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Re: EFA dosage

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I give my 29 month old one ProEFA a day and one DHA Jr per day with no problems


>Hi! I am new to this group. I have a 22 month old who is being

>evaluated this week for a speech delay. Max says about 5

>understandable words, but seems to understand much more. I am

>interested in the supplementation, but I am unsure of the dosage

>appropriate for a 2 year old. Any recommendations?

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Stacey, where do you get the supplement? Have you noticed a



--- In @y..., " Stacey " <staceydaniel@m...>


> I give my 29 month old one ProEFA a day and one DHA Jr per day with

no problems

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I am another member who started using ProEfa with my son Cameron, 7 years

old, about 6 months ago and I definitely have noticed signs. Some small

ones at first but he was nearly non-verbal and he is nowhere near speaking

correctly but trying an awful lot and getting many real words out (he would

hardly try before, it was too frustrating). I would not say he consistently

says words but way more often than before. Also his handwriting in the last

couple months has been the biggest change. He could not write words without

prompting or tracing and now he is writing words on his own by looking at

the same written word (way better!). His teacher has noticed a huge

difference in the last few weeks the most. I went into it thinking it may

not really help but am a firm believer now! My husband thinks it helps



mom of Cameron 3q deletion

[ ] Re: EFA dosage

Stacey, where do you get the supplement? Have you noticed a



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I order our supplements online at www.nordicnaturals.com . The difference in my

child is amazing. is not apraxic but he does have pdd. He is 2 1/2

and went from having one word (bye bye) at Christmas to 30 or more words now.

He tries to imitate every word I try with him. They don't always come out

correctly but he is trying. His eye contact has also improved. He is now

putting puzzles together, the ones with the handles on them with the pictures

underneath, and I ask him what each thing is before he puts it into the slot. I

get tickled everytime I hear him say rooster. Comes out " wrooster. " He also

calls me mama now, which is the sweetest sound I have ever heard

So, I am a walking talking billboard for ProEFA.


[ ] Re: EFA dosage

Stacey, where do you get the supplement? Have you noticed a



> I give my 29 month old one ProEFA a day and one DHA Jr per day with

no problems

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When we started out , my son was being evaluated for seizures. Since ProEFA

contains Omega 6's (known to trigger seizures in people prone to them) I

searched for a product which only contained Omega 3's. I found the DHA Jr. This

is what I started out with and began to see good results. Once we ruled out

seizures I added in the ProEFA to get some Omega 6's into the mix. Seems to be

working for us for now so I am continuing with this until I see a need for



----- Original Message -----

Just wondering why both ProEFA and DHA Jr.? I'm just curious I want to start

my daughter on supplementation and I'm still trying to figure all of out.

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At the time, would rapidly blink his eyes as if he had something in them.

He also would have these " spells " that looked like he was daydreaming but you

could not snap him out of it. They would last for 10-15 seconds. The

neurologist said that the blinking thing was most likely a tic associated with

the speech delay. We have had 2 EEGs' & a MRI, both of which have not shown

anthing. He still does the eye blinking thing periodically. Especially if he

is not being stimulated in any other way.


Re: [ ] Re: EFA dosage

In a message dated 2/5/02 11:28:43 PM Central Standard Time,

staceydaniel@... writes:

> When we started out , my son was being evaluated for seizures.

Stacey, what was he doing? I ask because we thought Jenna had seizures, but

it was something else....a sleep myoclonus.



Married to Joe


Jackie, , Jenna & Kamryn


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