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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 27 Oct 2008 14:44:18 -0400<powertx@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" Forums If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html October 27, 2008 Visit the Forums "Hot Topics" Library Change/Update Subscription Health Issues HIV Treatment You Your Labs HIV Testing Transmission Strange but True Damaries Cruz is an HIV advocate and a 17-year HIV survivor. Cruz, her mom and other Hispanic HIVers and their loved ones share their stories in this extraordinary video project for Soy, a media campaign created to raise HIV awareness in Hispanic communities. Click here to view the video (in Spanish, with English subtitles) and learn more about the campaign! HEALTH ISSUES Is Exercise Good or Bad for Someone With HIV? I've heard conflicting information about exercise and HIV. I've read both that working out can cause a drop in CD4 count and that not working out may do the same thing. Which is true? How much exercise is too much for an HIV-positive person? My New HIV Meds Knock Me Out I just started taking Sustiva (Stocrin, efavirenz) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and I feel completely knocked out. It may be partly due to some other health issues I've been going through, but I am dizzy, have memory loss, feel spaced out and there's a ringing in my ears. I can barely live with these side effects, much less work. What can I do? I live in a very remote part of Australia and there are no doctors here with HIV experience. Getting to the Bottom of Skin Problems I have small, pus-filled bumps everywhere on my body. How can I find out what they might be, and whether they're related to HIV or my HIV meds? Did Serostim Help My Belly but Hurt My Face? I've been on and off the growth hormone Serostim for about a year now. It helped reduce my belly fat drastically while also helping me gain back weight that I lost. However, it seems to have caused me to lose fat on my face. If I stop the Serostim, will the fat in my face be restored?HIV TREATMENT What Hope Is There for a Cure -- or at Least Better HIV Meds? Do you think HIV can ever be cured? Or, failing that, could HIV meds be developed over the next few years that are more durable and have fewer side effects? Timing Your HIV Medication Doses How strict is the timing when it comes to taking my HIV medications? Is it OK to take them a little later, or a little earlier, than I'm technically supposed to? Also, if I'm taking two once-a-day HIV meds, should I take both at exactly the same time, or should I separate each dose by 12 hours? Same Meds, Different Regimen? Is it better to take Sustiva (Stocrin, efavirenz) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) as two separate pills, or take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), which combines these two HIV meds in one pill? Were My Medications Ruined When I Left Them in My Car? After picking up my HIV meds from the pharmacy, I forgot about them and left them in my car for seven days. Although the car was in a garage, it was warm out during that period (75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit). Is there a danger that I reduced the potency of my meds?How Can I Find Happiness? (A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board) I forgot that I was HIV positive, so much so that I wanted to find a man and get married. I wanted to have another baby, I wanted to have sex without a condom. Hell, I wanted to eat anything, I wanted to just live. Sometimes people look at me and tell me that I seem so happy all the time. ... [but] I hide the truth in my heart, in my body. This blood that runs inside of me is dirty and stained with sin. A sin that wasn't caused by me. How do I ask for forgiveness from this sin that I did not put upon myself? People don't know that I laugh all day, but when I go home and put my head on my pillow, I cry, I scream, I clinch myself in a ball and bawl. I don't know when I am done. I don't know because I fall asleep. And in my sleep I am happy again, joyful. I don't want to wake up. I hope it is like that when I die; if it is, then I don't want to come out of my sleep anymore.-- BarbdollClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!YOU YOUR LABS Which Matters More: Viral Load or CD4 Count? I started HIV treatment a year ago when my CD4 count was in the 400s. My viral load has been undetectable since my first month on meds and my CD4 count is 828. What's the more important gauge of how I'm doing on treatment: my viral load, my CD4 count or something else? CD4 Count Down After 10 Months on HIV Meds I've been taking Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Sustiva (Stocrin, efavirenz) for the last 10 months. My CD4 count was 160, but now it's dropped to 90. What's going on? Does the fact that I was coinfected with hepatitis C (but cleared the virus after receiving treatment) have anything to do with it? "Untitled (Portrait of Ross in L.A.)," 1991;Felix - Visit the October 2008 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled " I Heart Douchebags, " is curated by Mike Albo. HIV TESTING TRANSMISSION Marijuana and HIV Tests I am a regular marijuana smoker who is about to get an HIV test. Can smoking pot affect my test results? Women, Toilets and HIV: Is There Any Risk? Could females be especially at risk for HIV from using a public toilet, since there's a chance of contact with menstrual blood?STRANGE BUT TRUE Pee Does a Body ... Bad? I know I can't get HIV from drinking my HIV-positive sex partner's urine, but could I damage my liver -- or develop drug resistance, should I ever be infected and need to take HIV meds in the future -- due to trace amounts of HIV meds in this person's pee? HIV-Laced Condoms? I have been getting e-mails about people "lacing" condoms with HIV by putting HIV-infected fluids inside the condom before somebody uses it. It seems like a hoax to me, but can this really happen?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth. To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@.... Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@.... Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop. Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at: The Body's E-Mail Updates Body Health Resources Corporation 250 West 57th Street New York, NY 10107

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

February 23, 2009

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

Change/Update Subscription

Living With HIV

Mixed-Status Couples

HIV Treatment

Health Issues & Side Effects

You & Your Labs

HIV Transmission

Strange but True


 Once You've Been Diagnosed With AIDS, Will You Always Have AIDS?

In one of your recent answers, you said that an AIDS diagnosis is irreversible. Are you saying that if a healthy HIV-positive person had an opportunistic infection or a CD4 count under 200 at some point, then that person still has AIDS, even if he or she currently has an undetectable viral load and a CD4 count of 1,500? Please explain!

 Anabolic Steroids and HIV/Hepatitis B Coinfection

I am a 30-year-old professional model and athlete. I was diagnosed with HIV five years ago and hepatitis B (hep B) a little less than two years ago. I am taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and my HIV viral load is 125 copies while my hep B viral load is 10,000 copies. I would like to regain a few pounds as well as some muscle mass that I've lost since starting on Atripla. I did a cycle of Equipoise and Winstrol before I was diagnosed with hep B, and it worked great. Would doing another eight-week cycle of steroids -- either Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) or Equipoise, along with Winstrol -- affect my liver now that I have hep B?

Articles and podcasts continue to flood in from TheBody.com's coverage of CROI 2009, the 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Visit our CROI 2009 home page throughout the month as we add more highlights!


 Any Tips for a Mixed-Status Couple?

I was diagnosed in March of 2008. I am taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and am proud to say that thus far I have been 100 percent compliant. My viral load recently dropped to undetectable levels, I feel great and my fiancée has been wonderful. We have a fairly active sex life consisting of protected vaginal and anal intercourse, as well as unprotected oral sex. My fiancée has been tested every three to four months since my diagnosis, and all her tests have come back negative. Is this enough? As a doctor who is also a member of a magnetic couple (one partner positive, the other negative), do you have any recommendations for us?


 Should I Switch From Sustiva to Reyataz?

I have been on Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for the past four years with great results: My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 900. Lately, however, I have had chronic, persistent fatigue in the mornings and dizziness at night. I'm considering changing my Sustiva to Reyataz (atazanavir) boosted with Norvir (ritonavir), or possibly lowering my dose of Sustiva to reduce these unpleasant side effects. Would either of these make sense, or is it risky to change a regimen that is otherwise working great for me?

 What Do You Think of a Regimen of Isentress + Intelence?

I've been positive for seven years and since starting treatment, my viral load has remained undetectable on several regimens. However, I have severe fat loss in my cheeks and body, and switching regimens has not helped me regain fat. I'm currently on Isentress (raltegravir), Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Viread (tenofovir) but I'm thinking of dropping Viread and Sustiva and just taking Intelence (etravirine) with the Isentress. Is a two-drug regimen unusual? Do you think this is too risky a move to make just to recover some fat?

 Do I Have to Take Atripla on an Empty Stomach?

It's recommended that Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) be taken on an empty stomach, but I like to eat at night. Will taking Atripla with food affect the way the drug works?

"Gay Pride Parade, NY," Carle

Visit the February 2009 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "In the Flesh," is curated by Jo-ey Tang.


 Which Side Effect Do I Want?

I started on Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Viramune (nevirapine) 18 months ago. One year into treatment, a bone density scan showed that I had moderate osteopenia (bone loss). Since the tenofovir in Truvada has been linked to bone problems, I planned to switch from Truvada to Ziagen (abacavir) -- until I saw recent studies regarding Ziagen and cardiovascular problems. Do I have to choose between dealing with bone problems and risking a heart attack? What would you do?

 What Will Help My Extreme Fatigue?

I am 34 years old and have been HIV positive for 18 years. My viral load is 759 and my CD4 count is 387. I am currently taking Isentress (raltegravir), Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa) and Viread (tenofovir). The problem is that I have absolutely no energy. I sleep between 13 and 17 hours a day -- energy-wise, I feel no better now than I did with a CD4 count of 6 and a viral load of 750,000. I have read that taking Provigil (modafinil) may help my fatigue. What do you think I should do?

 Can Tamoxifen Affect My Lipoatrophy Treatments?

I began taking tamoxifen (Nolvadex) four months ago to reduce male breast enlargement (gynecomastia), most likely caused by taking Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) for my HIV along with Propecia (finasteride) for hair loss. The tamoxifen seems to be doing its job, but my dermatologist thinks it is causing my Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid, New-Fill) facial wasting treatments to wear off more quickly than usual. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

 Allergic to Sulfa Meds: Can I Still Take Prezista?

I am severely allergic to Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) and other sulfa-based meds. Is it safe for me to start taking Prezista (darunavir)?

Homophobic U.S. Preachers Denied Entry to the United Kingdom

(A recent post from the "Gay Men" board)

Hot off the presses: The UK government has just announced that Kansas-based preachers Rev. Fred Phelps and Shirley Phelps-Roper, whose slogan is "God Hates Fags," will be denied entry to the UK if they arrive tomorrow, as promised, to picket a play about the brutal 1998 homophobic murder of Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming. Rev. Phelps and his followers picketed 's funeral with banners proclaiming such things as "Matt Shepard Rots in Hell," "AIDS Kills Fags Dead" and "God Hates Fags."

-- Ruairi

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 Which Is More Important -- CD4 Count or CD4 Percentage?

Since I started taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) five weeks ago, my CD4 count has gone up from 210 to 550 and my viral load has fallen from 400,000 to 600. However, my CD4 percentage only rose from 11 percent to 13 percent. Which result is more critical: my CD4 count or my CD4 percentage?


 Where Can I Get the "HIV Prevention Gel"?

I read about a gel form of Viread (tenofovir) that women can apply topically before sex to prevent HIV infection. Is this product available to the public yet?


 Is Masturbating With a Hairbrush an HIV Risk?

Can anal masturbation with a hairbrush give me HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? I did it a couple of months ago and I bled a little bit. Do you think everything is OK?

 The Great HIV Jewelry Caper: Fact or Fiction?

Is it irrational to think that a shop owner would intentionally put HIV-infected blood on a lip or nose ring so that the person who wore the jewelry would get HIV?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

About This E-mail

This e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....

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Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.

Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:

The Body's E-Mail Updates

The HealthCentral Network, Inc.

250 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10107

 Tell President Obama: No More Money for Ineffective Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs

 Congratulate Obama ...

.... And remind him of his commitment to a National AIDS Strategy!

 Protest Arrests in Iran and Senegal

What to know about arrests in Iran and Senegal, and what you can do to help.

  Demand a National U.S. Strategy to Fight HIV

Support the call and sign the petition!

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

April 13, 2009

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

Change/Update Subscription

HIV Treatment

Living With HIV

Health Issues & Side Effects

HIV & Body Shape Changes

You & Your Labs


Strange but True


 Why Not Start Everybody on HIV Treatment Upon Diagnosis?

I've been reading all the news about the when-to-start debate and I'm confused. Please help me and others understand if there are any good reasons why HIV treatment shouldn't begin immediately after diagnosis, even in people who have CD4 counts of 550 or 650.

 Pregnant and Just Diagnosed: When Should I Start Meds?

I am 16 weeks pregnant and I was just diagnosed with HIV. My viral load is 76,000 and my CD4 count is 165. I am also anemic and tired most of the time, but otherwise healthy. When should I start taking HIV medication?

 HIV Treatment Recommendations for Children

My 10-year-old son was recently infected with HIV. When should he be started on HIV medications and how can I ensure compliance? At his age, with the currently available treatment, how long will it be before he gets AIDS?


 Treatment for Low Testosterone

Because of my low testosterone levels, my doctor has prescribed 10 cc of Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) and testosterone every two weeks. Is this sufficient? What happens when he stops giving me the injections and puts me on the "gel"? He told me I'll be put on the gel after two more injections.

As a 17-year veteran of the Chicago police department and the mother of eight children, Lois Crenshaw knows how to roll with the punches. That may be why, despite being shocked by an HIV diagnosis at the age of 55 after she'd been raped, Lois has become a leader and a role model for older women with HIV.


 When Will There Be a Shingles Vaccine for HIV-Positive People?

I had shingles once two years ago and my doctor told me to take Valtrex (valacyclovir) to stop it from coming back. I am not taking Valtrex now since I'm still adjusting to the Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) I started 10 months ago. However, I heard about a new shingles vaccine. Will it be available for HIV-positive people?

 Can I Use Steroids to Regain Lost Muscle?

I have been HIV positive since 1994 and I am currently on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). Would steroids help me regain any of the muscle I've lost in my legs and upper body? If so, how would I go about convincing my doctor to prescribe them to me? Does the fact that I go to the Veterans Administration for my HIV care make a difference when asking for steroids? I really need to do something about my appearance -- the looks I get from others cut straight to the bone.

 My Erections Are Gone!

I am 50 years old and have lost the ability to have an erection. I take an HIV regimen of Norvir (ritonavir), Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Reyataz (atazanavir). I'm also taking TriCor (fenofibrate) and Lexapro (escitalopram), in addition to testosterone injections every two weeks. Could any of these meds be the cause of my erection problems?

 Rash From Atripla?

I just started taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) four days ago. I woke up yesterday with a rash on my face that quickly got worse and spread to my entire upper body. It looks like a common drug rash. My skin is very sensitive and I don't deal well with rashes. Obviously being on Atripla is very important to me, but how long can I expect this rash to last? Will it get worse before it gets better?

"Resigning Icarus," 1985; Tim Jocelyn

Visit the April 2009 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "Mythologies," is curated by Anne Couillaud.


 How Long Does Bio-Alcamid Last?

I'm thinking of using Bio-Alcamid (poly-alkyl-imide) for facial wasting. How long will the results of this facial filler last? Some people say eight months and others say three to five years.

 HIV Meds Have Made My Butt Disappear!

I have been on lots of HIV medications since I tested positive in 1986. What are the options, if any, for fixing my butt? The drugs have made it disappear!


 Troubling First Lab Results: Normal for the Newly Diagnosed?

I tested HIV positive just last week. My prior negative test was four months ago, so clearly I was recently infected. However, my lab results are as follows: My CD4 count is 271 (with a CD4 percentage of 21 percent) and my viral load is 47,000. My doctor says I should retest in two weeks. Do you think there is any reason to be concerned? Is a severe drop in CD4 count normal when someone is first infected?


 What's the Relationship Between HIV and Hepatitis C?

My dad was just diagnosed with hepatitis C. Now he's being tested for HIV as well. What does HIV have to do with hepatitis C?

Recently Diagnosed 23-Year-Old in Las Vegas Feels Utterly Hopeless!

(A recent post from the "Gay Men" board)

I was recently diagnosed with HIV on January 12, 2009. The irony of it all: It was on Chinese New Year -- my year. I am an Ox, according to this ancient calendar, and I had it in my mind that this was my year to shine. Then I found out I was HIV positive. When I found out, it felt as though someone had punched me in my stomach and all my dreams were punched out. I am a 23-year-old college student and dealing with this alone.

I have told a couple friends and yet it seems that for the most part I am unable to tell them my problems since they cannot understand. I go to group meetings, but sometimes I am unable to relate to them since they have been soldiers in this war against HIV and I am only beginning to understand my role in all of this. I fear I am not strong enough. My mother always said to me, "God pressures you but he never suffocates." I feel pretty suffocated right now. I hate dealing with this alone! If there are any HIV-positive people in Las Vegas or even around the country, I would love to chat. Just to have a buddy I can write on occasion with my thoughts, my dreams, my demons.

-- RoyalPurple

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 I Think Someone Injected an STD Into My Condoms!

Could someone have injected a sexually transmitted disease (STD) into my package of condoms? I recently bought a 12-pack of Durex condoms from Wal-Mart. I used one the night I bought them, but when I got home I noticed the box had a slash in it. Could it be possible to contract an STD, such as HIV, this way?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

About This E-mail

This e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....

Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....

Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.

Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:

The Body's E-Mail Updates

The HealthCentral Network, Inc.

250 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10107

 Register Now for AIDSWatch 2009: Go to Washington, D.C., April 27-29!

 Act Now to Stop Misleading "AIDS Charity"

 Sign Up Now for AIDS Housing Summit June 3-5 in D.C.!

 Give Our Youth the Facts! Tell your senator to co-sponsor the REAL Act.

 ART Initiation at <350 -- Call on WHO and UNAIDS to Save Lives!

 Volunteer at a Camp for HIV-Affected Kids

 Tell President Obama: No More Money for Ineffective Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs

  Congratulate Obama ... And remind him of his commitment to a National AIDS Strategy!

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 From: News at The Body <update@...>nelsonvergel@...Sent: Monday, June 1, 2009 5:24:35 PMSubject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" Forums

If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

June 1, 2009

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

Change/Update Subscription

HIV Treatment

Living With HIV

Other Health Issues

HIV in the Workplace

HIV & Facial/Body Fat

News & Views

HIV Transmission

Strange but True


 What Can Be Done for "Forgotten Patients" With Multidrug Resistance?

I am one of those "forgotten patients" whose HIV is resistant to many meds -- even Isentress (raltegravir). My virus is also dual/mixed, which means I have no options besides TaiMed's ibalizumab (TNX-355, a fusion inhibitor in phase II trials), but they rejected me for their study because I don't have other drugs to combine it with. What am I going to do? I feel like the few of us left with multidrug-resistant HIV are going to be forgotten and die without help. Any compassionate programs out there? What are the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and AIDS researchers doing for us, the forgotten few?

 Is Zocor Safe for HIV-Positive People?

Is the cholesterol-lowering drug Zocor (simvastatin) safe to take with the HIV medication Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir)? One doctor said yes, but another doctor said to stop the Zocor at once because an interaction between the two meds could cause a heart attack!

Are you looking to connect with other HIV-positive people in a supportive environment? One option is to go on an HIV retreat. Retreats range from carefree holidays to educational weekends. There are retreats beachside, in the mountains and in the middle of the biggest U.S. cities. They're geared for the newly positive as well as longtime HIVers just looking for a chance to unwind. Many retreats are free, low-cost or provide discounts to people in need.


 A Progress Report on Entry Into the U.S. for People With HIV

Is it easier for HIV-positive people to enter the U.S. under President Obama? I need to transit Hawaii for only two days each way while traveling from Australia to Canada. I will be carrying HIV meds in my carry-on and am worried about being stopped at customs as I will be traveling with friends who are unaware of my situation.

 Should I Disclose to My Optician Before Sharing Contact Lenses?

I need contact lenses and may be using trial lenses that are shared with other people. Should I tell my optician I'm HIV positive? Is there any transmission risk from sharing lenses?

 How Long Can I Expect to Live With HIV?

I am 58 years old. My viral load has been undetectable for 10 years, my T-cell (CD4) count is 728 and I've had no opportunistic infections. I have seen several posts recently referring to a European study that revealed life expectancy at late 50s to 60s in positive patients that have been on HIV meds for extended periods of time. Should I expect this to be my prognosis, and look forward to just a few more years of gradually deteriorating health?


 Anal Cancer Testing for HPV-Infected HIVers?

