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Re:KT for babies

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I advise NOT to.

My first question is Why?

Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

(alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

who are on the acetic side of life.

However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.


babies need to sleep.

Traditional Chinese Medicine.

(the “Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother’s blood. Herbs

that affect the blood will also affect mother’s milk (as well

as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

[kombucha] unless specifically called for.


The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

life. Research has shown that different species and even

different strains within species have different effects

upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

may over whelm their fragile system.

Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

to lower blood pressure and another common experience

is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited for those

with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related disorders.

Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is often a

common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a slight “buzz” ?

Immunity Booster.

Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the alternative

health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene hypothesis "

is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable institutes

like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the

Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous articles in

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The hygiene

hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

A catalyst

Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For children,

who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM condition,

Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that linger,

and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one pee),

which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The child’s

dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.


Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed in TCM

as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

(as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal. TCM views

this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and moving blood.

The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth Element).

Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if they

don’t get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a good thing!

Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.

That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

The are also findings in specific research articles available on my web


I urge you to make an informed choice.

Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

A California licensed primary health care provider


KT for babies

Posted by: " " chris@... chrisbryan82

Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give her some




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Hi Ed,

A few days ago you posted that you knew of no connection between

Kombucha and thyroid disease..... Now you are again writing:

" Kombucha Tea and Soy products deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid

function. "

Which is it? On what basis do you claim that Kombucha depletes calcium

and reduces thyroid function?

Anyone is welcome to post their opinions and points of view here but

since you played the " professional " card, I would expect you to be

consistent in your claims and be able to back them up.

Please do so....

Peace, Love and Harmony,



> I advise NOT to.


> My first question is Why?

> Babies and children are not simply miniature people.


> Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> who are on the acetic side of life.

> However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.



> Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.




> Energy

> babies need to sleep.


> Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.


> Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.


> In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> [kombucha] unless specifically called for.



> Probiotics

> The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> life. Research has shown that different species and even

> different strains within species have different effects

> upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> may over whelm their fragile system.


> Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

> of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited for those

> with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related disorders.

> Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is often a

> common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a slight " buzz " ?




> Immunity Booster.

> Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the alternative

> health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene hypothesis "

> is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable institutes

> like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the

> Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous articles in

> The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The hygiene

> hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> to get allergies or asthma latter in life.



> A catalyst

> Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For children,

> who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

> per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM condition,

> Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

> Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that linger,

> and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one pee),

> which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The child's

> dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

> as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.



> Cravings

> Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed in TCM

> as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

> (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal. TCM views

> this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and moving


> The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth Element).

> Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if they

> don't get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

good thing!


> Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.



> That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> The are also findings in specific research articles available on my web

> site.


> I urge you to make an informed choice.


> Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> A California licensed primary health care provider


> ..........................................


> KT for babies

> Posted by: " " chris@... chrisbryan82

> Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give her


> brew?


> Thanks


> Chris


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Bev, Kombucha does deplete calcium. Its a simple chemical reaction.

Try it at home. Place an egg in kombucha tea and the egg shell

(calcium) will dissolve. Take the pH before and after.

I did not say there is a connection between kombucha and any disease.

Here, I said kombucha reduces the function. That is a big difference.

Are you asking for my professional creditendials?

I am a California primary care provider trained in Traditional

Chinese Medicine. This license to practice is only issued after

completion of education standards (4,000 hours for me) and after

passing a state test - in which the pass/fail rate is 50%. We, as

other groups have to complete continueing education classes. I have

been licensed since 1997. When I speak in terms of TCM - I am

recognized by the Sate of California as an " expert " a professional -

and I am bound by specific standards both legal and professional.

Legally (and moraly) I am responsible for what I say and do.

Did you read anything in my post that sounds unprofessional, or


I did refernce sources; " National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit,

and numerous articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical

Immunology " Do you need the page numbers ?

If you disagree with anything I have posted we can and should have a

dialogue about it. That is what this list is about.

Ed Kasper LAc

> >

> > I advise NOT to.

> >

> > My first question is Why?

> > Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

> >

> > Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> > These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> > react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> > Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> > (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> > tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> > who are on the acetic side of life.

> > However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> > where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> > issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> > and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> > deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

> >

> >

> > Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> > All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> > Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> > amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> > ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> > in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> > with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> > less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> > remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> > day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> > fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> > determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> > kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> > tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> > has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> > will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> > times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.

> >

> >

> >

> > Energy

> > babies need to sleep.

> >

> > Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> > (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> > In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> > moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> > people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> > up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> > adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> > gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

> >

> > Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> > system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> > in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> > is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> > quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

> >

> > In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> > role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> > health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> > that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> > as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> > lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> > either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> > will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> > upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> > applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> > applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> > affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> > is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> > [kombucha] unless specifically called for.

> >

> >

> > Probiotics

> > The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> > critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> > is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> > life. Research has shown that different species and even

> > different strains within species have different effects

> > upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> > juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> > what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> > Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> > are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> > environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> > just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> > may over whelm their fragile system.

> >

> > Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> > experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> > thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> > to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> > is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

> > of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> > Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> > they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> > with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> > people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited

for those with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related

disorders. Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is

often a common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> > How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a

slight " buzz " ?

> >

> >

> >

> > Immunity Booster.

> > Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> > influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> > is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> > protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> > will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> > compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> > stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> > natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> > to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> > the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> > the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the

alternative health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene

hypothesis "

> > is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable

institutes like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous

articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The

hygiene hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> > fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> > overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> > recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> > allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> > to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

> >

> >

> > A catalyst

> > Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> > Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> > Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For


> > who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> > kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> > balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> > The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

> > per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> > disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> > kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> > otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM


> > Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

> > Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that


> > and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one


> > which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The


> > dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

> > as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.

> >

> >

> > Cravings

> > Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed

in TCM

> > as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

> > (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal.

TCM views

> > this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and


> blood.

> > The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth


> > Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if


> > don't get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

> good thing!

> >

> > Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.

> >

> >

> > That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> > The are also findings in specific research articles available on

my web

> > site.

> >

> > I urge you to make an informed choice.

> >

> > Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> > Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> > A California licensed primary health care provider

> >

> > ..........................................

> >

> > KT for babies

> > Posted by: " " chris@ chrisbryan82

> > Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> > I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give


> some

> > brew?

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Chris

> >


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Bev, Kombucha does deplete calcium. Its a simple chemical reaction.

Try it at home. Place an egg in kombucha tea and the egg shell

(calcium) will dissolve. Take the pH before and after.

I did not say there is a connection between kombucha and any disease.

Here, I said kombucha reduces the function. That is a big difference.

Are you asking for my professional creditendials?

I am a California primary care provider trained in Traditional

Chinese Medicine. This license to practice is only issued after

completion of education standards (4,000 hours for me) and after

passing a state test - in which the pass/fail rate is 50%. We, as

other groups have to complete continueing education classes. I have

been licensed since 1997. When I speak in terms of TCM - I am

recognized by the Sate of California as an " expert " a professional -

and I am bound by specific standards both legal and professional.

