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A tracking disability falls under visual disability and is a symptom of ADD. I

never heard of it until last year when my then 8.9 son was diagnosed by special

ed in school. I can only give my sons symptoms and keep in mind my son isn't

typical. What I mean is if you look up visual LD they give 10 possible problem

areas and he fits 2. ADD description doesn't fit at all until you get real

detailed info and then you find a sentence or 2 describing his unusual behavior.

Tracking disability is where the eyes don't work smoothly together. Not like

lazy eye where it would be obvious but more subtle. I can not see it but others

say they can. Symptoms include having trouble tracking down to next line when

reading. Having hard time seeing short words (my son almost always missed the

word the and seemed to just make a guess on 2-letter words). Games involving

balls are hard because the ball is hard to track. The reason I kept taking my

son to eye doctors was he couldn't see stuff out of car window. (ie a deer in

road-you would have to stop car and give him 30 seconds before he saw what you

were talking about. But a standard eye test is different so it doesn't pick up

the tracking difficulties. I taught my son to read and when he got stuck I would

spell the word out loud and he could get it. I knew that was unusual but I

didn't know what it meant and since he was ahead in reading at school the

teachers didn't think it mattered. One question I have if anyone knows is can an

apraxic or speech delayed child even have this since another term for visual

disability is non-verbal LD. Dawn


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  • 3 years later...

Each VeriChip, which can be inserted in just a few minutes in the arm, contains a unique verification number that can be captured using a scanner over the VeriChip. The chip has a special polyethylene sheath that helps skin bond to it so it stays in place. It has no battery, and is said to have an expected lifespan up to 20 years.


Is Dennis Debault recommending autistic kids get chipped?


>Tune out scare tactics surrounding kids' immunizations-Reader's Opinion<

The day our ville Department showed Dennis Debault's Briefing tape on Autism a woman working in the department suggested our kids get chipped. I told her that they have not proven it is safe and they don't track effeciently.


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Please be very very careful. The VeriChip technology is not just about tracking. Please note my field of study is GIS/GPS technology and I understand the technology and the consequences of personal identification (tracking) devises. I make real time digital maps for a living.

Just as your radio tunes in to different frequency to hear different channels, RFID tags and readers have to be tuned to the same frequency to communicate. RFID systems use many different frequencies, but generally the most common are low- (around 125 KHz), high- (13.56 MHz) and ultra-high frequency, or UHF (850-900 MHz). Microwave (2.45 GHz) is also used in some applications. Radio waves behave differently at different frequency, so you have to choose the right frequency for the right application. The implants are capable of receiving and transmitting electronic signals.

Sound waves are known to affect the body differently depending on their frequency. Low frequency vibrations affect the body and vestibular function; sounds that cannot even be heard, can be felt. Mid-range frequency vibrations are those of speech and communication, while high-frequency vibrations energize and affect mental and psychological operations.

Virtually all Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) subjects show a variety of sensory abnormalities. Auditory deficits are present in a minority of individuals and can range from mild to profound hearing loss. Over- or under-reaction to sound is nearly universal, and deficits in language comprehension are often present (3). As in autism, sensory issues are reported in virtually all instances of Hg toxicity. HgP can lead to mild to profound hearing loss; speech discrimination is especially impaired. More overt speech and hearing difficulties become noticeable to parents and pediatricians between 12 and 18 months. (Autism: a Novel Form of Mercury Poisoning (S. Bernard, B.A., A. Enayati, M.S.M.E., L. Redwood, M.S.N., H. , B.A., T. Binstock) Autism has often associated with auditory processing disorders. Auditory problems in autism include in ability to filter auditory information, hypersensitivity, hyposensitivity, inability to modulate certain sounds, delays in auditory processing, and others.

