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Re: Re: taking benadryl for KT reactions - Kind of OT

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Hi Lonnie....I have to say I heartily agree with you...the first time I read

those numbers about the deaths from Rx drugs....I couldn't believe it!

I'll just keep on drinking my Kombucha and Water Kefir....and my good


Happy New Year's to all of you!!



Re: taking benadryl for KT reactions - Kind of OT

> Couldn't resist jumping in here and adding my 2 cents. I have

> just in the last year jumped on the " Alternative " bandwagon and I for

> one am not getting off. I watched helplessly on the sidelines as

> doctors, hospitals, and the drug cartel known as big PHARMA,

> permitted, allowed, and contributed, to my Father, Mother, and my

> sister, not to mention numerous other friends and acquaintances, who

> shared the same experiences, their DEATHS. I am the only one left in

> my family, and I served notice to my wife (who shares my feelings

> having experienced some of the very same experiences)as well as my

> grown children that I alone will be responsible for my health and

> welfare.


> It certainly is a lofty goal to wish their being a blending of

> natural and alternative but we all know due to the tremendous amount

> of $$$ and greed involved that will never occur....refer to the

> history of the FDA, the 16 year tangle over Aspartame, to mention

> only a few...........just recently read this report and I will only

> download a few pertinent statistics but Doctors, that sacred

> institution, we all love and submit to unreservedly, are now the 3rd



> 12,000 -- unnecessary surgery

> 7,000 -- medication errors in hospitals

> 20,000 -- other errors in hospitals

> 80,000 -- infections in hospitals

> 106,000 -- non-error, negative effects of drugs

> These total to 225,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes!!



> taking my chances I am going with the wonderful natural things God

> gave us that doesn't defeat the purpose. THEY call it " HEALTHCARE "

> in this country I call it SICKCARE, there is nothing, Merck,Lilly and

> all the rest and their strange bedfellows...the FDA, and the FTC they

> do to try to make us HEALTHY they only want us totally dependent on

> their nice little drugs. I formally worked for Merck-Medco

> subsidiary Paid Prescriptions, you don't even want me to waste

> precious list space with all the horrible phone calls we received

> from elderly America struggling on Social Security to pay for these

> outrageous prescription drug addictions!!


> My wife and I are in the best health we have ever been in and it all

> started with KOMBUCHA........we have now added many other natural

> things around us and we are NOT ON ANY MEDICATION WHATSOEVER.



> ALLERGY MEDS.............Interestingly enough my wife's sister and

> her husband are 15 years younger than we are and probably pay

> $1000.00 a month on all kinds of pain pills, nexium,allergy meds,

> etc...etc...and they ARE SICK ALL THE TIME..........ALL THE

> TIME.......HMMMMMMMMMMMM....what is so irritating about the situation

> is they will NOT even let us talk to them about KOMBUCHA or natural

> things they absolutely turn a deaf ear to it.


> I have written to this list numerous times over the last year about

> all the wonderful things that has happened in our family and to

> family memebers, who have and are taking Kombucha and othe natural

> gifts from God, and I get real excited when I get a chance to

> introduce KT to new people.....It has really changed our lives for

> the better...........keep brewing and drinking that wonderful elixir

> we call KOMBUCHA~~~~~~~~~Lonnie


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Thanks Lonnie, Similar experiences here. Family, friends all dropping

off the edge of the world all around me,

others hopelessly disabled via strokes, etc. My father was totally

disabled at the ripe old age of 49 due to strokes, brought on my not only a

horrible diet, but lousy lifestyle that included entirely too much work and

almost no time for relaxation and heaven forbid any form of play.

You cannot save the world, you can only change your own. Congratulations for

making a stand, its not easy with all the media hype pulling us in another


Bottom line is, when you truly take control of your own healthcare, its more

than just a philosophical decision. This requires a lot of work and even more

study. We never quit seeking and learning and then implementing what we learn.

Every aspect of your life is involved in the process. What you eat, when

you eat, how much you eat, Sleep patterns, exercise patterns, how you deal

with dinner invitations, eating in restaurants, learning to create your own

herbal medicines. I found that making this switch requires many layers as

with the onion, it simply cannot be done overnight. Eliminating all

processed foods from our diet is not as easy as it sounds, but it can be done.

My recent venture is in obtaining organic grains and grinding my own

flours., then creating a pseudo bisquik like

mixture to make baking times less expensive ( timewise). In other words

creating my own convenience foods- I am still working full time and long

shifts, so time is of the essence for me.

Getting OFF all pharmaceuticals was a decision I made just last year. In

order to do that I had to have some herbal preps in place and ready to go.

Kombucha certainly aided in this process, so did both the Kefirs and other

herbal teas.

At no time during this year have I even been tempted to go back to the OTC

remedies I had used previously.

