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Like Sound Through Water (and Dolphin Therapy?!!)

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Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been so busy but I'm working on finishing up another huge

project. Just very quickly I wanted to send out two links that have

been emailed to me to pass on. One is for an interesting book that

Dr. a Tallal just told me about, and one is about dolphin

therapy (and believe it or not -if you know me I know you believe it -

when I was 13 years old I was a volunteer at the Central Park and

Bronx Zoo and I learned all about dolphin research and how intelligent

they are and have wanted to work with dolphins ever since!!)

So " Like Sound Through Water " and Dolphin Therapy seemed to belong

together in the same email -maybe you'll find both of interest!

Dr. Tallal email:

Hi ,

I have been away. I just heard about a book called Like Sound

Through Water, written by a mother of a child with auditory

processing disorder. She has over 50 pages on Fast ForWord in this

book, so please get the book and you can then quote directly from

that too. I bet that there would be a lot of important information

on language disorders and also it would be good for you to see

another book in the same spirit as yours. Here is the email I

received on this book. Please pass this on to other interested

parties as well.

I thought you would be interested to know about a recently published

book. It is called " Like Sound Through Water: A mother's journey

through auditory processing disorder " by J. Foli. Several

chapters are about Fast ForWord. I purchased the book on Amazon:(cut and paste)


3D1012518113/ref%3Dsr%5F11%5F0%5F1/103-5224118-2232618 " Ben was a

bright, happy little boy. Yet he was easily distracted, he wouldn't

make eye contact, and he couldn't comprehend the simplest things said

to him. At age three he still hadn't started talking. Finally,

Foli knew she had to act, and she took her son to a speech and

hearing clinic.

What the clinicians reported chilled her: Ben's speech and language

were delayed by one to two years. Testing results and speech

therapists suggested problems that included the words " probably

retarded and perhaps autistic. " But , trusting her mother's

intuition, knew that Ben was intelligent and that he was frustrated

by his inability to communicate, so she continued to try to help her

son "

The Island Dolphin Care email:

We are writing you today to inform you of a fantastic opportunity for

the children you serve.

Island Dolphin Care, Key Largo, FL is a not-for-profit organization

which provides dolphin-assisted therapy to critically ill, disabled,

and special needs children from all over the world. Island Dolphin

Care offers 5-day therapy programs which allow children an

opportunity to work one-on-one with a skilled therapist and an

amazing interaction and swim with our dolphin friends.

Because of everything your organization does to benefit the lives of

children, we wanted to take this time to thank you and encourage you

to look into our program.

If your organization would be more interested in receiving

brochures/applications for our program we can be reached at: 305-451-

5884 or by a reply to this e-mail. Please check out our website at:



The Island Dolphin Care Team

Deena Hoagland, L.C.S.W.



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