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Re: rash

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Hi Amber, I have been getting little red dots all over the inside of my arms

and sometimes all over my legs. It only appears for a short time (maybe 1/2

hour) than disappears. Usually in the morning, and not everyday. It is not

itchy. Is yours itchy?

Getting a rash is one of the side effects listed for implants, but I have no

idea why implanted women get them.

----- Original Message -----

From: " amber_leediker " <amber_leediker@...>

< >

Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 10:05 PM

Subject: rash

> Dear Members,


> Over the past three weeks I have experienced a rash of some sort on

> the outer portion of my breasts. I have had saline implants for

> almost two years. They are placed under the muscle and the rash

> seems to be in the area that is not covered by the muscle. The skin

> there is very dry and almost looks like ringworm, but it is not.


> Thanks!

> Amber





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Many of us have had, or still do have, a rash of some sort. Your body could

be reacting to the silicone, to contaminated saline, or just the implant

material itself. It does not matter where the implants are placed, i.e.,

under or over the muscle. If you are going to develop a reaction, it

doesn't matter.

I developed a reaction about 6 months after I got saline implants, and when

I finally saw a ps about getting explanted, she said that I was without a

doubt reacting to the implant. It's hard to say exactly what component, but

after I had them removed, she felt that it was to the silicone, esp since my

implants had " broken down " and the silicone was like " goo " in my chest.

See a dermatologist about it, or if you trust your ps to be honest and not

biased, see him/her. I was treated for the rash, but nothing really helped.

But everyone is different and what I didn't respond to, you might, and

vice versa.

Good luck!

e, RN, BSN

>From: " amber_leediker " <amber_leediker@...>



>Subject: rash

>Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 03:05:35 -0000


>Dear Members,


>Over the past three weeks I have experienced a rash of some sort on

>the outer portion of my breasts. I have had saline implants for

>almost two years. They are placed under the muscle and the rash

>seems to be in the area that is not covered by the muscle. The skin

>there is very dry and almost looks like ringworm, but it is not.


> Thanks!

> Amber





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I got psoriasis and the doctor thought it was ringworm but it took an

emergency room visit to figure it out since it got severe at times. I got

it only near my joints on my arms/elbows and legs/knee area. Hope this



----- Original Message -----

From: " amber_leediker " <amber_leediker@...>

< >

Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 10:05 PM

Subject: rash

> Dear Members,


> Over the past three weeks I have experienced a rash of some sort on

> the outer portion of my breasts. I have had saline implants for

> almost two years. They are placed under the muscle and the rash

> seems to be in the area that is not covered by the muscle. The skin

> there is very dry and almost looks like ringworm, but it is not.


> Thanks!

> Amber





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Have a doctor check you platelet count. .

----- Original Message -----

From: Katz <rkatz1@...>

< >

Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 10:10 PM

Subject: Re: rash

> Hi Amber, I have been getting little red dots all over the inside of my


> and sometimes all over my legs. It only appears for a short time (maybe


> hour) than disappears. Usually in the morning, and not everyday. It is


> itchy. Is yours itchy?

> Getting a rash is one of the side effects listed for implants, but I have


> idea why implanted women get them.


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " amber_leediker " <amber_leediker@...>

> < >

> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 10:05 PM

> Subject: rash



> > Dear Members,

> >

> > Over the past three weeks I have experienced a rash of some sort on

> > the outer portion of my breasts. I have had saline implants for

> > almost two years. They are placed under the muscle and the rash

> > seems to be in the area that is not covered by the muscle. The skin

> > there is very dry and almost looks like ringworm, but it is not.

> >

> > Thanks!

> > Amber

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Amber,

Is this the only problem or symptom that you are experiencing? If so I

would see a derm it could be contact dermatitis of some sort, I am not going

to say that your implants are the cause if that is your only symptom, though

they very well could be.

I would love to know if you have any other problems/symptoms that you have

or maybe have not connected to the implants, rash etc? Unusual fatigue, pain

and aches, hair loss, brain fog or forgetfulness or dizziness. If you have

any of these then you may want to think long and hard about what your

implants may be doing to you.

I had a rash but it was not the worse thing I had and I never really

connected it at first, however, it grew redder and redder after a while and

then I really began to think that it was connected to the other problems I

was having, my health deteriorated so fast with implants in my body it was

just one thing after another after another.

Well turns out that my implants were full of micro-organisms and that could

explain much of why I was so sick, also many many McGhan and Mentor Saline

implants have defective or faulty fill valves that can harbor germs and bugs

that can make us ill. It doesn't have to be ruptured to have a small amount

of fluid that moves in and out of the fill port, it only takes a tiny amount

to cause bacteria growth.