I've been following the news of Farrah Fawcett's anal cancer struggle. I heard one doctor on CNN say that people with HIV and HPV (human papillomavirus) are at higher risk for anal cancer. I am a 35-year-old HIV-positive gay male. I experienced a minor battle with anal warts at one time. My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is in the 575 to 675 range. I've been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for three years now. When should I insist on anal cancer and colon cancer testing due to my increased risk factor?

"Untitled (Innocence) (II)," 2001; Hamlet Manzuetta

Visit the June 2009 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "Living Better," is curated by Craig Willse.


 Going Back on Private Insurance: Still Confused About the "Pre-Existing Condition" Clause

Since being diagnosed in 2004, I have been fortunate to get my HIV meds through a state HIV medication program while being employed part-time. I am extremely eager to return to my profession and previous income. I may have a full-time job opportunity in another location that will allow me to enroll with Blue Cross Blue Shield. Two questions: 1) Can I be denied coverage; and 2) How do I manage the pre-existing condition clause when I apply?


 Discrimination Because of Facial Lipoatrophy

I have lipoatrophy in my face. I recently got a job in which I have to schedule appointments with a city agency for inspections. However, when I tried to schedule an appointment, I was told by the person at the city agency that he did not want to see my face more than once a week. I was so upset! Do you have any recommendations for low-cost facial fillers?

 How Permanent Is Bio-Alcamid as a Facial Filler?

I've heard that Bio-Alcamid (poly-alkyl-imide) is a permanent facial filler, but that due to facial tissue movement it may not be 100 percent permanent. I've heard that it may last for eight months; others have said it could last for three to five years. What do you think?

 Belly Bulge With Isentress or Truvada?

I recently switched from Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir) to Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) due to elevated triglycerides. I believe I am experiencing a pretty rapid increase in intra-abdominal fat. I can feel lots of pressure below my ribs and have even had some shortness of breath when exercising due to this pressure. Yikes! Wouldn't it be better to go back to Trizivir? How can this be healthier?


 Sounding Off on Criminalization of HIV

I was reading the article about the Iowa man sentenced to 25 years because he didn't disclose his status. [Click here to read TheBody.com's article on the case.] If we continue to criminalize HIV, nobody will be willing to get tested for HIV and the consequences could be devastating. Why is it that people end up in jail for not disclosing that they have HIV, but that's not the case for similar dangerous viruses like hepatitis or HPV (human papillomavirus), which can cause cancer?

A Little Nervous

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

Newly diagnosed. My numbers have been great from blood work. My viral load has been below 14,000 each time and my CD4 was around 650 the first time, and 764 most recently. These are good numbers, but I'm a bit torn over when to start medication. My initial instinct was to wait as long as I could. My doc says numbers are good, have a nice summer, we'll test again in September and see where you are at.

I'm just unsure now, and a little nervous that not getting on medications will result in more damage to my immune system. Anyone have any thoughts or experience that might be helpful for me?

-- tommyga

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 Chances of Superinfection in a Monogamous, HIV-Positive Heterosexual Couple?

Is superinfection possible between a monogamous HIV-positive man and woman? My wife started HIV treatment three years ago when her CD4 count dropped to 13. My viral load is 722 and my wife's viral load is 520. We had unprotected sex on several occasions during the time she was on meds and I was not. After I started taking HIV meds, we again had unprotected sex in an attempt to have a baby. If we stay faithful to each other, what are the chances that we could get sick due to superinfection?

 Is It Sufficient to Take Truvada After a Possible Exposure to HIV?

I think I recently had an exposure to HIV, though the status of the person who may have exposed me was unknown. I presented at the hospital 12 hours after exposure and was given Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) as the sole medication to prevent HIV. Do you think it's enough to just take one medication or should I be insisting on a prescription for another medication?


 How Is Magic "Cured"?

I just don't understand how Magic is cured of HIV which kills millions of people globally. How did he get the cure, but so many others are left in the dark? If it's a money issue, shouldn't they just put a price on the cure and sell it publicly?

 Can My Own Mr. Happy Give Me STDs?

Can I get any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from sucking on my own penis?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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The HealthCentral Network, Inc.

250 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10107

 Tell CVS: Don't Restrict Access to Condoms!

 Endorse the International Declaration on Poverty, Homelessness and HIV/AIDS

 Speak Out Against the Syringe Funding Ban!

 Write a Letter to President Obama to Support the Action Plan for Rapid Scale-Up of Routine, Voluntary Testing

 Give Our Youth the Facts! Tell your senator to co-sponsor the REAL Act.

 ART Initiation at <350 -- Call on WHO and UNAIDS to Save Lives!

 Volunteer at a Camp for HIV-Affected Kids

 Congratulate Obama ... And remind him of his commitment to a National AIDS Strategy!

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" Date: 24 Aug 2009 18:25:56 -0400<powertx@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html August 24, 2009 Visit the Forums "Hot Topics" Library Change/Update Subscription Living With HIV Starting or Switching HIV Treatment Other Health Issues HIV Transmission Strange but True "It is time for me to have a job that responds to future challenges in my life as a human being and a woman, not only as an HIV-positive activist," says Bolivian HIVer Gracia Violeta Ross Quiroga. In her interview with TheBody.com back in 2007, Gracia shared her journey from surviving rape to testing positive to becoming a global HIV activist. We recently caught up with Gracia and asked what she's been up to since her interview. In her eloquent update, Gracia talks about her biggest challenge yet: starting a family of her own. LIVING WITH HIV HIV Positive and Fasting During Ramadan Would fasting have any negative effect on someone with HIV? Ramadan has just begun in the Muslim world and I need to fast (i.e., go without food and water) from sunrise until sunset every day for the entire month. I will take my meds after I break my fast at sunset and just before I begin my next fast at sunrise. My CD4 count is 205 and I've been on HIV meds for eight months now. Cancellation of Long-Term Disability Benefits for HIV/AIDS My long-term disability insurer, CIGNA, recently cancelled my benefits. They claim that I am now no longer totally disabled -- in spite of reports by my doctor and therapists. They have cherry-picked items from my health reports and are using videos as proof. What steps do I take to appeal the cancellation? Am I entitled to copies of the videos?STARTING OR SWITCHING HIV TREATMENT Do I Need to Start HAART? I was infected in May 2008. Since then my CD4 counts have ranged from 390 to 368 and my viral load has gone from 65,000 to its current level of 14,000. I have no symptoms except for swollen lymph nodes, and the fact that I seem to catch colds more often now than before getting diagnosed. Do I need to start HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) now? My doctor says I don't need to start yet. Do you agree? Does the fact that I am Chinese affect the decision on when to start HIV meds? Is It a Good Idea to Commence HIV Treatment During Acute Infection? I tested positive in March 2009. My last test was five years ago and it was negative. My June 2009 lab results showed a CD4 count of 238, a CD4 percentage of 18 percent; and a viral load of 66,733. My doctor has advised me to start HIV treatment. Should I wait to see if my CD4 count is low because I may still be in the acute infection period, or should I just initiate treatment? I really don't know when I was infected. Changing HIV Meds to Decrease My Risk of Another Heart Attack I have been on Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir) since 1998. My viral load is undetectable and my T-cell (CD4) count is around 800. I recently had a myocardial infarction (heart attack) and angioplasty. My HIV doc wants to change my meds to Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Prezista (darunavir) boosted with Norvir (ritonavir) due to the possible heart disease risk with Ziagen (abacavir). My worry is that to start taking the two protease inhibitors (Prezista and Norvir) for the first time will also increase my risk of heart disease. Do you have an opinion on this and perhaps an idea of a different combination? I favor Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC).Diagnosed With HIV and AIDS at the Same Time (A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board) I was diagnosed last April with a viral load over 500,000 and a CD4 count of 191. I've been sad, lonely, on meds, always tired, lost weight and appetite, no one knows, live away from my family, no partner, with an infection on my skin since April that impairs my mobility (groin and genital area) ... Unbelievable, but I deserve it ... Crystal meth addict in recovery ... Eww ... That's me. What will tomorrow bring?-- icantbelieveClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own! To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!OTHER HEALTH ISSUES Good Viral Load and CD4 Counts but Too Many Herpes Outbreaks I was diagnosed with HIV in December 2005. I am not yet on HIV meds, and have had viral load and T-cell (CD4) count tests every three months since diagnosis. The highest viral load I have had was 2,000, the lowest CD4 count was about 600, with the relation between CD4 and CD8 counts not less than 40 percent. I am a "viremic controller" according to Harvard researchers. All is pretty well on the HIV front. However, I have been having frequent genital herpes outbreaks. I have also been experiencing the zoster type of herpes (also known as shingles) around twice a year. All of these outbreaks are mild to moderate and my body is able to fight them properly and promptly recover. What could explain this from an immune system standpoint? According to my labs, my immune system seems to be functioning well, but these recurrent herpes outbreaks point to a different scenario. What Is the Life Expectancy for Someone With Cirrhosis? Once someone has been diagnosed with cirrhosis, how long can one live? How Can I Keep My Liver Healthy After HCV Treatment? I have HIV, hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV). My HIV, HCV and HBV viral loads are undetectable. I just completed therapy with peginterferon (Pegasys or PEG-Intron) and ribavirin (Rebetol, Copegus). I have some questions about what I can eat. Can I drink around 16 ounces of milk a day? Is it OK for me to have beef or chicken liver a few times a month? My doctor just told me to eat balanced meals and never to drink alcohol or take St. 's Wort, but he says if I'd like, I can take other supplements such as milk thistle, astragalus and licorice.HIV TRANSMISSION How Often Can I "Top" Before I'm at Risk for HIV? Is there a minimum number of exposures through bareback "topping" (acting as the insertive partner during anal sex) at which the HIV risk becomes substantial? Transmission Risk During Successful HIV Treatment? Does the HIV transmission risk fall (for example, if a condom breaks) in the case of an HIV-positive person who has been on medication for several years and is continually monitored, and whose viral load is undetectable with a CD4 count in the 800-to-900 range? Crisco and HIV Can HIV survive in Crisco?Recently Diagnosed: Can Everyone Tell "Something's Not Right"? (A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board) I have recently been diagnosed with HIV (June 2009). I would like to make some friends. I feel lonely and I think everyone knows about me or notices something is not right. I have friends, gay and straight, and I am afraid to tell them. I live in Las Vegas. -- skislopeClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own! To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!STRANGE BUT TRUE Is It Dangerous to Ejaculate Too Much in One Day? Can you die from shooting too much semen in a day? I don't wanna die anytime soon!Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth. To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@.... Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@.... Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop. Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at: The Body's E-Mail Updates The HealthCentral Network, Inc. 250 West 57th Street New York, NY 10107 Call Assembly Speaker Silver: Stop The HASA Rent Crisis -- New Yorkers With HIV/AIDS Need Affordable Housing! Tell Senators Health Care Reform Must Include Medicaid Parity for U.S. Territories! Petition for a Robust National Public Health Care Option and Expansion and Enhancement of Medicaid Coverage Take a Survey Addressing the Vocational Needs of HIV-Positive People -- Deadline Extended! Ensure Congress Has a National AIDS Strategy Urge Your Senators to Co-Sponsor the Early Treatment for HIV Act Redial! Help Get Health Care Reform Back on Track Twelve Weeks and Counting: Extend White Now!

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

August 24, 2009

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

Change/Update Subscription

Living With HIV

Starting or Switching HIV Treatment

Other Health Issues

HIV Transmission

Strange but True

"It is time for me to have a job that responds to future challenges in my life as a human being and a woman, not only as an HIV-positive activist," says Bolivian HIVer Gracia Violeta Ross Quiroga. In her interview with TheBody.com back in 2007, Gracia shared her journey from surviving rape to testing positive to becoming a global HIV activist. We recently caught up with Gracia and asked what she's been up to since her interview. In her eloquent update, Gracia talks about her biggest challenge yet: starting a family of her own.


HIV Positive and Fasting During Ramadan

Would fasting have any negative effect on someone with HIV? Ramadan has just begun in the Muslim world and I need to fast (i.e., go without food and water) from sunrise until sunset every day for the entire month. I will take my meds after I break my fast at sunset and just before I begin my next fast at sunrise. My CD4 count is 205 and I've been on HIV meds for eight months now.

Cancellation of Long-Term Disability Benefits for HIV/AIDS

My long-term disability insurer, CIGNA, recently cancelled my benefits. They claim that I am now no longer totally disabled -- in spite of reports by my doctor and therapists. They have cherry-picked items from my health reports and are using videos as proof. What steps do I take to appeal the cancellation? Am I entitled to copies of the videos?


Do I Need to Start HAART?

I was infected in May 2008. Since then my CD4 counts have ranged from 390 to 368 and my viral load has gone from 65,000 to its current level of 14,000. I have no symptoms except for swollen lymph nodes, and the fact that I seem to catch colds more often now than before getting diagnosed. Do I need to start HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy) now? My doctor says I don't need to start yet. Do you agree? Does the fact that I am Chinese affect the decision on when to start HIV meds?

Is It a Good Idea to Commence HIV Treatment During Acute Infection?

I tested positive in March 2009. My last test was five years ago and it was negative. My June 2009 lab results showed a CD4 count of 238, a CD4 percentage of 18 percent; and a viral load of 66,733. My doctor has advised me to start HIV treatment. Should I wait to see if my CD4 count is low because I may still be in the acute infection period, or should I just initiate treatment? I really don't know when I was infected.

Changing HIV Meds to Decrease My Risk of Another Heart Attack

I have been on Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir) since 1998. My viral load is undetectable and my T-cell (CD4) count is around 800. I recently had a myocardial infarction (heart attack) and angioplasty. My HIV doc wants to change my meds to Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Prezista (darunavir) boosted with Norvir (ritonavir) due to the possible heart disease risk with Ziagen (abacavir). My worry is that to start taking the two protease inhibitors (Prezista and Norvir) for the first time will also increase my risk of heart disease. Do you have an opinion on this and perhaps an idea of a different combination? I favor Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC).

Diagnosed With HIV and AIDS at the Same Time

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

I was diagnosed last April with a viral load over 500,000 and a CD4 count of 191. I've been sad, lonely, on meds, always tired, lost weight and appetite, no one knows, live away from my family, no partner, with an infection on my skin since April that impairs my mobility (groin and genital area) ... Unbelievable, but I deserve it ... Crystal meth addict in recovery ... Eww ... That's me. What will tomorrow bring?

-- icantbelieve

Click here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!

To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!


Good Viral Load and CD4 Counts but Too Many Herpes Outbreaks

I was diagnosed with HIV in December 2005. I am not yet on HIV meds, and have had viral load and T-cell (CD4) count tests every three months since diagnosis. The highest viral load I have had was 2,000, the lowest CD4 count was about 600, with the relation between CD4 and CD8 counts not less than 40 percent. I am a "viremic controller" according to Harvard researchers. All is pretty well on the HIV front. However, I have been having frequent genital herpes outbreaks. I have also been experiencing the zoster type of herpes (also known as shingles) around twice a year. All of these outbreaks are mild to moderate and my body is able to fight them properly and promptly recover. What could explain this from an immune system standpoint? According to my labs, my immune system seems to be functioning well, but these recurrent herpes outbreaks point to a different scenario.

What Is the Life Expectancy for Someone With Cirrhosis?

Once someone has been diagnosed with cirrhosis, how long can one live?

How Can I Keep My Liver Healthy After HCV Treatment?

I have HIV, hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV). My HIV, HCV and HBV viral loads are undetectable. I just completed therapy with peginterferon (Pegasys or PEG-Intron) and ribavirin (Rebetol, Copegus). I have some questions about what I can eat. Can I drink around 16 ounces of milk a day? Is it OK for me to have beef or chicken liver a few times a month? My doctor just told me to eat balanced meals and never to drink alcohol or take St. 's Wort, but he says if I'd like, I can take other supplements such as milk thistle, astragalus and licorice.


How Often Can I "Top" Before I'm at Risk for HIV?

Is there a minimum number of exposures through bareback "topping" (acting as the insertive partner during anal sex) at which the HIV risk becomes substantial?

Transmission Risk During Successful HIV Treatment?

Does the HIV transmission risk fall (for example, if a condom breaks) in the case of an HIV-positive person who has been on medication for several years and is continually monitored, and whose viral load is undetectable with a CD4 count in the 800-to-900 range?

Crisco and HIV

Can HIV survive in Crisco?

Recently Diagnosed: Can Everyone Tell "Something's Not Right"?

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

I have recently been diagnosed with HIV (June 2009). I would like to make some friends. I feel lonely and I think everyone knows about me or notices something is not right. I have friends, gay and straight, and I am afraid to tell them. I live in Las Vegas.

-- skislope

Click here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!

To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!


Is It Dangerous to Ejaculate Too Much in One Day?

Can you die from shooting too much semen in a day? I don't wanna die anytime soon!

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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This e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....

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Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.

Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:

The Body's E-Mail Updates

The HealthCentral Network, Inc.

250 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10107

Call Assembly Speaker Silver: Stop The HASA Rent Crisis -- New Yorkers With HIV/AIDS Need Affordable Housing!

Tell Senators Health Care Reform Must Include Medicaid Parity for U.S. Territories!

Petition for a Robust National Public Health Care Option and Expansion and Enhancement of Medicaid Coverage

Take a Survey Addressing the Vocational Needs of HIV-Positive People -- Deadline Extended!

Ensure Congress Has a National AIDS Strategy

Urge Your Senators to Co-Sponsor the Early Treatment for HIV Act


Help Get Health Care Reform Back on Track

Twelve Weeks and Counting: Extend White Now!

