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Re: Re: Questions and answers about PMMA for buttock reconstruction after severe lipoatr

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DC guys 4 weeks is too soon to see the end results, it will get

better and better as time goes by.

I did PMAA for my face few months ago and in my butt

respectively 2 years and 1 year ago.

This is my experience:


After the initial swelling (5 days) there is a stage of lumpiness

6-8 weeks, during this period I lost a bit more volume as well

as the remaining swelling.

The entry points slowly faded away it took about 2-3 months

depending on the area.

Dr Casavantes used a cannula and I think that is why the area should not be

massaged, because the cannula spread the PMMA under the skin or muscle

to make a even layer.

Pretty much like you should not sit down for at least 24-48 hours after

doing the butt.

As I learned from previous experiences with Sculptra the left side of my face

doesn't respond as well as my right side, so I always need a touch up to even it

out, it is possible that others might have similar problems

or not, in any case touch ups are always needed to make the job right

no matter what filler is used.

The best part about the PMMA was to be able to fill up the fore head where

sculptra could not get or the temples where sculptra had limited effect.

Now I look normal again.

The butt

I did my first session in Rio 2 years ago and my second a year later

in Mexico with Dr Casavantes.

Pretty much the same as the face, a lumpy period for the first few months

a lost of the initial volume, mostly due to the anesthetic injections and the


After 3 months It finally settle down to the real final size,

keep in mind that PMMA is

injected in a liquid suspension that (duh) the body has to slowly absorb as the

PMMA binds with our body and stimulates collagen production and volume to

replace the absorbed liquid.

Every body reaction is difference, it all depends on the way our body reacts,

some people need less to get more and some people need more to get less.

Another thing I noticed after my first session in RIO were lumps deep under the

skin that could be felt only by pressing hard, now I know those were the entry

points and over time they faded, that took about a year.

At 2 years I can tell you that my butt looks and feels natural, nobody can tell

I had PMMA, a little patience is needed to get trough all the stages but to it

was more then worth, I had a nice butt pre HIV and I ended up with the flattest

ass, all skin and bones.

I look normal now, my pants do not fall down, I am not embarrassed at the gym

and best of all it doesn't hurt when I sit down.

I am now planing my last touch up, in my upper legs right below the butt.

Any one suffering from butt wasting has noticed then when we sit down we

actually sit mostly on our upper legs and the ass goes to the back of the chair.

So I am planing to fill up that area with PMMA to finally regain a more natural

shape on my upper legs and be able to sit 100% comfortably.

Last 3 things I learned and I would recomend to any one when doing any kind of

plastic job:


Realistic expectations, we are not going to look like we were 20s again

(unless we are 20)

nor will we get the same shape of face, these repairs are meant to make you look

normal and healthy again and that is all they can really do,

unless you guys prefer that Joan River look LOL


Results varies from person to person, depending on several factors,

type of skin, how much did you loose, how do you react to the treatment,

your age, your medications, your diet, the doctor you used and even what kind of

that that doctor had.

3) Touch ups are a necessity, fat was lost every where in layers,

no doctor can remove your skin and give you an even layer of filler

and then close you back up.

Every session will help to achive that even natural look and

fill up new areas as well as touch where needed,

that is why I always tell p[eople they will need many sessions of sculptra

every time your doctor will be able to add a bit in a new area as needed as well

as plump previously needed areas.

With the right doctor a bit of patience, realistic expectations and yes money a

big difference can be made.

Hope this help

Mark B

> From: DC Guy <dcdwntwn@...>

> Subject: Re: Questions and answers about PMMA for buttock

reconstruction after severe lipoatr


> Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 1:13 PM

> I figured I would chime in here a bit too...I'm almost 4

> weeks post

> face and butt procedures.


> 1. Expect a roller coaster of size.

> I had my face and my butt done. My butt got so big at one

> point that I

> had gone from Mick Jagger to Beyonce. The top would expand,

> then

> shrink. Then the sides would expand. At almost 4 weeks now

> post-procedure things look pretty good and evened out. I

> only recently

> had a drop-off in size after a good 2-3 weeks of pretty big

> swelling.

> If it stays right here, I'll be very happy.


> 2. Indentations, bumps and such

> In the morning, my butt is great ( I sleep on my stomach ).

> However,

> after a day at work, there are big creases/lines/stairsteps

> in my ass

> that are obvious in the mid-butt..and the top of the butt

> swells a bit

> and raises up. Thus, there are even daily variations based

> upon where

> and how long you sit. I'm sure this will even out as

> time goes on, but

> it's something that you should be aware of.


> 3. Go to the gym. You'll feel better.

> Stretch and stretch and stretch. Take a Chisel class (low

> impact full

> body workout with low hand weights, body bars and such).

> Take a yoga

> class. Keep that blood flowing.


> 4. The entry points are very visible

> Even at 4 weeks, the entry points are visible and hard.

> Thus, even

> though the butt looks great today, the evidence of the

> treatment is

> still there. says they will diminish and I'm

> hopeful they will

> too.