Legally (and moraly) I am responsible for what I say and do.

Did you read anything in my post that sounds unprofessional, or


I did refernce sources; " National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit,

and numerous articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical

Immunology " Do you need the page numbers ?

If you disagree with anything I have posted we can and should have a

dialogue about it. That is what this list is about.

Ed Kasper LAc

> >

> > I advise NOT to.

> >

> > My first question is Why?

> > Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

> >

> > Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> > These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> > react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> > Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> > (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> > tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> > who are on the acetic side of life.

> > However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> > where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> > issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> > and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> > deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

> >

> >

> > Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> > All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> > Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> > amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> > ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> > in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> > with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> > less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> > remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> > day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> > fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> > determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> > kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> > tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> > has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> > will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> > times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.

> >

> >

> >

> > Energy

> > babies need to sleep.

> >

> > Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> > (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> > In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> > moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> > people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> > up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> > adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> > gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

> >

> > Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> > system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> > in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> > is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> > quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

> >

> > In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> > role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> > health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> > that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> > as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> > lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> > either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> > will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> > upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> > applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> > applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> > affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> > is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> > [kombucha] unless specifically called for.

> >

> >

> > Probiotics

> > The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> > critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> > is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> > life. Research has shown that different species and even

> > different strains within species have different effects

> > upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> > juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> > what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> > Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> > are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> > environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> > just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> > may over whelm their fragile system.

> >

> > Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> > experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> > thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> > to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> > is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

> > of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> > Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> > they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> > with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> > people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited

for those with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related

disorders. Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is

often a common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> > How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a

slight " buzz " ?

> >

> >

> >

> > Immunity Booster.

> > Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> > influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> > is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> > protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> > will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> > compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> > stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> > natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> > to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> > the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> > the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the

alternative health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene

hypothesis "

> > is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable

institutes like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous

articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The

hygiene hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> > fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> > overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> > recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> > allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> > to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

> >

> >

> > A catalyst

> > Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> > Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> > Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For


> > who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> > kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> > balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> > The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

> > per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> > disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> > kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> > otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM


> > Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

> > Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that


> > and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one


> > which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The


> > dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

> > as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.

> >

> >

> > Cravings

> > Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed

in TCM

> > as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

> > (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal.

TCM views

> > this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and


> blood.

> > The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth


> > Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if


> > don't get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

> good thing!

> >

> > Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.

> >

> >

> > That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> > The are also findings in specific research articles available on

my web

> > site.

> >

> > I urge you to make an informed choice.

> >

> > Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> > Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> > A California licensed primary health care provider

> >

> > ..........................................

> >

> > KT for babies

> > Posted by: " " chris@ chrisbryan82

> > Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> > I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give


> some

> > brew?

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Chris

> >


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Hi Ed,

On January 14th you posted to this group:

Kombucha + pregnancy

" , I have not seen any research or ideas expressed on

the relationship between Low Thyroid and kombucha. "

Recently you posted again that there was such a relationship....

What I am trying to find out is the basis for these contradictory


Just because you can put an egg in Kombucha and the shell will

eventually dissolve, doesn't mean that drinking Kombucha causes

calcium to be lost from the body of those who drink it....there is a

big difference!!!

Anything that reduces thyroid hormone significantly in a person with

normal thyroid hormone levels would be a serious problem since thyroid

hormone levels are very critical to health. On what basis do you claim

that Kombucha has any effect on thyroid hormone levels whatsoever?

Please explain!

I have no question about your qualifications as a TCM herbalist,

however that does not make you a Kombucha Professional. - a term you

seemed to have created for yourself. It seems to me there are no

Kombucha professionals, unless you consider that those who take money

for Kombucha are " professionals " but that doesn't make them any more

knowledgeable than many others on this list who have long years of

experience with Kombucha as well.

Kombucha is a food not an herb! Foods can also have profound effects

on well being, but as far as I can tell you have not really given

valid information supporting your statements that Kombucha will cause

calcium loss and lower thyroid hormone levels in those who consume it.

Since those are both issues of considerable importance to many people,

I think that if you are going to make such statements as facts you

should be sure you are right and be able to show the research to prove

it. What could be the reason to post such statements otherwise?

Only a few days ago you said you knew of no relationship between

Kombucha and thyroid hormone levels. This contradiction is very

confusing to people who are reading your " professional " advice.

Professional or not, I don't like to see statements made as fact which

are indeed opinions and may or may not be correct, especially when

those statements are a cause for concern among several list members.

If you have the research to prove these statements please share it, if

not then IMHO, as I have already told you many times before, you have

no business making such claims as facts rather than as just your

opinion on this list.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


-- In kombucha tea , " Ed Kasper " <eddy@...> wrote:


> Bev, Kombucha does deplete calcium. Its a simple chemical reaction.

> Try it at home. Place an egg in kombucha tea and the egg shell

> (calcium) will dissolve. Take the pH before and after.


> I did not say there is a connection between kombucha and any disease.

> Here, I said kombucha reduces the function. That is a big difference.


> Are you asking for my professional creditendials?

> I am a California primary care provider trained in Traditional

> Chinese Medicine. This license to practice is only issued after

> completion of education standards (4,000 hours for me) and after

> passing a state test - in which the pass/fail rate is 50%. We, as

> other groups have to complete continueing education classes. I have

> been licensed since 1997. When I speak in terms of TCM - I am

> recognized by the Sate of California as an " expert " a professional -

> and I am bound by specific standards both legal and professional.

> Legally (and moraly) I am responsible for what I say and do.


> Did you read anything in my post that sounds unprofessional, or

> whacky?


> I did refernce sources; " National Institute of Allergy and

> Infectious Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit,

> and numerous articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical

> Immunology " Do you need the page numbers ?


> If you disagree with anything I have posted we can and should have a

> dialogue about it. That is what this list is about.



> Ed Kasper LAc







> > >

> > > I advise NOT to.

> > >

> > > My first question is Why?

> > > Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

> > >

> > > Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> > > These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> > > react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> > > Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> > > (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> > > tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> > > who are on the acetic side of life.

> > > However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> > > where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> > > issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> > > and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> > > deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

> > >

> > >

> > > Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> > > All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> > > Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> > > amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> > > ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> > > in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> > > with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> > > less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> > > remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> > > day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> > > fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> > > determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> > > kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> > > tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> > > has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> > > will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> > > times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Energy

> > > babies need to sleep.

> > >

> > > Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> > > (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> > > moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> > > people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> > > up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> > > adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> > > gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

> > >

> > > Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> > > system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> > > in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> > > is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> > > quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

> > >

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> > > role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> > > health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> > > that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> > > as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> > > lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> > > either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> > > will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> > > upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> > > applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> > > applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> > > affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> > > is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> > > [kombucha] unless specifically called for.

