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Action Alert: -- Baby Hair Samples Needed For Thimerosal (Mercury) Study

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Hi~I am passing this along FYI ~ in Washington State.

Subj: Action Alert: Urgent! -- Baby Hair Samples Needed For Thimerosal

(Mercury) Study -- Urgent!

Date: 1/18/2002 3:33:25 PM Pacific Standard Time

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FEAT DAILY NEWSLETTER Sacramento, California http://www.feat.org

" Healing Autism: No Finer a Cause on the Planet "


January 18 ,2002 News Morgue Search www.feat.org/search/news.asp

Urgent! - Baby Hair Samples Needed For Thimerosal (Mercury) Study - Urgent!

[This Research Action Alert is from Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. of the

Autism Research Institute.]

A small group of concerned researchers and physicians, including Amy

Holmes, M.D., has been invited to meet with government officials in

mid-February to hear our objections to the continued use of

mercury-containing vaccines. Dr. Holmes will be presenting her important

research findings onthe mercury levels in the hair of young autistic and

non-autistic, normal children. Dr. Holmes has enough autistic ‘baby hair’

for her study but she needs more ‘baby hair’ from non-autistic, normal

children (boys only). Note that hair is needed from the baby’s VERY


I am asking parents throughout the United States to assist, if

possible, with this very important research study. Please ask your friends

and neighbors to help.

The normal control children must meet the following criteria:

A -- boys, born in the U.S. between 1988 and 1999

B -- does NOT have autism, PDD, ADD/ADHD, asthma, retardation, diabetes

or any other diagnosable condition

C -- does not have a close blood relative with autism or similar


D -- prior to the date at which the hair sample was cut, had received

all of the required vaccinations on schedule, according to the American

Academy of Pediatrics.

E -- at least a tablespoonful of hair from the FIRST haircut is


The hair sample should be placed in a plastic baggie and mailed in an

envelope with the following information:

1 -- " Non autistic child hair sample’: and child’s name (nickname or

alias okay)

2 -- Sex (boy)

3 -- Date of Birth

4 -- Date (approximate is okay) at which the hair sample was cut

5 -- Did child receive all scheduled vaccines prior to the first

haircut? __ Yes; __ No; or ___ child had not been vaccinated prior to haircut

6 -- Child’s home address with zip code, telephone, and email address

(if any)

7 -- Your name, mailing address, telephone, and e-mail address

Mail by January 24, 2002 to:

Amy S. Holmes, M.D.

7777 Hennessy Blvd., Suite 101

Baton Rouge, LA 70808

The laboratory technicians will analyze only as much hair as they need

to use. Any surplus hair will be saved and returned to the family, along with

a copy of the laboratory findings for that child and a small gift for both

you and the parents of the normal (control) child as a token of appreciation

for your help. _________________________________________________


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