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Re: Margaret's Fine Memory/Happy New Year/Update

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Hi Everyone,

Margaret - what a fine memory you have! I'm one of those who reads all

the posts every day & is always with you all in spirit, but I don't get a

chance to reply too often. We had a lovely Christmas - it was more relaxed

than usual - I was a little more organized - was up til 2:00am wrapping

presents on the 24th instead of my usual 4:00am!!! My Dad (age 86 ) & my

sister came on the 23rd, one brother on the 24th & the other on the 25th.

Everyone pitched in & it was a real group effort. The meal was spectacular

& enjoyed it very much. The meal is really her favourite part of

Christmas, although this year she did rip some presents open & seemed to

enjoy the sound of the paper ripping - couldn't care less what's inside! We

got both girls new comforters which they both loved! got a white

board which she had asked for & was very happy with. Gail (Smiling) - I

still couldn't find any musical books for Steph for Christmas, so she's

still playing with the ones you sent - thanks so much! Also thanks to you &

Irma for the Christmas cards - Gail - that was the same card I sent out this

year! (the one with the Blessed Virgin & the baby Jesus!!!). Also,

Beth - still plays a lot with the Barney toy you gave her. Thanks

so much!

As some of you might remember I've had some uterine fibroid problems -

considered hysterectomy, but have decided to wait & hope nature (menopause)

takes care of things naturally. Anyway, on Fri. the 20th of Dec., I ended

up in Emerg all day hemmoraging. My blood levels were O.K. so they released

me & after about 6 hrs. or so the bleeding subsided & I was O.K. - felt

pretty weak, but O.K. I had planned to do most of my Christmas shopping

that day, so it was pretty frustrating!!! I did pick up a few things at the

hospital gift shop, though!!!

You may remember that has been on depo-provera since March.

She's had some spotting over the months (normal), but on Dec. 28 she

started having a real period - (fairly heavy). She hates having the extra

bulk in her pants & is constantly stripping & getting into everything (Pica

is in full swing!!!). We're going crazy! I have a onesie gym leotard for

myself which I've put on her, but she squirms out of that pretty fast (it's

way too big on her). Also, overalls are a must, but she can get out of them

pretty fast, too. Does anyone remember where you can get these onesie

things in big sizes (she's youth 12-14). I'm desparate & willing to pay

anything. Of course her obgyn is on holidays. Anyway, enough of this. It

makes for a hard few days of " holidays " when you can't take your eyes off

your child - forget trying to read a book (does anyone still have that


It's great to read everyone's updates. I hope 2003 is happy

healthy & somewhat less challenging for all of us!

Love, Prayers & Peace to All,

P.S. I've had trouble getiing e-mails to my international friends - they

just get " ?? " as my message. Does anyone have any ideas what's wrong with

my computer?

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