> 5. To rub or not to rub

> Dr. Casavantes made it very clear to me that I should not

> be rubbing

> or massaging the treated after after I got home.

> writes

> otherwise. So, this is a question you want to get more

> information on

> yourself as to how to proceed. I personally did not rub,

> but stretched

> any way I knew how.


> 6. Pain?

> I was out shopping 2 hours after the procedure. Nights 1

> and 2 were a

> bit rough as the muscles stiffen up and get very sore. It

> will be hard

> to move around in bed, flip over or get out. I didn't

> take anything

> other than ibuprofen. During the next 3 days I toured all

> over San

> Diego - wherever I could stand and not sit - harbor cruise,

> zoo,

> shopping. I'd have trouble walking by mid-afternoon,

> but I kept

> moving. Then I took a bath in the evening to relax.

> Casavantes

> recommends it and I would to. When you stop for too long

> and are

> sedentary, that is when the muscle locks up and there is

> pain and

> trouble moving (thus, difficulties in the middle of the

> night).


> 7. Getting home

> I flew home (6 hours) on day 4 after treatment and

> didn't have any

> problems.


> 8. Face

> a. I did develop some bruising under both eyes a few days

> after the

> treatment that lasted for a week.

> b. Expect unevenness as the body responds - big

> cheek/little cheek. c.

> Swelling over by end of week 2. Don't expect to go to

> your holiday

> party a week after the procedure unless you have made up a

> good story.

> It's not scary in any way, but it is obvious.

> d. Even though I had the same amount in each cheek, I have

> one that is

> at least another 1/3 bigger than the other. You never know

> how the

> body will respond and our faces are so " out there in

> the public " , that

> you notice every little difference. We expect complete

> symmetry, which

> is difficult to attain. For facial procedures, you are

> asked to go for

> a second visit. I assume that this is the kind of thing

> that is

> corrected at that time. I've asked some friends if they

> notice and

> they say no - that it's really just me noticing.

> e. It feels very natural. I don't have any concerns on

> that point.

> f. Everyone has been commenting on how good my hair looks.

> This is

> classic displacement since they don't expect that I had

> my cheeks

> worked on. They know something is different - and at least

> they are

> saying it looks good. My hair is the same it has always

> been. LOL.



> 9. Cost - Please, don't ask those of us that have had

> procedures done

> for the cost. Casavante's office will be happy to put

> together an

> estimate for you with just an email and a few pictures.

> I'm happy to

> share my experience with the procedure and the weeks

> following, but

> administrative items are best asked of the physician as it

> is his

> business.


> 10. Travel - I used Priceline and got an amazing hotel in

> the Gaslamp

> for $100 a night for 5 nights. I used Casavantes'

> shuttle to pick me

> up and take me home. I will do the same when I go back.

> Couldn't have

> been any easier. Plan your trip around one of the national

> tours that

> come through the San Diego Civic Center. I saw the Drowsy

> Chaperone

> the night before my procedure since it was my only night to

> sit. Get

> half price tickets through Arts Tix. I was able to have a

> pretty

> reasonably priced vacation and still have my procedure

> done.



> If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at

> dcdwntwn@....


> K




> >

> > Thanks for the kind words ...you did forget that

> Pope Ratzinger

> > has me in line for a sainthood and I will also become

> an astronaut

> > and a fireman ...yeech!

> >

> > On the the subject of supplements helping grow an

> ass...i have found

> > 3 additional things out that i will incorporate into

> your buttock page

> >

> > 1. supplements don't seem to help but a high

> caloric diet seems

> > to...weather this is just extra weight from the diet

> you are adding

> > on top of the neocollagenesis or actually promoting

> collagen growth

> > is debatable, but as a mater of course i tell people

> to NOT restrict

> > calories and nutrients during this period... think

> its a good

> > idea to eat jello also (!)

> >

> > B. also did find that using Growth Hormone also

> APPEARED to make a

> > noticeable difference along with testosterone and

> nandrolone when i

> > had PMMA injected into my Triceps/deltoids and biceps.

> I am

> > participating in a small scale study of IM injections

> of PMMA in

> > muscles other then the gluts.

> >

> > At my age and with my heart condition, the doc is

> pressuring me to

> > reduce my androgen and gh intake to levels approaching

> what humans

> > take rather then the Horse and Cow dosing I had been

> taking...I Mooed

> > in protest, but will comply after seeing the results

> of my muscle

> > enhancement.

> >

> > Third thing: women seem to respond to gh after buttock

> treatment with

> > PMMA pretty dramatically...i also am not certain if

> thgis is from the

> > loss of fat surrounding the impllant making it look

> bigger of there

> > is an effect on the implant directly.

> >

> > Regardless, the data and cliniocal experiance in now

> in and medical

> > PMMA in whatever brand, from Artifill to NewPlastic

> and Metacrill is

> > the only safe effective and and predictible treatment

> for soft tissue

> > filling there is available.

> >




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