> > >

> > >

> > > Probiotics

> > > The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> > > critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> > > is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> > > life. Research has shown that different species and even

> > > different strains within species have different effects

> > > upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> > > juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> > > what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> > > Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> > > are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> > > environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> > > just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> > > may over whelm their fragile system.

> > >

> > > Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> > > experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> > > thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> > > to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> > > is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

> > > of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> > > Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> > > they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> > > with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> > > people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited

> for those with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related

> disorders. Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is

> often a common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> > > How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a

> slight " buzz " ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Immunity Booster.

> > > Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> > > influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> > > is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> > > protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> > > will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> > > compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> > > stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> > > natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> > > to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> > > the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> > > the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the

> alternative health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene

> hypothesis "

> > > is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable

> institutes like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

> Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous

> articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The

> hygiene hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> > > fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> > > overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> > > recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> > > allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> > > to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

> > >

> > >

> > > A catalyst

> > > Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> > > Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> > > Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For

> children,

> > > who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> > > kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> > > balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> > > The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

> > > per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> > > disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> > > kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> > > otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM

> condition,

> > > Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

> > > Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that

> linger,

> > > and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one

> pee),

> > > which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The

> child's

> > > dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

> > > as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.

> > >

> > >

> > > Cravings

> > > Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed

> in TCM

> > > as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

> > > (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal.

> TCM views

> > > this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and

> moving

> > blood.

> > > The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth

> Element).

> > > Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if

> they

> > > don't get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

> > good thing!

> > >

> > > Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.

> > >

> > >

> > > That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> > > The are also findings in specific research articles available on

> my web

> > > site.

> > >

> > > I urge you to make an informed choice.

> > >

> > > Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> > > Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> > > A California licensed primary health care provider

> > >

> > > ..........................................

> > >

> > > KT for babies

> > > Posted by: " " chris@ chrisbryan82

> > > Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> > > I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give

> her

> > some

> > > brew?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > Chris

> > >

> >


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Hi Ed,

On January 14th you posted to this group:

Kombucha + pregnancy

" , I have not seen any research or ideas expressed on

the relationship between Low Thyroid and kombucha. "

Recently you posted again that there was such a relationship....

What I am trying to find out is the basis for these contradictory


Just because you can put an egg in Kombucha and the shell will

eventually dissolve, doesn't mean that drinking Kombucha causes

calcium to be lost from the body of those who drink it....there is a

big difference!!!

Anything that reduces thyroid hormone significantly in a person with

normal thyroid hormone levels would be a serious problem since thyroid

hormone levels are very critical to health. On what basis do you claim

that Kombucha has any effect on thyroid hormone levels whatsoever?

Please explain!

I have no question about your qualifications as a TCM herbalist,

however that does not make you a Kombucha Professional. - a term you

seemed to have created for yourself. It seems to me there are no

Kombucha professionals, unless you consider that those who take money

for Kombucha are " professionals " but that doesn't make them any more

knowledgeable than many others on this list who have long years of

experience with Kombucha as well.

Kombucha is a food not an herb! Foods can also have profound effects

on well being, but as far as I can tell you have not really given

valid information supporting your statements that Kombucha will cause

calcium loss and lower thyroid hormone levels in those who consume it.

Since those are both issues of considerable importance to many people,

I think that if you are going to make such statements as facts you

should be sure you are right and be able to show the research to prove

it. What could be the reason to post such statements otherwise?

Only a few days ago you said you knew of no relationship between

Kombucha and thyroid hormone levels. This contradiction is very

confusing to people who are reading your " professional " advice.

Professional or not, I don't like to see statements made as fact which

are indeed opinions and may or may not be correct, especially when

those statements are a cause for concern among several list members.

If you have the research to prove these statements please share it, if

not then IMHO, as I have already told you many times before, you have

no business making such claims as facts rather than as just your

opinion on this list.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


-- In kombucha tea , " Ed Kasper " <eddy@...> wrote:


> Bev, Kombucha does deplete calcium. Its a simple chemical reaction.

> Try it at home. Place an egg in kombucha tea and the egg shell

> (calcium) will dissolve. Take the pH before and after.


> I did not say there is a connection between kombucha and any disease.

> Here, I said kombucha reduces the function. That is a big difference.


> Are you asking for my professional creditendials?

> I am a California primary care provider trained in Traditional

> Chinese Medicine. This license to practice is only issued after

> completion of education standards (4,000 hours for me) and after

> passing a state test - in which the pass/fail rate is 50%. We, as

> other groups have to complete continueing education classes. I have

> been licensed since 1997. When I speak in terms of TCM - I am

> recognized by the Sate of California as an " expert " a professional -

> and I am bound by specific standards both legal and professional.

> Legally (and moraly) I am responsible for what I say and do.


> Did you read anything in my post that sounds unprofessional, or

> whacky?


> I did refernce sources; " National Institute of Allergy and

> Infectious Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit,

> and numerous articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical

> Immunology " Do you need the page numbers ?


> If you disagree with anything I have posted we can and should have a

> dialogue about it. That is what this list is about.



> Ed Kasper LAc







> > >

> > > I advise NOT to.

> > >

> > > My first question is Why?

> > > Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

> > >

> > > Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> > > These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> > > react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> > > Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> > > (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> > > tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> > > who are on the acetic side of life.

> > > However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> > > where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> > > issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> > > and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> > > deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

> > >

> > >

> > > Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> > > All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> > > Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> > > amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> > > ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> > > in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> > > with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> > > less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> > > remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> > > day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> > > fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> > > determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> > > kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> > > tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> > > has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> > > will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> > > times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Energy

> > > babies need to sleep.

> > >

> > > Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> > > (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> > > moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> > > people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> > > up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> > > adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> > > gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

> > >

> > > Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> > > system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> > > in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> > > is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> > > quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

> > >

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> > > role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> > > health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> > > that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> > > as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> > > lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> > > either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> > > will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> > > upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> > > applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> > > applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> > > affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> > > is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> > > [kombucha] unless specifically called for.

> > >

> > >

> > > Probiotics

> > > The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> > > critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> > > is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> > > life. Research has shown that different species and even

> > > different strains within species have different effects

> > > upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> > > juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> > > what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> > > Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> > > are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> > > environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> > > just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> > > may over whelm their fragile system.

> > >

> > > Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> > > experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> > > thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> > > to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> > > is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

> > > of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> > > Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> > > they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> > > with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> > > people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited

> for those with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related

> disorders. Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is

> often a common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> > > How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a

> slight " buzz " ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Immunity Booster.

> > > Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> > > influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> > > is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> > > protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> > > will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> > > compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> > > stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> > > natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> > > to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> > > the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> > > the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the

> alternative health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene

> hypothesis "

> > > is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable

> institutes like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

> Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous

> articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The

> hygiene hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> > > fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> > > overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> > > recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> > > allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> > > to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

> > >

> > >

> > > A catalyst

> > > Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> > > Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> > > Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For

> children,

> > > who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> > > kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> > > balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> > > The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

> > > per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> > > disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> > > kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> > > otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM

> condition,

> > > Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

> > > Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that

> linger,

> > > and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one

> pee),

> > > which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The

> child's

> > > dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

> > > as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.

> > >

> > >

> > > Cravings

> > > Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed

> in TCM

> > > as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

> > > (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal.

> TCM views

> > > this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and

> moving

> > blood.

> > > The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth

> Element).

> > > Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if

> they

> > > don't get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

> > good thing!

> > >

> > > Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.

> > >

> > >

> > > That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> > > The are also findings in specific research articles available on

> my web

> > > site.

> > >

> > > I urge you to make an informed choice.

> > >

> > > Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> > > Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> > > A California licensed primary health care provider

> > >

> > > ..........................................

> > >

> > > KT for babies

> > > Posted by: " " chris@ chrisbryan82

> > > Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> > > I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give

> her

> > some

> > > brew?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > Chris

> > >

> >


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Hi Ed,

On January 14th you posted to this group:

Kombucha + pregnancy

" , I have not seen any research or ideas expressed on

the relationship between Low Thyroid and kombucha. "

Recently you posted again that there was such a relationship....

What I am trying to find out is the basis for these contradictory


Just because you can put an egg in Kombucha and the shell will

eventually dissolve, doesn't mean that drinking Kombucha causes

calcium to be lost from the body of those who drink it....there is a

big difference!!!

Anything that reduces thyroid hormone significantly in a person with

normal thyroid hormone levels would be a serious problem since thyroid

hormone levels are very critical to health. On what basis do you claim

that Kombucha has any effect on thyroid hormone levels whatsoever?

Please explain!

I have no question about your qualifications as a TCM herbalist,

however that does not make you a Kombucha Professional. - a term you

seemed to have created for yourself. It seems to me there are no

Kombucha professionals, unless you consider that those who take money

for Kombucha are " professionals " but that doesn't make them any more

knowledgeable than many others on this list who have long years of

experience with Kombucha as well.

Kombucha is a food not an herb! Foods can also have profound effects

on well being, but as far as I can tell you have not really given

valid information supporting your statements that Kombucha will cause

calcium loss and lower thyroid hormone levels in those who consume it.

Since those are both issues of considerable importance to many people,

I think that if you are going to make such statements as facts you

should be sure you are right and be able to show the research to prove

it. What could be the reason to post such statements otherwise?

Only a few days ago you said you knew of no relationship between

Kombucha and thyroid hormone levels. This contradiction is very

confusing to people who are reading your " professional " advice.

Professional or not, I don't like to see statements made as fact which

are indeed opinions and may or may not be correct, especially when

those statements are a cause for concern among several list members.

If you have the research to prove these statements please share it, if

not then IMHO, as I have already told you many times before, you have

no business making such claims as facts rather than as just your

opinion on this list.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


-- In kombucha tea , " Ed Kasper " <eddy@...> wrote:


> Bev, Kombucha does deplete calcium. Its a simple chemical reaction.

> Try it at home. Place an egg in kombucha tea and the egg shell

> (calcium) will dissolve. Take the pH before and after.


> I did not say there is a connection between kombucha and any disease.

> Here, I said kombucha reduces the function. That is a big difference.


> Are you asking for my professional creditendials?

> I am a California primary care provider trained in Traditional

> Chinese Medicine. This license to practice is only issued after

> completion of education standards (4,000 hours for me) and after

> passing a state test - in which the pass/fail rate is 50%. We, as

> other groups have to complete continueing education classes. I have

> been licensed since 1997. When I speak in terms of TCM - I am

> recognized by the Sate of California as an " expert " a professional -

> and I am bound by specific standards both legal and professional.

> Legally (and moraly) I am responsible for what I say and do.


> Did you read anything in my post that sounds unprofessional, or

> whacky?


> I did refernce sources; " National Institute of Allergy and

> Infectious Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit,

> and numerous articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical

> Immunology " Do you need the page numbers ?


> If you disagree with anything I have posted we can and should have a

> dialogue about it. That is what this list is about.



> Ed Kasper LAc







> > >

> > > I advise NOT to.

> > >

> > > My first question is Why?

> > > Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

> > >

> > > Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> > > These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> > > react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> > > Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> > > (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> > > tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> > > who are on the acetic side of life.

> > > However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> > > where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> > > issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> > > and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> > > deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

> > >

> > >

> > > Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> > > All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> > > Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> > > amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> > > ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> > > in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> > > with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> > > less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> > > remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> > > day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> > > fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> > > determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> > > kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> > > tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> > > has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> > > will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> > > times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Energy

> > > babies need to sleep.

> > >

> > > Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> > > (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> > > moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> > > people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> > > up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> > > adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> > > gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

> > >

> > > Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> > > system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> > > in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> > > is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> > > quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

> > >

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> > > role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> > > health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> > > that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> > > as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> > > lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> > > either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> > > will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> > > upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> > > applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> > > applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> > > affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> > > is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> > > [kombucha] unless specifically called for.

> > >

> > >

> > > Probiotics

> > > The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> > > critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> > > is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> > > life. Research has shown that different species and even

> > > different strains within species have different effects

> > > upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> > > juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> > > what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> > > Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> > > are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> > > environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> > > just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> > > may over whelm their fragile system.

> > >

> > > Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> > > experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> > > thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> > > to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> > > is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

> > > of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> > > Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> > > they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> > > with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> > > people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited

> for those with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related

> disorders. Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is

> often a common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> > > How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a

> slight " buzz " ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Immunity Booster.

> > > Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> > > influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> > > is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> > > protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> > > will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> > > compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> > > stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> > > natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> > > to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> > > the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> > > the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the

> alternative health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene

> hypothesis "

> > > is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable

> institutes like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

> Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous

> articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The

> hygiene hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> > > fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> > > overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> > > recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> > > allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> > > to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

> > >

> > >

> > > A catalyst

> > > Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> > > Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> > > Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For

> children,

> > > who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> > > kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> > > balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> > > The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

> > > per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> > > disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> > > kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> > > otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM

> condition,

> > > Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

> > > Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that

> linger,

> > > and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one

> pee),

> > > which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The

> child's

> > > dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

> > > as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.

> > >

> > >

> > > Cravings

> > > Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed

> in TCM

> > > as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

> > > (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal.

> TCM views

> > > this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and

> moving

> > blood.

> > > The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth

> Element).

> > > Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if

> they

> > > don't get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

> > good thing!

