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Re: Strange question re illness and speech

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That is so amazing that you asked that question!!!!

Just about 3-4 wks ago, my daughter caught a VERY

nasty virus that caused her fever to stay between

102-104 for 4 days straight. She also developed an

ear infection at the end of it. The amazing thing is

that she made so many more attempts at words and

actually learned about 3 new (2 vowels and 1

consonant)sounds during that time. I remember

thinking it was really odd since people often blame

ear infections for delayed speech and my daughter made

her most progress with an ear infection.

Anyway, that's interesting. :)


mom to Kaeli (age 2) suspected verbal dyspraxia

--- barsham2000@... wrote:

> Hi everybody,

> This may seem like an odd question, but I have

> repeatedly noticed that when

> my daughter is mildly sick (cold, low grade fever)

> that her speech increases

> both in amount and length of utterances. Its almost

> as if because she is a

> little bit slowed down by not feeling 100 % she is

> able to speak more. Has

> anybody else noticed this, or am I completely nuts?

> Barbara

> (Mom to , 2 1/2, verbal apraxia, mild SI)




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Hi , How strange that you should raise this !!!. My son is VERY

healthy but was ill for ten days a short while ago . What I observed

was that not only was his speech clearer but also HIS AUTISTIC

SYMPTOMS REDUCED . When I was absoloutely sure i wasn't mad I posted

this on an asd website and received many replies saying that they had

obseved the same thing .

My explanaition (rather predictable for me !!) was that he could not

eat and therefore did not have any problem foods going through his

system and fuzzing up his brain. Sure enough , as soon as he started

eating again ( a full two days after he was feeling better) he

started pointing rather trhan talking and his humming and jumping

came back . Ho hum !!

Wierd isn't it



> > Hi everybody,

> > This may seem like an odd question, but I have

> > repeatedly noticed that when

> > my daughter is mildly sick (cold, low grade fever)

> > that her speech increases

> > both in amount and length of utterances. Its almost

> > as if because she is a

> > little bit slowed down by not feeling 100 % she is

> > able to speak more. Has

> > anybody else noticed this, or am I completely nuts?

> > Barbara

> > (Mom to , 2 1/2, verbal apraxia, mild SI)

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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I know I am replying to this message rather late and maybe someone else has

come up with this suggestion.

I think the possibility of an association between problem foods (casein and

lactose) and a leaky gut is an excellent one but here is another theory:

It may be that when our kids are sick and not eating well and we see an

increase in clearer speech, it may be because the child is in a state of

ketosis. The Ketogenic Diet is sometimes used for kids who have severe

uncontrolled seizures that seizure meds have been unable to control. In a

hospital, the kids are fasted until the body enters a state of ketosis and

sometimes the seizures reduce or disappear, and thought processes improve.

The child is then given a special diet of high fats, low carbs that help the

child maintain the ketosis and, as long as the ketones are high enough, the

seizures continue to be reduced or abated. Do not try this at home! It

must be implemented and followed by qualified doctors as there are some

possible serious side effects. It may be that some of our kids might have

some extra electrical activity going on in their brain that is impairing the

brain-speech connection and the temporary ketosis the child is in during the

time they are not eating because they are sick, may be helping in clearer

brain connections.

Just a theory, but I think kids who have not had an EEG who have severe

language/behavior/low tone, may benefit from the knowledge if the brainwaves

are behaving normally and also an MRI to find out if there are any

developmental brain malformations. There is a subclinical (seizures are not

visible) spike/wave syndrome called Landau Klefner?? Syndrome (LKS) that can

cause an abatement of language after normal sounding language has begun to

occur somewhere between 2 and 3 years old.

My daughter does not have LKS but does have complex partial seizures,

developmental delay, severe verbal apraxia, lowish tone due to cortical

dysplasia in her right parietal lobe, right temporal lobe and a small spot

on her right rear frontal lobe that was identified when she was 3 years old

with MRI and PET scans. Seizure meds have somewhat controlled her seizures,

but have not helped much with the other issues. PT/OT/ST has helped a lot.

I have been exposed to a lot of friends who's kids have seizures and many

other issues, so this theory is not entirely without merit.

Anyway, just some more food for thought.

Take care all.


Message: 16

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:12:20 -0000

From: " beaniesmum2001 " <MONXYMOO@...>

Subject: Re: Strange question re illness and speech

Hi , How strange that you should raise this !!!. My son is VERY

healthy but was ill for ten days a short while ago . What I observed

was that not only was his speech clearer but also HIS AUTISTIC

SYMPTOMS REDUCED . When I was absolutely sure I wasn't mad I posted

this on an asd website and received many replies saying that they had

observed the same thing .

My explanation (rather predictable for me !!) was that he could not

eat and therefore did not have any problem foods going through his

system and fuzzing up his brain. Sure enough , as soon as he started

eating again ( a full two days after he was feeling better) he

started pointing rather than talking and his humming and jumping

came back . Ho hum !!

Weird isn't it



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