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Dr. Seely on cholesterol & calcium in relation to heart disease

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Dr. h.c. Seely

Mr Seely’s research and theory of the diet related cause of heart diseaseMr Seely’s research is based on close examination of diet and mortality statistics world wide, and is associated in a unique fashion with his understanding of the physical body in terms of engineering principles. His theory exposes the widely held misconception, originally announced by two Scotsmen around 1910, that heart disease is caused by cholesterol and fats. According to Mr. Seely, these are harmless nutrients. This false premise has prevented effective research into the true causes of heart disease. Mortality from the disease has grown and grown and has ultimately exceeded the 1 million a year mark world wide.Mr Seely’s theory starts with the basic functioning of the heart, namely that when the heart contracts it compresses its own arteries, so that while it feeds all other organs in the body with blood it cannot feed itself. On the other hand it pumps blood into an elastic container, the network of blood vessels in the body. All arteries are originally a layer of elastin. When blood is pumped into them, they are distended, their elastin layer is stretched. When systole is over, they begin to contract, reversing the blood flow to now go from the arteries to the heart, just when the heart muscles are relaxed and its arteries are open. This reversal of blood is essential for the nourishment of the heart. To continue with Mr Seely’s argument: it is a well-known fact that 99% of the calcium content of the adult body are in the teeth and skeleton. The teeth and skeleton are complete by the age of 32 years, so that the requirements of the body for calcium are very different in various age groups. High in infancy until the age of 32, then suddenly dropping almost to nothing. Nature produced a special nutrient, milk, high in calcium and made the walls of the intestines impenetrable to calcium, so that a special substance, cholecalcifesol is needed to get calcium through the intestines. If a food contains calcium but no cholecalcifesol is available, the food passes through the intestine and is excreted in the faeces. The exception is milk, because milk sugar, lactose, assists in the absorption of calcium in much the same way as cholecalcifesol. Hence when elderly people consume milk, their bodies absorb some unwanted and un-needed calcium. This usually finds its way to the arteries, because the elastin content of the artery wall has an affinity for calcium. The arteries are therefore hardened by calcification. the hardened arteries are incapable of reversing blood flow at the end of systole and the heart may die of blood starvation.

Source: CV Seely

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