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Re: Speaking of blogs

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Looks like an interesting fellow yet no information or opinions on chelation therapy.

From: Ed Gundy <edgundy@...>Subject: Speaking of blogsLipitor Date: Monday, June 16, 2008, 8:16 PM

check out this one by a doctorHERE

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Not trying to be a smart ass here Tom ... but the blog had nothing

to do with chelation therapy ... it was about statins.



> From: Ed Gundy edgundy@...

> Subject: Speaking of blogs

> Lipitor

> Date: Monday, June 16, 2008, 8:16 PM







> check out this one by a doctor


> HERE & nbsp;


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EdMy dear friend Barbara took Zokor for 6/7 years - ending up on 80mg, and had Parkinson's Disease diagnosed 2 years ago. She came off Statins last year and her symptoms have improved a little.Pamela Ed Gundy <edgundy@...> wrote: check out this one by a doctorHERE

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I find Barb's tyrannical intimidations in the CABG group

childish so besides being diagnosed with Parkinson's while

on statins they should now check her mental capabilities.

And from the emails I receive from other members of that

group this is her typical MO. She is attacking those who

do not go along with what she believes. Now she is

threatening me and another member by seeking legal council.

Because I am suggesting to the members there to explore

alternatives and do research and be YOUR own medical

advocate. She is taking things way out of context.

She needs some real help and also needs to get a life.

This is just another side effect of statins. She has fully

flipped over there with hintersesting er stabbing of members and being

the bully.

I created a NEW CABG group that is moderated and is meant

to keep those like her and a few of the others in that

group OUT.

It will be like this one where messages are moderated too

and members banned if any such thing like what goes on over

there were to happen.

Her attacks on people speaking their mind is just outlandish.

It is interesting that you tell me that she was diagnosed

with Parkinson's a couple of years ago and because she fights

for all to take a statin and NOT to research things.

What a hypocrite she is.

check out

this one by a doctor




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Pamela, this is for your friend as well as anyone else who's suffering from autoimmune diseases. These range from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, certain hypothyroid conditions, and any and all allergies, to celiac disease, Parkinson's, MS, etc.,and they suspect even ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), as well as a number of other health issues caused by a weakened immune system no longer being able to distinguish between foe (invading microbes, cancer cells) and friend (the body's own tissues and organs). And among all the other horrendous effects of statin drug usage, one that gets little publicity but may be among the very worst of all is the havoc it plays on one's immune system. I've read that due to their immununosuppressant properties, statins were actually investigated as a treatment for MS (totally counterproductive! MS patients need their immunity strengthened, not suppressed), and even for transplant patients in order to keep the

immune system from rejecting the "foreign body." Although it seems to have gotten little play in the media, there has been a real breakthrough in the field of autoimmune treatment, from a most unlikely medication. It's called Naltrexone and it has traditionally been used for opiate addiction. But they've found that the body's own "feel-good" hormones--endorphins--are involved in keeping the immune system fully functioning, and that Naltrexone, which according to my understanding works in heroin addicts by blocking the endorphin rush from the opiate effect of that drug, can be harnessed to have the opposite effect. Someone figured out that a low dose, taken at bedtime, will cause a rebound effect lasting all of the following day, thereby increasing endorphins and strengthening the immune system. There are some clinical trials going on for various conditions, but in the meantime, Naltrexone is already

FDA approved. It may be a bit of a challenge to find a doctor willing to prescribe it for autoimmune patients, but there are some who are so impressed by the results they've heard about that they're glad to do so. Please have your friend look into it. The most recent article I've found in a quick Internet search is the following: http://autoimmunedisease.suite101.com/article.cfm/benefits_of_low_dose_naltrexone but there are plenty of others online. pamela sharp <pamela.sharp@...> wrote: EdMy dear friend Barbara took Zokor for 6/7 years - ending up on 80mg, and had Parkinson's Disease diagnosed 2 years ago. She came off Statins last year and her symptoms have improved a little.Pamela Ed Gundy <edgundy > wrote: check out this one by a doctorHERE -----

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Dear Dr Armitage

I would like to discuss with you Statins. I have had an almost fatal

Statin Poisoning I am a 54 yr old professional female who has been on

Simvastatin 20 mg for nearly 3 yrs .