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 05 Oct 2009 17:14:49 -0400<powertx@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlOctober 5, 2009Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIVBody Shape ChangesHIV TreatmentCoinfections Complicationsof HIV/HIV MedicationsYou Your LabsHIV TransmissionStrange but TrueOct. 15 is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day in the U.S. Now in its seventh year, National Latino AIDS Awareness Day focuses on increasing awareness and prevention within Latino communities, where new cases of HIV are increasing and where immigration status, language and cultural barriers contribute to its spread.There are plenty of free posters available online to acknowledge the day. You can also learn more about Latinos and HIV/AIDS in this fact sheet, or take a look at TheBody.com in Spanish for Spanish-language HIV/AIDS information and resources.LIVING WITH HIV Is It Appropriate for an HIVer to Get PEP to Prevent Superinfection?I'm HIV positive and have had an undetectable viral load on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for about half a year. Last night I was having sex with a guy of unknown status -- he was the insertive partner. When he pulled out, we noticed that the condom was broken. When I told him that he should seek post-HIV-exposure treatment (known as PEP or post-exposure prophylaxis), he did not seem to panic at all. He said he was negative, but I'm not sure he was telling the truth. Now I cannot stop thinking that he could have transmitted a drug-resistant strain of the virus to me. Should I go to an emergency room immediately and request PEP? Could Reinfection With "Good" HIV Help?Is it possible to get reinfected with a "better" strain of HIV? Let's say someone has a very high viral load and very low CD4 count, despite taking meds. What if he or she attempted to "reinfect" themselves with semen from somebody who has perfect numbers, feels great all the time and has no problems related to HIV? Could the recipient benefit from this "good" virus? I know that no doctor will condone such behavior, but I am curious.BODY SHAPE CHANGES High CD4 Count and Muscle Wasting: Should I Switch Meds?I have been on Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir) for 10 years and have experienced some muscle wasting. I work out three times a week and my CD4 count has been around 950 for the past five years. I have no other major issues. My doctor says it's not time to switch meds yet because of my high CD4 count. He encourages me to pump more weight at the gym, but I just want to try new meds. Do you have any suggestions? Where Can I Get PMMA Injections in Mexico?I will be taking a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and wanted to know if there are any doctors there that do PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate, Articol, Artefill, Metacrill) injections for facial wasting. I've had it done here in the U.S., but it is very costly.HIV TREATMENT Did I Choose the Right HIV Med Regimen to Start With?I've had HIV for five years now. My CD4 count has been consistently between 500 and 800, and my viral load has ranged from 15,000 to more than one million. Each time I was fighting a sunburn, a sinus infection or some other infection. My doc put me on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). Is Atripla a good, long-lasting regimen? Should I have even started treatment? Can My Husband Still Use Atripla Even Though the Pills Expired Three Months Ago?My husband is positive and has been on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) since June 11. We just found out that the Atripla pills that he's been taking from day one expired in June. Now we are worried that he's been taking drugs that have no strength. How long after the expiration date can HIV medications still be good?The White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) has launched a series of HIV/AIDS community discussions throughout the U.S. -- and there may be one coming to your area. Take a look at the list of cities, and follow the directions to prepare for the meeting of your choice. The next discussion will take place in Albuquerque, N.M., on Oct. 9.COINFECTIONS COMPLICATIONS OF HIV/HIV MEDICATIONS Did My Doc Drop the Ball on Regular Testosterone Testing?I'm a 52-year-old man who was diagnosed with HIV 15 years ago. My viral load has been undetectable for a number of years and I'm in generally good health. In November of 2002 I was prescribed daily Androgel for low testosterone. I also had a DEXA scan to measure my bone density, which showed osteoporosis. In the last year or so I've been having fatigue, trouble sleeping and lowered libido, and I can't sustain an erection -- just feeling crappy in general. I've mentioned all this to my HIV specialist every visit for a year. This past week he tested my free testosterone again and the test results came back lower than when I was initially prescribed the Androgel. Shouldn't I have had regular tests to check my testosterone levels? And since I'm more than two years overdue for a DEXA scan, should I be concerned that my osteoporosis has worsened? I feel like my doctor has dropped the ball on this one. What can I do on my end to feel like my old self? Successfully Treated for Hepatitis C, but Worried I Have HIVI have been successfully treated for hepatitis C, and I have been a sustained responder for four years. However, I have cirrhosis now and I have terrible stomach problems. I asked my doctor if I might I have HIV and he said he doubts it, as it would show in my liver function test results. What do you think? Why Is My Syphilis Titer Staying So High After Treatment?I tested positive for HIV in the early 1980s. I have been on HIV meds, my HIV viral load is currently undetectable and my CD4 count is in the 300 to 400 range. I contracted syphilis in the late 1990s, and since then my syphilis titer has remained high. I had a lumbar puncture done and neurosyphilis was confirmed. I underwent two weeks of intravenous penicillin G after previously being treated with Biaxin (clarithromycin) and Rocephin (ceftriaxone). I have not had any sexual contact with anyone in over two years. My doctor is stumped. Why does my syphilis titer remain so high, and what can I do about it?Imagine a U.S. national HIV/AIDS strategy that truly works for women -- one that prevents new HIV infections in women and reduces disparities for women affected by HIV. What would it look like? Come share your ideas with the U.S. Positive Women's Network on an Oct. 7 conference call! There'll be a discussion as well as an update on the national HIV/AIDS strategy process so far. RSVP to pwn@... by Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 12 p.m. Pacific time.YOU YOUR LABS Do CD4 Test Results Differ From Lab to Lab?I had an undetectable viral load and a CD4 count between 730 and 830 for the last 18 months. My count steadily increased until my last test, which showed a CD4 count of 530. The last tests were done at a different lab from my usual one. Do you think the change in labs could account for the difference? What's a Normal Testosterone Level for an HIVer?I'm 52 years old. My HIV specialist ran a testosterone test on me and the result was 5.02 ng/mL. Is that a normal level?HIV TRANSMISSION Young Gay Man With HIV/AIDS PhobiaI am a 23-year-old gay man who has somewhat of an "obsession" with HIV. Ever since coming out, after any sexual encounter I become stressed out about contracting HIV. Every three months I get tested for HIV. I poke and probe the palpable lymph nodes in my groin, neck and underarms. It has been approximately four weeks since my last encounter with a man. Both encounters involved either a lot of kissing or mutual masturbation. This week I noticed the lymph node in my left underarm is slightly swollen, tender and hurts a little when I'm inactive. Would you say my fears are irrational? Could you suggest any methods to calm my fears?Any Advice for an HIV-Positive Person Working in Academia?(A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board)I'm looking to connect with anyone who has experience as an HIV-positive person working as faculty, a researcher or graduate student in academia. I'm a Ph.D. student in an extremely competitive program at a major research university and I am not "out" at school about my health status. The stigma is still strong and academics -- open-minded as most claim to be -- live in rather insulated worlds, which usually don't include dealing with an HIV-positive student or colleague. I have seen a couple of full professors gossip with glee about the cancer or other health crisis of their colleagues (no joke, unfortunately) and I am not interested in being on the receiving end of it. Are there any other academics out there dealing with HIV and the pressures of being intellectually functional at all times? I worry that my short-term memory is falling off, that my linguistic capacity is starting to deteriorate, and I am terrified that this will become apparent in my work. I also am in a program that will require me, within the next two years, to go live in Brazil for a year for research. I am completely clueless as to how to deal with acquiring meds in Brazil (I have just started Atripla here), and I am worried about getting the medical clearance necessary to do research on a major grant. Anyone out there going through this too? Anybody have any answers or pointers for how to navigate all this? -- kuanRCClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!STRANGE BUT TRUE Gash in Head From Sex-Club Fall: Could Semen on the Floor Give Me HIV?I slipped in the shower of a sex club and got a gash on my head from the tile floor. Since this was a sex club, it's conceivable that everybody who takes a shower there has semen on him. I wonder if any of the residual semen on the wet floor could transmit HIV, especially to a fresh, deep wound.Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Join an Oct. 7 Conference Call -- Share Your Ideas for Making the U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy Work for Women Urge President Obama to Lift the Ban on Federal Funding for Syringe Exchange Programs Participate in the White House's HIV/AIDS Community Discussions on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy At National Equality March, Equality To End AIDS Rally to Re-Engage LGBT Community Re-Authorize the White Act -- Care for People Living With HIV/AIDS

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 19 Oct 2009 19:51:55 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlOctober 19, 2009Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionH1N1 Vaccine HIV-Positive PeopleHIV Body Shape ChangesHIV TreatmentCoinfections Complicationsof HIV/HIV MedicationsBeyond MedicationsHIV Transmission PreventionStrange but TrueH1N1 VACCINE HIV-POSITIVE PEOPLE Can the H1N1 Vaccine Work When You Have an Extremely Low CD4 Count?I've been positive for 11 years and I took HIV medications for seven years. However, I'm no longer on medications. My CD4 count is 5 and my viral load is 50,000. Is it advisable for me to get the H1N1 vaccine? I understand that it’s important to have some sort of immune system for the vaccine to work. Should the H1N1 Nasal Mist Be Used by HIV-Positive People?I will be able to get the H1N1 nasal spray at work during the next few days. Can someone with HIV who has a CD4 count of 600 and an undetectable viral load take the H1N1 flu mist?In 1987, Sherri decided to get married. But a few months before the wedding, she learned she was HIV positive -- and her fiancé was HIV negative. "I remember telling my husband under my wedding veil, 'Don't kiss me,'" Sherri recalls. Although her fiancé stuck by her side, her life was forever changed. "I have succeeded at living with HIV, and living healthy with it," she says. "But it took a big bite out of my life." Read her inspiring story.HIV BODY SHAPE CHANGES What Can I Do to Stop Wasting and Gain Weight?My body has been changing and I am losing fat (lipoatrophy) although I am now on Viramune (nevirapine) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), a regimen that supposedly doesn't cause lipoatrophy. However, it seems the lipo has gotten worse. Is there anything I can do to gain weight or stop the progression of lipo? Where Does the Best PMMA Come From?What is the best PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate, sold under the names: Articol, Artefill, Metacrill) on the market for buttock augmentation? Eighteen-Year HIV Survivor Struggling to Gain WeightI am a healthy 18-year survivor of HIV and I've been struggling to gain weight. I am 5 feet 8 inches tall and I weigh 137 pounds, although my normal, healthy-feeling weight is 150. I work out three times a week and I eat very well. My doctor had me on Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) and testosterone injections before and I was gaining weight and feeling so much better. However, I am told that Deca is no longer made in the U.S. Is there another steroid that compares to Deca?HIV TREATMENT Looking for Alternatives to ReyatazI have been on boosted Reyataz (atazanavir) for four years and have always been self-conscious about the yellowing the increased bilirubin creates in my eyes. I have been told over and over that this side effect is completely harmless, but I'm still interested in making a regimen change because of it. The other drug in my regimen is Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) which I switched to from Combivir (AZT/3TC). My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 564. What regimen would you suggest as an alternative to the boosted Reyataz? Starting HAART in RussiaMy son is 30 years old and lives in Russia. In May he was diagnosed with HIV. He started HIV meds in September and within three weeks his CD4 count went up to 313 and his viral load dropped below 500 copies, which is considered undetectable in Russia. He takes Reyataz (atazanavir), Norvir (ritonavir), Epivir (lamivudine, 3TC) and Zerit (stavudine, d4T). Is this the right choice of therapy? Do you have any other recommendations?The White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) has launched a series of HIV/AIDS community discussions throughout the U.S. -- and there may be one coming to your area. Take a look at the list of cities, and follow the directions to prepare for the meeting of your choice. The next discussion will take place in Columbia, S.C., on Oct. 26.COINFECTIONS COMPLICATIONS OF HIV/HIV MEDICATIONS Is Fatigue Keeping Me From Working Out, or Is It Depression?I'm a 42-year-old male who's been living with HIV infection since 1993. Since 1986 I have regularly exercised with weights. However, since I had pneumonia in Nov. 2007, it's been a big effort to get dressed to go to the gym. I'm not sure if it's the weakness I felt before, during and after I had the pneumonia, or if I'm simply so depressed that I don't feel like going to the gym anymore. This is a vicious circle because not going to the gym makes me feel even more depressed and anxious. I've also been on Arcalion (sulbutiamine) for energy. What else can I do? Recurrent Anal Cancer: Any Way to Stop the Recurrence?I have been living with HIV for over 20 years now and have been on meds for the past 10 years. Recently I was diagnosed with squamous cell anal cancer once again. Do you know what can be done so that this won't happen again? I have also been having eight to 10 bowel movements a day -- every time I eat I have to have one. What can I do about these problems? MAC, Other Infections, No CD4 Cells: Any Hope for Recovery?My daughter has MAC (Mycobacterium Avium Complex). Her CD4 count is zero and her viral load has exceeded 100,000. She has been in the hospital for seven weeks. She keeps developing bacterial infections like C. difficile and MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), she has no white or red blood cells and her hemoglobin levels continuously drop, causing her to need numerous blood transfusions. Is there any chance that my daughter will recover? Please help!Just Diagnosed -- Please Help(A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board)I was diagnosed with HIV three weeks ago after a physical for life insurance, which I was turned down for of course. I've gone to a doctor and am waiting for my test results -- CD4 count, genotype, viral load. I have been doing a lot of research online and have ordered a couple books. I know from reading up on HIV that I'm PROBABLY going to be OK, but even with all the good things I've read, I still need reassurance and would like to hear from ANYONE who can let me know their story and help me with my sometimes negative thoughts of this disease. I have had a negative viral load for hepatitis C for six years now after six months of hepatitis C treatment, so I know from that experience that things do get better, but I would still like to hear others' experiences. -- luckyoneClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!BEYOND MEDICATIONS What Are Your Thoughts on Complementary Therapies for HIV?What are your thoughts on the continual lack of attention to the field of alternative HIV treatment? Although I am not considering stopping HIV meds, I am curious and intrigued by some recent developments in complementary therapies.HIV TRANSMISSION PREVENTION The Other Side of the "Lap Dancing Question"I'm a sex worker who has been offered a job as a lap dancer. What are my risks? Are Lambskin Condoms Safe?I had bareback sex with a man while separated from my wife. Once she and I got back together, we had sex using lambskin condoms -- before I read the fine print on the packaging that says they do not protect against HIV. I'm waiting for the six-month mark to be tested for HIV, and I'm terrified that I may have infected my wife. Is there any chance that lambskin condoms could protect against HIV?STRANGE BUT TRUE A Stripper Rubbed Her Naked Butt Against Me!I was having a drink at a go-go club in Singapore. I was fully dressed, wearing jeans, underwear and a long T-shirt. A dancer/sex worker came up to me while I was standing near the bar and rubbed her butt against my crotch. She had a pair of shorts on. What is my risk of HIV? Spanking in a Mixed-Status CoupleMy partner is positive and we take extreme care in our relationship to avoid infection. The other night he ejaculated, cleaned himself with a tissue (no contact between us) and gave me one spank in my butt. I washed myself two minutes later. Do you think that his spank may have posed a risk? I have some small red dots -- maybe acne, but really light -- in that area.Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Action Alert: Tell Congress to Cut Abstinence-Only Funding! Can't Make It to a White House HIV/AIDS Community Discussion? Provide Your Testimony Online for the U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy! Urge President Obama to Lift the Ban on Federal Funding for Syringe Exchange Programs Participate in the White House's HIV/AIDS Community Discussions on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 02 Nov 2009 18:21:43 -0500<nelsonvergel@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlNovember 2, 2009Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionHIV/HAART ComplicationsFacts About HIV/AIDSHIV TreatmentHIV/HAART Having ChildrenHIV PreventionStrange but TrueHIV/HAART COMPLICATIONS Bio-Alcamid and the Risk of InfectionI understand that there is a risk of late infection after the use of Bio-Alcamid (poly-Alkyl-Imide). How many years does the risk of this infection last? High Triglycerides From HIV Medications?I have been on Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) for about 10 years now (Epzicom [abacavir/3TC, Kivexa] for about six years). Recent labs show my triglycerides around 330, cholesterol around 210 and LDL (low-density lipoproteins) at 113. I eat hearty, healthy meals -- hardly any red meat and a lot of salmon and greens -- and keep to a very low-fat diet. I also take fish oil and flax seed oil pills daily, plus I exercise regularly. What more can I or my doctors do to lower these numbers? I feel like I'm on the road to "strokin' out" any day, and my facial wasting is also getting much worse. Do you have a blog, Web site, or even just a Facebook or MySpace page? Do you want to keep your friends and visitors up to date on the latest HIV/AIDS news? It's easy! Just visit TheBody.com's widget page and pick which widget you want. Then click "get widget" for simple instructions on how to share our most important stories with your viewers.FACTS ABOUT HIV/AIDS Evaluating the Strength of the Virus You Were Infected WithDoes it make a difference whether I got infected by someone who got HIV in the 1980s versus, say, 2002? A friend told me that the HIV medications a person's virus was exposed to back then made a difference in how virulent or weak the virus would be in someone infected with that virus later on. Would Every HIVer Die Without HIV Medications?Does everyone with HIV eventually die without meds? Are there some who never progress to AIDS? If so, do you know the statistics? Also, I've read that when someone's CD4 count gets down below 200, she or he gets all kinds of opportunistic infections. Is this just an average number? HIV TREATMENT Where Can I Find the Best Doctors to Treat HIV/AIDS?I have recently been diagnosed with HIV. Is it better to get treatment through an independent health provider using Blue Shield or Kaiser Permanente, or are the doctors just as good under a state-run program? CD4 Count of 127: Should I Start HIV Treatment Now or Take Herbs and Delay Meds?I am a 43-year-old female. I have just been diagnosed with HIV and I have a CD4 of 127. My doctor has suggested that I start Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) once a day and co-trimoxazole (Bactrim, Septra, Sulfatrim) once a day until I get my CD4 up to 200. I started the co-trimoxazole; however, I'm thinking of delaying the Atripla for two months so that I can build up my immunity with the herbal supplement astragalus, as well as vitamins and herbal products. Can I safely try and do this or am I at risk of cancers and infections if I don't start taking Atripla immediately? Great Response to Atripla: Will I Be OK?I was diagnosed with HIV in December 2007 and started Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) in January 2008. My viral load was 100,000 and became undetectable in five weeks. I am still undetectable now. My CD4 count was 27 in January 2007 and it's now 675. I feel great -- I put on 50 pounds and have now stopped Bactrim (co-trimoxazole) and Zithromax (azithromycin) prophylaxis as my doctor ordered. I am 100 percent adherent to my HIV meds. Am I going to be OK?A series of HIV/AIDS community discussions is underway throughout the U.S., hosted by the White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP). Take a look at the list of cities, and follow the directions to prepare for the meeting of your choice. The next discussion will take place in St. and St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, on Nov. 9. You also have some time left to testify online from anywhere in the U.S. -- online testimony closes on Nov. 12.HIV/HAART HAVING CHILDREN Does Having HIV Mean I Can Never Have Children?I am a man with HIV. Does this mean I can never have children? When Should I Stop Stocrin (Sustiva) if I Want to Get Pregnant?I am on Stocrin (efavirenz, known as Sustiva in the U.S. and Canada), Zerit (stavudine) and 3TC (Epivir, lamivudine) and I want a baby. Should I stop Stocrin before I conceive? How long before? Can I stop once I find out I'm pregnant? HIV PREVENTION Taking HIV Treatment to Prevent Getting HIV From a Human BiteI received a human bite on my upper arm about three weeks ago. It was so severe that it broke through my skin. I was put on Combivir (AZT/3TC) immediately and have been using it religiously. I am struggling with fatigue and, on some days, severe nausea. For how long should I use the medication? What are precautions we can take in and around the house during the window period? Questions About Safer Sex in a Mixed-Status CoupleI'm an HIV-negative woman married to an HIV-positive man who's had an undetectable viral load since 1998. I have a rare skin disease/autoimmune disorder called hidradenitis suppurativa. This condition causes me to have boil-like lesions in my groin and perineum and under my breasts. I regularly have many sores at various stages in the healing process. This condition is not contagious. In any event, with my husband being undetectable, we have decided that we would assume a small risk when making love. I give him unprotected oral sex (he seldom has any pre-cum); we also have unprotected intercourse and he pulls out prior to climax. Is this type of sexual contact relatively safe? Am I at any further risk if his semen comes in contact with my hidradenitis sores?Working Out(A recent post from the " Gay Men " board)I've been poz for 11 years, been doing great on my meds, T-cell count is over 1,100 and viral load is undetectable, but I am ALWAYS tired. A couple years ago I found out my body was no longer producing testosterone. Another side effect of long-term HIV infection -- doesn't happen to everyone, but ... there it is. So no big deal, I take injections every two weeks to replace it. ? I want to get back to the gym, as I'm hoping some exercise will start to give me more energy over time. I completely understand that I need to start slow and build up. But what should I start with? I tried to go to the gym and start with some weights, but even the lightest made my entire arm, and eventually body, shake just after a few reps. Am I doing something wrong? If anyone else has experienced this, or has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. I'd love to stop feeling like a wimp all the time!-- dreamdzignClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!STRANGE BUT TRUE Can Swallowing a Lot of Semen Give Me HIV?I swallowed my own semen and it's quite a lot! Can I get HIV this way? Sniffing Semen: What's the Risk?I live in a homophobic country and I'm gay. I recently came in contact with another gay man. We mutually masturbated and I touched his semen. I wiped my finger as soon as I touched it, but stupidly I sniffed my finger right after wiping it off. Do you think I could have gotten HIV that way? Could the virus have traveled from my finger into my nose?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Alert: Don't Let Dems Wimp Out on Opposing Abstinence-Only Funding U.S. Territories Separate and Unequal in Healthcare Reform; How You Can Help Action Alert: Tell Congress to Cut Abstinence-Only Funding! Can't Make It to a White House HIV/AIDS Community Discussion? Provide Your Testimony Online for the U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy! Urge President Obama to Lift the Ban on Federal Funding for Syringe Exchange Programs Participate in the White House's HIV/AIDS Community Discussions on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 09 Nov 2009 17:40:02 -0500<powertx@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlNovember 9, 2009Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionNutrition HormonesMixed-Status CouplesHIV Body Shape ChangesCoinfections Complicationsof HIV/HIV MedicationsHIV TreatmentStrange but TrueNot long after B. found out he was HIV positive, he got a video camera, launched a video blog and committed himself to becoming an agent of change. His inspiration? U.S. President Barack Obama's use of new media to get his message out. Read and watch the first installment of 's blog on TheBody.com.NUTRITION HORMONES Switching From Testosterone Gel to InjectionsI have been using Testogel (known as Androgel in the U.S.) for about six months now, but it's a hassle to put it on every day. I'd like to switch to injections if my doctor agrees. Which type of testosterone injection would you recommend, and at what dose? Also, what do you know about a longer-lasting form of testosterone called Nebido? What's the Best Way to Start Taking Creatine?I am interested in creatine monohydrate supplementation to gain muscle and weight. I am a 53-year-old HIV-positive man and I've had an undetectable viral load for the past 12 years. I'm currently taking Reyataz (atazanavir), Norvir (ritonavir), Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and 5 mg of Androgel. After reviewing the available literature, my plan is to start taking 5 mg of creatine monohydrate with orange juice daily, skipping the higher-dose loading phase so I don't overtax my kidneys. Does this sound like a safe and reasonable course to follow? Should People With HIV Avoid Rare Meat?I've been HIV positive for about four years. I'm currently taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), I have an undetectable viral load and a CD4 count of around 500 and I'm feeling fine. I am something of a foodie and enjoy eating rare meat, sometimes completely raw (e.g., steak tartare). I have heard that people with impaired immune systems should avoid raw or rare meat, but given that I have a (reasonably) good CD4 count, is this really something I need to worry about?MIXED-STATUS COUPLES Any Advice to Help My Positive Partner Relax During Sex?I have been in a magnetic relationship for over a year now. I am HIV negative and my partner is HIV positive. We only practice safer sex. Here's my question: When I'm the "bottom" (receptive partner in anal sex), my partner is into it only for a short time; then he starts thinking about all the what-ifs, like the condom breaking and things of the sort, and the moment is lost. I know he's worried that he's going to infect me and I respect that. Do you have any suggestions for getting him to overcome his over-thinking and just enjoy the moment?HIV BODY SHAPE CHANGES Which Brand of PMMA Should I Use?Which brand of PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate, sold under the names Articol, Artefill or Metacrill) and its components should I choose for buttock augmentation? The White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP)'s series of HIV/AIDS community discussions is sweeping the U.S. You can still submit your testimony online from now through Nov. 13 at midnight. You can also take a look at the list of cities to see if a meeting is coming to your area. The next discussions will take place in the U.S. Virgin Islands on Nov.9 (that's tonight!), and in , Miss., on Nov. 16.COINFECTIONS COMPLICATIONS OF HIV/HIV MEDICATIONS Experiencing Loose Stools Though Not Yet on HIV MedsI was infected with HIV in December '08 and diagnosed in March '09. I currently have a CD4 count of 729 and my viral load has dropped from more than 10,000 to 1,400. According to an HIV drug resistance test, I have a virus which is resistant to most meds, though I'm not at a stage where I need meds yet. However, for several months now I have had loose stools and things don't seem to be as regular as they were before. I don't have a fantastic diet, but I never did. Could these side effects be related to HIV, some other type of infection or even cancer? Are there any foods or medicines that could help improve my situation? Is Atripla Associated With Hair Loss?I have been using Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for two months now and I noticed that my hair is starting to fall out. Is this normal?HIV TREATMENT HIV Positive and Pregnant but Afraid to See a DoctorI tested HIV positive in 2006 and haven't gone for any checkups to check my CD4 count. Now I'm pregnant and I'm still afraid to go for a checkup. My husband is also positive and we have sex without a condom. What are the chances that our baby will be infected? When do I start taking medication to prevent my baby from being infected? Is it safe to take HIV medications when you're pregnant? Can't Tolerate Atripla: Is It Smart to Switch?In March of this year I started Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). Within a month, my viral load became undetectable and my CD4 count started to rise. Currently my CD4 count is 480. I'm very happy that all is "under control"; however, I don't like Atripla's central nervous system (CNS) side effects! Some days I feel no effects; other days it's like I drank a six-pack and dropped acid. I've experienced memory loss and messed-up dreams and have become very irritable. I would like to switch off Atripla but I'm afraid of possibly exposing myself to resistance (I haven't missed a pill since starting). My genotype results show no resistance to anything. Would seeking another option be in my best interest or is Atripla really my best course of action at this time?Is Anyone Out There?(A recent post from the " Gay Men " board)I'm a single male, 30 years old, Latino, been poz for six years. I've been hiding this from everyone but I can't do it anymore -- it's eating me inside, no one knows about it ... I'm in need of guidance ... like all of us are when we don't know where to start. I'm looking for friends mainly in Houston, Texas, and I would love to have online friends as well. -- inHoustonTxClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!STRANGE BUT TRUE Masturbating Man at a Urinal: Am I at Risk?I met a guy in a restroom. He was masturbating at the urinal. As I used the restroom, I watched him. He reached over and grabbed my hand and tried to put it on his body with the same hand he used to masturbate. I refused, pulled my hand away and left. When I got back to my car, I used hand sanitizer and I noticed a slight sting: A small piece of skin on my finger was pulled back, but not bleeding. Could pre-cum from his hand have come in contact with this tiny hangnail when he grabbed my hand? Am I at risk for HIV? Is testing warranted for this type of "exposure"? What if a Baggage Handler Ejaculated on My Toothbrush?Could a disgruntled baggage handler have ejaculated on my toothbrush in an attempt to give me HIV? We had luggage problems after missing a connecting flight. When I finally got my luggage and arrived at my hotel, I took my brand-new toothbrush out of my bag, applied toothpaste and brushed. My toothbrush smelled just like semen, plus there was a slippery fluid in the plastic bag. Should I get tested?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Participate in the White House's HIV/AIDS Community Discussions on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy Alert: Don't Let Dems Wimp Out on Opposing Abstinence-Only Funding U.S. Territories Separate and Unequal in Healthcare Reform; How You Can Help Can't Make It to a White House HIV/AIDS Community Discussion? Provide Your Testimony Online for the U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy! Urge President Obama to Lift the Ban on Federal Funding for Syringe Exchange Programs

