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What are they doing for diabetes now-a-days? .. . and

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and how to recognize EGBE exposure Is there diabetes in the family line for these children?

What are they doing for DIABETES now-a-days?

"I have been to two top endocrinologists in the last 3 months and they both have recommended Byetta or "The Spit" for my diabetes.

It is made from Gila Monster spit. It helps the pancreas create more beta cells. Type II is a gradual loss of the pancreas ability to create beta cells which leads to insulin resistance. The pancreas just wears out." Mr. P

(Said he was concerned that his blood sugar was going up, even after taking the maximum allowable glucophage type medication)

Need a check on ALL Hormones, not just blood sugar!

Doctors, in many areas, are very good at diagnosing WHAT is going on

But not WHY

I'm talking about 'the why'

Corticoidal hormones of the adrenal glands may also enter in

Since you are seeing top notch endocrinologists ...

did they check ALL hormones?

It would surprise me if there weren't other hormones 'out of range'

either high or low

"I had the usual A1C and BMP (Basic Metabolism Profile?). I don't think that checks hormones. I did have a thyroid test done in Phoenix and that was alright. I don't know if these blood work ups test hormones or not. I think the why is just that over consumption through a number of years wears out the liver and pancreas. It is kind of like putting a lot of miles on your car. I am not convinced of a chemical cause of diabetes as much as you are." Mr. P

Fair enough

However, I suspect checking ALL hormones is helpful

One of the EVOS workers who was not interested in what I wanted to share with him ... EMPHASIZED that, and I think he is right on

So are you taking the 'spit?'

"No, I didn't go to Byetta yet. I am trying a combination of Metformin and Avandia for another seven weeks. The trouble is that Avandia causes weight gain. In fact, all the oral diabetic medicines besides Metformin/Glucophage cause weight gain. On the other hand, Byetta causes weight LOSS big time. So why didn't I go to it? It is an injection twice a day. Side effects are nausea, upset stomach. It has to be kept at 36 to 42 degrees which is hard when you travel. Plus it is less than a year old and only endocrinologists seem to know about it." Mr P

I think the focus should be on good nutrition and glyconutrient food supplements - good fats in diet, too .... and ....

Margaret,What kind of test is done to determine levels of this poison in a person?Diane

That's a good question

basically they don't recognize it

but it is the difference in getting diabetes in one day ... after a serious 'FLU'

2-butoxyethanol overexposure LOOKS LIKE the FLU

or 50 years after birth, as a birth defect from a parent who was poisoned by it.

This is the fatigue:

It looks different at different stages, but it is NEVER just one thing. You would be looking for the assortment of symptoms such as CFIDS, CFS or FM. These are catch-all diagnosis in which the doctors say they don't know anything else that you have, so they call it one of these. So, check through one of the lists of ailments that are listed & see for yourself if you (or someone in the family line) as these assorted symptoms. It causes the immune system to become autoimmune, but it is the FATIGUE that is the provable symptom: acquired compensated autoimmune hemolytic anemia & doctors can test for that. LOOK at the red blood cells, and realize that blood in urine & red blood cells that are small-sized are also 'clues' to 2-butoxyethanol harm. (Advanced 'fatigue' would show abnormal peripheral blood test - maybe not blood in urine then)

The flu - May not be the flu

How they FEEL - Those poisoned by 2-butoxyethanol?

EPA - CA Janitorial Study - Glycol alkyl ethers are commonly used as solvents. 2-Butoxy Ethanol is one of the most toxic of the glycol ethers.

thick blood and the syrupy urine. (I suspect other autoimmune issues)

like autoimmune hemolytic anemia &

Immune System Activated Coagulopathy.. which is thickening of the blood caused by Immune System

So the syrupy urine was most probably the immune system prematurely destroying the red blood cells. There should have been blood in urine; and with an acute attack (from 2-butoxyethanol overexposure) if his doctor had checked out his 'flu-like' symptoms for this chemical's poisoning, the doctor would have found at 2.5 days ... an elevated reticulocyte count)

part of what 2-butoxyethanol would do

This chemical is no respecter of persons

The harm of 2-butoxyethanol and diethylene glycol monobutyl ether has been unrecognized for civilians and military alike for over half a century

And usually depression, grouchiness and headaches go with 'the territory'

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