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Re: Hello , Tawny, and Others

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..Hello J Sala.. it hasn't been very long since i, too, wandered in here, and i probably won't be of much help, but just want to welcome you and read our post nd see if there is anything that i may be able to offer a suggestion or comment

----- Original Message -----

From: jsala

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 4:02 PM

Subject: Hello , Tawny, and Others

Hello,I am new to the group too and new to RA. I am pretty sure I have it or something very closely related to RA--I responded well to the steroid medicine my dr. perscribed for a "flare up". But now I am off the steroid, and the pain is back again!!! I don't go to the rheumatologist until January 2004...so until then I need to be patient. I am starting to take the Chondroitin and Glucosamine. Also I am taking Fish Oil. How much are any of you taking--what is the dosage?

I can't seem to take cod liver oil as my liver throws it back up my throat so to speak, but i can take ground flax seed that also has omega 3 oils. when i went off the steroid prednisone, i, too flared up and had to go back on it, although i am on the minimum of 5mg daily. you might call the DR and see if he can call a prescription in for you to ease the progression of the problem.I now wear "long johns" on my legs, it keeps them warmer, so I can move around better. I use a heating pad and am trying out a "therabeads" pad (you just stick it in the microwave to heat it up).

I wear socks and sweat pants and top to sleep in the winter and also around the house a lot when it is cold and i am in a flare.

I am taking naproxen but am not sure how safe that is either???

I am taking naproxen (naprosin), too, and of all the ones i have had the past several years, it is the least detrimental to my stomach, or so it seems.

Are any of you on special diets? Or have found that certain foods have an effect?

due to stomach problems, esophogeal reflux, i do have to watch what i eat so no red meats, no dairy, no refined sugar, no fat greasy stuff, no junk food, very little white flour so no pasta , or things like chili which i love and spagetti /sauce.. or fatty pork, ... i do eat a lot of mixed vegetables, plenty of green vegetables, fruits and nuts, beans and rice that has been soaked in water and allowed to just barely sprout before cooking, (while sprouting beans have to be rinsed at least once, but rice does not have to be rinsed.) i try to drink a large glass of soy or almond milk with an organic egg fraped into it with a bit of stevia (a reall sweet herb) to sweeten it and a bit of pineapple to give it a bit of a flavor. also have a large glass of distilled or RO water with half a fresh lemon squeezed in it sometime in the afternoon. I use some herbs.. like dried greens and also i use quite a bit of ginger ingested or made into a tincture and rubbed on the joints. take multivitamins, vitamin E, calcium etc...

I was told some time back that the night shade plants were detrimental to one with RA and i stopped eating them and considering my age, i am doing fairly well, but not sure if that is working. i am in a bit of a flare right now, but it will probably ease off with a little rest.

I am also considering chiropractic, any experience with that?

Been several.. about 30 years.. since been to chiropractor, but not for RA.. .. have been to a misues a few times and it is so wonderfully relaxing, but can't afford to go very much! LOL.. one of my daughters got me a hot wax (parafene) thingie to put my hands in and it is good but kind of clumsy to do it by myself,although, when i get a really bad flare and my hands are swollen and red and can't stand to touch them, i manage to do the hot/cold treatment with it. another daughter got me some electric heating pad mittens and they are helpfull, too. wish they would fit on my feet!!! also have heater and vibrators in my lazy boy recliner and that thing is the best investment i ever made besides a toothbrush! LOL!!I am also a little confused because sometimes I get pain in my lower leg muscle--if RA is in the joints, why am I getting pain in my lower leg?

with RA, you can get pai anywhere in the ole bod.!! get it in my neck, shoulders, elbows, in the muscles in between, ankles, feet, wrists, fingers.. once had symptoms of a hert attack, severe pains in the right place and dizzyness shortness of breath.. hurt so bad ivan called the ambulence and i ws ok.. dr said it was probably from the RA.

i used to get leg cramps really bad, like my tendons were going to tear themselves out of my legs and i started taking a 5 gr quinine capsule once a month and i don't have that particular pain any more unless i forget to take the capsule. BUT.. the RA does wander around the body. when i have a particullarly bad night, i get up, even in the middle of the night and take a long hot shower. i can't sit in the tub as i wouldn't be able to get up out of it! LOL! so i have a plastic stool in it so i can sit if need to.

As you can see I have a long list of questions...I just wish I had more answers!!!

Well... think i answered more than you wanted to know, but it may give you some ideas but may not have answered the ones you need.P.S. I have a 15 month old adopted son so I can't let RA slow me down. J Sala in Pennsyvlania

right! you will be facing a reall challenge, but i don't think we are ever given more than we can somehow handle. below is a web site that will give you some answers or confuse you even more.. LOL..


let us all hear of your progress.

love.. lee h aka granny lee

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I can't really help with any of your questions but I can suggest that you call your rheumatologist to see if you can either be prescribed something else or get an earlier appointment. You should not suffer in silence without letting your rheumatologist know you have problems. A wheel that doesn't squeak is ignored and a squeak can't hurt. Good luck and God bless.

----- Original Message -----

From: jsala

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:02 PM

Subject: Hello , Tawny, and Others

Hello,I am new to the group too and new to RA. I am pretty sure I have it or something very closely related to RA--I responded well to the steroid medicine my dr. perscribed for a "flare up". But now I am off the steroid, and the pain is back again!!! I don't go to the rheumatologist until January 2004...so until then I need to be patient. I am starting to take the Chondroitin and Glucosamine. Also I am taking Fish Oil. How much are any of you taking--what is the dosage? I now wear "long johns" on my legs, it keeps them warmer, so I can move around better. I use a heating pad and am trying out a "therabeads" pad (you just stick it in the microwave to heat it up).I am taking naproxen but am not sure how safe that is either???Are any of you on special diets? Or have found that certain foods have an effect?I am also considering chiropractic, any experience with that?I am also a little confused because sometimes I get pain in my lower leg muscle--if RA is in the joints, why am I getting pain in my lower leg?As you can see I have a long list of questions...I just wish I had more answers!!! P.S. I have a 15 month old adopted son so I can't let RA slow me down. J Sala in Pennsyvlania

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