Guest guest Posted April 1, 2008 Report Share Posted April 1, 2008 the dangers of any and all - one or many Sheri The Dangers of Excessive Childhood Vaccinations By L. Blaylock, M.D. In 1976, children received 10 vaccines before attending school. Today they will receive over 36 injections. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control assured parents that it was safe to not only give these vaccines, but that they could be given at one time with complete safety. Is this true? Or are we being lied to on a grand scale? The medical establishment has created a set of terms, which they use constantly to boost their egos and firm up their authority as the unique holders of medical wisdom -- the mantra is “evidence-based medicine”, as if everything outside their anointing touch is bogus and suspect. A careful examination of many of the accepted treatments reveals that most have little or no scientific “evidence-based” data to support it. One often repeated study found that almost 80 percent of medical practice had no scientific backing. I find it interesting that there exist an incredible double standard when it comes to our evidence versus theirs. The proponents of vaccination safety can just say they are safe, without any supporting evidence what-so-ever, and it is to be accepted without question. Yet, let me, or anyone else, suggest that excessive vaccination can increase the risk of not only autism, but also schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases, and they will scream like banshees – Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? When we produce study after study, they always proclaim them to be insufficient evidence or unacceptable studies. More often than not, they just completely ignore the evidence. This is despite the fact that we produce dozens or even hundreds of studies that not only demonstrate the link clinically and scientifically, but also clearly show the mechanism by which the damage is being done -- even on a molecular level. These include cell culture studies, mixed cell cultures, organotypic tissue studies, in vivo animal studies using multiple species and even human studies. To the defenders of vaccine safety -- our evidence is never sufficient and, if we face reality -- never will be. The Autism Disaster: Is it Man Made? In the early 1980s, the incidence of autism was 1 in 10,000 births. By 2005, the incidence had leaped to 1 in 250 births, and today it is 1 in 150 births and still climbing. One of the strongest links to this terrible set of disorders was a drastic change in the vaccine programs of the United States and many other countries, which included a dramatic increase in the number of vaccines being given at a very early age. No other explanation has been forthcoming from the medical elite. In this paper I shall present evidence, some of which has not been adequately discussed, that provides a connection between excessive vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders. I urge you to read Dr. Blaylock’s full-length article, The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders, a exclusive, for an in-depth understanding of how childhood vaccinations can damage your child’s brain, resulting in autism. Discover How You Can Keep Your Body “Dredged” of Toxic Impurities*… Over time, toxins and other sludgy compounds build up in your digestive tract. So making a conscious commitment to cleansing and maintaining your healthy GI tract is necessary to propel you toward peak digestive and immune function. Luckily, this new simple 3-step program will do 3 great things for you: detoxify, maintain and support your digestive health.* Find Out More Dr. Mercola's Comments: First, I’d like to thank Dr. Blaylock for sharing his excellent writings on this vital issue. If you missed his last article How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain, where he explains how vaccines exacerbate depression and more serious neurodegenerative diseases in people over 50, I highly recommend reading it now as well. The issue of vaccination has been a controversial topic for many years. It remains one of the bedrocks of " prevention " in conventional medicine, despite the overwhelming evidence showing that vaccinations at best do not work, and at worst can cause serious health problems. And yet, anyone who opposes them is viewed as a dangerous quack and a threat to public health. I understand this because that was precisely the view I had when I graduated medical school. However, after more than two decades of practice where I encountered hundreds of vaccine casualties -- which spurred me to review the evidence through a more critical lens -- I changed my mind-set entirely. There may be a slight glimmer of hope that this dangerous tide will eventually change, however. The U.S. government recently came to the unprecedented conclusion that childhood vaccines did contribute to the onset of autism in 9-year-old Hannah Poling. According to U.S. Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation, the shots " significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder " and resulted in a brain disorder " with features of autism spectrum disorder. " Poling was one of three test cases alleging the vaccine preservative thimerosal caused autism. So even though federal officials keep insisting there is no link between autism and vaccines, this concession says otherwise, and may influence the outcome of the remaining 4,900 cases pending review by the “Vaccine Court.” The fact that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out more than $1.5 billion to families and children who have been injured or killed by vaccines also speaks volumes about the supposed “safety” record of vaccines… The Insanity of the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule I published Dr. 