I don't mean to scare you and I certainly don't want to upset you, however

it is great to have knowledge and be educated on the negative aspects of


Please try to put things into perspective as hard as that can be at times,

really weigh your options and think about your future and your health and

what implants mean to you.

If you still feel that your implants are the problem consider an explant

with a good vertical mastopexy by an excellent experienced plastic surgeon.

If on the other hand you believe or find out it is a simple contact

dermatitis issue or something simple, then you may decide that implants are

what you want and need in your body at this time, and choose to move ahead

with implants, whatever you decide to do, you will be armed with a little

more info and a lot more knowledge should future problems arise.

We are all so happy to help you in any other issues you may have. Please let

us all know what you figure out.

Many prayers and hugs

----- Original Message -----

From: " amber_leediker " <amber_leediker@...>

< >

Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 8:05 PM

Subject: rash

> Dear Members,


> Over the past three weeks I have experienced a rash of some sort on

> the outer portion of my breasts. I have had saline implants for

> almost two years. They are placed under the muscle and the rash

> seems to be in the area that is not covered by the muscle. The skin

> there is very dry and almost looks like ringworm, but it is not.


> Thanks!

> Amber





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  • 1 year later...
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I've been coming down off of two years on prednisone - I just went down to 2

mg and have been breaking out in a slow rash mainly on my legs. I'm also on

methotrexate (7.5 mg) and Humira, both of which I've taken for a few months

(meth for about a year). Since prednisone and other steroids are often used to

control rashes (hives, etc.) I was wondering if there was a connection between

going down on the prednisone and breaking out in a rash. Maybe the prednisone

was controlling an allergic reaction in my body all along? and now that it's at

minimal levels, the reaction is breaking through? Ugh! I hate all this

itching. Anyone have any ideas?


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Prednisone could have very well been containing that rash. Try an

antihistimine like Benedryl and talk to your doctor. Rashes are

signs of other rheumatic diseases.


> I've been coming down off of two years on prednisone - I just went

down to 2

> mg and have been breaking out in a slow rash mainly on my legs.

I'm also on

> methotrexate (7.5 mg) and Humira, both of which I've taken for a

few months

> (meth for about a year). Since prednisone and other steroids are

often used to

> control rashes (hives, etc.) I was wondering if there was a

connection between

> going down on the prednisone and breaking out in a rash. Maybe the


> was controlling an allergic reaction in my body all along? and now

that it's at

> minimal levels, the reaction is breaking through? Ugh! I hate all


> itching. Anyone have any ideas?


> gloria

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  • 8 months later...
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Speaking of rashes, I was just diagnosed in the last few months with Lyme disease. My initial diagosis in 1995 was chronic fatigue syndrome. I continue to learn new things every day. One thing I have learned since I found I have a chronic borrelia (Lyme) infection is that one symptom is ongoing odd rashes. We think of a Lyme rash as being a bull's eye that happens a day or two after a tick bite. In fact the rash can continue off and on for years and does not always form a circular pattern at all. It can occur in other places besides where the tick bit. You might want to consider getting tested for Lyme at Igenex.


Also you might want to try to find a doctor in your area who is familiar with treating chronic Lyme disease. I suggest this because my case is so complex. I have classic cfs, test positive for Lyme, and I react severely to moldy buildings and moldy areas. Some on this list MAY find their case is similar. If so, just getting away from mold may not be enough.


I have a rash that looks like a bunch of blood spots. Like if someone poked me with a needle again and again. Can mold cause a reaction like this? Because I've been poisoned by toxic mold I'm wondering if this doesn't have something to do with it. Although I've been free from the moldy place I'm wondering if it's the cause of my rash. After all those toxins my system is off and cetain foods and chemicals bother me. So, I've been useing safe things only. Jen

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My son had horrible rashes while in our "mold House" and even now when he gets around something with mold...his skin reacts. Check with your doctor! Have you had your bloodwork done? Does it show molds in it? Have you had allergy testing done? My son is allergic to 22 of the 55 molds they tested him for.

Hope this help!

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I was injured in an Enviromentally Ill Mall. Our store had large

holes rusted out in the ventelation ducts, and the ac was always

breakdown because it could not get proper return air.

In the heat of warm months the new cloths would outgass and it would

look like a fog in the store each morning when I would open the doors.

Black mold and toxic chemicals a deadly cocktail that almost killed

me and made anyone who worked in that Store sick.

Rashes, headaches, nausea vomiting, diarrhea to start with and the

Doctor could not find out why.

one day in September 1996 I had my first violent attack. I fell to

the floor of that store, looking like I'd had a stroke on my right

side. I was in and out of consciousness.

When my Husband got to me, he thought I was dead. I was cold and

still. I looked dead. According to him.

He got me to the ER and they called my Doctor. Tests and tests were

run. But the ones that told the tale were the chemical tests run on

blood, hair and fingernail samples.

