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Carol, My delayed child hasn't hit the kindergarten age yet, but I read your

post with great interest and understanding. My daughter is now 4 and we tried

the preschool disabled program with negative results. My daughter bit me when

I came to pick her up and would cry alot. She hated the speech therapy in

school which was very behavorial with no exceptions. The teachers didn't

understand her need for sensory stimulation. In fact the few words she had

disappeared the day she started school. Then she had a prolonged illness and

I realized how happy she was at home and she started to verbalize alot more.

She is continuing to make great progress all around, but especially with

speech going to her private slp, Lori Roth.

The town is going to supply us with a home instructor while we look for an

appropriate private placement.

I think that making a child attend a program that isn't helpful and is too

advanced without making proper accomodations can hurt the child and his or

her progress. I lived it and believe that strongly.

What state are you in? Are you also supplementing your child with efa's. We

use the proefa and it did make a difference. Carolyn

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If you put him in public kindegarten, then the public schools can

help with the therapies, etc that he needs. You can't keep on

holding back a child, otherwise you might have a 7 or 8 year old in


Does the school district have a special day class that your son

qualifies for

We held my daughter back one year, but we are putting her in

kindegarten for next year. We are actually going to try to have her

in a regular kindegarten class with just being pulled out for speech

and OT.

Take care,


> i am new to posting here, although i read and apply your messages

> alllll the time. thank you :)

> i would like to ask anyones' help with my son robert.

> robert is 6 years old. he has been through EI, entered the


> public preschool at 3yrs old, was in the program for 2 years until


> turned 5. all the teachers, specialist, etc. on his " team "

> recommended that he start K last september. then i found out that

> they had to recommend this because of his age eligibility, and


> they thought he would probably repeat K. so, my husband & i kept


> out of school and put him in a private preschool to give robert a

> chance to level off and grow emotionally and socially to be able


> catch up with himself intellectually. we were finding that the

> frustration and inability to communicate as he got older was

> increasing without strict structure. we were hoping that he would

> learn some self-control in a semi-controlled program where he is

> allowed much more free choice. so far he has made progress and is

> able to interact more socially with others.

> now he is up for his 3 yr eval and they have already said he

should go

> into the K program because he is not getting the structure or


> direction/guidance needed for him.

> the preschool teachers are adamant that he is not ready. he

is " below

> age level across the board " with the children in his group:


> functional language, academically, physically.

> wow. that was long. sorry. where i would like help is from


> who's child is into the primary grades and what we can anticipate


> we do make this jump, or if not. i must admit it has been nice


> year not having to deal with so much frustration and anger, but is

> robert benefitting from this?

> thanks for your help

> carol murphy - lots of questions

> robe

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My daughter was lucky as we did not have to make this decision for her, she

missed the Kindergarten birthdate requirement by 3 days so she was able to

receive 3 years of Preschool (Special Needs Program thorugh the school). She

went to regular Kindergarten last year with pull out for speech and tutoring

(1:1). Tutoring was every day.

She went to regular first grade this year with the same tutor but she sees

her 2 times per day. The biggest problem is that she has a new speech

therapist and i have seen less progress....she had her other therapist for 4

years, all thru preschool and K.

Here in Ohio the rule is 5 years old by September 30th, but also if a child

is still 5 years old ON September 30th they are eligible fot another year of

preschool if it is determined to be the best placement for the child. Too bad

every state has different requirements!!

Another qustion.....Are your son's current preschool teachers qualified to

evaluate him?? I am asking this NOT to INSULT in ANY WAY, but I also teach

Preschool (with Special Needs) for another school district...not where we

live...and what we have found when we get referrals from outside

preschool/day cares is that they often (not always) have expectations for the

children that are not age or developmentally appropriate. We have gone on

MANY screenings and have left wanting to write the IEP for the teacher....ha

ha. I joke, but I am also serious.

I find it equally frustrating that you would be told in advance your son will

have to repeat Kindergarten. I am a mom to 5 children...2 with special needs,

and that would certainly send up a red flag. If the teacher knows my son is

slated to repeat will she spend the extra time now when she see's him

struggling or let him " get it next year " .

Does your school program offer any kind of resource room?? We have children

who attend half day regular Kinderarten (that's all we have) and then half

day resource class. It's a great set-up, like getting the best of both world.

It just seems like there should have been other choices for you offered by

the school. Well I dont mean to ramble......sorry.


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thank you all for your responses.

we are definitely leaning towards moving robert into kindergarten for

at least the last two month of this year " to get a headstart " as his

team is calling it. then he will start kindergarten in the fall. the

recommended placement is in an integrated classroom. we are in mass.

and our program is 1/2 day.

his therapies have not been stopped this year, but it has been

difficult because the preschool feels the specialists should contact

them about robert and the public " professionals " feel the preschool

should contact the school with problems. petty problems.

robert made great progress when he entered the publice model school

preschool. but... we noticed that outside school he was having big

problems socially without the structure. that is why we put him in a

private preschool for one more year - we hoped he would learn some

self-control/discipline/choice/problem solving. so far he has been

pretty successful.

robert is not taking prefas'. my pediatrician researched info on the

product and feels that there has not been enough medical testing done.

we are giving robert cod liver oil (yuck, but not too bad when mixed

with juice) which contains the omegas that are in proefa.

what do you all think about transferring robert mid year? he already

goes into the kindergarten for his OT, so he know the kids, but

doesn't know the routine.

this is a really tough choice for us. another option might be to push

for him to go into a language based cooperative. there are several in

the area. it will be a matter of fighting

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Where in MA do you live? We live in Medway.


--- horses1961 <cm111961@...> wrote:

> thank you all for your responses.

> we are definitely leaning towards moving robert into

> kindergarten for

> at least the last two month of this year " to get a

> headstart " as his

> team is calling it. then he will start kindergarten

> in the fall. the

> recommended placement is in an integrated classroom.

> we are in mass.

> and our program is 1/2 day.

> his therapies have not been stopped this year, but

> it has been

> difficult because the preschool feels the

> specialists should contact

> them about robert and the public " professionals "

> feel the preschool

> should contact the school with problems. petty

> problems.

> robert made great progress when he entered the

> publice model school

> preschool. but... we noticed that outside school he

> was having big

> problems socially without the structure. that is

> why we put him in a

> private preschool for one more year - we hoped he

> would learn some

> self-control/discipline/choice/problem solving. so

> far he has been

> pretty successful.

> robert is not taking prefas'. my pediatrician

> researched info on the

> product and feels that there has not been enough

> medical testing done.

> we are giving robert cod liver oil (yuck, but not

> too bad when mixed

> with juice) which contains the omegas that are in

> proefa.

> what do you all think about transferring robert mid

> year? he already

> goes into the kindergarten for his OT, so he know

> the kids, but

> doesn't know the routine.

> this is a really tough choice for us. another

> option might be to push

> for him to go into a language based cooperative.

> there are several in

> the area. it will be a matter of fighting





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