorcing parent

and the state in collusion against the parent that is faithful to the

marriage and family. The non-divorcing parent, even if legally

unimpeachable, can then be arrested for unauthorized contact with his

or her own children. Here too abuse accusations can be readily

fabricated out of thin air, further criminalizing the innocent

parent. He (it is usually, though not always, the father) can then be

arrested, even without a shred of evidence that any abuse has

occurred. He can also be arrested if he cannot pay child support that

may consume most or even all his income. He can even be arrested for

not paying a lawyer or psychotherapist he has not hired.

But what is most striking here – in contrast to homeschoolers – is

the absence of opposition. The genius of the feminists is to vilify

fathers in terms designed to incur the revulsion of decent people –

" pedophiles, " " batterers, " " deadbeat dads " – and too many

conservatives and Christians are fooled.

In fact, the social science data are clear that these alleged

malefactors are rare among biological fathers and almost entirely the

creation of feminist propaganda. Accused fathers are no more likely

to be criminals or child abusers than are homeschooling parents. They

have merely fallen into the clutches of another sector of the child

exploitation bureaucracy.

Indeed, it is well-known among scholars that true child abuse takes

place overwhelmingly in single parent homes – homes without fathers.

By removing fathers under trumped-up abuse accusations, the child

abuse apparatchiks create the environment for real abuse, further

expanding their business.

Campaigns against homeschoolers and fathers are only the extreme

manifestations of the larger attack on all parents. They indicate

where we all may be headed if we do not take a united stand for

parental rights against a judicial-bureaucratic machine that is not

only destroying families but justifying its own expansion in the


Though conservatives often misuse the term, two features used by

scholars to define totalitarian government were its highly

bureaucratic methods and its willingness to invade and destroy the

private sphere of life, particularly family life. Both these

tendencies come together in the governmental leviathan that now

administers our children: the education establishments, family

courts, child protective services, child support enforcement

agents, " human services " agencies, counseling services, domestic

violence programs and much more.

The very idea that the criminal justice system has been diverted from

its role of protecting society from dangerous criminals and instead

used to threaten law-abiding parents with jail for educating or

raising or simply being with their children should be seen by all

Americans as a serious threat to our families and our freedom.

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On Mar 16, 2008, at 10:33 PM, anacat_11 wrote:

> The criminalization of parents


Well, that really makes me either want to not have kids, or move

somewhere out of the US..


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