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 16 Nov 2009 17:14:05 -0500<nelsonvergel@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlNovember 16, 2009Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionCoinfections Complications ofHIV/HIV MedicationsHIV TreatmentLiving With HIVHIV Medications RecreationalDrug InteractionsHIV Testing TransmissionStrange but TrueCOINFECTIONS COMPLICATIONS OF HIV/HIV MEDICATIONS Recently Diagnosed With Osteopenia: When Should I Start Bone Meds?I have been on Reyataz (atazanavir), Norvir (ritonavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for a little more than two years. I had a DEXA scan and my doctor said I have osteopenia and I should probably start Fosamax (alendronate) or Boniva (ibandronate) in about two years. I have a family history of osteoporosis. I've also had some fractures and dislocations over the years that have been causing some pain in the last few months. When I look at my DEXA scan report, what levels and terms should I look out for that would indicate a need to start Boniva or Fosamax sooner than two years from now?People still die from AIDS-related causes in the U.S. -- and some of them die without even knowing they're HIV positive. This almost happened to TheBody.com's blogger DeLorenzo. When he found out he had HIV in 2001, he also discovered that he had two opportunistic infections. His doctor told him he missed dying by just a few days. In his latest blog entry, recounts why he buried his head in the sand. HIV Meds Have Made My Belly Big and My Cheeks Sunken!I used to have a somewhat good body and now my cheeks are sunken in and my belly is fat and hard. I look like I'm six months pregnant. My breasts are big and my legs are thin, and I'm embarrassed to go places because of the way I look. I'd been taking HIV meds for two years before these effects began. What can I do about them? My viral load is undetectable, my CD4 count is more than 1,000 and I am taking Intelence (etravirine) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Where Can We Find an Expert in MS and HIV?My partner is 42 years old and has been HIV positive for 14 years. He's very healthy -- his CD4 count is nearly 1,000. His viral load has been undetectable for years. He's recently been diagnosed with relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis (MS). I'm a physician myself, and I'm looking for someone with experience in HIV as well as treatment of MS. Can you recommend some options? None of his current docs know of anyone who has done work in this area. How Can I Be Cured of HCV, but Not HIV?Are HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) so dissimilar that I can be cured of one and not the other? I had HCV, went through interferon (Alferon N, Roferon-A or Intron A) treatment and also started HIV treatment with Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). I followed all the rules and never missed a single dose of any medication. The doctor says the HIV is "hiding" somewhere in my tissues (Brain? Spleen? Gallbladder? Thymus? Where is it "hiding"?). Yet, the liver doctor says I'm "cured" of HCV. Can you explain? Having HIV and the Flu: What Are the Risks?What are the risks and complications for someone with HIV if they get the seasonal flu or H1N1 flu?HIV TREATMENT What Should I Choose for My First HIV Regimen?I saw my physician assistant and was informed that my CD4 count was 288 and my viral load was 104 million or thereabouts. Both of us decided that it would be wise for me to start treatment immediately. I brought up the idea of being on the combination Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Isentress (raltegravir), while he thought I should be on Truvada and Viramune (nevirapine), the most effective combo. What do you think?The White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP)'s series of HIV/AIDS community discussions is sweeping the U.S. The deadline for submitting online testimony has been extended to Monday, Nov. 23, at 6 p.m. Eastern Time! There have also been some changes to the list of upcoming meetings -- please take a look, and follow the directions to prepare for the meeting of your choice. The next discussions will take place in , Miss., on Nov. 16 (that's tonight!), and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Nov. 20.LIVING WITH HIV Could I Be a Long-Term Nonprogressor?If I contracted HIV about six years ago and have not had an AIDS-related sickness, could I be a "long-term nonprogressor" -- someone whose body controls HIV without the benefit of HIV meds? HIV MEDICATIONS RECREATIONAL DRUG INTERACTIONS Marijuana and Antiretroviral MedicationsDoes marijuana interact with HIV medications? What's the Effect of Taking Ecstasy With HIV Meds?What happens if you take Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Combivir (AZT/3TC), and three hours later you pop an ecstasy pill?HIV TESTING TRANSMISSION Is It Better to Get Tested for HIV or to Not Know My HIV Status?I am afraid of being HIV positive. I am 26 years old and was in a relationship for two years in which we left condoms out of the equation (I was the "top," or insertive partner). I haven't had an HIV test for three years. Should I start using condoms now and not bother getting tested since I'm terrified of testing positive? Positive, Undetectable "Bottom" in a Magnetic Couple: Is My Partner at Lower Risk?I'm a 54-year-old gay man from Vermont and I've been HIV positive for 22 years. My viral load finally dropped to undetectable in the past year. I also have a new man in my life for the first time in a while. He's HIV negative and after some negotiation, we decided to forego condoms (he's the "top," or insertive partner). Does the fact that I am undetectable and extremely careful mean that I'm not putting him at risk? Having him become infected would be too much to bear.How Do You Overcome Rejection?(A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board)This might sound lame because I am a mature woman and not a teenager, so please don't judge. I have been positive for 10 years and trying my best to live like a normal human being. So I decided to start Internet dating on the positive dating sites. I communicated with several guys and decided to go out on a date with this one guy that I liked. The date went really well and we talked for hours and at the end he promised to call the next day. One week later, nothing. I tried calling him on the third day and left a message, but no reply came. I am not going to try him again because I have some self-respect, but the rejection is stressing me out. What I can't understand is how people can be so cruel. To make matters worse, I really, really liked him and wanted to be friends even if the dating didn't work. My question is: How do I get him out of my mind and move on? I have a life and I am a busy person so I am not sitting at home sulking, but this experience is really hard. -- AsiaHopeClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!STRANGE BUT TRUE Could My New Sex Toy Have HIV on It?I just received a new sex toy in the mail and I used it immediately without washing it. Now I'm freaking out. What if someone used the new toy before and returned it? I'm still a virgin and I'm so scared. Should I get tested for HIV? A Stranger Used My Bathroom: What if He Contaminated It With AIDS?I let a man who was hooking up my cable use my restroom. After he was done, I heard him saying that he might have AIDS. So when he left, I cleaned my bathroom thoroughly. I have been so worried ever since. Could he have contaminated something in my bathroom? I have three kids and I'm very concerned. I've been having headaches, back pain, nausea and fatigue.Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Participate in the White House's HIV/AIDS Community Discussions on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy Alert: Don't Let Dems Wimp Out on Opposing Abstinence-Only Funding U.S. Territories Separate and Unequal in Healthcare Reform; How You Can Help Can't Make It to a White House HIV/AIDS Community Discussion? Provide Your Testimony Online for the U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy! Urge President Obama to Lift the Ban on Federal Funding for Syringe Exchange Programs

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 23 Nov 2009 18:41:02 -0500<powertx@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlNovember 23, 2009Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionCoinfections Complications ofHIV/HIV MedicationsHIV/AIDS TreatmentUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsHIV TransmissionStrange but TrueThe U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy got Enrique Franco kicked out of the Army. It was also the reason he found out he was HIV positive. Diagnosis turned Enrique's life upside down, but he's now standing tall. "This is my body, this is my life," he says. "I refuse to put my head down." Read this moving interview.COINFECTIONS COMPLICATIONS OFHIV/HIV MEDICATIONS Is the H1N1 Flu Mist Safe for HIVers?I was vaccinated with the H1N1 (swine) flu mist at work on Oct. 16. I just read that people with HIV are not supposed to get this kind of vaccine. My CD4 count is 400 and my viral load is undetectable. Should I be worried? Which Erectile Dysfunction Drug Can I Take With My HIV Meds?I recently began my first HIV med regimen with Kivexa (Epzicom, abacavir/3TC) and Stocrin (efavirenz, Sustiva). Which erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs can I take with this combo? I have no other health issues. Also, can you advise which ED drug is the best? Can an HIVer Get Her or His Tonsils Removed?My fiancé is HIV positive and his doctor advised him to have his tonsils removed because of some problems he's had with them. Is this OK for someone with HIV?HIV/AIDS TREATMENT My CD4 Count Is 5: Why Don't We Hear More About Guys Like Me?It makes me feel strange when I read posts about individuals with CD4 counts of 750 and undetectable viral loads. I rarely read anything about someone with a low CD4 count. I've been HIV positive for 11 years and I'm 53. I had pneumonia two years ago and went off meds for four years. I simply have no desire for a long, medication-filled life, and the side effects at this point would be terrible. You should have a forum for individuals with poor numbers, and less about guys who want to take testosterone and have high CD4 counts.The White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP)'s series of HIV/AIDS community discussions is nearing its end. The final discussions will take place in New York City on Dec. 4, and in Puerto Rico on Dec. 14. If you live in either of these places, take a look at the details and register for the meeting of your choice. While you can no longer submit your testimony via the online form on ONAP's Web site, you can e-mail your testimony to ONAP from now through Dec. 7. Making Sense of Unusual Prezista DosageI am a hospital pharmacist who does a lot of HIV care and medication review. I recently came across a patient taking an odd dose of Prezista (darunavir). The person is on Intelence (etravirine), Epivir (3TC, lamivudine) and Isentress (raltegravir) with correct dosing, as well as 1,000 mg of Prezista twice daily, boosted with Norvir (ritonavir). I was not able to reach the HIV specialist, but do you know of a rationale for using a dose this much higher than what is normally recommended? Am I Responding to HIV Meds Too Slowly?As of March 15, my CD4 count was 24 and my viral load was more than 500,000. I took Lamzid (a generic form of Combivir, or AZT/3TC) and efavirenz (a generic form of Sustiva, or Stocrin) between March 23 and June 15, when my CD4 count was 169 and my viral load was 184,000. I switched the Lamzid in my regimen to Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) to avoid lipodystrophy, and have been taking it since July 15. My most recent test results showed a CD4 count of 287 and a viral load of 105,000. I've never missed a dose, and a helpline adviser told me my viral load should have been undetectable by now. Should I be concerned?UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Why Did My CD4 Count Drop and My Viral Load Increase?My most recent lab test results showed that, in the past three months, my CD4 count has decreased from 841 to 584 and my viral load has increased from 34,000 to 53,000. I'm really worried. Do you have any idea what could be causing these changes? Could it be because I had hepatitis A and B vaccinations a couple of days before my lab tests?Now That I Am Positive(A recent post from the " I Just Tested Positive " board)I discovered I was HIV positive on Monday, Nov. 9, 2009, just a couple of weeks before my 43rd birthday. I had been avoiding this thing for 27 years; not only frightened of it but terrified of it. In my naiveté, I believed that I may be immune to it, because I had been tested so many times and was always negative. Now that I am HIV positive, I am no longer frightened of this thing. In fact, I welcome it into my life. Sounds bizarre, doesn't it? Why would anyone welcome this into their life? But I no longer have the fear of it, the anxiety. I have another reason to get the very most out of my life: physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually. I have a reason to organize my life and to fight for it. I don't really know what the future has in store; I only know that I will be part of it, convinced, at last, that it holds a place for me. --TDE1966Click here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!HIV TRANSMISSION Is There an HIV Risk in Using Saliva Instead of Lube During Anal Sex?What is the risk of HIV transmission from one man to another during anal sex when saliva is used as the only lubricant? Assuming the condom does not tear, can the receiver get HIV from the insertive partner's saliva?Looking for Female Friends in My Area(A recent post from the " Women " board)I am a newbie and I'm looking for a friend in my general area. I live in southern California, in the Inland Empire region. I don't know anyone in my area living with HIV and would like to meet a friend who can relate. --lgsweetClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!STRANGE BUT TRUE Can HIV Live in Raw Honey?Recently I applied some raw honey (unboiled and taken directly from the honey net in the trees) to a facial wound. The honey is sold in containers by local villagers. What if the person pressing the honey had cuts on his hand and his blood mixed with the honey? Could I get HIV by applying the honey to my wound?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Participate in the White House's HIV/AIDS Community Discussions on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy Alert: Don't Let Dems Wimp Out on Opposing Abstinence-Only Funding U.S. Territories Separate and Unequal in Health Care Reform; How You Can Help Urge President Obama to Lift the Ban on Federal Funding for Syringe Exchange Programs

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  • 1 month later...

If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

December 28, 2009

Visit the Forums

"Hot Topics" Library

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Health Issues for HIVers

HIV/AIDS Treatment

You and Your Labs

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Strange but True

TheBody.com has finally caught the Facebook wave. Check out our new Facebook page, become a fan, follow our news feed and join our online discussions!


Tips for Losing Weight and Eating Healthier After the Holidays

I'm a single man who lives alone and has been poz since 1994. I've been advised to lose about 40 pounds. I don't like to cook and have been trying to get out of the fast-food diet. Do you have any tips for starting a healthy food plan (hopefully an inexpensive one)?

How Will Anabolic Steroids Affect My Health?

I'm using Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) 300 mg per week and Sustanon 250 mg every two weeks. Could this negatively affect my CD4 count or any other aspects of my health?

Do I Need the Flu Vaccine Even If I'm on HIV Meds With a High CD4 Count?

Should someone still get a vaccine against the flu if they're on HIV meds and have a CD4 count of 600 and an undetectable viral load? Don't those numbers mean that the person has no compromised immune system and could just take Tamiflu if he or she gets sick?

For much more on HIV and the flu (including the H1N1 flu), be sure to browse our large collection of overviews and news.


Two Days of Missed Atripla Doses: Am I in Trouble?

I have been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for the last two years. Unfortunately, I had to miss my medication for two days in a row because I ran out of pills and both the pharmacy that has my prescription and my doctor's office were closed due to bad weather. I never missed my medication before this, but I'm a little bit worried. Will I face any difficulties due to these missed doses?

After Years of Successful Treatment, Have I Reached the Beginning of the End?

For the past seven years, I've had an undetectable viral load, no opportunistic infections and a CD4 count between 780 and 830. However, in the last six months, my CD4 count suddenly dropped to 530. Is this the beginning of the end of my successful treatment? Will my health keep going downhill from here? Should I consider switching meds?