For the past 18 months I have had excrutiating muscle pain, short/long

term memory loss, TGA - I lost a whole day whilst in Vienna and turned

up for my flight 24 hrs later, number/word confusion - I can no longer

write and was in the middle of my third book when I was struck down

with the effects of Statins, cognitive problems - I found my iron in

the fridge and forgot how to drive, grandchildren's names etc,

morning diarrehia - so bad I became incontinent, nightly nightmares of

dead babies/kittens catching fire, 4 large calcified brain cysts on my

MRI scan - which USA neurologists have said are consistent with Statin

Poisoning, onset of dementia diagnosed but now discounted since

stopping my Statins, neuropathy in my hands/feet/ head top lip,

Sciatica type pains in my right leg + buttock, jaundice, Arrythmia,

Rhabdomyolosis, 30lbs weight gain over 3 years, Tinnitus - a hamster

on a wheel in my left ear - especially in the morning, sex - what's

sex?, Statin Shuffle bowel/bladder hanging out my vagina + much much


My husband was resigned to waking up next to a corpse as I was so grey

and ill - and do you know something, the worst thing was I breed and

show Siamese/Oriental Cats as a hobby - have done for 30 yrs - and my

precious Havana Champion Lady Emma Hamilton almost died because I

forgot that she was in labour! ( she needed an emergency section) .

And no I don't live in the USA I live in Felixstowe, Suffolk. I truly

believe that Statins don't benefit women at all, and most studies have

stated that they don't benefit from them at all.

We have all become brainwashed by the NUMBERS CULTURE of Cholestrol,

and I'm sure that you know we all need cholestrol - incidentally

people that live the longest are the people that have the highest


When Merck patented Simvastatin 15 yrs ago it included the natural

COQ10 to alleviate all the symptoms that I have mentioned above - they

did not include it in the preparation as it was too expensive. Without

COQ10 we are all ga ga.

Pamela Sharp-Popple


> check out this one by a doctor





> e/>


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hello Pamela....I have been on Zocor for several yrs and I am now trying to recoup from the damage...I have been off the drug for two weeks now and can see a slight change in the pain and cognitive problems....I wonder if you would be willing to chat with me....I could use some support right now....how did you convince the drs that the problems you had were caused by the statins? Kay

Re: Speaking of blogs

Dear Dr ArmitageI would like to discuss with you Statins. I have had an almost fatalStatin Poisoning I am a 54 yr old professional female who has been onSimvastatin 20 mg for nearly 3 yrs .For the past 18 months I have had excrutiating muscle pain, short/longterm memory loss, TGA - I lost a whole day whilst in Vienna and turnedup for my flight 24 hrs later, number/word confusion - I can no longerwrite and was in the middle of my third book when I was struck downwith the effects of Statins, cognitive problems - I found my iron inthe fridge and forgot how to drive, grandchildren' s names etc, morning diarrehia - so bad I became incontinent, nightly nightmares ofdead babies/kittens catching fire, 4 large calcified brain cysts on myMRI scan - which USA neurologists have said are consistent with StatinPoisoning, onset of dementia diagnosed but now discounted sincestopping my Statins,

neuropathy in my hands/feet/ head top lip,Sciatica type pains in my right leg + buttock, jaundice, Arrythmia,Rhabdomyolosis, 30lbs weight gain over 3 years, Tinnitus - a hamsteron a wheel in my left ear - especially in the morning, sex - what'ssex?, Statin Shuffle bowel/bladder hanging out my vagina + much muchmore.My husband was resigned to waking up next to a corpse as I was so greyand ill - and do you know something, the worst thing was I breed andshow Siamese/Oriental Cats as a hobby - have done for 30 yrs - and myprecious Havana Champion Lady Emma Hamilton almost died because Iforgot that she was in labour! ( she needed an emergency section) .And no I don't live in the USA I live in Felixstowe, Suffolk. I trulybelieve that Statins don't benefit women at all, and most studies havestated that they don't benefit from them at all.We have all become brainwashed by the NUMBERS CULTURE of

Cholestrol,and I'm sure that you know we all need cholestrol - incidentallypeople that live the longest are the people that have the highestcholestrol.When Merck patented Simvastatin 15 yrs ago it included the naturalCOQ10 to alleviate all the symptoms that I have mentioned above - theydid not include it in the preparation as it was too expensive. WithoutCOQ10 we are all ga ga.Pamela Sharp-Popple>> check out this one by a doctor> > HERE><http://renegadeneur ologist.com/ category/ ailments/ coronary- artery-diseas\>


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Very Good Pamela! I am delighted when I see someone stand up and

speak out to their doctor against statins. Its about time physicians

recognize the statin holocaust they have inflicted on the human



> >

> > check out this one by a doctor

> >

> > HERE

> >

> <http://renegadeneurologist.com/category/ailments/coronary-artery-


> > e/>

> >


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