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Re: Isentress and Buffalo Hump Removal

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TimWe are looking forward to lipodystrophy (DEXAand CT scan) data for Isentress-based combos that do not contain boosted protease inhibitors or nucleosides.  For instance, combinations like Isentress+Selzentry+Intelence have no nucleoside or Norvir backbone to it, so hopefully one day we will see what happens to people's bodies when you do not expose them to NRTIs or the effects of Novir.  It is taking a lot of advocacy to remind companies to work together and to look at visceral fat, hump fat, and subcutaneous fat in nuke, Norvir-free combos.  Most companies still focus on viral load and CD4 cells and I keep reminding them that now that we have more options and we are living longer, body shape changes and quality of life issues will be key in deciding  in how doctors and

patients will decide which medications to use.We have learned that AZT, Crixivan, Zerit and possibly DDI (Videx) are not "metabolic friendly" drugs.  We have also learned that Fuzeon, Maraviroc, Isentress, Reyataz, tenofovir, epivir and FTC, and even Invirase may have less negative impact on lipids than the rest.  But being "lipid friendly" does not automatically make a drug "body friendly".  In fact, when it comes to visceral fat accumulation, we really have not found a "body friendly" drug combo yet, even with the use of tenofovir as a back bone. I hope Merck, Pfizer, and Tibotec jump on more research on visceral/hump fat to finally prove which combos are best for the body.  We have also found that patients who start HAART at lower CD4 cells  (under 150) tend to have larger increases of visceral fat when their immune systems get better.  What we do not know is if it makes a difference to start at 350 CD4 cells

compared to 500 CD4 cells to prevent body changes even further. Regards, Vergelpowerusa dot orgFrom: puli3puli3 <thsema369@...> Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 5:13:19 PMSubject: Isentress and Buffalo Hump Removal

Hi all,Its been a long time since I have posted here, but I was able to get MassHealth/Medicaid  here in MA to liposuction hump in early July. I was on Prezista/Intelence/ Truvada for two years. I developed a serious hump prior to that combo- it was after starting Reyataz. I made a major decision, and a few days before surgery I switched off those meds and went to Isentress/Intelence/Truvada. No signs of hump returning and better yet- my CD4 count went from 400 to 571 and several warts on hands and feet have vanished! I am still undetectable on this combo. I am 39 and have lived with HIV for 20 years- Isentress is by far the best HIV med that I have used.Tim------------------------------------Welcome to our group!If you received this email from someone who forwarded it to you and would like to join this group, send a blank email to -subscribe and you will get an email with instructions to follow.You can chose to receive single emails or a daily digest (collection of emails). You can post pictures, images, attach files and search by keyword old postings in the group.For those of you who are members already and want to switch from single emails to digest or vice versa, visit www., click on , then on "edit my membership" and go down to your selection. The list administrator does not process any requests, so this is a do-it-yourself easy process ! :)Thanks for joining. You will learn and share a lot in this group!NOTE: I moderate, approve or disapprove emails before they are posted. Please follow the guidelines shown in the homepage. I will not

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