Trizivir: If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It?

I have been poz since 1987. I am 71 years old and in good health; my CD4 count is 1500. When my viral load started to increase about eight years ago, my doctor suggested it was time to start a regimen. For the past four years I have been on Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir). My triglycerides tend to be high (I'm on treatment for it), but otherwise I have no problems. Would a more modern HIV medication regimen work better for me, or should I stick with what I've got?


What Lab Results Should I Ask My Doctor to Provide?

I recently moved, and now instead of going to a "world class" HIV clinic I'm in a small town with doctors who don't give me great confidence that they are on top of their game when it comes to HIV. They mean well, but it is my life and I need to watch out for myself. I've gone for a couple of blood draws and the doctor has given me my CD4 count and viral load, but should I be asking for other results, too?

One Year In and Still Struggling to Adjust

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

"I found out at the end of 2008 that I was HIV+. ... I really haven't talked about it with anyone and have just bottled it up. ... I tried to talk to some friends about it, but they can't relate to it and don't really want to talk about it. I guess I need to be more proactive in finding a support group and start dealing with it.

"Since finding out, I have more less shut down. In the early part of this year I kind of went on spending spree and racked up an ungodly amount of debt. I guess it was my way of dealing with it or avoiding it. Something to fill the void. I have also been drinking a lot and just trying to numb myself. ... I guess I just need to make some decision about what I want to do from here: Keep living they way I am or go outside my comfort zone and make some positive changes." -- wonderbread

Click here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!

To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!


A Point-by-Point Response to AIDS Denialism

I have been doing quite a bit of research, and all of the stuff I read says that HIV meds cause AIDS. I know of many people who have been HIV positive for a long time and simply change their way of life and are fine. I just tested positive, but I'm not worried at all, because I don't believe HIV causes AIDS. I think you're sponsored by drug companies and you are convinced that the meds are good. They are poison!

Want to learn more about what makes HIV/AIDS denialists tick? Check out one of our most popular articles of the year, "The Truth About HIV/AIDS Denialism," in which we talked with clinical psychologist Seth Kalichman, Ph.D., about this fascinating (and disturbing) topic.


HIV Attack, Ninja Style

I was on the subway recently when I saw a man I've had serious issues with in the past. He came over to me and hit my shoulder lightly several times to show he was friendly, but the look on his face suggested he wasn't friendly at all. Now I'm wondering: If he had something sharp and small enough, like a needle with HIV fluid in it, could he have used it on me in a sneak attack without me even noticing, maybe because he's really good at acupuncture or something?

There's still time to vote in our "Strangest but Truest" poll of 2009! Tell us what you think was the most bizarre question highlighted in our "Hot Topics" e-mail newsletters this year.

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

About This E-mail

This e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....

Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....

Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.

Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:

The Body's E-Mail Updates

The HealthCentral Network, Inc.

250 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10107

Arrests of HIV-Positive People Continue; CDC Must Act! Sign On!

Support Concrete and Specific HIV Prevention Measures in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy!

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

December 28, 2009

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"Hot Topics" Library

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Health Issues for HIVers

HIV/AIDS Treatment

You and Your Labs

News & Views

Strange but True

TheBody.com has finally caught the Facebook wave. Check out our new Facebook page, become a fan, follow our news feed and join our online discussions!


Tips for Losing Weight and Eating Healthier After the Holidays

I'm a single man who lives alone and has been poz since 1994. I've been advised to lose about 40 pounds. I don't like to cook and have been trying to get out of the fast-food diet. Do you have any tips for starting a healthy food plan (hopefully an inexpensive one)?

How Will Anabolic Steroids Affect My Health?

I'm using Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) 300 mg per week and Sustanon 250 mg every two weeks. Could this negatively affect my CD4 count or any other aspects of my health?

Do I Need the Flu Vaccine Even If I'm on HIV Meds With a High CD4 Count?

Should someone still get a vaccine against the flu if they're on HIV meds and have a CD4 count of 600 and an undetectable viral load? Don't those numbers mean that the person has no compromised immune system and could just take Tamiflu if he or she gets sick?

For much more on HIV and the flu (including the H1N1 flu), be sure to browse our large collection of overviews and news.


Two Days of Missed Atripla Doses: Am I in Trouble?

I have been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for the last two years. Unfortunately, I had to miss my medication for two days in a row because I ran out of pills and both the pharmacy that has my prescription and my doctor's office were closed due to bad weather. I never missed my medication before this, but I'm a little bit worried. Will I face any difficulties due to these missed doses?

After Years of Successful Treatment, Have I Reached the Beginning of the End?

For the past seven years, I've had an undetectable viral load, no opportunistic infections and a CD4 count between 780 and 830. However, in the last six months, my CD4 count suddenly dropped to 530. Is this the beginning of the end of my successful treatment? Will my health keep going downhill from here? Should I consider switching meds?

Trizivir: If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It?

I have been poz since 1987. I am 71 years old and in good health; my CD4 count is 1500. When my viral load started to increase about eight years ago, my doctor suggested it was time to start a regimen. For the past four years I have been on Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir). My triglycerides tend to be high (I'm on treatment for it), but otherwise I have no problems. Would a more modern HIV medication regimen work better for me, or should I stick with what I've got?


What Lab Results Should I Ask My Doctor to Provide?

I recently moved, and now instead of going to a "world class" HIV clinic I'm in a small town with doctors who don't give me great confidence that they are on top of their game when it comes to HIV. They mean well, but it is my life and I need to watch out for myself. I've gone for a couple of blood draws and the doctor has given me my CD4 count and viral load, but should I be asking for other results, too?

One Year In and Still Struggling to Adjust

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

"I found out at the end of 2008 that I was HIV+. ... I really haven't talked about it with anyone and have just bottled it up. ... I tried to talk to some friends about it, but they can't relate to it and don't really want to talk about it. I guess I need to be more proactive in finding a support group and start dealing with it.

"Since finding out, I have more less shut down. In the early part of this year I kind of went on spending spree and racked up an ungodly amount of debt. I guess it was my way of dealing with it or avoiding it. Something to fill the void. I have also been drinking a lot and just trying to numb myself. ... I guess I just need to make some decision about what I want to do from here: Keep living they way I am or go outside my comfort zone and make some positive changes." -- wonderbread

Click here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!

To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!


A Point-by-Point Response to AIDS Denialism

I have been doing quite a bit of research, and all of the stuff I read says that HIV meds cause AIDS. I know of many people who have been HIV positive for a long time and simply change their way of life and are fine. I just tested positive, but I'm not worried at all, because I don't believe HIV causes AIDS. I think you're sponsored by drug companies and you are convinced that the meds are good. They are poison!

Want to learn more about what makes HIV/AIDS denialists tick? Check out one of our most popular articles of the year, "The Truth About HIV/AIDS Denialism," in which we talked with clinical psychologist Seth Kalichman, Ph.D., about this fascinating (and disturbing) topic.


HIV Attack, Ninja Style

I was on the subway recently when I saw a man I've had serious issues with in the past. He came over to me and hit my shoulder lightly several times to show he was friendly, but the look on his face suggested he wasn't friendly at all. Now I'm wondering: If he had something sharp and small enough, like a needle with HIV fluid in it, could he have used it on me in a sneak attack without me even noticing, maybe because he's really good at acupuncture or something?

There's still time to vote in our "Strangest but Truest" poll of 2009! Tell us what you think was the most bizarre question highlighted in our "Hot Topics" e-mail newsletters this year.

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

About This E-mail

This e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....

Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....

Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.

Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:

The Body's E-Mail Updates

The HealthCentral Network, Inc.

250 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10107

Arrests of HIV-Positive People Continue; CDC Must Act! Sign On!

Support Concrete and Specific HIV Prevention Measures in the National HIV/AIDS Strategy!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The answer on testosterone and increased fat (second topic) is probably due to increased water retention or fat associated with higher conversion of testosterone into estrogen. Some men on HAART have that problem without testosterone which seems to get worse with it. Too bad the doc did not point that out and the fact that anyone on Videx plus Viread should be closely monitored for decreased creatinine clearance or pancreatitis since those two drugs do not play well together. Regards, Vergelpowerusa dot org----- Forwarded Message ----From: News at The Body <update@...>nelsonvergel@...Sent: Tue, January 19, 2010 6:28:17 PMSubject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" Forums

If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

January 19, 2010

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HIV/AIDS & Body Shape Changes

Mixed-Status Couples

Living With HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS Treatment

Coinfections & Complications ofHIV/HIV Medications

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

HIV Transmission

Strange but True


How Much Radiesse Do I Need to Treat My Lipoatrophy?

How much does Radiesse (calcium hydroxylapatite, Radiance) cost per syringe without the patient-assistance payment program? How many syringes would I need for treating moderate lipoatrophy?

Could Testosterone Gel Be Making My Lipodystrophy Worse?

I am currently taking Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir), Viread (tenofovir) and Videx (didanosine, ddI). I noticed that when I stopped using Androgel, the fat around my stomach started to improve. When I returned to using Androgel, the fat around my abdominal and chest areas became much worse. This seems to be the opposite of what one would expect to happen. Is this unusual?

"The situation here is clearly deteriorating," says King, head of HIV service organizations Housing Works. In the wake of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti last week, King travelled to Haiti to help provide desperately needed medical services and supplies to Haitians living with HIV/AIDS. King will be blogging as much as possible during the trip.

Learn more and find out how you can help in TheBody.com's collection of Haiti earthquake resources.


How Can I Help My Partner Cope With My New HIV Status?

About a year ago I cheated on my partner for the first time in our 18 years together and ended up becoming HIV positive. My partner is HIV negative and I'm still with him, but we haven't had sex since I tested positive. I don't want him to do anything he doesn't feel comfortable doing, but it's been a year! I've tried to get him involved with my providers so they could answer his questions about sex, but he never brings it up to them. Do you have any suggestions?


Accidental Live Vaccination: Should My Husband Now Take the "Dead" Vaccine?

My husband is HIV positive with an undetectable viral load and a T-cell count of 212. He accidentally took the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine "mist," which has live virus in it, instead of the injectable vaccine with dead virus that HIVers are advised to take. His infectious disease doctor basically said that all we can do is wait and see if he develops severe flu-like symptoms. So far he's fine, but would it be advisable for him to get the injectable vaccine at some point as well?

How Should HIVers Care for New Nipple Piercings?

I've got an undetectable viral load, more than 975 T cells, and a new nipple piercing! How long does it take for a nipple piercing to heal, and how do I properly care for mine?


How Long Should Someone Wait to Eat After Taking Atripla?

My husband takes Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) at 8 p.m. every day, 30 minutes before we eat. Lately his stomach has been upset after he takes his medicine. Is there a better time of day for him to take Atripla?

Ran Out of One of My Meds: Should I Worry About Resistance?

I'm on Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin). I've always been adherent to this regimen, but three days ago I ran out of Truvada. I still have Sustiva but I haven't taken it since the Truvada ran out. I'll be getting more Truvada in two days. Should I be concerned about drug resistance?

When indigenous New Zealander Marama Pala was diagnosed with HIV, she didn't have the option of telling her loved ones on her own terms. "Because we are such a tight-knit community ... news of my diagnosis spread like wildfire," she explains. In this interview, Marama talks about being an HIV/AIDS activist in her indigenous community -- as well as finding love and having children with her husband, who's also HIV positive.


How Can I Stop Being So Tired?

I am a woman in my 50s. Although I was diagnosed with AIDS in 2002, my T-cell count is about 1,000 and my viral load had been undetectable for a while until I had a "blip" last month. For the past year I've been experiencing extreme fatigue. I take Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa) as well as thyroid meds, and I've been on Lexapro (escitalopram) for about three months. Lexapro has helped with aches and pains but not the fatigue. I'm also slightly above the healthy weight for my height and age. What can I do to stop feeling tired all the time?

Will I Ever Stop Getting Dizzy on Atripla?

It's been two days since I started taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), and I always get dizzy after I take it. Will this dizziness ever go away? What can I do about it? Could taking Atripla at 7:30 a.m. rather than at bedtime have some effect on this symptom?

Could HIV Have Caused My Low Platelets?

I was diagnosed with HIV in August 2007 and my last CD4 count was over 600. Nine months ago my platelet count dropped very low, and my doctor told me I had idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). I get bruises on my body sometimes and feel tired most of the time, nothing more than that. My doctor thinks the ITP could be HIV related and wants me to start HIV meds soon with Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Combivir (AZT/3TC). In my country, people with HIV only start meds once their CD4 counts drop to less than 250. What if it's not the virus that's causing my low platelets? Do you think HIV meds will help?

What's Castleman's Disease, and How Can I Treat It?

I was diagnosed with Castleman's disease in 2007. I was told that they don't know what type I have, and that there are no treatments available. Where can I find information about treating Castleman's disease?


What's the Difference Between "Undetectable" and "Zero" Viral Load?

My CD4 count is 940 and my CD4 percentage is now 50.6. The number of copies per millileter (copies/mL) on my last two viral load test results was reported as "not detected." However, this month my test result was less than 20 copies/mL (all tests were done in the same lab using the same method). Is there any real difference?

What's the Point of a Trofile Test?

I've been a hard-to-treat patient in the past and have experienced drastic side effects on several HIV meds, especially protease inhibitors. I now take Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa) with no negative effects. My doctor recently gave me a test called Trofile which came back "dual mixed." Why did she want to do this? What do the results have to do with my treatment?

I'm Here ... Not Going Anywhere

(A recent post from the "My Loved One Has HIV/AIDS" board)

"I waited for love before I actually gave myself to someone. ... I fell hard and fast and so did he. After us being together for about six months, we found out he was HIV positive. It never bothered me because my biggest concern wasn't myself, but him and how he was coping with it. At first, things were the same except that he became more affectionate towards me. He used to tell me he loved me and made me feel loved. We moved in together and things did a complete 180. I was no longer "Baby" or any of the other pet names he called me. I was no longer told he loved me. I no longer could satisfy him sexually. ... I know that he loves me and that he needs and wants me in his life so I'm doing my best to stick in there for him because I truly, truly love him unconditionally. ... Is this just a simple phase in acceptance that he's going through, or is it that he no longer wants to be with me?" -- LovingHim

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Kissing and Oral Sex Without Disclosure: Is My Partner at Risk?

I was diagnosed with HIV three years ago. My CD4 count is in the 400s, my viral load is undetectable and I'm ready to start dating again. I recently spent time with an acquaintance and we both admitted longtime crushes on one another. I got carried away in the moment with feelings I hadn't felt in many years: We kissed (tongue in mouth) and I let him perform oral sex on me briefly, but I didn't disclose my HIV status. He really wants to get to know me, and I realize he needs to know my status. What's the risk of my having transmitted HIV to him during our recent encounter?

How Come Your PEP Didn't Work, Dr. Bob?

Dear Dr. Bob: My sister-in-law, who is a nurse, got stuck with a needle from an HIV-positive person with a very high viral load. She went on PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) and will be having her three-month HIV test soon. I read your personal story and saw that you went on PEP when this happened to you in 1991. Why didn't your course of PEP prevent you from becoming HIV positive? Are the meds used for PEP better nowadays?

Read more of Dr. Bob's thoughts on life, love, sex and HIV in his brand-new blog on TheBody.com!


Say It, Don't Spray It!

You know how you can be talking to someone and feel little drops of their spit hit your eye, or by your lips? What if this happens to you when you have a cut by your lip from shaving, or on your tongue from a mint Life Saver, and the "wet talker" is HIV positive? What are your chances of getting HIV this way?

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Apply to Attend or Present at This Summer's AIDS 2010 Conference by Feb. 10!

End the Two-Year Wait for Medicare

In California, ADAP Gets a Boost -- but HIV/AIDS Advocates Push for More Help

Ensure HIV Care Is a Priority in Health Care Reform: Contact Your Senators and Representatives Today!

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February 1, 2010

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Coinfections & Complications ofHIV/HIV Medications

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

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News & Views

Strange but True


How Can I Follow a No-Sodium Diet in the U.S.?

I have been HIV positive since 1994. I was recently diagnosed with advanced liver disease and must follow a no-sodium diet as part of the treatment. Do you have any tips for doing this? It seems even flavored water has sodium these days.

Can Dietary Supplements Help Beat Heart Disease Risk?

Can soy protein, omega-3 fish oil or any other daily supplements help reduce the risk of heart disease in people with HIV?


Can I Use PMMA to Treat Fat Loss in My Forehead?

I was told by a plastic surgeon in the U.S. that the skin on the forehead is too thin for facial fillers. Do you know whether PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate, Articol, Artefill, Metacrill) can be used to correct fat loss in the area above the nose and eyebrows? If so, do you have any information about methods, results or possible side effects?

How Do I Craft an Anti-Lipo Regimen?

Can you walk me through some of the better HIV med regimens to take if I want to avoid facial wasting?

There's a lot going on at TheBody.com's Blog Central! Meet Enrique Franco, a former U.S. Army sergeant who lost his career to the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell rule; and Breining, who writes about overcoming crystal meth addiction. They're two of TheBody.com's newest bloggers, and they'll be sharing their experiences living with HIV. You can also read the latest entries from Blog Central regulars like fogcityjohn and Simpson.


Am I on a "Full" HIV Treatment Regimen?

I am a 55-year-old woman and have been HIV positive since 1992. My T-cell count is a little over 300 and my viral load is 4,000. I was on Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Viramune (nevirapine) for a long time -- until my kidneys started to fail. My doctor prescribed Isentress (raltegravir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Norvir (ritonavir). Isn't this only a two-drug regimen, with the Norvir just acting as a booster? I called the doctor's office and the nurse confirmed that this was the correct regimen. What should I do?

Are There Interactions Between My HIV Meds and My Supplements?

I'm a 42-year-old woman who's been HIV positive since 1991. I take Viramune (nevirapine) and Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa) and my viral load has been undetectable for the past three years. After reading about supplements, I started taking coenzyme Q10, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), omega-3, folic acid, B-complex and vitamin C, and stopped taking my lipid-lowering drug. What do you think of this? Is there a danger of interaction between my meds and any of these supplements?

Low CD4 Count, but Feeling OK: Should I Start Meds?

My new doctor is worried because my CD4 count is 138. Aside from these "alarming results," I'm feeling active and have never had an HIV-related illness. Should I start HIV meds right away or check my viral load first?


Coinfected and Anemic: Should I Stop My Hep C Meds?

I have HIV and hepatitis C. I have five months left in a course of Pegasys (peginterferon alfa-2a) for hep C, but I've recently become anemic. I have shortness of breath and weight loss, and I feel weak all the time. Could this be caused by the hep C treatment? Do you think I should stay on it?

What Causes Neuropathy?

Which HIV meds are associated with peripheral neuropathy (pain, tingling or numbness in the extremities)? Is someone with an AIDS diagnosis at greater risk for this side effect?

"Eight Guys" 1996; Tony Feher

Visit the January 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! Last month's gallery, entitled "Light Itself," was curated by Joy Garnett.


What's a "Normal" CD4 Count?

What are "safe" CD4 counts for HIV-positive people? What's considered a normal CD4 count for a person who doesn't have HIV?

K103N: A Common HIV Mutation, Explained

Can you explain what an "HIV mutation" is, and why the K103N mutation can be particularly dangerous?


Will My Fever Affect My HIV Test Results?

I'm about to reach the three-month mark after a possible HIV exposure. I have not been ill in the past three months. However, I recently came down with a high fever and severe diarrhea. Would these symptoms affect my HIV test results? Should I wait to get tested until my fever has gone down?

Can Another HIVer Give Me a "Worse Infection"?

If two HIV-positive people have sex, is it possible for one to give the other a "worse" infection? Or is HIV positive just HIV positive, period?

