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Hi and everyone!

Some of you know there are some huge projects being planned and done

right now to help all of our late talkers / apraxic children. I'm

under a number of deadlines -so I apologize for not posting about the

CHERAB support meeting this month. I was kind of hoping that we

would be able to have it, and I know some of you already RSVP'd -so

I'm sorry that we will have to cancel tomorrow's meeting.. I know as

soon as you all find out what I'm working on that you will

understand...and be thrilled!!

We will have the meeting next month as usual at the Children's

Specialized Hospital -where we will have a fascinating talk about the

role of the Occupational Therapist together with the Speech

Pathologist -and issues about Sensory Integration will be covered.

Speaking of Sensory Integration -the show on CN8 on Sensory

Integration Disorder that was scheduled to air on Monday, February

4th, will now air on Wednesday, February 6th at 6:00 PM instead.

I've received emails from CN8 and from Donna Becker, the mom who is

featured on the show about this change asking me to pass this on.

(And again if you want to watch online go to http://www.cn8.tv and

click on " streaming video " you first have to download RealPlayer -for

free- from http://www.real.com/realone/index.html?src=dcnone ) Going

ahead to May - Kaufman will be coming in to speak at our

meeting -so I'll keep you posted on that.

The following email was part of an answer I posted to a question

about Omega 3/6 supplementation and our (?) upcoming conference in

February that was asked on another grouplist. I received an email

back from the moderator of the group who is an SLP who thanked me for

this answer and asked me to post there more. Our Executive VP Cheryl

SLS/MA Educational Consultant and NJ State Teacher

Representative who read it as well believes this to be fascinating

and told me I need to post this here to our group and get this out

there because my theory " may change the way everyone in the world

looks at speech disorders and how we can help our children " It also

eludes to one of the projects that I'm now working on that I know you

will find very exciting. (So believe me I am doing my best to get

this out there!!) Please again feel free to cut and paste or forward

this on to whomever you believe it may help!

The best thing I suggest is to study myelinazation and the properties

of EFAs (the essential fatty acids) Not all children with speech

delays have myelin problems -however there may be a link between the

rise of neurodevelopmental multifaceted speech and language disorders

in our children and the rise in one of the toxins in the

environment. In other words -the rise in these disorders of speech

may be environmentally based (please read IOM findings) If this is

so -the rise may have in some way damaged the myelin which surrounds

the nerves of the brain -even subtle amounts which may not always

show on MRI's but may somehow affect speech, muscle tone, focus,

behavior, sensory integration, etc. It's known that EFAs have

remylenating properties (study MS info -or NIH myelin info)

Apraxia overlaps in other disorders such as autism, Down syndrome,

CP, Kabuki, and even some rare genetic disorders. There are also

apraxics who seem to display some of the similar traits of those

labeled SLI, which is also genetically based. 7.8 % of children

entering school are diagnosed as having SLI according to an NIH

study. Being that apraxia and SLI have a base in genetic links -and

being that once again EFAs (PUFA) play a role in helping the

transduction of the proteins between the genes in some areas of the

body -that may theoretically be why EFAs are stimulating speech in so

many children, and not just those labeled apraxic. So again, there

may be neurological reasons based in the central nervous system why

the Omega 3/6 EFAs are working.

DHA and EPA are Omega 3 and GLA is Omega 6. Borage Oil has anti-

inflammatory properties that may somehow enable the Omega 3 (DHA or

EPA) to get into the small vessels of the brain where it is needed.

(the EPA possibly being more important than the DHA -but still

together with the GLA and DHA if you follow Dr. 's studies

being done at Oxford with Eye Q) I don't know where you got the

studies about the Omega 3 and Omega 6 -my background is as a toy

inventor -and Adam Kislevich of Colorforms had a great expression -

" The proof is in the pudding " In other words -even if someone

explains " why " the Omega 3/6 shouldn't work...it's working. To check

this out please don't just check out our website -go to a number of

grouplists at -some which are unmoderated -for more anecdotal


If you or anyone else know someone with a diagnosed myelin disorder

who has a speech disorder and are interested in research in this

area, please email me at lisa@... I hope to be posting

information at http://www.apraxia.cc website and grouplist soon about

new information from a large University Hospital.

PS The conference you are talking about in February will be held by

some of the most brilliant speech scientists and a parent from

Pittsburgh PA. They will discuss the etiology of apraxia however

without any pediatric neuromedical doctors or neuromedical scientists

to present the neurological side as to why apraxia is neurologically

based They are calling it the " First Apraxia Conference " . The

conference CHERAB hosted -The (first) " First Apraxia Conference "

which had leading scientists and neuromedical doctors and speech

professionals was already held over the summer 2001 and all the

information is up at our website at http://www.apraxia.cc !


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