's excellent article, A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule in 2004. At that time, 12 different vaccines were given to children before they reached the age of two. As of 2008, the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that number has risen to 14 in the first 24 months, plus the meningococcal vaccine, which is to be administered between the age of two and six. Infants and toddlers aged 0 to 6 years of age are now inoculated against the following: Hepatitis B Rotavirus Hepatitis A Measles Diphtheria Mumps Tetanus (lockjaw) Rubella (German measles) Pertussis (whooping cough) Varicella (chickenpox) Polio Meningococcal Pneumococcal infections Influenza (yearly flu shots) Hemophilus influenzae type b infections By the time your child starts school he or she will have received more than 36 injections, including four doses each of vaccines for Hemophilus influenzae type b infections, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis -- all of them given during the first 12 months of life. And now consider this: one vaccine injected into a 13-pound, two-month old infant is equivalent to 10 doses of the same in a 130-pound adult. Where is the common sense in these guidelines? Would any adult concede to being injected with 360 doses of vaccines within a couple of years’ span; equal to one injection every other day for two years? Public health officials have NEVER proven that it is indeed safe to inject this number and volume of vaccines into infants. What's more, they cannot explain why, concurrent with an increasing number of vaccinations, there has been an explosion of neurological and immune system disorders in American children. Is There a More Sensible Vaccination Schedule? Dr. is a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle and a member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. His more sensible vaccination schedule, which I published back in 2004, is worthy of being revisited at this time. Many are both scared and confused as they try to make healthier choices for their children, and his guidelines may help you devise a more appropriate vaccination plan for your child – a schedule that takes the best interests of your child into consideration rather than what biased government planners cite as being best for society. His is a far better approach than the " one-size-fits-all " dogma foisted on Americans by the CDC panel. And, as Dr. Blaylock describes so vividly in this article, there’s plenty of information and knowledge in neuroimmunology (the study of how the brain’s immune system works) that raises serious questions about the wisdom of injecting vaccines in children less than 2 years of age. A Child’s Best Time Table Your brain has its own specialized immune system, separate from that of the rest of your body. When you are vaccinated, specialized immune cells in your brain, the microglia, become activated. Multiple vaccinations spaced close together over-stimulate the microglia, causing them to release a variety of toxic elements -- cytokines, chemokines, excitotoxins, proteases, complement, free radicals -- that damage brain cells and their synaptic connections. The damage caused by these toxic substances is what both Dr. and Dr. Blaylock refer to as " bystander injury. " In humans, the most rapid period of brain development begins in the third trimester and continues over the first two years. (By then, brain development is 80 percent complete.) From a risk-benefit perspective, there is little doubt that the risk of neurological and autoimmune diseases from vaccinations at this stage far outweigh the benefits of avoiding the childhood infections that they (supposedly) prevent. (One exception is the hepatitis B vaccine, IF the mother tests positive for hepatitis B.) As a more sensible, “user-friendly” vaccination schedule, Dr. advises the following: No vaccinations until your child is two years old. No vaccines that contain thimerosal (mercury). No live virus vaccines. The following vaccines should be given one at a time (not as a combination vaccine), every six months, beginning at age 2: Pertussis (acellular, not whole cell) Diphtheria Tetanus Polio (the Salk vaccine, cultured in human cells) And that would be pretty much it as far as vaccinations. Your pediatrician will not like this schedule, but if you have reviewed the evidence and still feel your child should be inoculated to a certain degree, this is a far safer alternative to the standard vaccination schedule. But please, please do review the research and don’t just vaccinate your child simply because your doctor says you “have to.” Don’t Forget About VAERS Another thing most people are unaware of is that YOU can report vaccine side effects to VAERS. VAERS is a post-marketing safety surveillance program that collects information about adverse events that occur after the administration of vaccines. They accept reports from both concerned individuals and organizations. Unfortunately, the system is completely voluntary, and most doctors will never report side effects, even if you point them out. A good case in point is the large discrepancy between American reports of side effects of Tamiflu, compared to Japan’s more stringent reporting rules. Related Articles: Origins of Autism How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain U.S. Government Concedes That Mercury Causes Autism -------------------------------------------------------- Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK Vaccines - Vaccine Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start April 18 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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