> > >

> > > Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.

> > >

> > >

> > > That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> > > The are also findings in specific research articles available on

> my web

> > > site.

> > >

> > > I urge you to make an informed choice.

> > >

> > > Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> > > Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> > > A California licensed primary health care provider

> > >

> > > ..........................................

> > >

> > > KT for babies

> > > Posted by: " " chris@ chrisbryan82

> > > Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> > > I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give

> her

> > some

> > > brew?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > Chris

> > >

> >


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Dear Bev,

Let us look at this logically. If egg shells are made of calcium,

than acid would dissolve it. Probably if you ate egg shells, it would

dissolve in your stomach from the acid. So does that mean that the

acid in your stomach would take the calcium out of your bones?

Now, let us use our own horse sense. I think not. KT only adds to

our intestinal acid and flora and helps us digest foods which break

down into usable parts for our body to use.

Now my suggestion to you is: Please do not soak your bones in Kombucha

Tea. LOL ~~Sunny

> > > >

> > > > I advise NOT to.

> > > >

> > > > My first question is Why?

> > > > Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

> > > >

> > > > Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> > > > These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> > > > react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> > > > Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> > > > (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> > > > tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> > > > who are on the acetic side of life.

> > > > However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> > > > where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> > > > issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> > > > and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> > > > deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> > > > All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> > > > Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> > > > amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> > > > ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> > > > in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> > > > with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> > > > less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> > > > remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> > > > day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> > > > fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> > > > determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> > > > kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> > > > tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> > > > has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> > > > will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> > > > times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Energy

> > > > babies need to sleep.

> > > >

> > > > Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> > > > (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> > > > In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> > > > moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> > > > people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> > > > up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> > > > adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> > > > gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

> > > >

> > > > Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> > > > system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> > > > in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> > > > is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> > > > quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

> > > >

> > > > In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> > > > role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> > > > health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> > > > that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> > > > as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> > > > lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> > > > either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> > > > will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> > > > upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> > > > applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> > > > applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> > > > affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> > > > is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> > > > [kombucha] unless specifically called for.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Probiotics

> > > > The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> > > > critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> > > > is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> > > > life. Research has shown that different species and even

> > > > different strains within species have different effects

> > > > upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> > > > juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> > > > what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> > > > Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> > > > are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> > > > environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> > > > just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> > > > may over whelm their fragile system.

> > > >

> > > > Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> > > > experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> > > > thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> > > > to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> > > > is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

> > > > of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> > > > Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> > > > they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> > > > with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> > > > people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited

> > for those with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related

> > disorders. Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is

> > often a common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> > > > How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a

> > slight " buzz " ?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Immunity Booster.

> > > > Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> > > > influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> > > > is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> > > > protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> > > > will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> > > > compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> > > > stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> > > > natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> > > > to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> > > > the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> > > > the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the

> > alternative health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene

> > hypothesis "

> > > > is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable

> > institutes like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

> > Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous

> > articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The

> > hygiene hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> > > > fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> > > > overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> > > > recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> > > > allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> > > > to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > A catalyst

> > > > Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> > > > Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> > > > Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For

> > children,

> > > > who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> > > > kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> > > > balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> > > > The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

> > > > per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> > > > disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> > > > kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> > > > otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM

> > condition,

> > > > Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

> > > > Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that

> > linger,

> > > > and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one

> > pee),

> > > > which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The

> > child's

> > > > dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

> > > > as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Cravings

> > > > Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed

> > in TCM

> > > > as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

> > > > (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal.

> > TCM views

> > > > this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and

> > moving

> > > blood.

> > > > The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth

> > Element).

> > > > Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if

> > they

> > > > don't get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

> > > good thing!

> > > >

> > > > Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> > > > The are also findings in specific research articles available on

> > my web

> > > > site.

> > > >

> > > > I urge you to make an informed choice.

> > > >

> > > > Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> > > > Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> > > > A California licensed primary health care provider

> > > >

> > > > ..........................................

> > > >

> > > > KT for babies

> > > > Posted by: " " chris@ chrisbryan82

> > > > Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> > > > I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give

> > her

> > > some

> > > > brew?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks

> > > >

> > > > Chris

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks for that. I concur. I just keep thinking about all the GOOD Kombucha


Re:KT for babies

Hi Ed,

On January 14th you posted to this group:

Kombucha + pregnancy

" , I have not seen any research or ideas expressed on

the relationship between Low Thyroid and kombucha. "

Recently you posted again that there was such a relationship....

What I am trying to find out is the basis for these contradictory


Just because you can put an egg in Kombucha and the shell will

eventually dissolve, doesn't mean that drinking Kombucha causes

calcium to be lost from the body of those who drink it....there is a

big difference!!!

Anything that reduces thyroid hormone significantly in a person with

normal thyroid hormone levels would be a serious problem since thyroid

hormone levels are very critical to health. On what basis do you claim

that Kombucha has any effect on thyroid hormone levels whatsoever?

Please explain!

I have no question about your qualifications as a TCM herbalist,

however that does not make you a Kombucha Professional. - a term you

seemed to have created for yourself. It seems to me there are no

Kombucha professionals, unless you consider that those who take money

for Kombucha are " professionals " but that doesn't make them any more

knowledgeable than many others on this list who have long years of

experience with Kombucha as well.

Kombucha is a food not an herb! Foods can also have profound effects

on well being, but as far as I can tell you have not really given

valid information supporting your statements that Kombucha will cause

calcium loss and lower thyroid hormone levels in those who consume it.

Since those are both issues of considerable importance to many people,

I think that if you are going to make such statements as facts you

should be sure you are right and be able to show the research to prove

it. What could be the reason to post such statements otherwise?

Only a few days ago you said you knew of no relationship between

Kombucha and thyroid hormone levels. This contradiction is very

confusing to people who are reading your " professional " advice.

Professional or not, I don't like to see statements made as fact which

are indeed opinions and may or may not be correct, especially when

those statements are a cause for concern among several list members.

If you have the research to prove these statements please share it, if

not then IMHO, as I have already told you many times before, you have

no business making such claims as facts rather than as just your

opinion on this list.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


-- In kombucha tea , " Ed Kasper " <eddy@...> wrote:


> Bev, Kombucha does deplete calcium. Its a simple chemical reaction.

> Try it at home. Place an egg in kombucha tea and the egg shell

> (calcium) will dissolve. Take the pH before and after.


> I did not say there is a connection between kombucha and any disease.

> Here, I said kombucha reduces the function. That is a big difference.


> Are you asking for my professional creditendials?

> I am a California primary care provider trained in Traditional

> Chinese Medicine. This license to practice is only issued after

> completion of education standards (4,000 hours for me) and after

> passing a state test - in which the pass/fail rate is 50%. We, as

> other groups have to complete continueing education classes. I have

> been licensed since 1997. When I speak in terms of TCM - I am

> recognized by the Sate of California as an " expert " a professional -

> and I am bound by specific standards both legal and professional.