I Just Need Some Encouragement

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

"I have been positive for eight years and I have often been on this site offering support to others. Now I need some real words of encouragement. I am going through my day having a hard time reconnecting with that powerful person that I know that I can be. ... I am thinking about my status every day and letting it get the best of me. Can someone give me a pick me up? I just really need it now." -- dakotalagrange

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Why Can't We Have More Fixed-Dose Combos?

Why can't more drug companies come together and combine commonly used HIV drug regimens into single pills, like they did with Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC)?

Why Doesn't TheBody.com Have a Forum for Possible Cures?

If this site is truly dedicated to education around all things HIV related, why don't you have a forum for discussing potential, but unproven, cures for HIV?


Obsessive-Compulsive Toothbrush-Touching: What's the Risk?

I moved in with a colleague of mine. We share a bathroom, and I recently found myself touching my roommate's toothbrush handle. I've continued to do this and have moved on to smelling the brush part from a distance of 1 to 2 cm from my nose. Is there a risk of HIV from either of these activities?

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The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

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Help Stop Dangerous Ugandan Parliament Legislation

Play in a Bid Whist Tournament in Your Area; Raise HIV/AIDS Awareness and Funds!

Apply to Attend or Present at This Summer's AIDS 2010 Conference by Feb. 10!

End the Two-Year Wait for Medicare

In California, ADAP Gets a Boost -- but HIV/AIDS Advocates Push for More Help

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February 16, 2010

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HIV/AIDS Treatment

Coinfections & Complications ofHIV/HIV Medications

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

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Strange but True


What's a Healthy Way to Put On Weight?

I'm 24 years old and have been living with HIV since birth. I recently had pneumocystis pneumonia because my CD4 count is 15. I'll soon be starting a new HIV treatment regimen, but I've lost a lot of weight since having pneumonia -- I'm 5 feet 3 inches tall and weigh about 82 pounds. Is there a safe, effective way for me to put on about 25 pounds?


How Long Should I Wait to Begin Treatment for Facial Wasting?

I can tell that my cheeks, my temples and underneath my eyes have started to thin, but I don't think anyone else would notice yet. Would it be better -- both from a clinical perspective and from a cost standpoint -- to get treatment now or wait until these symptoms get worse?

If I Apply Pressure to My Silicone Lump, Will It Go Away?

I had many Silikon 1000 (polydimethylsiloxane) injections in my face about five years ago. Some of the material has now migrated and I have a large, noticeable lump on the left side of my face just below my lower lip. Can pressure flatten out this lump? What else can I do to fix it?

Ah, love: It's exhilarating, it's fun, it's challenging, it's terrifying -- and it can be all the more so when you're HIV positive. In honor of Valentine's Day this past Sunday, we asked a diverse array of HIV/AIDS advocates -- gay and heterosexual; single, partnered and widowed; positive and negative -- to share their thoughts on finding love when you're living with HIV.


Considering Switching HIV Med Regimens: What Are Your Thoughts?

I started HIV treatment in September 2006 with Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) when my CD4 count was 170. In September 2008, I switched to Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). My CD4 count still hasn't gone above 300, though my viral load is undetectable. I've also had some mood swings and drowsiness. I discussed these issues with my doctor, who proposed that I switch to Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Is this a good move?

Switching Off Truvada Due to Kidney Risk?

I am a 37-year-old man with a CD4 count of 569 and an undetectable viral load. I've been taking Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for about five years and have never missed a dose. My most recent lab results showed that I have protein in my urine, most likely due to Truvada use. My doctor wants to switch out the Truvada for Epzicom (abacavir/3TC) because of possible kidney damage. Is Epzicom and Kaletra a safe and effective regimen?

Can Ginseng Cause a Viral Load "Blip"?

Are there any interactions between Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and the ginseng supplement Siberian Eleuthero? Could this supplement cause a person's viral load to go up?

Can I Get Addicted to HIV Meds?

Are there any HIV medications that have the potential to become addictive, and would therefore cause me to go into withdrawal if I stopped taking them?


How Can My Mom Keep Her Psoriasis in Check?

My mom was diagnosed HIV positive in August 2009, after developing psoriasis. She started HIV meds in October 2009, which has helped the psoriasis, if very slowly. She's taking Viread (tenofovir) and Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir, also known as Aluvia) and is experiencing a number of side effects. How can she keep the psoriasis from recurring?

Will My New Regimen Have Central Nervous System Side Effects?

I tried taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) but had to stop because the central nervous system side effects of Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) were too much for me to handle. I felt like I was high on cocaine, had hot flashes, was dizzy and couldn't sleep. Would I be better off switching to a regimen of Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC)?

How Can I Control My Blood Pressure?

I'm 41 years old, I've been HIV positive since 1988 and I have high blood pressure. I'm currently taking Epivir (lamivudine, 3TC), Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Viread (tenofovir). I've gone through nearly every class of blood pressure medications -- some have failed due to interactions with my HIV meds, others due to side effects. I feel trapped; even my cardiologist doesn't know what else to do! What do you suggest?


How Can a Person's CD4 Count and Viral Load Be Low?

I have a friend that was recently diagnosed with advanced HIV. His CD4 count was 9 and his viral load was 24,000. Why are both of these numbers low? I would think that he'd have a high viral load if his CD4 count was so low.

Is Depression a Symptom of HIV?

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

"I feel like every day is getting harder and harder. I've become scared of almost everything and almost every day I feel like giving up. I've prayed about it and done everything I can think of to get back to who I used to be, but nothing helps. There's a void in my life that I have no idea how to fill. I don't know what to do anymore. Can anyone relate or offer suggestions on how to fix this?" -- iNvisible

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A Few Questions on PEP and HIV Testing

Once a course of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is finished, how long does it take the body to completely "get rid of" all the HIV meds? When can I expect the side effects from four weeks of PEP to wear off? How long before my kidneys and liver are functioning at pre-PEP levels? Also, is there any harm in waiting the full six months after my HIV exposure and getting tested for HIV once, rather than putting myself through the anxiety of one test at eight weeks, another at three months and a third at six months?


Massage With "Happy Ending": Is the Masseuse At Risk?

I used to work in the massage business and always used condoms to give blow jobs to my clients. What if a client had pre-cum on his member and it got on my hand, then on the condom as I put it on before giving him a blow job? Can HIV be transmitted from hand to condom to mouth?

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The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

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HIV Research Catalyst Forum: Apply for a Scholarship by Feb. 19!

Tell Congress to Finish U.S. Health Care Reform

Learn About the Earthquake in Haiti and HIV/AIDS -- and How You Can Help

Help Stop Dangerous Ugandan Parliament Legislation

Play in a Bid Whist Tournament in Your Area; Raise HIV/AIDS Awareness and Funds!

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 01 Mar 2010 19:09:35 -0500<nelsonvergel@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlMarch 1, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionMixed-Status CouplesHIV/AIDS Body Shape ChangesHIV/AIDS TreatmentCoinfections Complications ofHIV/HIV MedicationsUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsNews ViewsStrange but TrueMIXED-STATUS COUPLES Is Abstinence the Best Way to Stay Safe Until My Partner's Viral Load Drops?My partner recently contracted pneumocystis pneumonia. He was unaware of his HIV status until this point (I retested and I'm HIV negative). His T-cell count is 125 and his viral load is about 500,000. He started taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) last week. We primarily engage in oral sex. Is it safest to wait to have sex again until his viral load goes down?More Questions About Mixed-Status Couples:What's the Relative HIV Risk Between Different Kinds of Sex in a Magnetic Couple?Is Artificial Insemination an Option for Getting Pregnant by My HIV-Positive Husband?HIV/AIDS BODY SHAPE CHANGES Starting to Notice Lipodystrophy: What's My Next Step?I've been HIV positive since 2003. I'm not on HIV meds yet, my viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is 1,202. I've noticed recently that my forearms, legs and face are thinning. Should I start on human growth hormone or testosterone replacement (I have low testosterone) to gain fat?Mark S. King: A Night at Home With the "Real Poz Guys of Atlanta"Last year, Mark S. King invited viewers of his video blog to a night of brownie eating and intimate talk with a group of his friends, all HIV-positive men. For this week's blog, he turned the cameras on his friends a second time. "I wondered if they would spill their hearts (and their secrets) again," Mark muses. The verdict? Says Mark: "They didn't disappoint me!"Enrique Franco: Love Applies to All of Us"You probably are only with me because I have HIV too," the love of Enrique Franco's life, Devin, once told him. "You probably would've never given me the time of day in other circumstances, huh?" This passing conversation led Enrique to think -- and blog -- about how being diagnosed with HIV has helped him realize "who my true partner could be and who my true friends are." HIV/AIDS TREATMENT How Should I Go About Changing the Time of Day I Take My Meds?I recently started taking Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). My doctor told me to take Truvada in the morning and Sustiva in the evening. However, my medical aid said I should take both pills in the evening, and I know others on this combo who take both meds at the same time. I've been following my doctor's advice, but would I run the risk of developing drug resistance if I decided to change the timing of my dosage? What's the best way to make the switch to taking both meds in the evening? Having Surgery: Are There Interactions Between My Meds and Common Sedatives?I currently take Epivir (3TC, lamivudine), Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin), and the regimen is working well for me. I'm having a minor surgical procedure in a couple of months, which will involve local anesthetic and sedation. I noticed that there are potential interactions between Sustiva or Kaletra and commonly used sedatives like midazolam. Should I take a break from HIV treatment before the procedure? Is an HIV Med Switch the Best Way to Fix Viral Load "Blips"?I am a 53-year-old Native man who has been living with HIV/AIDS for more than 15 years. I've been taking Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) and Viramune (nevirapine) for about five years. My doctor is thinking of switching the Viramune in my regimen for Isentress (raltegravir) because I've had several viral load "blips" in the last two years (my viral load always goes back to undetectable the next month). Other than that, I am very stable with a CD4 count of 648. What could be causing these blips?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:Stopping Meds for Financial Reasons: What Are My Options?How Can I Find Out if My HIV Meds and My Supplements Interact?"Feats of Magic (#1)" 2003; KingVisit the March 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled " The Pure Cut, " is curated by ph Akel.COINFECTIONS COMPLICATIONSOF HIV/HIV MEDICATIONS Should I Start Treating HIV Alongside Hepatitis B and C?I've had HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C since 2008. I finished a 48-week course of interferon (Alferon N, Roferon-A or Intron A) and ribavirin (Rebetol, Copegus), which worked well in treating my hep C. I've also been taking Zeffix (a formulation of the HIV med lamivudine -- also known as Epivir -- used to treat hep B) for 18 months, which has also been successful. My HIV viral load is undetectable without HIV meds. My CD4 count dropped while I was on hep C meds, but it's since gone up to 636. What should I do next as far as keeping HIV in check?More Questions About Coinfections Complications:What Can Help Me Have an Erection Again?My Prognosis Is Good, but Hep C Meds Are Torture: What Are My Options?What Could Be Causing My Recurring Thrush?UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Is My Immune System Taking Care of Itself Without HIV Meds?I tested HIV positive about a year ago. My initial CD4 count was 680 and my viral load was 30,000. Three months ago my viral load was the same but my CD4 count had gone up to 750. Does my CD4 count increase mean my immune system is taking care of HIV by itself? Should I be worried about my detectable viral load?Serodiscordant Sex ... ?(A recent post from the " My Loved One Has HIV/AIDS " board)"My boyfriend is HIV positive and I am HIV negative. In the beginning of our relationship, the sex was fantastic, fulfilling and frequent. Now, well, not so much. He has been suffering from ED (erectile dysfunction) almost every time we fool around. I know it's frustrating for me and he expresses a great deal of frustration as well, which is part of why I believe he has withdrawn a bit from me sexually. "He told me that ever since his diagnosis he has dealt with ED. I do not believe it to be physical in its origin. He is healthy as a horse! I believe it is psychological. So I guess what I want to know is, has anyone experienced this before? What can I do to help him? I am already supportive and completely nonjudgmental about it. And he knows full well that our sex life does not change the fact that I love him with all my heart." -- eponastarClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!NEWS VIEWS A Mathematical Model for Ending the HIV/AIDS Pandemic?A reputable study out of South Africa recently found, based on a mathematical model, that HIV could be wiped out in approximately 40 years with widespread testing and starting HIV treatment immediately for anyone infected. Any thoughts?STRANGE BUT TRUE Do Sickle Cells Slay HIV?A professor of mine says that it's impossible for a person with sickle cell disease to get HIV. Is this true?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to nelsonvergel@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Fill Out a Survey on Stigma by March 15 -- HIV-Positive Voices From Developing Nations Needed! Tell HHS That Black Women Openly Living With HIV/AIDS Should Be Represented on PACHA Join a Call and Discussion on HIV and Pregnancy on March 3 Action Alert: Tell Congress You Support a Permanent Fix to White Housing Policy! Tell Congress to Finish U.S. Health Care Reform

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 22 Mar 2010 18:10:31 -0400<powertx@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlMarch 22, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionLiving With HIV/AIDSMixed-Status CouplesHIV/AIDS TreatmentBeyond HIV/AIDS MedicationsCoinfections Complications ofHIV/HIV MedicationsUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsStrange but TrueLIVING WITH HIV/AIDS If I Use My Work Insurance, Will My Employer Know I Have HIV?I have a company medical insurance policy. If I get my HIV treatment through this policy, will my boss know what I'm being treated for? Do insurance companies share these details with employers? Do I Have Any Chance of Getting Life Insurance if I Reveal My HIV Status?I have been positive since 1997, my viral load is undetectable and my T-cell count has been about 450 for a while. I'm currently enrolling in benefits through my job and was given an evidence of insurability form for the life insurance benefit. One of the questions on the form asks if I have ever tested positive for HIV. By answering "yes" to this question, would I be ineligible for life insurance? Should I answer truthfully and explain that I've had no AIDS-defining illnesses or other opportunistic infections?MIXED-STATUS COUPLES What Are the Risks of Barebacking My HIV-Positive, Undetectable Partner?I'm a 25-year-old HIV-negative man with a 24-year-old HIV-positive life-partner. His CD4 count is very high and his viral load is undetectable and has been for several months. We have had protected sex for a year and are looking into the risks of unprotected anal sex with me as a top (insertive partner) and him as a bottom (receiver). Clearly the risk of infection would be greater if the roles were reversed. What do you think? Is there anyone else out there in this situation?"Rivers" 1997; DeneaultVisit the March 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled " The Pure Cut, " is curated by ph Akel.HIV/AIDS TREATMENT Can I Stop Taking HIV Meds Until COBRA Kicks In?I found out I was HIV positive in November 2008. I started HIV meds in February 2009 as part of a clinical study of Isentress (raltegravir) and Reyataz (atazanavir). In less than two months my viral load became undetectable and my CD4 count rose to 194. The study was discontinued after a year. I lost my job around the same time. It takes about 30 days for COBRA to kick in. My doctor has written me prescriptions for Isentress and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Until COBRA starts, I would have to pay $2,300 out of pocket for my new meds and I simply don't have the money. Considering my history, current viral load (undetectable) and CD4 count (167), how terrible would it be for me to stop taking meds for the 30 days until my insurance is reinstated? Lexiva or Prezista: Which PI Should I Choose?My viral load is currently 490 and my CD4 count is 700. A few months ago I started taking Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) but have stopped the Isentress because of side effects. My doc suggested replacing Isentress with either Lexiva (fosamprenavir, Telzir) or Prezista (darunavir), both boosted with Norvir (ritonavir). My doctor says I can take whichever of these regimens I feel would be best. Which med do you think would be the best fit for me? Is Isentress and Reyataz Alone an Appropriate Regimen?My doctor wants to put me on a combination of Isentress (raltegravir) and Reyataz (atazanavir). I had assumed that most HIV med regimens involve three drugs, though this one only has two. I don't doubt my doctor -- she's a very experienced physician and researcher -- though this combo has raised my curiosity. Is this a common combination?BEYOND HIV/AIDS MEDICATIONS What, When and How Should I Eat to Get Rid of My Gut?I am currently on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and have been for a few years. After a year on this med I'd put on 14 pounds. My weight has stabilized now, but I've developed a gut that resembles a beer gut, although I don't drink alcohol and I look thin everywhere else on my body. It's really starting to depress me. How do I make sure I'm eating properly but not continuing to gain weight? Is there anything I can do to lose a bit of weight from my stomach? What's Your Experience Been With Testosterone Pellets?Dear Vergel: I just started taking Testopel (testosterone pellets). Can you elaborate on your own experience taking it? How frequently do you suggest having testosterone levels tested? When should I have more pellets inserted?More Beyond HIV/AIDS Medications Questions:What's the Best Way to Take My Supplements With My HIV Meds?How Can I Help My HIV-Positive Little Boy Gain Weight?COINFECTIONS COMPLICATIONS OFHIV/HIV MEDICATIONS Is Vitamin D Deficiency Common in HIVers on Meds?I'm a woman, my CD4 count and percentage are 1,317 and 40 and my viral load is undetectable. I was just informed that my vitamin D levels are quite low. I've been put on 50,000 IU (international units) of vitamin D once a week for eight weeks, but this has happened before. I always take 400 IU of vitamin D daily. Is there any correlation between low vitamin D levels and HIV meds? Why Are My Husband's Ankles Swollen?My husband, age 48, has been HIV positive since 1991. Recently he's had swelling and pain in his ankles. He also has chronic hepatitis B and histories of neuropathy and high blood pressure, and in 1997 he had arthritis in both ankles. He currently takes Intelence (etravirine), Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), and his HIV and hep B viral loads are both undetectable. What could be causing the swelling? What Can I Do About My Neuropathy?I take Keppra (levetiracetam), Norvir (ritonavir), Prezista (darunavir), Selzentry (maraviroc) and Viread (tenofovir). I also used to take Bactrim (co-trimoxazole), Zithromax (azithromycin) and Dilantin (phenytoin), but over the last several months my doctor took me off those meds. My viral load dropped from 350,000 to undetectable over that time frame, but my neuropathy has gotten worse. The pain started in my toes and now I feel it up to my hamstrings. Would switching meds help?More Questions About Coinfections Complications:What to Do About Gut Side Effects on Kaletra?How to Treat HIV and Crohn's Disease Simultaneously?What's Going on With New Hepatitis C Drug Telaprevir?Looking for an LGBTQ Person to Connect With(A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board)I want someone to talk to about living with HIV and about being LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer) and/or being a person of color. Finally, we can inspire each other to keep moving forward. I'm a young black woman who identifies as queer and I am HIV positive. -- KeyaClick here to join this discussion thread, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous -- click here to get started!UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Could My High Viral Load Be Due to Syphilis?I have been HIV positive for about four years and I'm not on HIV meds yet. Between April 2009 and this past February my viral load went from 29,000 to 320,000, though my CD4 count stayed in the high 300s. I was also treated for syphilis in November 2009, and again in January with higher doses of anti-syphilis drugs. Does this rise in viral load suggest that I should start taking HIV meds, or is my CD4 count (which is above 350) what really matters?STRANGE BUT TRUE Employees Must Wash Hands ... or They'll Transmit HIV?Yesterday in my office building I used the urinal. I then went to the stall (without washing my hands). When I wiped, my rectum was a bit raw and the toilet paper had a little blood on it. Later I connected the dots in my mind: What if someone used the urinal, passed HIV or another sexually transmitted disease from his penis to his hand to the handle, and I then flushed? Could I have passed it to the toilet paper and onto my raw, bleeding rectum?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Women Living With HIV: Take a Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Tell HHS That Black Women Openly Living With HIV/AIDS Should Be Represented on PACHA Action Alert: Tell Congress You Support a Permanent Fix to White Housing Policy! Volunteer Doctors and Nurses Needed in Haiti Through April 30, 2010

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

April 13, 2010

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"Hot Topics" Library

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HIV/AIDS & Body Shape Changes

Living With HIV/AIDS

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Other Health Issues

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

Strange but True


What's the Latest News on Medicare Coverage for Lipoatrophy Treatment?