And my liver profile was so high that the lab person kept asking me

was I sure that I did not drink alcohol??????

My Husband told him again and again, my wife does not drink at all.

Well, I am still alive. Very fortunate to still be breathing.

I have severe Multiple Chemical Sensativties (MCS/EI)

After that sick Building my allergies to pollen and other natural

things became worse and I had to start allergy shots and yeast shots,

to desensatize me from the allergies and yeast reactions.

I also have Fibromyalgia and a fatigue that never goes away, and is

so chronic that I always feel like I've been run over by a Mack

Truck, hit by a train and the Space Shuttle landed on me.....

I have problems with tendonitis.

Muscle spasms daily

A pain that is worse than any labor pains on Earth.

My Immune System has not recovered, I get my Immune Gamma Globulin by

IV at the hospital or by taking IGG from Swanson Vitimans.

I don't make enough Immune Gamma Globulin anymore to fight off

infections, flus, colds, etc.

Memory loss is so bad some days that I get lost in my own


I don't go shopping alone, anymore because I am afraid I'll be

exsposed to formaldehyde, dyes, other voc's and have an attack...

My problems all started with a red pin poke looking rash in a store

that had the deadly black mold, rusted out ventilation ducts and raw

sewage dumped behind the walls.

I can't change what happened to me, but I can tell you that there is

hope after Enviromental Illness/Multi Chemical Sensitivities/Black


Ren Carr

> I have a rash that looks like a bunch of blood spots. Like if

> someone poked me with a needle again and again. Can mold cause a

> reaction like this? Because I've been poisoned by toxic mold I'm

> wondering if this doesn't have something to do with it. Although

> I've been free from the moldy place I'm wondering if it's the cause

> of my rash. After all those toxins my system is off and cetain


> and chemicals bother me. So, I've been useing safe things only.


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It is amazing to remember the many occasions when a rash developed

from such things as the detergent we washed our clothes in...and the


The combination of the dyes and the detergents made a reaction happen.

i/e blue jeans and Tide !!!

Then later a reaction to Lifebouy bath soap, Irish and Dial....! I

bathed for years

with Ivory bars. I can't use them now!

This was long before I heard of MCS.

I have to wonder about all the hand cleaners and degreasers we used so


Boraxo was OK but later they made it easier with the Go Jo etc. Whats in

Go Jo ???

Lava soap seemed OK.....but I can't use it today.

I had seen some horrible burns/rashes from gasoilene spills. I was

fortunate I would

say since I pumped thousands of gallons at my Dad's and Grandfather's


I could not do that today!!! Its hard just to fill my own tank.

God be with you !


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My wife also had burning rashes on the thighs of her legs and behind

her knees. These would start burning before the rash itself would

appear and when it did they looked like bright red bloody pimples.

They would continue to burn until they went away. When they finally

did disappear they left marks on the back of her legs like someone

took a cigeratte and held it to her skin. This happened several times

when she was in the toxic environment and several times in different

areas after re-exposure. We don't know what type of mold caused these

rashes, but I do believe it was aspergillus or possibly stachy. I

found a picture of rashes and welts on the aspergillus website.

Ren, you mentioned that it seemed like you had a stroke, but they

weren't able to determine this. My wife has had twenty or thirty of

them when she was in this environment. The majority of strokelike

episodes happened when she was in the toxic environment, they could

last from 20 minutes to approx. 7-8 hours with severe brain fog

afterwards that could last for days. She only has them now when she

becomes re-exposed.


> > I have a rash that looks like a bunch of blood spots. Like if

> > someone poked me with a needle again and again. Can mold cause a

> > reaction like this? Because I've been poisoned by toxic mold I'm

> > wondering if this doesn't have something to do with it. Although

> > I've been free from the moldy place I'm wondering if it's the


> > of my rash. After all those toxins my system is off and cetain

> foods

> > and chemicals bother me. So, I've been useing safe things only.

> Jen

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You also mentioned headaches, nausea vomiting, diarrhea, fibro, CFS,

MCS, my wife is also experiencing all of these. She has been out of

this environment now for 4 years and not much has changed. The

headpains are 24/7 and at times these can get very severe. I guess

all I can say is try to live with these symptoms as difficult as it

may be.

If you need to talk at any time please email me (or anyone else on

this board for that matter).

Take care.


> > I have a rash that looks like a bunch of blood spots. Like if

> > someone poked me with a needle again and again. Can mold cause a

> > reaction like this? Because I've been poisoned by toxic mold I'm

> > wondering if this doesn't have something to do with it. Although

> > I've been free from the moldy place I'm wondering if it's the


> > of my rash. After all those toxins my system is off and cetain

> foods

> > and chemicals bother me. So, I've been useing safe things only.

