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Hi all...

I have been looking for a group to know and chat with abut the

simialr problems and I am hoping to have found one here.

My name is and I am a mom of three. I have been married for

8 years and here is a lttle bit in a nut shell why I am joining this


My son is going to be 2 in March and he is currently in speech

therapy 2x's a week. He has been diagnosed with:

Severe Receptive Language disorder and

Severe Expressive Language Disorder.


He had the tubes placed in his ears in November of 2001.

That seems to have helped on his expressive language but not helping

him get those little words that I would love to hear right

now.. " Mommy " .

He is surrounded by his 6 year old sister, 8 month old sister (who is

talking) and His Father and I.

So confused right now why him and what else could be wrong.

I would like to hear from someone who is or has gone through the same

situation and how it is going for you or how it went for you.

Some encouragement would be great right now.

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Hi and Welcome...hope we can help.....

I too am ; I have twin boys (former 30 weeker preemies) that are 29

months old with absolutely no speech....in fact they barely babble/ I hear

your plea!!!!! Talk to the other parents and read some of the older

posts....I have only been in this group for about 1 week so I am learning

too. We have just ordered ProEfa, and are waiting to try it out for the

boys.....Look it up .....everybody says they gets some results!!!!

Good luck to you; keep your chin up!!!


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For those of you who have been on this list for a while, you already know my

story. I am Carnell and I have a 2 1/2 year old boy (Bricen) and a 4

1/2 year old boy (). was diagnosed with apraxia of speech

(verbal Dyspraxia) at the age of 2 1/2 - although I knew there were problems

WAY before that. You can read his story at his website at

http://www.verbalDyspraxia.com. I have his story written in 3 parts because

I wrote it over the past 2 years. We have had many ups and downs - but he

has gone from non-verbal and tentitively diagnosed in the Autistic Spectrum

and unable to " handle " preschool 1 1/2 years ago (Soon after he turned 3)

and now he is talking in full sentences, carrying on conversations, and will

be entering kindergarten on time and in a mainstream class. He is top of

his preschool class this year and doing GREAT. It has been a long, hard

road and he has had to work harder than most children...but we are making

progress every day.

I remember being where you are and want to re-assure you that there is a

light at the end of the tunnel. You may not be able to see it right now,

but I promise it is there. We are all on a rollar coaster ride with many

ups and downs. Without the downs we would not enjoy and celebrate the " ups "

like we all do. I hope our story inspires you and gives you faith.....


North Carolina



[ ] New Mom here

> Hi all...


> I have been looking for a group to know and chat with abut the

> simialr problems and I am hoping to have found one here.

> My name is and I am a mom of three. I have been married for

> 8 years and here is a lttle bit in a nut shell why I am joining this

> group:



> My son is going to be 2 in March and he is currently in speech

> therapy 2x's a week. He has been diagnosed with:

> Severe Receptive Language disorder and

> Severe Expressive Language Disorder.


> He had the tubes placed in his ears in November of 2001.

> That seems to have helped on his expressive language but not helping

> him get those little words that I would love to hear right

> now.. " Mommy " .


> He is surrounded by his 6 year old sister, 8 month old sister (who is

> talking) and His Father and I.

> So confused right now why him and what else could be wrong.


> I would like to hear from someone who is or has gone through the same

> situation and how it is going for you or how it went for you.

> Some encouragement would be great right now.




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hi, i am in michigan too.

my youngest daughter sara (20 months this week) has almost no speech either.

at her last evaluation (18 months old) she tested at the 7 month level in

speech. we still do not have a clear diagnosis either.

in sara's case i think the lack of diagnosis is because they are trying to

find a syndrome that encompasses all of her conditions (many medical problems

and developmental delays) and i try to understand that, but without a

diagnosis i cant get sara all the services she needs.

anyhow....this is a great support group. ive learned lots since i have joined

and everyone here seems to be very helpful and friendly

so welcome!


mom to sara, adam and joshua (9 yr twins) and heather and rachel (4 yr twins)

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Hi again Tami...

I read all my mail backwards sorry. Please feel free to email anytime and we can

talk about our kids. My other email is shellyk328@... I like that email

better... confuses me to some extent.LOL!

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  • 5 years later...
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From: nolamark <nolamark@...>

Date: 2007/04/11 Wed AM 06:21:17 CDT

Subject: ( ) New mom here

What's the GAD's screening? I have never heard of it.

Hi everyone.

Wow! I just joined this group and have read the first few digests.

You all are speaking my language!! My son is in 6th grade this year,

and his teacher just mentioned the word " autism " to me a couple weeks

ago. I'm a counselor, and what I know about Asperger's, and what I've

read since she mentioned it fits him TO A TEE!! Why did I not see

this before??? Why did his previous teachers not see this?? Well,

he's very high-functioning.<wbr>...had been getting all A's until this

year.....has had a few issues with agression, but what kid doesn't -

it wasn't excessive...<wbr>..he's never had many friends, but does have a

little group.....he's never handled losing well at all, but I thought

he'd out grow it.....this year he started saying things like, " I wish

I'd never been born, " so I took him to a counselor. After about 10

visits, he said he didn't need to see him anymore.....<wbr>he didn't pick

up on anything. He's very disorganized, but it's never been an issue

because his teachers have walked him through everything...until this

year. Now he needs to be more responsible and he can't do it. He was

reading at a 4th grade level in pre-school....everyone just thought

that was great. He can memorize music at the drop of a hat...I just

thought music was his thing....my other 2 boys are into sports - his

forte is music. He's quirky and talks funny sometimes....I just

thought he's being goofy. He annoys his brothers and doesn't know

when to stop....I just figured all sibs do this. But his " annoying "

has gotten more aggressive, to the point that I'm afraid he's going to

hurt someone or himself. His angry outbursts are happening more often

and are more severe. He cannot problem solve AT ALL....one day he

walked home from school (about a mile and a half) toting his trumpet

case and book bag because there was a misunderstanding about me

picking him up. It never occurred to him to go in to the school and

call me. And of course it was all my fault....and that's another

thing.....he can't take responsibility for ANYTHING and shows NO

remorse about his actions. It's always someone else's fault. I can

explain away all the little pieces, but when I look at the whole

picture.....wow....I think this kid's aspie for sure!!

Sooooooo.....I've started the process to get him tested at school. We

did the GADS screening and he came out 85% probable for Aspeger's.

Hopefully he will be able to be tested. I'm wondering if I should

start pursuing a medical diagnosis as well, or if I should wait until

the school does their thing? Anyone have any experience with this?

Thanks for listening and thanks for being here....I'm sure I'll be

using this support A LOT in the upcoming months!


" I must have walked ten million miles

Must have walked ten million miles

Wore some shoes that weren't my style

Fell into the rank and file

So just say I was here a while

A fool in search of your sweet smile

Ten million miles "

~Patty ~

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It stands for Gilliam Asperger Disorder Scale. If you Google GADS,

you can get more info.



> From: nolamark <nolamark@...>

> Date: 2007/04/11 Wed AM 06:21:17 CDT


> Subject: ( ) New mom here



> What's the GAD's screening? I have never heard of it.




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