> Legally (and moraly) I am responsible for what I say and do.


> Did you read anything in my post that sounds unprofessional, or

> whacky?


> I did refernce sources; " National Institute of Allergy and

> Infectious Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit,

> and numerous articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical

> Immunology " Do you need the page numbers ?


> If you disagree with anything I have posted we can and should have a

> dialogue about it. That is what this list is about.



> Ed Kasper LAc







> > >

> > > I advise NOT to.

> > >

> > > My first question is Why?

> > > Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

> > >

> > > Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> > > These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> > > react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> > > Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> > > (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> > > tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> > > who are on the acetic side of life.

> > > However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> > > where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> > > issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> > > and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> > > deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

> > >

> > >

> > > Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> > > All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> > > Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> > > amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> > > ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> > > in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> > > with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> > > less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> > > remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> > > day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> > > fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> > > determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> > > kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> > > tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> > > has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> > > will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> > > times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Energy

> > > babies need to sleep.

> > >

> > > Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> > > (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> > > moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> > > people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> > > up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> > > adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> > > gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

> > >

> > > Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> > > system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> > > in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> > > is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> > > quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

> > >

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> > > role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> > > health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> > > that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> > > as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> > > lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> > > either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> > > will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> > > upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> > > applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> > > applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> > > affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> > > is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> > > [kombucha] unless specifically called for.

> > >

> > >

> > > Probiotics

> > > The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> > > critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> > > is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> > > life. Research has shown that different species and even

> > > different strains within species have different effects

> > > upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> > > juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> > > what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> > > Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> > > are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> > > environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> > > just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> > > may over whelm their fragile system.

> > >

> > > Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> > > experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> > > thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> > > to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> > > is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a glass

> > > of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> > > Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> > > they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> > > with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> > > people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited

> for those with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related

> disorders. Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is

> often a common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> > > How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a

> slight " buzz " ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Immunity Booster.

> > > Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> > > influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> > > is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> > > protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> > > will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> > > compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> > > stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> > > natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> > > to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> > > the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> > > the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the

> alternative health field. Now this view, referred to as the " hygiene

> hypothesis "

> > > is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable

> institutes like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

> Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and numerous

> articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The

> hygiene hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> > > fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> > > overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> > > recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> > > allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> > > to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

> > >

> > >

> > > A catalyst

> > > Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> > > Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> > > Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For

> children,

> > > who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> > > kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> > > balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> > > The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10 colds

> > > per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> > > disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> > > kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> > > otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM

> condition,

> > > Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust the

> > > Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that

> linger,

> > > and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one

> pee),

> > > which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The

> child's

> > > dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western medicine

> > > as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.

> > >

> > >

> > > Cravings

> > > Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are viewed

> in TCM

> > > as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for sour

> > > (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal.

> TCM views

> > > this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and

> moving

> > blood.

> > > The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth

> Element).

> > > Just because a baby or a child likes something - and cries, if

> they

> > > don't get it - like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

> > good thing!

> > >

> > > Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty years.

> > >

> > >

> > > That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> > > The are also findings in specific research articles available on

> my web

> > > site.

> > >

> > > I urge you to make an informed choice.

> > >

> > > Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> > > Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> > > A California licensed primary health care provider

> > >

> > > ..........................................

> > >

> > > KT for babies

> > > Posted by: " " chris@ chrisbryan82

> > > Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> > > I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to give

> her

> > some

> > > brew?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > Chris

> > >

> >



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Sorry if this demonstrates my lack of understanding, but what does

dissolving an egg shell in a glass have to do with the effect of

calcium depletion in humans? Unless you consume your only calcium of

the day at the time you drink KT, your body would still be able to

absorb calcium when no KT is present, no?

Thanks for your advice!


> > >

> > > I advise NOT to.

> > >

> > > My first question is Why?

> > > Babies and children are not simply miniature people.

> > >

> > > Acetic, lactic acid and other acids

> > > These acids in kombucha are weak acids. When ingested, they

> > > react with minerals such as Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and

> > > Magnesium in the body tissue and blood, to form alkalies

> > > (alkaline-forming foods). That is how an acetic kombucha

> > > tea actually helps alkalize the body. This is good for those

> > > who are on the acetic side of life.

> > > However, Kombucha Tea in pregnant, nursing and babies

> > > where normal demand for these minerals are higher - the

> > > issue is critical. The same warnings are applied to Soy Milk

> > > and Soy products. Kombucha Tea and Soy products

> > > deplete calcium and reduce the thyroid function.

> > >

> > >

> > > Alcohol, sugar and caffeine

> > > All things that should be avoided for babies. Kombucha

> > > Mushroom Tea has various amounts of alcohol. The typical

> > > amount is 1/2 of 1%. It does depend upon the length of

> > > ferment and other factors. In the early days (day 2-3) or

> > > in a cooler temperatures, the alcohol content will be higher

> > > with the highest level about 4%. The longer the ferment the

> > > less alcohol and the less sugar. But always some alcohol

> > > remains. Likewise sugar will always be present even in a 30+

> > > day ferment. Residual sugar will mainly be in the form of

> > > fructose and pentose. (typical 4%). Caffeine levels are

> > > determined by the specific tea (Camellia Sinensis) Typical

> > > kombucha tea will have 25-40% of that listed for the particular

> > > tea per serving. For example if a typical cup of black tea

> > > has 100 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup than kombucha tea

> > > will have 25-40 mg of caffeine per 8 fl oz. Longer brewing

> > > times will reduce the caffeine level only about 1%.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Energy

> > > babies need to sleep.

> > >

> > > Traditional Chinese Medicine.

> > > (the " Health Elixir of the Tsang Destiny, 250 BC)

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Mushroom Tea breaks stagnation and

> > > moves the blood. Kombucha is invigorating. Excellent for those

> > > people with a lot of phlegm and stagnation and toxins built

> > > up over the years. How those toxins are released do often

> > > adversely affect healthy adults. (rash, sweat, fever) Stomach

> > > gurgling and unrest is a common short term experience.

> > >

> > > Definitely Not good for a baby whose digestion

> > > system is at a very critical stage. Diarrhea, all too common

> > > in babies may be made worse by kombucha tea. Diarrhea

> > > is a primary cause of dehydration. Dehydration which happens

> > > quickly is a major medical concern and must not be ignored.