I understand that Medicare recently decided to begin covering facial filler treatments for HIVers. What is known so far about the limitations of this coverage? Are there other options for paying for facial fillers?

Are Mini Face-Lifts a Good Option for HIVers With Mild Lipoatrophy?

I'm 47 years old and I started taking Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) in July 2009. My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is around 700. Even before starting meds I noticed my cheeks were very slightly sunken. Could I be a candidate for a mini face-lift (also called a "QuickLift" or a "Weekend Lift")? Would this procedure keep me from being able to use facial filler treatments in the future?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS & Body Shape Changes:

Stem Cell Transplants to Treat Lipoatrophy?

NucleomaxX for Lipodystrophy?


Should I File an FMLA Claim if I'm Out of Sick Days?

I am going through acute HIV infection right now and over the past couple weeks I've had to take a few days off from work. I had the sick time to cover those days, but I am now out of sick time. Would it be wise for me to file an intermittent Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) claim through the U.S. Department of Labor?

Will Testosterone Boosters Help Me Build Muscle?

I work out regularly but lately I've noticed a gradual thinning of the muscles in my arms and legs. My testosterone level tests came back low, but within normal limits. Would testosterone supplements or boosters help me absorb protein better so I could build lean body mass? What are my other options?

Should I Take Fat Burners to Lose Weight?

I am a 33-year-old HIV-positive woman. I take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), my CD4 count is 600 and my viral load is undetectable. I'm 5 feet tall, I weigh 174 pounds and I would like to lose some weight using Jillian s Maximum Strength Fat Burner MetaCaps. Do you think it's safe for me to do this?

"Giverny Sovereignty" 1998; Borosky

Visit the April 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "Help! Hold Me!," is curated by Nepon.


Am I OK to Switch Regimens if I've Had "Blips" in the Past?

I take Epivir (lamivudine, 3TC), Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Videx EC (didanosine, ddI). My viral load has been undetectable for 10 years, except for a couple small blips when I missed doses of Epivir a few years ago. My doctor has suggested I switch to Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). Could those blips be signs that my HIV has developed resistance to my meds? Could this have an effect on my success with Atripla?

Could I Have an Allergic Reaction to My Fiancé's Semen if He's Taking Ziagen?

My fiancé and I are both HIV positive. About two years ago I suffered what was suspected to be a severe allergic reaction to abacavir sulfate (Ziagen), despite testing negative for hypersensitivity to this drug. I was advised never to take Ziagen again. Now my fiancé has started taking it, and we've read that small amounts of Ziagen are present in semen. If I give my fiancé unprotected oral sex and I ingest semen, could I potentially develop an allergic reaction?

How Can I Pay for My HIV Meds Between Losing Insurance and Signing Up for Medicare's Drug Plan?

I am HIV positive and currently receiving U.S. Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. I've been working through Social Security's "return to work" program for the past few years. However, my current position ends in May and so does the insurance provided through that job. I still have Medicare benefits, but I never signed up for Medicare's drug plan and I can't do so until November. I'm also worried that the deductible for the drugs will be more than I can afford. What do you suggest?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:

Can I Switch to Taking Atripla in the Morning?

Will My HIV Meds Show Up on a Workplace Drug Test?


Weight Gain, Sleep Problems and Exhaustion: Are My HIV Meds the Culprit?

I've been HIV positive since late 2000. Less than a year ago my viral load was 186,000 and my T-cell count was 189. Now that I'm on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), my viral load is undetectable and I have 700 T cells. With this came a lot of weight gain and a great loss of energy. I also have severe obstructive sleep apnea. Could any of these symptoms be due to Atripla?

What Could Be Causing My Gut Symptoms?

I have been on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) for nearly two years after previously being on Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin). I changed my meds due to gut symptoms. After three months on Atripla my symptoms got 70 percent better, but over the past two months I've noticed my problems recurring. Since starting my new meds I've also gained weight around my stomach. What can I do to get my gut problems and belly fat back under control -- without changing meds again?

How Can I Protect My Kidneys on HIV Meds?

I've been taking Norvir (ritonavir), Prezista (darunavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) since 2008. My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is between 700 and 800. Recent lab results showed issues with my kidneys. My doc suspects the Viread (tenofovir) in the Truvada may be to blame, and he's talking about switching my meds. Do you think this is the right next step to take? Are there regimens without Viread that are just as effective and not hard on the kidneys?


Is My Viral Load High for Having a CD4 Count Over 800?

I was recently diagnosed with HIV. My CD4 count is 840, but my viral load is 49,944. How can this be if my CD4 count is so high? What can cause a person's viral load to rise? Will it drop on its own, without my taking HIV meds?

Should My CD4 Count and Viral Load Be Checked More Often While I'm Undergoing Cancer Treatment?

I'm starting treatment for anal cancer. Both my HIV and cancer doctors tell me that my immune system will take a hit. My HIV doc says there's a good chance I'll return to a clinical AIDS diagnosis, and my virus may become resistant to my current meds. However, neither clinic is willing to do CD4 count and viral load tests beyond my regular quarterly blood work. Would it not be prudent to test my CD4 count and viral load along the way?


Yogurt: Low in Fat, Heavy on Semen?

Someone put his semen in my yogurt, and I know that person has sexually transmitted diseases. Can HIV be transmitted this way?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:

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The HealthCentral Network, Inc.

250 West 57th Street

New York, NY 10107

China: Release Activist on Medical Parole

Sign-On and Forward "An Open Letter to Pharmaceutical Companies on the ADAP Crisis"

Women Living With HIV: Take a Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Tell HHS That Black Women Openly Living With HIV/AIDS Should Be Represented on PACHA

Action Alert: Tell Congress You Support a Permanent Fix to White Housing Policy!

Volunteer Doctors and Nurses Needed in Haiti Thru April 30, 2010

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April 27, 2010

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"Hot Topics" Library

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HIV/AIDS & Body Shape Changes

Living With HIV/AIDS

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Mixed-Status Couples

HIV/AIDS Treatment

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Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

HIV Transmission, Testing & Disclosure

Strange but True


What Can Be Done About a "Mixed Pattern" of Lipodystrophy?

I've been taking Epivir (3TC, lamivudine), Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Zerit (d4T, stavudine) since 2006. I have a big belly and a buffalo hump on my neck, and the rest of my upper body is also big; but my hips are completely gone and my legs are thinning. I look shapeless. What can I do?

What Do You Think About Artefill for Lipoatrophy?

What are some of the benefits and drawbacks to Artefill (polymethyl-methacrylate, also known as PMMA, Articol or Metacrill) for treating lipoatrophy?

Is It Possible to Remove Bio-Alcamid From My Wife's Lips?

My wife had Bio-Alcamid (polyalkylimide) injections done in her lips in her native country, Turkey. She now wants the Bio-Alcamid removed. Is it safe to have it removed? If so, how would it be done?


What's Age Got to Do With HIV Disease Progression?

Does older age at the time someone becomes HIV positive mean faster progression of the disease -- especially without treatment?

Dear Dr. Bob: Is It "Cool" to Be HIV Positive Nowadays?

Do you think that the "fear HIV" method of prevention is still working after decades of this epidemic? Don't you think it's the same as putting warning messages on cigarette packages, which never proves effective in lowering the actual number of smokers? I regularly meet people who are not concerned about HIV, and others already infected who claim to feel great. Don't you think that some prevention messages serve to keep the stigma around HIV?

"Good Humor" 2001; Golden

Visit the April 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "Help! Hold Me!," is curated by Nepon.


Too Weak to Exercise: How Can I Strengthen the Muscles in My Legs?

I received an AIDS diagnosis in 2005. I had a CD4 count of 7 and my viral load was over 600,000. During that time I couldn't get out of bed due to depression, and my legs became so weak I lost the ability to walk. Now, five years later, I still can't walk and have gained over 100 pounds. Can you recommend any exercises or supplements to build strength in my legs so I can exercise like I used to and lose some weight?

What's Wrong With Low-Calorie Diets?

I'm HIV positive with a CD4 count in the mid-300s and a nearly undetectable viral load (189 when last I checked). This is an improvement in just the past year from a CD4 count of 124, a viral load over 1 million and severe fatigue and pain. I now take Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), but I've put on a lot of weight since getting better. What do you think of the "HCG diet" (a very low-calorie diet combined with hormone treatments) and other calorie-cutting diets?


Could Non-HIV Blood Work Detect That My Partner Is HIV Positive?

After I was diagnosed with HIV about 14 months ago, my partner got tested twice and was HIV negative, thankfully. He insists on performing unprotected oral sex on me as he believes the risk of his becoming infected is very low. I know that, too, but I still worry. Anyway, he had a physical for his job and many of his blood-level tests came back low. Could these blood test results indicate HIV infection?


We Want to Get Pregnant: How's Our Regimen?

My wife and I are both HIV positive with undetectable viral loads and CD4 counts in the 300 range, and we're both taking Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC). Would it be possible for us to have an HIV-negative baby? Is our HIV med regimen good for a pregnant woman?

Is There Another Triglyceride-Friendly Med Besides Expensive Isentress?

I am currently on a regimen of Combivir (AZT/3TC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin). My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 count is around 600, but my triglyceride level has gone through the roof! My doctor has suggested that I switch from Sustiva to Isentress (raltegravir) to help lower my triglyceride level. However, my insurance co-pay for Isentress is about 10 times that of Sustiva. Are there any alternatives to Isentress for lowering my triglycerides?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:

How Strict Must I Be With Isentress Dosing Times?

Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS), Explained

Atripla and Shiff's Move Free Joint Supplement: Do They Interact?


How Can I Tell if My Rash Is Due to Atripla?

I've been taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) since I was diagnosed with HIV. I came down with shingles and my doctor gave me Valtrex (valacyclovir) for it, which seems to be working. However, I've noticed small bumps on my body that don't look like shingles. How can I tell if it's Atripla, shingles or something else causing this rash?

If I Start HIV Meds, Will My Neutrophil Count Improve?

I recently received my latest lab results. My viral load is 70,000, my CD4 count is 926 and my doctor also informed me that my neutrophil (a type of white blood cell) levels have dipped lower than he would like to see them. He wants me to start HIV meds as a result. I'm not sure I want to start meds yet, but I will if it means better overall neutrophil levels. What do you think?

More Questions About Other Health Issues:

Probiotics Worked for Me: A Diarrhea Story With a Happy Ending

Would Hepatitis C Be More Dangerous in Someone With Gilbert's Disease?

Do I Need to Detox Before I Start HIV Meds Again?

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

I got infected in 1996 and was confirmed HIV positive in 1997 and was at the same time labeled with AIDS. I have been off and on treatments over the years. I have had four children and was on treatments throughout my pregnancies. My last baby is two now and I have not been on treatment for two years. I have tried a few combos but I was not able to tolerate the side effects. I am wondering if it would help for me to try to detoxify my body before trying to start meds again. I drink a lot of sodas and sweets and don't get enough exercise. If I cut out the sodas and sweets as much as possible and start walking daily, would that help with the side effects? I was also wondering about alternative and complementary treatments I could do along with the meds. I am really worried because my last T cells were 124. I would really like to get that number up as much as possible. Does anyone have any advice? -- cdhaileyp7

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What Are Some Ways to Raise My CD4 Count?

I am a 50-year-old man and I was diagnosed with HIV in June 2008. At that time my CD4 count was around 36 and my viral load was well over 350,000. I finally got to see an HIV specialist here in Mississippi and was started on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) and Bactrim (co-trimoxazole). I have never missed a single dose, and my viral load dropped to undetectable after about nine months. However, my CD4 count seems to have peaked at around 260 and at my last doctor visit it was back down to 175. Is there anything else I can do to raise my CD4 count?

How Do I Find Out Which Lab Tests My Insurance Covers?

I have health insurance through my employer and I see the doctor four times a year. I thought my insurance covered my lab tests, but a few months ago I got four large bills in the mail for lab work dating back to January 2009. Shouldn't I have been informed if my insurance doesn't cover lab work? How could I have avoided this situation?


How Do I Tell My Ex She Might Have HIV?

I recently tested HIV positive. I think I may have become infected while I was married. How do I tell my ex-wife that she might be HIV positive as well?

Possible Exposure to Rare Types of HIV: Are the Usual Tests Reliable?

I have had unprotected sex with people from all over the world. I've tested HIV negative twice for HIV-1 and HIV-2, but I'm extremely concerned about rare strains of HIV from other parts of the world. How are cases of HIV types N and O detected if there aren't tests for those strains in the first place?

Stepdaughter and Her Boyfriend Recently Diagnosed: Who Was Infected First?

My stepdaughter and her boyfriend both recently tested HIV positive. His CD4 count was 540 and his viral load was 6,000. Her CD4 count was 280 and her viral load was 30,000. He also had some flu-like symptoms, and she had them about a month later. Are there any reliable clues here to determine which of the two of them was infected first?


Family Picnic -- on the HIV-Sprinkled Grass?

My family recently went on a picnic. When we were done I was walking back to the car, dragging the cooler behind me on wheels. The cooler tipped over; some potato salad fell to the ground and the lid came off on the grass near where some men were playing soccer. I turned it back over and was going to deal with it when I got home. Before I was able to do so, I caught my daughter eating out of the potato salad bowl. If one of the soccer players was HIV positive and bled on the grass where the salad fell, and my child then ate that salad, what are the chances my child could have HIV?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.

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New York, NY 10107

China: Release Activist on Medical Parole

Women Living With HIV: Take a Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Tell HHS That Black Women Openly Living With HIV/AIDS Should Be Represented on PACHA

Action Alert: Tell Congress You Support a Permanent Fix to White Housing Policy!

Volunteer Doctors and Nurses Needed in Haiti Thru April 30, 2010

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

May 4, 2010

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"Hot Topics" Library

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Living With HIV/AIDS

Mixed-Status Couples

HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects

Other Health Issues

Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

HIV Testing & Transmission

Strange but True


Medicare Coverage for Facial Fillers: How Should I Proceed?

When can we expect an end to the waiting period on Medicare's coverage of facial fillers for HIVers? What steps can I take to prepare to get these treatments once they're covered?

What Are Some Good Exercises for Building Muscles in My Limbs?

Should I start biking to increase muscle volume in my limbs? What are some other exercises that might help?

Is a Person With an AIDS Diagnosis Automatically Disabled?

I'm trying to get a letter from my physician assistant (PA) at Veterans Affairs stating that I am a disabled person based on my HIV/AIDS diagnosis. When the PA told me that I was not a disabled person, I pointed out that people with HIV are protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act. It seems, however, that I'm "not disabled enough." What are some different disability designations in the U.S., and how do they apply to HIVers?


Sperm Washing Around the World: What's the Cost?

I am 42 years old and HIV negative, and my husband is HIV positive with a CD4 count of 700 and an undetectable viral load. We'd love to have a baby by artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. How can we find sperm-washing services in our area, and what do these services usually cost?

Dear Dr. Bob: Thanks for Helping Us Slay the "Elephant in the Room"

I'm dating an HIV-positive man and I'm HIV negative. Everyone we'd spoken to before said that his HIV status would always be the "elephant in the room," but thanks to your advice we've been able to have a great relationship without his status being an issue. We know the appropriate precautions and our relationship isn't fraught with the anxiety that seems so common in mixed-status relationships. Thanks for the work you do!

"Aquarium" 1997;

Visit the April 2010 Visual AIDS Web Gallery to view our latest collection of art by HIV-positive artists! This month's gallery, entitled "Take With Food," is curated by Marisa Cardinale.


"Successful" Regimen, but With Side Effects: Should I Switch?

I'm a 28-year HIV survivor and I've been taking Epzicom (abacavir/3TC) and Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) for the past three years. I have 800 to 1,000 T cells, my viral load is undetectable and I've never had problems with any other regimen. However, my lipid levels and blood pressure are high, even on several treatments to control them. I exercise, eat well and am not overweight, so I suspect these effects have to do with my current regimen. Would a switch to Isentress (raltegravir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) reduce these side effects?

Dosing Problems Are Keeping Me from Taking Meds: What Are My Options?

I have been HIV positive for nine years and on HIV meds for only four of those years. I'm off meds again and my CD4 count has dropped to 14. My main problem is dosing. I can only take meds once a day and cannot guarantee taking them with food. Besides Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC), are there any other regimens that include Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) that can be taken once daily without food?

Could Something Besides HIV Meds Be Causing My Unmanageable Side Effects?

I was diagnosed HIV positive 20 years ago. Since then I've taken a number of available HIV meds, and I've been on Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for the past six years. Although my T-cell count is over 500 and my viral load is undetectable, I'm considering stopping treatment. My side effects -- including fatigue, chronic headaches, dizziness and memory loss -- are no longer manageable. Is stopping HIV meds my only option?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment & Side Effects:

A Few Tips on HIV Med Adherence

How Long Until My Stomach Is Empty Enough to Take Atripla?

How Can I Take Big Pills More Easily?

Adverse Effects From Atripla: What's My Next Step?


HIV and Allergies: Can I Safely Take Antihistamines?

What steps can HIVers safely take to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms? Are there any allergy medications that interact with HIV meds?

How Can I Deal With Severe Bloating?

I've been HIV positive for 29 years and I take Isentress (raltegravir), Selzentry (maraviroc) and Viramune (nevirapine). All is going pretty well in general, but my stomach is unbearably bloated and I think it's leading to other problems. What can I do to get some relief?

After a Lifetime With HIV, Looking for HIV-Positive Female Friends

(A recent post from the "Women" board)

I was born HIV positive. I am happily married with a 12-month-old son. As a child I attended Camp Heartland (for kids affected by HIV) every year and I miss being around other people that have HIV like I do. Just looking for someone I can relate with! Does anyone have any advice? -- newmom09

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If My Viral Load Is Low, Does This Lower My Risk for Inflammation-Related Conditions?

Does an undetectable viral load indicate low levels of HIV-associated inflammation, which may contribute to risk for pulmonary hypertension and other conditions?

Is It Possible to Restore T Cells When I Have None?

I am 53 years old and was diagnosed with HIV 11 years ago. I haven't been on HIV meds for several years and my T-cell count is zero. My other blood work shows terrible results as well. I'm worried about possible side effects if I start taking meds again. If I do so, will it be possible to restore T cells and improve my situation or will I just get sicker?


First Positive, Then Negative: Miracle -- or Autoimmune Condition?

My partner believed she was HIV positive for a year. She'd had three previous screening tests come up positive. She finally faced her fears and went to the HIV clinic to confirm her diagnosis -- and we were told she's HIV negative. The doctor suggested that the false positives may have been caused by my partner's lupus. What do you think? Have you heard of this before?


Could I Be the First Person Ever to Get HIV Through Frottage?

I had frottage (body-to-body rubbing) with a guy I don't know. We both kept our underwear on the whole time, but I had some broken skin on my penis from masturbating myself too hard earlier that day. Could pre-cum have seeped through both our underwear and onto my injured penis, putting me at risk for HIV?

More Strange but True Questions:

Restaurant Tirade: A Blood-Splattered Buffet?

What Can I Get From Panty-Sniffing?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

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Join a Rally in Washington, D.C., on May 19 to Call for Hepatitis Program Funding

An Open Letter Calling on International Agencies to Support Amnesty for Maksim Popov

May 5: Join a Call to Learn About How Health Reform Impacts HIV-Positive Women

China: Release Activist on Medical Parole

Women Living With HIV: Take a Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Tell HHS That Black Women Openly Living With HIV/AIDS Should Be Represented on PACHA

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May 25, 2010

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HIV/AIDS & Body Shape Changes

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Understanding HIV/AIDS Labs

HIV/AIDS Transmission


How Can I Reassure My HIV-Positive Partner That Our Relationship Can Work?

A good friend and I have always been attracted to each other, and we finally made out two weeks ago. Yesterday he told me he's HIV positive. He says he's not sure he can do a relationship with me. I know that I want a partnership with him, but I'm scared he won't agree because I'm HIV negative. How can I show him that a relationship can work between a positive and a negative partner?


What Can Be Done for My Extreme Lipodystrophy?