I cannot tell you how much better my body feels after being completely drugFREE

for all this time. There is however a rather demanding regimen that must be

adhered to religiously in order to prevent problems from developing due to

some rather bad dental problems. ( NO I am not considering Dental Care when

they are demanding $20,000 up front before they even begin !!!!!))) My

solutions are working at least for now. No swelling, no sign of infection, no

pain and as long as this doesn't change I have no incentive to change my


Each of you must make your own decisions, I can only share with you what I

have chosen to do for myself and how well it is working for me.

Healthy Diet and Nutrition ( Organic fresh fruits & veggies, grass fed meats,

RAW Milk)

Colon Cleansing ( Preferably done with diet)

Detoxing heavy metals and other ooglies

Probiotics - Kombucha, Kefir and Water Kefir

Unprocessed Sea Salts

Omega 3's

Coconut Oil and Raw Honey

Herbal Remedies ( grown and created with my own hands)

Colloidal Silver ( Created by myself) www.silverpuppy.com

Lugol's Solution ( The original 5% solution) www.jcrows.com

These are my priorities in the exact order as stated here.




> ALLERGY MEDS.............Interestingly enough my wife's sister and

> her husband are 15 years younger than we are and probably pay

> $1000.00 a month on all kinds of pain pills, nexium,allergy meds,

> etc...etc...and they ARE SICK ALL THE TIME..........ALL THE

> TIME.......HMMMMMMMMMMMM....what is so irritating about the situation

> is they will NOT even let us talk to them about KOMBUCHA or natural

> things they absolutely turn a deaf ear to it.

> I have written to this list numerous times over the last year about

> all the wonderful things that has happened in our family and to

> family memebers, who have and are taking Kombucha and othe natural

> gifts from God, and I get real excited when I get a chance to

> introduce KT to new people.....It has really changed our lives for

> the better...........keep brewing and drinking that wonderful elixir

> we call KOMBUCHA~~~~~~~~~Lonnie

>> > > >

>> >

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I appreciate the thought but ACV or in fact most acidic drinks have me

doubled over in agony.

I've tried the herbal route (meadowsweet, liquorice and marshmallow root)

and that helped a little, but ACV was...unpleasant.

I'm happy to go with anything that actually works, but it does need ot

actually work


On Jan 2, 2008 3:16 PM, lmccalip <lmccalip@...> wrote:


> >

> > i'm all for alternqative medicine...but don't knock the nexium. Its

> the only

> > thing between me and daily agony

> >

> > Caitilin

> >

> >

> >

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I can't help but to put my un-educated 2 cents worth in here. First of all I am

very new to all of this. I have not tasted even the first KT as of yet. I do

however have some wonderful people (Gayle) giving their efforts at helping me

get started at this. Now.... I have really high blood pressure (165/109 and high

cholesterol and some other ailments. I apparently have a " type A " personality

because part of my blood pressure control are anti- depressants. That was the

ONLY way they could consistently lower my BP. My blood pressure medicine in my

view is nothing short of legal rat poison! If I wake up late on the weekend,

forget to take the little white pill, I feel pretty darn good untill I remember

it and swallow it down. Almost 20 minutes to the second I feel like crap, dizzy

and have a very bad sense of well being ( exactly what the anti- depressants

cover up). Then nap time. Going to work sometimes is a problem. My Dr. says

everything looks good to her.......her

opinion! So....if there is any chance whatsoever that this stuff helping me

even the tiniest amount or makes me think it is..BRING IT ON! Oh i'm 51 and

feel like 101. Look like it too LOL

Bless you ALL!


Sunny <suneebeme2001@...> wrote:


> Hi

> I just want to add a personal observation. I do not, yet, use ACV. I

do drink KT ( Thanks again Zoe for the SCOBY and MKG) a lot about a

liter a day and I am watching myself not to drink more lol...

> Most natural treatments or remedies are slow in their actions.. They

must bring back things to where they should be; They usually do not

mask very well the body warnings, the symptoms. Not too many of these

work instantly (although some do in a rather spectacular fashion),

something we have come to expect from " medicines " ... Give it a try be

patient, take it in small doses, really small doses.. The body can

heal itself.. Try to not mask the symptoms which is what most of the

" Big Pharma " drugs do: The discomfort goes away while what causes it

is still active and often striving, waiting to cause more problems...

In some instances, alleviating the pain or discomfort could be the

ONLY recourse , in most it is not.


Hi Franz,

In America, they lowered what used to be the normal blood pressure

rate and I sort of think the health practitioners want everyone to be

on high blood pressure meds. Do ya think? Sunny


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Don all I can say is...try it, you will like it! <G>


Always Enough Ranch

Acampo, California



Re: Re: taking benadryl for KT reactions - Kind of OT

>I can't help but to put my un-educated 2 cents worth in here. First of all

>I am very new to all of this. I have not tasted even the first KT as of


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People can abuse their children through doctors, and the hippocratic oath means

nothing to doctors if they know that by breaking it they can fill their


It's less applicable with a " Free Irrational Ill Health service. "

But I think of the " Hypocritical Oath " as a promise to keep people alive and

suffering as long as is humanly possible, whether or not they wish it.

