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questions on how to get into therapy

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After months wondering if my daughter is going to

improve on her own, I'm now convinced that Kaeli does

have either mild apraxia or an articulation disorder.

I have a few questions and hope that someone will be

able to give me some guidance.

1. If at 22 mo child is exhibiting most of the

warning signs of apraxia, how likely is it that he/she

has apraxia? (The only ones my daughter doesn't

exhibit are the ones she's still too young for)

2. We have had 2 evaluations, but after looking over

her most recent one again, I've noticed 2 problems.

First the evaluator wrote that Kaeli has just begun

" producing long strands of variegated babble " . I told

her that Kaeli had just started babbling mamama,

bababa, and once or twice I heard bda. After looking

up the word variegated, I don't see how she considers

Kaeli's babble variegated. Can she consider is varied

simply b/c of once or twice? Could she have possibly

misunderstood me? That is important b/c it was the

biggest reason Kaeli didn't qualify for therapy.

3. She has Kaeli listed as being capable of 5

consonant sounds, and now within a month, Kaeli no

longer makes the w/ sound at all. Actually, I'm not

sure why she included it since Kaeli stopped using

that in words before the evaluation. I did report

that Kaeli USED to say " owada " , but I hadn't heard it

in a month or 2. At the time, I was only able to get

Kaeli to repeat the sound on very rare occassions when

working with her.

(The evaluation was done a month ago)

4. I'm scheduled for our re-evaluation end of Feb

once Kaeli has turned 2. But, I know after being on a

waiting list it will be a long time from now before we

will actually be in therapy. Is there any way for me

to get her re-evaluatd again only 1 mo after an

evaluation? I'm even willing to pay the money

out-of-pocket. If I call EI and tell them that she is

regressing, would they consider an earlier re-eval?

On a side note, the physical therapist and

occupational therapist want to re-evaluate Kaeli at

age 2 as well. PT said she was a little slow in

reaching gross motor skills appropriate for her age

(can't run and can't walk up and down stairs). The OT

said she appeared to have some " tactile defensive

issues " and is " hypersensitive to different textures

coming in contact with her hands and feet " . Although

I don't see any of that as a problem it sure does go

along with apraxia. Kaeli also had reflux as a baby.

I'm just tired of sitting around waiting and not

getting my daughter the help I feel sure she needs.

Thanks for any help and advice you can give me.


Kaeli 22 mos

--- lizardo27 <lizardo27@...> wrote:

> I am still interested in adding children to the Kids

> Talk Back page.

> Anyone interested please email me, and I can forward

> the information

> I am looking for to you. Please email at

> Lizardo27@...

> Please feel free to check out the little angels at:

> http://kidstalkback.tripod.com/apraxiaangels/

> Thanks-

> Liz

> http://kidstalkback.tripod.com/kidstalkback/






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