> Jen

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We all have skin problems and rashes, one daughter in particular.

She develops every weird rash on earth!@ From rashes that look like

chicken pox to the white rings to the white spots that look like loss

of pigment. Its all fungus, and it wont go away permenantly until

the " fungus,mold whatever you want to call it " is eliminated from

your tissue. It helps to eliminate mold foods, sugar, wheat,

anything aged. But not a cure! A Dr. from Guatamala at one of the

colleges there studies " unknown and incurable diseases " , and he

swears that the healing starts in the lung where the toxins entered

the body, (even though the Dr. may tell you that your lungs are fine)

We start treatment in a couple weeks. Ill let you know what happens

and what Im taking. If you get any good treatment tips let us all

know! Thanks, Kathie

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I have had most of the symptoms that many described. I mentioned before I was

getting chemo and then radiation while living in a very sick building with high

amounts of stachy and lots of other molds. While I am in remission from the

cancer, I

am not from the mold experience. Now I have MCS, CFS and I.C. I haven't even


for treatment yet except for my allergist and urologist. My cat's vet was the


helpful so far. When I had the cancer, I ended up in a psychiatric hospital for


month. I was so damn tired from bleeding that I was anemic and it seemed like

depression to my esteemed doctors. The other weekend I made the mistake of


a vinyl show curtain and WHAM got an immediate hit. Sometimes I feel like I am


to have to live in a bubble. Pam, it was nice to speak with you. Please let me

know if I

can help in any way.



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I have been taking 400 mgrms od magnesium a day and they seem to help with my musles. Mine are especially bad in my legs. A new Environmental Doc I have been seeing suggested it.


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Hi Pam,

I dont know how much help I can be. Im not healed either, after 8 years! But in many ways I am much better. The Dr. in Guatamala is not a mold Dr., hes more of a scientific Dr. and I havent paid a penny! Also someone has been posting about Dr. in Houston. He is (I think) a regular family Dr. who wanted to know more.(whoever posts about Dr. , maybe you know his background,I know very little)Also, has anyne tried oregono oil yet?? Kills fungus, please if so , let us all know as its only 17.00 a bottle!

Also from someones posting,Dr.Ritchie Shoemaker, his treatment seems very inexpensive also-50. or 60.00., but Im moving one step at a time, trying to find something that will keep my muscles from wasting away! Does anyone have the same problem. Its not apparently, from the fibromyalgia, but disability papers say "fibromyalgia and unknown muscle disease", They listen about the mold, but have no clue! My muscles are bruised and bleeding, as if I have had some major trauma(which I have-mold)to them, like a major car accident.

Thanks and hang in there everyone! Kathiefrogzorro <checkov14@...> wrote:

> HI KATHIE OUR INSURANCE WILL NOT COVER US TO GO TO A MOLD DOC AND WE ARE > STUCK WITH DOCS THAT ARE UNEDUCATED IN MOLD! I WOULD APPRECIATE ANY HELP YOU CAN > OFFER! YOU CAN EMAIL DIRECT AT opphillips4@a... THANKS AND HUGS, PAMI have had most of the symptoms that many described. I mentioned before I was getting chemo and then radiation while living in a very sick building with high amounts of stachy and lots of other molds. While I am in remission from the cancer, I am not from the mold experience. Now I have MCS, CFS and I.C. I haven't even gone for treatment yet except for my allergist and urologist. My cat's vet was the most helpful so far. When I had the cancer, I ended up in a psychiatric hospital for a

month. I was so damn tired from bleeding that I was anemic and it seemed like depression to my esteemed doctors. The other weekend I made the mistake of buying a vinyl show curtain and WHAM got an immediate hit. Sometimes I feel like I am going to have to live in a bubble. Pam, it was nice to speak with you. Please let me know if I can help in any way.Thanks, Lori FAIR USE NOTICE:This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without

profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. help I can be as Im not healed after 8 years

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Yes I am still with the kinesiologist. This doctor is new and Im giving him a try with skin testing and saratonin and injections. I will try anything now. I thought I would work with both of them. The kinesiologist has me on Zymex, Parotid, HCL,Cholacol and now introducing garlic as a natural anti fungal. The new doctor added 100 mgrms calcium and 400 mgrms of magnesium.


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Gingersnap1964@... wrote:

Kathy, I have been taking 400 mgrms od magnesium a day and they seem to help with my musles. Mine are especially bad in my legs. A new Environmental Doc I have been seeing suggested it.Janet FAIR USE NOTICE:This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who

have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.


Are you still with the kinesiologist? Im high dosing magnesium citrate, and BCAA , and HGH to rebuild my muscle tissue, but (Muscle mass)CPK is still very elevated! Talk to you soon! Kathie

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