Sorry to but in but it twanged a chord with that para.

N. England.

Re: taking benadryl for KT reactions - Kind of OT

Dear lmccalip,

I love everything you wrote. Fortunately for you. you were able

to glean the wisdom through tough experiences of others. I went

through it personally -- had an unnecessary surgery performed on

myself, in granting my mother's dying wish. (She literally was only

able to die in the knowledge that I had gone through every damage


Anyway, I am just reading this lovely site about nutrition called

biblelife.org. I think it has A LOT of good information but like any

site it is not perfect. I started by reading www.biblelife.org/fiber

On another link, they talk about arrogance, and how easy it is to

brainwash a person because of her arrogance. People who have gone

through disease or suffer continually from it lose some of the

susceptibility and can see the truth better, for what it's worth.

Schöne Grüße,


> Couldn't resist jumping in here and adding my 2 cents. I have

> just in the last year jumped on the " Alternative " bandwagon and I for

> one am not getting off. I watched helplessly on the sidelines as

> doctors, hospitals, and the drug cartel known as big PHARMA,

> permitted, allowed, and contributed, to my Father, Mother, and my

> sister, not to mention numerous other friends and acquaintances, who

> shared the same experiences, their DEATHS. I am the only one left in

> my family, and I served notice to my wife (who shares my feelings

> having experienced some of the very same experiences)as well as my

> grown children that I alone will be responsible for my health and

> welfare.


> It certainly is a lofty goal to wish their being a blending of

> natural and alternative but we all know due to the tremendous amount

> of $$$ and greed involved that will never occur....refer to the

> history of the FDA, the 16 year tangle over Aspartame, to mention

> only a few...........just recently read this report and I will only

> download a few pertinent statistics but Doctors, that sacred

> institution, we all love and submit to unreservedly, are now the 3rd



> 12,000 -- unnecessary surgery

> 7,000 -- medication errors in hospitals

> 20,000 -- other errors in hospitals

> 80,000 -- infections in hospitals

> 106,000 -- non-error, negative effects of drugs

> These total to 225,000 deaths per year from iatrogenic causes!!



> taking my chances I am going with the wonderful natural things God

> gave us that doesn't defeat the purpose. THEY call it " HEALTHCARE "

> in this country I call it SICKCARE, there is nothing, Merck,Lilly and

> all the rest and their strange bedfellows...the FDA, and the FTC they

> do to try to make us HEALTHY they only want us totally dependent on

> their nice little drugs. I formally worked for Merck-Medco

> subsidiary Paid Prescriptions, you don't even want me to waste

> precious list space with all the horrible phone calls we received

> from elderly America struggling on Social Security to pay for these

> outrageous prescription drug addictions!!


> My wife and I are in the best health we have ever been in and it all

> started with KOMBUCHA........we have now added many other natural

> things around us and we are NOT ON ANY MEDICATION WHATSOEVER.



> ALLERGY MEDS.............Interestingly enough my wife's sister and

> her husband are 15 years younger than we are and probably pay

> $1000.00 a month on all kinds of pain pills, nexium,allergy meds,

> etc...etc...and they ARE SICK ALL THE TIME..........ALL THE

> TIME.......HMMMMMMMMMMMM....what is so irritating about the situation

> is they will NOT even let us talk to them about KOMBUCHA or natural

> things they absolutely turn a deaf ear to it.


> I have written to this list numerous times over the last year about

> all the wonderful things that has happened in our family and to

> family memebers, who have and are taking Kombucha and othe natural

> gifts from God, and I get real excited when I get a chance to

> introduce KT to new people.....It has really changed our lives for

> the better...........keep brewing and drinking that wonderful elixir

> we call KOMBUCHA~~~~~~~~~Lonnie

> >

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, you and I are on the same page in this belief!!!


Always Enough Ranch

Acampo, California



Re: Re: taking benadryl for KT reactions - Kind of OT

People can abuse their children through doctors, and the hippocratic oath

means nothing to doctors if they know that by breaking it they can fill

their pocketbooks.

It's less applicable with a " Free Irrational Ill Health service. "

But I think of the " Hypocritical Oath " as a promise to keep people alive and

suffering as long as is humanly possible, whether or not they wish it.

Sorry to but in but it twanged a chord with that para.

N. England.

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, you and I are on the same page in this belief!!!


Always Enough Ranch

Acampo, California



Re: Re: taking benadryl for KT reactions - Kind of OT

People can abuse their children through doctors, and the hippocratic oath

means nothing to doctors if they know that by breaking it they can fill

their pocketbooks.

It's less applicable with a " Free Irrational Ill Health service. "

But I think of the " Hypocritical Oath " as a promise to keep people alive and

suffering as long as is humanly possible, whether or not they wish it.

Sorry to but in but it twanged a chord with that para.

N. England.

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