> > >

> > > In TCM, Kombucha Tea, like Chinese herbs, play an important

> > > role in helping the body to maintain the proper balance and

> > > health. Breast Milk is a product of he mother's blood. Herbs

> > > that affect the blood will also affect mother's milk (as well

> > > as the mother herself). Chinese herbs may inhibit or stop

> > > lactation. One herb - depending upon the dosage will do

> > > either ! Ginseng may cause more heat in the milk. Vinegar

> > > will sour milk. The intervention of herbs (foods) is dependent

> > > upon the specific balance of the mother at that time. Herbs,

> > > applied in a TCM sense, are neither good nor bad they are

> > > applied in conjunction with an individual, that together

> > > affect a condition. Since the Chinese physicians First Duty

> > > is to Do No Harm, then the warning is not to give herbs

> > > [kombucha] unless specifically called for.

> > >

> > >

> > > Probiotics

> > > The introduction of food to new borns and babies is also

> > > critical and mush have a strategy behind it. Kombucha tea

> > > is a raw live probiotic with a wide spectrum of microbiological

> > > life. Research has shown that different species and even

> > > different strains within species have different effects

> > > upon the function of the liver-gallbladder and the digestive

> > > juices. What is in any one ferment is largely unknown. Indeed

> > > what one identify as kombucha has many different opinions.

> > > Individual ferments usually contain different microbes that

> > > are very susceptible to what is present in the air and

> > > environment. In new borns and babies their digestive tract is

> > > just developing and the live active raw nature of kombucha

> > > may over whelm their fragile system.

> > >

> > > Kombucha " invigorates the blood " a TCM term and in my

> > > experience has had some adverse reactions with blood

> > > thinning drugs like coumdin. Kombucha has been reported

> > > to lower blood pressure and another common experience

> > > is a light-headedness or slight " buzz " - as if drinking a


> > > of beer or wine and question the alcohol content. (~ 1/2 of 1%)

> > > Some people have reported feeling dizzy to the extent that

> > > they had to sit down and rest. This should not be confused

> > > with a nice relaxing experience. Kombucha does seem to help

> > > people with HYPER-tension. I suspect it may not be well suited

> for those with HYPO -tension or those with Hypo-thyroid related

> disorders. Kombucha may affect blood sugars as well as this is

> often a common experience of a sudden lowering of blood sugars.

> > > How can a mother tell if or when their baby is getting a

> slight " buzz " ?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Immunity Booster.

> > > Kombucha does assist a weak system to overcome a pathogenic

> > > influence. However in a new born and in babies - whose system

> > > is non-existent or fragile - may end up relying solely on the

> > > protection of kombucha. Years later when challenged the body

> > > will not have developed those defenses of its own and end up

> > > compromised. One's immunity system is built up (created) by

> > > stress caused by exposure. If one seeks to help a child build

> > > natural immunity one nurtures the Childs own ability and not

> > > to develop a dependency on outside influences. Instead of

> > > the child naturally fighting the pathogen, the kombucha fights

> > > the pathogen. This belief has been almost universal in the

> alternative health field. Now this view, referred to as

the " hygiene

> hypothesis "

> > > is gaining a lot of support in western medicine. Notable

> institutes like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

> Diseases, and the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, and


> articles in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The

> hygiene hypothesis proposes that unless children's immune systems

> > > fight infections by themselves early on, they can go into

> > > overdrive later and cause allergic reactions. According to

> > > recent (2004) research, babies (in their first year) who are

> > > allowed to develop their own immune system are far less likely

> > > to get allergies or asthma latter in life.

> > >

> > >

> > > A catalyst

> > > Kombucha is Qi. Energy and Yang. It is Yang within Yang.

> > > Kombucha makes things happen. For most people, who are Yang

> > > Deficient and clogged with toxins, kombucha is perfect. For

> children,

> > > who are naturally Yang Excess and predominately Yin Deficient,

> > > kombucha poses a risk of upsetting a delicate newly developing

> > > balance. Kombucha will tend to make a child more hyper-active.

> > > The child will get more colds and flu (average child ha 4-10


> > > per year) with higher fevers and will tend towards more skin

> > > disorders and asthma. (TCM Lung disorder). Many people believe

> > > kombucha is an immune-booster, and where it does benefit a

> > > otherwise healthy adult, in a child with a Wind Heat (TCM

> condition,

> > > Cold with chills, fever and sore throat) kombucha will exhaust


> > > Qi (energy of the body) resulting in higher fevers, fevers that

> linger,

> > > and fevers that come and go. Kombucha is a diuretic (makes one

> pee),

> > > which furthers depletes the Yin and dehydrates the body. The

> child's

> > > dehydration (Yin Deficient in TCM) is accepted by western


> > > as one of the leading causes of childhood diseases.

> > >

> > >

> > > Cravings

> > > Certain cravings, such as the craving for things sour are


> in TCM

> > > as an expression of the body's wood element. The craving for


> > > (as in pickles and other ferments) during pregnancy is normal.

> TCM views

> > > this as the liver (yin-wood element) function of storing and

> moving

> > blood.

> > > The craving for sweet is related to the Spleen Energy (Earth

> Element).

> > > Just because a baby or a child likes something – and cries, if

> they

> > > don't get it – like chocolate or twinkles, does not mean it is a

> > good thing!

> > >

> > > Many of these side affects may not appear for ten or twenty


> > >

> > >

> > > That is my professional opinion, and I could go on.

> > > The are also findings in specific research articles available


> my web

> > > site.

> > >

> > > I urge you to make an informed choice.

> > >

> > > Ed Kasper, LAc. and family.

> > > Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

> > > A California licensed primary health care provider

> > >

> > > ..........................................

> > >

> > > KT for babies

> > > Posted by: " " chris@ chrisbryan82

> > > Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:29 am (PST)

> > > I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to


> her

> > some

> > > brew?

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > >

> > > Chris

> > >

> >


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In message <fn0k35+j0e3eGroups> you wrote:

> Let us look at this logically. If egg shells are made of calcium,

> than acid would dissolve it. Probably if you ate egg shells, it would

> dissolve in your stomach from the acid. So does that mean that the

> acid in your stomach would take the calcium out of your bones?


> Now, let us use our own horse sense. I think not. KT only adds to

> our intestinal acid and flora and helps us digest foods which break

> down into usable parts for our body to use.


> Now my suggestion to you is: Please do not soak your bones in Kombucha

> Tea. LOL ~~Sunny

Hehehehe and LOL!! My husband and I were talking on similar lines :-)

How very well and humorously put! Gave us a good morning chuckle!



+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

<:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><


+----------------- http://www.Gotquestions.org ------------------+

Jesus says: I have come to give you life, that you might have it

to the full .... ( 10:10)

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Kombucha is supposed to alkalize your body, not acidify it. True, egg shells

dissolve in acid, like kombucha. But that is in a glass, it is not your

body's reaction.


Always Enough Ranch

Acampo, California



Re: Re:KT for babies

> In message <fn0k35+j0e3eGroups> you wrote:


>> Let us look at this logically. If egg shells are made of calcium,

>> than acid would dissolve it. Probably if you ate egg shells, it would

>> dissolve in your stomach from the acid. So does that mean that the

>> acid in your stomach would take the calcium out of your bones?


