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Re: Digest Number 82

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I have a question about making information available to current cancer patients

and those in remission. There are some new treatment opportunities and

possibilities for certain situations - proactive and elective. What is a good


to get the word out?


onelist wrote:

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> There is 1 message in this issue.


> Topics in today's digest:


> 1. (no subject)

> From: Diane Naasz <dianelnl@...>







> Message: 1

> Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:42:23 -0600

> From: Diane Naasz <dianelnl@...>

> Subject: (no subject)


> I have a question on blood tests for breast cancer. JA gave me the as27.29

> and amass. Are these specific for breast cancer? Any others? I have a

> follow up visit with a doc this Monday, and wanted to discuss options with

> her.


> It certainly isn't easy using alternative methods from the perspective of

> almost everyone I've come in contact with so far thinking I'm crazy for not

> going with what the doctors say. Ugh. I'm not concerned, just find it

> interesting.


> Also I've been having a lot of pain. Is that typical? I noticed it worse

> today, and I am also into my 4th day of cleansing. May be related?


> Thanks.

> Diane






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: This list is an excellent way. There are other websites that are

geared to specific types of cancer. My husband had a pancreatic tumor

removed 2/5 cm 4/9 -- no spread to nodes or margins. Very fortunate, but

they're still giving him

5 1/2 wks of radiation and chemo injections (during the 2nd and 4th wk of

chemo 650 mg). Then chemo once a wk till the end of the year. I'm afraid

this may do more harm.

HOWWEVER< We're on a total nutritional diet. no red meat, fish and

organic chicken. (also greens ground in a vegetable juicer to drink

between meals AND a vitamin and anti-oxident regimen. This has helped him

weather the treatments and he feels terrific. We're looking into laetrile

and shark cartilege to see if this will help.

Any other forms of treatment that have had some success would certainly be

welcomed by many people subscribing to this list. The public certainly

needs to be more aware that there are promising treatments that will

squashed and and may be even subject to prosection by the FDA if they

threaten the current multi-billion $$$ " cancer/drug indusry.

But due to the ongoing absymal failures of " standard " treatment, we all

need to do our part to help turn the situation around.Vitamins and nutrion

cannot be patented so therefore, will make not a corporation rich or allow a

monopoly. There is a patent on chemo (one company has THE monopoly and

needless to say is reaping staggering profits).

Just a word of caution: I've researched some products online, and they were

completely worthless. (One was just a plant grown in India that is used as

a sweetening agent). The predators are out there, especially for people

with serious diseases.

(no subject)


> I have a question on blood tests for breast cancer. JA gave me the


> and amass. Are these specific for breast cancer? Any others? I have a

> follow up visit with a doc this Monday, and wanted to discuss options with

> her.


> It certainly isn't easy using alternative methods from the perspective of

> almost everyone I've come in contact with so far thinking I'm crazy for


> going with what the doctors say. Ugh. I'm not concerned, just find it

> interesting.


> Also I've been having a lot of pain. Is that typical? I noticed it worse

> today, and I am also into my 4th day of cleansing. May be related?


> Thanks.

> Diane









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Dear Edgar:

Wed lunch sounds good. I would love to spend some time with him if you can

fit me into the schedule.



Reza Forough

Texas A & M University Health Science Center

College Station, TX



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