In addition, Autistic brains show neurotransmitter irregularities which are virtually identical to those arising from Hg exposure: both high or low serotonin and dopamine, depending on the subjects studied; elevated epinephrine and norepinephrine in plasma and brain; elevated glutamate; and acetylcholine deficiency in hippocampus. (Autism: a Novel Form of Mercury Poisoning (S. Bernard, B.A., A. Enayati, M.S.M.E., L. Redwood, M.S.N., H. , B.A., T. Binstock)

I believe the combination of hyper hearing (over- or under-reaction to sound), neurotransmitter irregularities (particularly serotonin), and the incorporation of a subdermal Radio Frequency Devise is an unsafe and unwise combination.

It's just a theory.

-----Original Message-----From: EOHarm [mailto:EOHarm ]On Behalf Of Holly BortfeldSent: Monday, September 12, 2005 1:35 PMEOHarm Subject: Re: Tracking

but once they do, I will be first in line to get one for my son!! I have been hoping for one of these for many years!!!!!!


>Tune out scare tactics surrounding kids' immunizations-Reader's Opinion<

The day our ville Department showed Dennis Debault's Briefing tape on Autism a woman working in the department suggested our kids get chipped. I told her that they have not proven it is safe and they don't track effeciently.


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>I believe the combination of hyper hearing (over- or under-reaction tosound), neurotransmitter irregularities (particularly serotonin), and theincorporation of a subdermal Radio Frequency Devise is an unsafe and unwisecombination.<

I agree! What a tragedy to twice harm our children by first taking them to get poisons injected into them and then putting an electrical device into them to do further damage. How in the world can such a foriegn substance be tolerated by the human body when even transplanted organs aren't? People have to go on dibiltating drugs for the rest of their life (my cousin being one). If it sounds wrong to put the blame on vaccinating our kids on ourselves, remember the government has by refusing responsibility on every level. They do put the responsibility on us.


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Modern neurologists have located the mind in the brain and have said that consciousness is the result of electrochemical neurological activity. Neurotransmitter are biochemicals that transmit messages between nerves. Electricity, particularly in the form of nerve impulses called action potentials, is the main mechanism of signaling within the central nervous system. The human ear's purpose in the area of hearing is to convert sound waves into nerve impulses. These impulses are then perceived and interpreted by the brain as sound.

This generation of children who have suffered 187.5 micrograms of thimerosal (Eli Lilly) injected into their system by the age of six months already have irregular neurological chemical activity. Add to that all of the children taking SSRI drugs to regulate their brain serotonin from the damage done by thimerosal, Prozac and Strattera (Eli Lilly) to name two. The addition of a Radio Frequency devise imbedded under their skin would, in my opinion, be disastrous.

I fear the Hep B shot 12 hours after birth (a criminal act) because the Vchip is the easiest method to create “from birth to death immunization registries." Health information connected to the VeriChip is stored on a database, not on the chip, facilitating the updating or expansion of the data via an Internet accessible computer. With the July 2005 appointment of Tommy to the Board of Directors of the VeriChip Corporation this concept could too easily become a reality. Through the 1994 National Vaccine Plan, immunization registries have already been set up by the state governments and are being linked together to form a national "vaccination tracking registry". The plan requires you and your child to be automatically enrolled in this computerized, electronic, government "immunization registry". According to The Business report, 's goal is to link the Vchip to a computerized database being created by the US Department of Health to store and manage the nation's health records.

With my professional experience with GIS/GPS technology and all of the vaccine controversy from thimerosal, the MMR, financial conflict of interests, the Homeland Security Act, to Simpsonwood and Dr. Verstreaten et al. Safety Datalink studies, I would simply like the opportunity to refuse consent, to opt out, of this particular program for my children and grandchildren.

RE: Tracking

>I believe the combination of hyper hearing (over- or under-reaction tosound), neurotransmitter irregularities (particularly serotonin), and theincorporation of a subdermal Radio Frequency Devise is an unsafe and unwisecombination.<

I agree! What a tragedy to twice harm our children by first taking them to get poisons injected into them and then putting an electrical device into them to do further damage. How in the world can such a foriegn substance be tolerated by the human body when even transplanted organs aren't? People have to go on dibiltating drugs for the rest of their life (my cousin being one). If it sounds wrong to put the blame on vaccinating our kids on ourselves, remember the government has by refusing responsibility on every level. They do put the responsibility on us.


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