>> Now, let us use our own horse sense. I think not. KT only adds to

>> our intestinal acid and flora and helps us digest foods which break

>> down into usable parts for our body to use.


>> Now my suggestion to you is: Please do not soak your bones in Kombucha

>> Tea. LOL ~~Sunny


> Hehehehe and LOL!! My husband and I were talking on similar lines :-)

> How very well and humorously put! Gave us a good morning chuckle!


> Margret:-)

> --

> +------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

> <:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><

> http://www.AnswersInGenesis.com

> +----------------- http://www.Gotquestions.org ------------------+


> Jesus says: I have come to give you life, that you might have it

> to the full .... ( 10:10)





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Kombucha is supposed to alkalize your body, not acidify it. True, egg shells

dissolve in acid, like kombucha. But that is in a glass, it is not your

body's reaction.


Always Enough Ranch

Acampo, California



Re: Re:KT for babies

> In message <fn0k35+j0e3eGroups> you wrote:


>> Let us look at this logically. If egg shells are made of calcium,

>> than acid would dissolve it. Probably if you ate egg shells, it would

>> dissolve in your stomach from the acid. So does that mean that the

>> acid in your stomach would take the calcium out of your bones?


>> Now, let us use our own horse sense. I think not. KT only adds to

>> our intestinal acid and flora and helps us digest foods which break

>> down into usable parts for our body to use.


>> Now my suggestion to you is: Please do not soak your bones in Kombucha

>> Tea. LOL ~~Sunny


> Hehehehe and LOL!! My husband and I were talking on similar lines :-)

> How very well and humorously put! Gave us a good morning chuckle!


> Margret:-)

> --

> +------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

> <:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><

> http://www.AnswersInGenesis.com

> +----------------- http://www.Gotquestions.org ------------------+


> Jesus says: I have come to give you life, that you might have it

> to the full .... ( 10:10)





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In kombucha tea , " Happy Herbalist " <eddy@...>


Patty, Here is what I said in response to two different posts;

" I have a 10-month old daughter, would it be safe/healthy to

give her some brew? "

You said:

1. Not recommended for babies

2. OK for Normal folk .... I say: If you are talking about

hypothyroidism, then I might not see myself as " normal folk " . I

believe I'm not the only person who had concerns with what appeared

to be conflicting statements.


Hope to clear this up ...

Kombucha does not cause HYPOTHYROIDISM. Are you saying it does NOT

reduce thyroid function in adults, even those already hypothyroid?

Kombucha reduces the thyroid function. in babies is true.

my professional opinion. largely theoretical, with some supporting

evidence - but no double blind long term studies, since

there is (justly so) an aversion to testing theories on babies.

There is support that Soy Milk depletes calcium and reduces

the thyroid function, and we know kombucha has a similar action. I

DON'T KNOW that, nor do I understand the similarities.

as to word games ....

As an example to which there are volumes of opinions

and medical research is Ginseng - a natural herb.

Kombucha is not an herb or drug unless you include the small amount

of Caffeine in it. I don't think equating it with an herb is a good


I am not sure if you are questioning my assertion of the role

of kombucha in the acid / alkaline balance, and of the role of

calcium, et el, in the pH balance. I'm not questioning that part of

it at all. I am questioning your statement that it can leech calcium

from the body. For example, kefir is quite acidic yet it makes

calcium MORE bioavailable. You dissolve eggshells in lemon juice, an

acidic medium to make a bioavailable Calcium supplement. So I do not

understand your reasoning that KT will leech Calcium. Did this

clear it up or just make you more aggravated?

Physicians First Rule... " Physician Do No Harm " And I'm quite happy

you believe and practice that :)

Ed Kasper LAc & family

alifornia License Acupuncturist & Medicinal Herbalist

Ed, thanks for answering. I'm truly trying to learn here. Let me

tell you a little about where I'm coming from and why I was so upset

by the apparent contradictory statements. Last April I was told I'd

be in a wheelchair for life within 6 months, there was nothing more

that could be done for me, to go back on Morphine and deal with it.

I asked God to heal me or take me. He showed me the path to

healing. I was on 27 prescription medicines. I had

diseases/problems affecting virtually every organ, joints, skin etc.

I was well over 100lbs overweight and nearly bedbound. I was in and

out of the hospital with asthma. I could not walk without a cane,

outside of my house I had to use a scooter. The only medication I

still take is Synthroid, I have lost over 50lbs. I no longer have

most of my " diseases " . I did it all with nutrition, a plan taught by

my chiropractor, and carefully selected supplements (It's hard to eat

nothing processed and organic on a fixed income, supplements are

almost impossible). My research led me to ferments. I researched KT

for months before I started it. I am so afraid of doing anything

that could send me backwards...which was the root of my reaction. I

went back to work part time in December. I can't go back to nursing

(and have no desire to with what I've learned in teh last several

months) but I found an office job. I want to succeed, to be

productive, to get off disability, and most of all to share my

success with whomever will listen. I'm a sponge, soaking up

everything I read. So...thanks for answering :)


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Dave, yes. our bodies are in constant flux.

Even Hot/Cold showers will affect our pH.

So will our emotions.

We are always eating and discharging.

Our bodies also have to discharge excess

calcium - or it stores in our joints, as in Gout

Or if deficient robs it from our bones.

My point was poorly made

(as viewed from the responses on this list).

Kombucha tea is often viewed as beneficial acids.

Those acids react with the minerals in our body.

It is not all or nothing. Its more of what has been

created. Some people have laughed and said well

don't soak your bones in kombucha. (ha-ha) But

sometimes that is actually want one wants,

that combination of a serendipitous adventure.

Dr Barefoot book Calcium Factor goes more into this.

Our bodies work because there is an interaction

between alkaline and acid. Our stomach is acid. Our

Liver/Gallbladder is alkaline. Timing is everything.

Grossly oversimplified = but I'm trying to see the

big picture. As in everything, if you overdo something

there's a bad reaction. Too much kombucha, overly

fermented, too high of an acid content, coupled with

poor digestion, poor absorbability, poor diet - or those

in a compromised position or those that do not have

a fully developed system (as a baby) will have negative

effects. Therefore How you make your kombucha, and

how Much you drink, and When you drink it are of

no consequence to a healthy active adult, and would be

expected to benefit form this brew.

(I wanted to end on a positive note)

Happy Brewing,

Ed Kasper LAc. & family


KT for babies

Posted by: " dnewsom42 " dnewsom42@... dnewsom42

Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:05 pm (PST)


Sorry if this demonstrates my lack of understanding, but what does

dissolving an egg shell in a glass have to do with the effect of

calcium depletion in humans? Unless you consume your only calcium of

the day at the time you drink KT, your body would still be able to

absorb calcium when no KT is present, no?

Thanks for your advice!


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