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Why we are here part 2

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All right my codependent side is totally triggered. I dont

want people to feel bad. Rationally I realize i cant change it, but i somehow

still want to. So forgive me......

I' m pollyanna, I just don't feel the negativity. I like to hear the reality

out there even if Im not following it to a t. We have many different

philosophies of what is right anyway.we should all be doing our own research to

find what resonates. As said, lets take responsibility for our own food


From the boards, take what you like and leave the rest. I dont want people to

censor themselves from righteous outrage at discovering a huge hypocrisy at

Whole foods or even just the reality of food at the farmers market not being as

bucolic and/ or as healthy as many of us assume it to be. It doesn't mean don't

shop there or feel bad for shopping some place or for not being as pure as

someone else. Lots of us shop there and even cub and Walmart etc... The

information here is purely information to use. And be inspired by others

successes. Someone elses venting at something or sharing a success does not in

anyway augment someone else's failures. We all have strengths and weaknesses. .

Im glad people are all expressing their discomfort. But it saddens me immensely

that some of you feel threatened by the more knowledge and even by the

indignation at mass poisoning occurring in our food system and at the difficulty

in procuring the nourishing food we want for families.

Many of us who are far far into our journeys ( over 20 yrs for me), still make

lots and lots of unhealthy choices for various reasons: societal pressure,

addictions, poor time management, lack of knowledge about how to do things

easier or cheaper, lack of availabilty, etc.... Others have found what works

for them and have the mental and emotional wherewithal to follow what they know

to be true. Some reach this very quickly.

Those of us who have been on this journey a long time, remember when organic

meant something and if something was at the health food store or coop or farmers

market, we could or felt we could make certain assumptions that are no longer

true. This is very very frustrating. Its like we constantly have to start over

again. Sometimes I fight on. But...Over and over i just caved because it was

too much. We have been fighting against the grain for so long. Those that have

done so more successfully than I have likely suffered much ridicule and bear

more battle scars. In either case, it hardens you.

Now all of a sudden its trendy and cool. This is great that more people are

becoming aware. But between the corporations trying to cash in on the cache but

skimping on the deliverables and the rampant gmos contaminating eveything,

etc.... Etc..... Some of us are bitter and defensive maybe even a little

self-righteous. ( i speak only for myself here) i really get self- righteous in

my daily life about this stuff. And i dont even practice 100% what i preach. I

do alot but im not where i want to be.

I am glad to hear the frustrations and fears newer folks are having. Please feel

free to express them and be validated. And please allow others to feel validated

to speak their truth without censorship as well. Congratulations for embarking

on your journey! I want you to feel welcome and i want to learn from you and

share what has worked for me too. Its all necessary here.

Isn't that why we are here to learn from each others success and failures and

pool our resources and hear what other people have discovered so we don't each

have to discover it alone?


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