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Medical Care for Anabolic Steroid Users

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January 14, 2008

Medical Care for Anabolic Steroid Users

If you are a regular reader of MESO-Rx, there is a good chance that you or someone you know has used anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) to gain muscle mass for cosmetic or performance-enhancing purposes. You probably also agree that the dangers and side effects from AAS have been grossly exaggerated and widely overstated. Yet at the same time you recognize that anabolic steroids are powerful drugs that have known side effects. And you ARE concerned about maintaining your health.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could go to your doctor, a trained medical professional, who could monitor your health and make sure that immediate and expert attention was given to any adverse steroid side effects? After all, your physician is paid handsomely to look after your health, right?

Discrimination Against Steroid Users?

If you have gone to your doctor seeking help, it is likely that your physician may have made any number of derogatory and frightening comments. These include being asked to leave their office, that the side effects are deserved, that you are ignorant or stupid for using steroids, that steroids will kill you, that there is nothing they can do, and they have no idea what to do or where to direct you for help.

Does this sound all too familiar?

I’ve met my fair share of doctors who unapologetically discriminate against illicit AAS users. They feel withholding medical treatment for users of steroids is the best way to eliminate steroid use. Unfortunately, this bias permeates throughout the medical community.

Doctors Who Provide Medical Care for Bodybuilders

I was lucky enough to meet the one maverick steroid doctor who is willing to work with anabolic steroid users who are bodybuilders and athletes. He is one of the few medical doctors willing to fight for proper AAS use based on sound scientific and medical principles. His name is Dr. Scally. His recent ebook, "America's Nuremberg: Human Experimentation in Anabolic Steroid Research," is critical of the medical/research community's approach towards anabolic steroid research and treatment.

Dr. Scally was one of the first doctors to recognize the lack of research and treatments available to users of AAS. His willingness to provide post cycle therapy (PCT) medications to anabolic steroid users after finishing a steroid cycle was particularly appreciated.

"Post Cycle Crash" and PCT

Steroid-using bodybuilders are very familiar with the post-cycle crash and have independently recognized the need for PCT. Even if a steroid user experiences no other adverse side effects, they are almost guaranteed to experience some degree of anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). This is the medical phenomena that occurs when AAS are discontinued and is responsible for most of the negative side effects associated with the “post cycle crashâ€.

The period of ASIH has the potential to destroy all the positive body composition changes obtained that bodybuilders worked so hard to gain during anabolic steroid administration. Licit and illicit AAS users will lose the increased muscle mass, the increased muscle strength, and gain body fat after AAS cessation if ASIH is untreated.

Only one physician has presented and published the use of medical protocols after AAS cessation that minimizes, prevents, or eliminates ASIH. Steroid publications from Muscle Media 2000 to Mooney’s Built to Survive to Llewellyn’s Anabolics 2007 have all recognized the pioneering work of Dr. Scally in PCT research. Since the 1990s, he has personally cared for thousand of individuals using AAS with proper PCT for ASIH.

Risks to Doctors with Bodybuilding Clients

But such bold research with steroid users in a society where steroid hysteria is rampant and AAS are politicized was and continues to be frowned upon by the medical community. As a result, Dr. Scally’s medical license was revoked on February 9, 2005 because he was committed to ensuring the health of each and everyone of his patients, including licit and illicit users of AAS, pre-, intra-, and post- AAS use. In other words, the Board of Medical Examiners does not acknowledge the medical treatment of hypogonadism, particularly after androgen use as a legitimate treatment regime. Dr. Scally painstakingly documents the medical community's failure to acknowledge anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism in his ebook, "America's Nuremberg: Human Experimentation and Anabolic Steroid Research."

Politics and Anabolic Steroid Research

Today, physicians caught up in a climate of fear brought about the politicization of AAS refuse to properly investigate and consequently treat ASIH or the “crash†that occurs after steroid cessation.

The entire history of AAS is a refusal of the medical and academic community to recognize the realities of AAS in order to align itself with the political climate of the day. The failure to research and treat patients in this area will only result in possible harm coming to the illicit AAS user who is a pariah of society.

What is being done to change the failure of both the medical community and government agencies in calling for studies to investigate AAS in the same manner as investigations on other drugs?

Are users of illicit AAS worthless individuals that can be summarily dismissed, ignored, and left to suffer?

In the past, this was obviously the case.

Medical Failures of Research Community in Steroid Research

In the recently published ebook, America's Nuremberg: Human Experimentation in Anabolic Steroid Research, Scally, M.D. brings to light the ethical, legal, and medical failures of the research community to recognize or investigate the period after AAS cessation.

Historically, the difference in the beliefs held by the athletic and the physician/academic communities on AAS are contradictory and irreconcilable. Illicit AAS users stated observations of the relationship between AAS and muscle have proven to be true despite the rhetoric to the opposite. This is true not only for the association between AAS and muscle but also for the effects of AAS cessation upon muscle. The former took over sixty years for the medical community to admit, while the medical community continues to fail to recognize or investigate the latter.

Rather than wait the sixty years it took the medical community to awaken to its shortcomings this book will serve the greater purpose of hastening their attention to the period after AAS cessation.


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Steroid Ebooks

America's Nuremberg - Human Experimentation in Anabolic Steroid Research

Anabolic Gameplan - The Ultimate Anabolic Steroid Cycling Guide

Beyond Steroids by - The Newest and Most Effective Bodybuilding Drugs

The Bodybuilding Truth - Discover How Bodybuilders are Being Scammed!

Bottom Line Bodybuilding - Bottom Line on Everything: Training, Diet, Supplements & Steroids

Chemical Muscle Enhancement by Author L Rea - Bodybuilder's Desk Reference

Chemical Wizardry by Spellwin - The Definitive Anabolic Steroid and Physique Enhancement Database

Jekyll to Hyde - Extreme Muscle Transformation

Secrets of Mail Order Steroid Success - Only Anabolic Steroid Shopping Guide You'll Ever Need

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Regards, Vergelpowerusa dot orgStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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