I have a buffalo hump and all the fat on my body has been redistributed to my trunk area. From 1999 to 2004 I was on Epivir (3TC, lamivudine), Sustiva (efavirenz, Stocrin) and Zerit (d4t, stavudine) -- a common culprit for lipodystrophy. When I switched to Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), the changes in my body went from moderate to extreme. My CD4 count is high and my viral load is undetectable, so I'm doing well at keeping the virus in check, but that doesn't help me physically or mentally. What can I do to lose weight? If I get liposuction, is there any way to get my insurance to pay for the procedure?

LGBT Pride Month is approaching in June, and we want you to commemorate the month with us!

Our challenge for you: Send us a photo in which you're holding (or sitting next to, or standing on top of, or ... you get the idea) a homemade sign telling us what Pride means to you. You can either follow our template (seen to the right) or make your own sign. Click here to find out how to take part!


Two-Month Treatment Interruption: What's My Risk of Resistance?

I'm a 23-year-old HIV-positive man and I've been on Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) since 2005. I recently missed two months worth of HIV med doses due to a bipolar episode. I'm back on my meds, but what's the chance that my virus has built resistance to them? Are there any other HIV med options if it has?

Norvir Makes Me Loopy: What Are the Alternatives to This Booster?

I was taking Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC); then I found out I needed to take Norvir (ritonavir) with that regimen, but Norvir makes me dizzy and unable to focus. What are my other options?

How Can I Stretch My HIV Med Supply While Traveling Abroad?

I was diagnosed in 2003, currently taking Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) with 100 percent adherence, an undetectable viral load and a CD4 count in the 600 range. I'm going overseas to do field work, and because I get my HIV meds through an AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), I can only get a 90-day supply of meds to take with me. I'll be gone for at least two weeks longer than that. What is the best way to stretch my 90-day med supply?


What Can We Long-Term Survivors Do to Avoid Anal Cancer?

Dear Vergel: I know you're also a long-term HIV survivor. Can you tell us what you've done to make sure you don't develop anal cancer, considering that HIVers -- especially gay men -- are diagnosed with this type of cancer at a greater rate than our HIV-negative counterparts?

What Do You Know About HIV and Memory Loss?

I am 47 years old and I have been poz for 17 years. I forget tons of things, while my 80-year-old mom remembers everything. Am I losing my memory? If so, what can I do about it? Is my memory loss due to aging or HIV itself?

Can I Take My Acid Reflux Meds With Reyataz?

I'm 58 and I've been taking Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) for three years. I was recently diagnosed with an acid reflux disease and prescribed Prilosec (omeprazole). According to my doctor, new studies show that combining Prilosec and Reyataz is OK as long as they're taken 12 hours apart, but I'm worred since I've read that Reyataz shouldn't be taken with antacids. What do you think?

More Questions About Other Health Issues:

What Are the Symptoms of MAC?

Could Switching Meds Help My Degenerative Disc Disease?

Just Diagnosed and Going Nuts: Please Help!

(A recent post from the "I Just Tested Positive" board)

I was just diagnosed positive a few weeks ago and my boyfriend came out negative, however we had unprotected sex when neither of us knew our status and now I'm so afraid that he might also be positive ... I can't talk to my family since they don't approve of me being gay. I just recently came out to my mom she didn't like it at all; now imagine dropping this on her ... Every time I try to think positive about the situation I think about him and I go right back down to my depression mode ... Sometimes I think of nothing but hurting myself for the fact that I put somebody's life at risk ... I really hope there is somebody out there that's been through a similar situation and can at least on some level give me some type of advice ... I made that mistake of not reinforcing wearing a condom when I had it in my hands, and he didn't want to ... It's chaos in my head, I can't focus on anything at all -- can somebody help me please? -- Jayjay28

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Recently Diagnosed: Will I Eventually Be HIV Negative?

I was diagnosed HIV positive very recently. My doctor told me that HIV treatment could bring my viral load down to zero. Does that mean that one day I could be completely HIV free, as in HIV negative?


Would Smooshed Banana Work as an HIV-Killing Lube?

Since scientists recently found a protein in bananas that may block HIV's entry into cells, what do you think about rubbing squished banana on a condom to reduce risk in case of breakage?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

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AIDS Watch at Home 2010: Make Congress Listen Right in Your Own Backyard

China: Release Activist on Medical Parole

Women Living With HIV: Take a Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Tell HHS That Black Women Openly Living With HIV/AIDS Should Be Represented on PACHA

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If you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.html

June 8, 2010

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Strange But True


A Light Tap on the Back Door: Am I at Risk?

I was lying in bed with my HIV-positive ex-boyfriend. I rubbed my unprotected erect penis against his anus with minimal pressure, but we didn't have intercourse. Since then I've had a few enlarged lymph nodes. Is there any chance I could have been infected with HIV during this activity?


Can I Keep Up My Rigorous Exercise Regimen Despite Being a Vegan?

I'm 51 years old. I was diagnosed HIV positive in August 2008 and am currently taking Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). I'm also a vegan, and I work out five days a week. I look and feel great, but how can I sustain my workout regimen for the next several years despite not eating meat?

How Do I Know if My Symptoms Add Up to AIDS-Related Dementia?

I'm 47 years old, HIV positive and in good health overall. However, lately I've been forgetting things all the time. I've also noticed a decrease in my attention span and ability to focus, as well as an increase in compulsive behavior. It often seems as If I'm just viewing the world and not participating, like the world is going by and I'm just watching it go. Do the effects I'm experiencing now point to dementia?

Could Long-Term Testosterone Use Have Made Me Sterile?

I've used testosterone injections for seven years, but I've heard that using testosterone can make a man sterile. Now that my HIV is under control and I'm not going anywhere, I want to have children, but I feel like crap every time I try to stop taking testosterone. What can I do?

LGBT Pride Month is upon us: Celebrate your pride!

Take a look at our Faces of Pride page (or Mark S. King's example on the right) for inspiration. Then send us your own photo in which you're holding (or sitting next to, or standing on top of, or ... you get the idea) a homemade sign telling us what Pride means to you. We're posting new submissions throughout the month!


What's Up With This New Belly Fat Reduction Drug for HIVers?

Can you tell us what you know about Egrifta (tesamorelin), the drug that may soon be approved in the U.S. specifically to treat fat accumulation in HIVers?

Do I Really Not Have Enough Flesh for Filler Treatments Around My Cheekbones?

I started having my face filled with Radiesse (Radiance, calcium hydroxylapatite) four years ago, and I've been happy with the results. However, my doctor says there isn't enough flesh covering my cheekbones to get a good result from injections in this area, and I've ended up with what looks like a bag on top of my cheekbone. Would Sculptra (Radiance, poly-L-lactic acid) be a better alternative, or am I just an unsuitable candidate for treatments in this area?


If I Got HIV From My Partner, Why Aren't Our Viruses Resistant to the Same Meds?

My partner and I have been together for nine years. He told me he was HIV positive in February 2009, and I tested positive in March 2009. According to his physician, his virus has resistance to one of the meds in Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC). However, my doctor says that my virus has no resistance to any of the meds in Atripla. If I got HIV from my partner, how is it possible that he can't take Atripla and I can?

Viramune Versus Isentress: Which Is Better for Me?

I am considering beginning treatment with a regimen of Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) plus either Viramune (nevirapine) or Isentress (raltegravir). Can you summarize the pros and cons of these two meds?

Are There Enough HIV Treatment Options to Get Me Through the Rest of My Life?

Although I've never started HIV treatment, I was given Sustiva (Stocrin, efavirenz) monotherapy once when I was hospitalized with bacterial pneumonia. I'm now resistant to Sustiva (which is a component of Atripla [efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC]). When it's finally time for me to start treatment, will there be enough regimens out there that don't contain Sustiva to get me through several decades on HIV meds?

More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:

Why Do I Need Norvir to Boost Levels of Other Drugs?

Are Some Meds More "Forgiving" When It Comes to Lapses in Adherence?

Should I Start HIV Treatment Specifically to Increase My Neutrophil Levels?

What Factors Affect When HIVers Start Meds Throughout the World?


Diabetic and Recently Diagnosed With HIV: What Do I Need to Know?

I've been a type 2 diabetic for three years and I take metformin and glipizide, as well as lisinopril for my blood pressure. If I have to start HIV treatment, will it interact with these other meds? What questions should I ask my new HIV specialist?

Dealing With Multiple Side Effects: Is There Any Hope?

I am 49 years old. When I was diagnosed with HIV five years ago, my viral load was approaching 100,000 and my CD4 count was 27. I have been on a variety of HIV meds since then. While my CD4 count is up to the 350 range and my virus remains undetectable, I suffer from headaches, a host of gut problems, insomnia, lightheadedness, dizziness and double vision so severe I can no longer drive -- all on a daily basis. My energy level is very low and I get exhausted easily. Although recent studies seem to indicate I could live a fairly normal lifespan, it certainly doesn't feel like I have 30 years left! What can I do?

Healthy Lifestyle and High Lipid Levels: What Can Be Done?

My husband has been HIV positive for 10 years. He takes Norvir (ritonavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC), his viral load is undetectable and his CD4 count is 377. He eats healthily, exercises daily, doesn't smoke and rarely drinks. However, a health screening at work revealed that his cholesterol and triglycerides are very high and his blood pressure is at prehypertension levels. We have no idea how to begin dealing with this! Could his meds be playing a part? Can you recommend next steps for him to take?

More Questions About Other Health Issues:

What's the Link Between My HIV Meds and Chronic Urticaria?

Can HIV Cause Colitis?

Is Truvada Use Related to Phosphorus Deficiency?

Is There Any Place for a White, Middle-Class Woman With HIV?

(A recent post from the "Living With HIV" board)

"I ask myself this question every single day: Where do I fit in? I am white, female, straight, married, have health insurance, make good money (middle class) with lots of bills. I thought HIV was HIV and who should care about sexual orientation. We are all sharing this disease together and should stand together.

"There was one program (one of a kind in my area) so promising, but since I make too much money I cannot join their program. The program is only available to low-income people, period. I can't even pay to get in the program because it is a funded program.

"Support groups? Are there any out there for someone like me? ... I don't socialize at all and have a hard time going out and facing this world every single day. ... I don't want to go to just any therapist and nutritionist with no experience with HIV/AIDS, and forget about a public gym. How do I find help -- or am I just out of luck having a middle-class income?

"I am not mad at anybody, I just really am hurting emotionally and physically right now and just want to belong somewhere and get the help that I need."

-- Atheena

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Treating HIV With Antigens: Miracle Cure or Age-Old Scam?

What do you think about the approach of eliminating HIV from the body using antigens to stimulate the immune system? Is this not the way many vaccines and treatments have worked in the past and still do today?


Not the Blessing I Was Hoping For

I went to church and the priest had a large open cut on his forehead -- the blood was visible, no Band-Aid, though some ointment was on it. I noticed this only as I was taking communion and didn't react fast enough to not eat it. Is there a risk of HIV transmission this way, if in fact the priest was infected and got his blood on the communion wafer and I ate it right after he handed it to me?

Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?

The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.

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Action Alert: Urge Your Senator to Support an Extension of Critical Medicaid Funding

HIV Community Sign-On Letter to Boycott Arizona -- Sign On by June 10

AIDS Watch at Home 2010: Make Congress Listen Right in Your Own Backyard

China: Release Activist on Medical Parole

Women Living With HIV: Take a Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

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Sent via BlackBerry by AT&TFrom: "News at The Body" <update@...>Date: 22 Jun 2010 11:14:38 -0400<powertx@...>Reply "News at The Body" <update@...>Subject: Hot Topics at The Body's "Ask the Experts" ForumsIf you have trouble reading this e-mail, you can see the online version at: www.thebody.com/topics.htmlJune 22, 2010Visit the Forums"Hot Topics" LibraryChange/Update SubscriptionMixed-Status CouplesHIV/AIDS Body Shape ChangesHIV/AIDS TreatmentComplications of HIV/HIV MedsHIV TransmissionUnderstanding HIV/AIDS LabsStrange but TrueMIXED-STATUS COUPLES Timed Intercourse to Get Pregnant: When and How Should I Get Tested for HIV?My husband of 10 years is HIV positive and has been taking HIV meds for three years. We did timed intercourse to conceive a child, and now I'm 15 weeks pregnant. I took home HIV tests at eight and 14 weeks after my exposure and they both came back negative. I'm not comfortable taking a blood test for HIV at my local clinic since I live in a small town and I work at the clinic. Is a blood test necessary?HIV/AIDS BODY SHAPE CHANGES Will an Oral Steroid Help Me Lose Belly Fat -- Even if I Don't Exercise?I'm 51 years old and take Isentress (raltegravir), Norvir (ritonavir), Prezista (darunavir) and Truvada (tenofovir/FTC) as well as Androgel. I used to have an OK body but have recently developed a big belly. I don't exercise regularly due to fatigue and other problems. I remember a study showing that HIVers who used Oxandrin (oxandrolone) and didn't exercise still noticed improvement in their bodies. Would adding Oxandrin to my regimen help me feel more energetic and get back in shape? Which Fillers Are Good for the Legs and Butt?Which products are effective at correcting fat loss in the legs and butt, and where are they available? Are there any studies of new buttock fillers on the horizon?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Body Shape Changes:What's the Next Step for Medicaid Facial Filler Coverage?How Can I Lose Weight After Starting HIV Meds?Why Aren't Buffalo Humps a Thing of the Past?We asked LGBT community leaders and members throughout the U.S. how they'd answer the question:Is LGBT Pride Still Significant Nowadays?Some of their answers are contemplative; others are defiant; and all of them are part of an important discussion for our society today. Read people's thoughts on the issue and add your own -- it's all part of Pride2010@...!HIV/AIDS TREATMENT Is My Dose of HIV Meds Appropriate for My Weight?Despite a number of viral load "blips" in the past, my counts are holding steady, but I feel like my whole life is taking pills! I only weigh 140 pounds and I'm taking the same dosage of HIV meds as someone who weighs 200 pounds. Why are HIV med doses so uniform? Could I be overdosing? Why Are Drug Companies Dropping Their HIV Meds in Development?Recently there were a few medications in development for people with resistance to all HIV meds, but I just heard that two companies abandoned their research. What does all this mean for someone like me whose only hope is new medications? What are some of the new HIV meds in the pipeline? Only Taking Half the Required Dose of Isentress: Will My Virus Become Resistant?I'm 42 years old and I was diagnosed with HIV a year ago. I recently started taking Epzicom (abacavir/3TC, Kivexa) and Isentress (raltegravir), but the pharmacy only gave me a 30-day supply of Isentress. I've been taking it once a day for 20 days and just realized I was supposed to be taking it twice a day. Will I become resistant to it?More Questions About HIV/AIDS Treatment:How Do I Choose Between Two Good First Regimens?Does the Anti-Smoking Drug Chantix Interact With HIV Meds?Why Is Atripla Taken Without a Protease Inhibitor?COMPLICATIONS OF HIV/HIV MEDS Could My Allergies Have Increased Now That I'm HIV Positive?Since becoming HIV positive I've noticed an increase in food allergies. Is this common for HIVers? My Son Has a CD4 Count of 7: Where to Start in Caring for Him at Home?We recently found my son, who has schizophrenia and had been missing and living on the streets for three years. He'd been diagnosed with HIV the month before and his CD4 count is 7. I'm a certified medical assistant and I want to care for him at home. What do I need to know in order to do that? Bipolar on Atripla and Having a Hard Time: What Are My Next Steps?I'm bipolar, HIV positive and have been doing well, HIV-wise, on Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC) since April 2009. I've been taking trazodone for depression for about 13 years and the mood stabilizer Lamictal (lamotrigine) for more than six years. Since starting Atripla my depression has become more severe. I've been thinking about suicide and I started drinking again after almost 11 years sober. I'm not in regular mental health care and the local HIV/AIDS clinic doesn't seem to know how to help me. What can I do?More Questions About Complications of HIV/HIV Meds:Pain in Arms and Legs: Is It Neuropathy?Is My Heart Safe on Norvir, Reyataz and Truvada?Taken Off Bactrim: Will HIV Meds Alone Protect Me From PCP?Are My Bleeding Gums HIV Related?Doing Well a Year After Diagnosis -- but Still Nervous About Starting Meds(A recent post from the " Living With HIV " board)I'm 27, have had HIV for about four years, have never been on meds before. I just got tested last year ... Had been in denial about it for a while to myself. My first labs were CD4 count 294 and viral load 29,000. After getting diagnosed, I stopped smoking and partying and started eating better. My CD4 count jumped to the 400s, where it has stayed for a year, and I've put on 10 pounds which was good for a skinny guy like me! I take multivitamins every day, I'm active and jog a lot. Yesterday, my latest labs were CD4 500!!! Without meds! I know I have to start them anyway, so now is a better time than if I wait too long. I am a little nervous about it. But it is definitely a journey I feel better about than when I first started. Is anybody else in a similar situation? -- markmanClick here to join this discussion, or to start your own!To do this, you'll need to register with TheBody.com's bulletin boards if you're a new user. Registration is quick and anonymous (all you need is an e-mail address) -- click here to get started!HIV TRANSMISSION PEP Is Making Me Sick: Can I Stop Early?I had a possible HIV exposure and my doc put me on post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). It's Day 22 of my 28-day course and I feel so sick from the meds that it's impacting my work. When can I stop taking the treatment?UNDERSTANDING HIV/AIDS LABS Why Is My Partner's CD4 Count Dropping and Mine Is Not?Me and my partner were both diagnosed with HIV in 2007. We both seroconverted in the same year and have the same strain of virus. Recently my partner's CD4 count has dropped rapidly from over 600 to 420. My CD4 count has stayed at 600. Should I be worried about this, since he and I don't practice safer sex? Is it just that some people's bodies react differently to HIV? If My Virus Is Resistant to My Current Meds, Why Isn't My Viral Load Higher?I am currently taking Trizivir (AZT/3TC/abacavir), but according to my doctor my HIV has been resistant and/or sensitive to all the drugs in that combination for the last six years. In that time my viral load has see-sawed from 150 to 800, where it is currently. If I've been resistant to my meds for so long, why isn't my viral load much higher? Is my doctor correct?STRANGE BUT TRUE Revenge of the Mad Cleaner?I am a frequent masturbator and even have a masturbation dhoti (loincloth), which I haven't washed for several months. My place is vacuumed once a week by a cleaner who doesn't like me. Last week the cleaner tidied my room in my absence. My masturbation dhoti was within sight, and I have reason to believe he masturbated in it. About 24 hours after the cleaner did this act, I put on my dhoti, watched porn and masturbated. Some parts of the dhoti were hard and crusty. Assuming the horned-up cleaner ejaculated into my dhoti and that he is HIV positive, could I have contracted HIV this way?Worried Your Spam Filter Might Trash Our Mailings?The Body's e-mail updates are especially prone to being caught up in spam filters, since our newsletters tend to refer frequently to sex, drugs, the human anatomy and so forth.To make sure you never miss one of our mailings because anti-spam software labeled it as junk mail, add update@... to your address book, talk to the person who manages your e-mail security or check your anti-spam program's instructions for more information.About This E-mailThis e-mail update has been sent to powertx@....Want to change your subscription? Click here or send us a message at updates@....Missed an update? Our archive of past updates will keep you in the loop.Have any other questions or comments, and don't want to send an e-mail? Feel free to snail-mail us at:The Body's E-Mail UpdatesThe HealthCentral Network, Inc.250 West 57th StreetNew York, NY 10107 Request for Organizational Sign-On: Release U.S. Funding for Global Harm Reduction NMAC Asks for Your Help Ending S.B. 1070; Promoting Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform Public Comment Period Now Open: Issue Brief on LGBT Marginalization as a Social Driver of HIV in the United States Action Alert: Help Homeless AIDS Activist Get Into Housing Today Action Alert: Urge Your Senator to Support an Extension of Critical Medicaid Funding

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