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I do believe this, unfortunately there a lot of parents that can't stand to be with their kids all day long day in and day out.

Kids who spend 6 hours a day in a public school are being raised by the school system not by their parents who only see them

a few hours a day and weekends.


You believe that all children should stay home rather than go to school?Belinda

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I agree. Our schools need to be smaller, not larger. When did we, as a country,

come to believe that bigger is always better? Small farms, decentralized

schools, you'd know your neighbors and their children, would be great!



> Why do you think our country was so great ever heard of Edison, Einstein, A

Lincoln etc. If children where not educated at home, they where educated in

small community schools organized, funded and controlled by the local community,

not the US gov. and the NEA.......those where the original public schools an

they worked well.......also they where generally multi grade in one room, where

the students stayed the whole day with one teacher, they did not have multiple



> much better system.


> Matt

> Re: Re: Wisconsin






> I also agree.


> Vickie Osborn






> I do believe this, unfortunately there a lot of parents that can't stand

to be with their kids all day long day in and day out.

> Kids who spend 6 hours a day in a public school are being raised by the

school system not by their parents who only see them

> a few hours a day and weekends.

> Chris


> You believe that all children should stay home rather than go to school?


> Belinda


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Idon’t believe that all children should be homeschooled. Not all children are cut out for it. Not all children are cut out for being homeschool teachers.As far as schools teacher remotely. I think in some cases it would work. Some kids absolutely hate school, for whatever reason. I had one that for him, school was difficult. He didn’t like being inside in a classroom. Having him sit for 6 hours of a day would be worse torture! Not all parents could be at home with their kids. Most for economic reasons. Some households, for whatever reason, are single parent homes. Are the schools going to pay th eparents to stay home?? In some cases remote schools may work. But not all cases. From: RawDairy [mailto:RawDairy ] On Behalf Of labelleacresSent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 9:09 PMTo: RawDairy Subject: Re: Wisconsin You believe that all children should stay home rather than go to school?Belinda> > I also agree with Cheyenne that the factory schools and their teaching staff> are a colossal failure and we should restructure that function to the cyber> home learning OHDELA (ohio distance learning academy) model. Costs way> less, frees kids to have customized curriculum and provides the whole family> with computer, printer, scanner and internet so no family's children are> disadvantaged by their birthmother's economic limitations. Just a central> oversight staff to help parents do their real passion of enjoying learning> with their children.>

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P.S. Bill,

My husband said, " That if it weren't for the United States Military, those

nations that you admire would not have had the opportunities they did.

Especially during the Cold War. These socialist utopias you admire are about to

be overrun by the Islamists. Their days are numbered. Ours are too if we don't

pull our heads out of the sand. "

I agree with an earlier poster, that this is not the forum for this

conversation. We should take it elsewhere.


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Possibly the discussion should be somewhere else, but it has been very enlightening to some of us to see the diversity of viewpoints, to recognize the truth of some ideas in the midst of misconceptions in the same point of view..

I still maintain that the workers' co-operatives -- with their community banking backing and their research/work-preparatory education arm -- give us back the individual freedom that we were expecting to develop in the USA.

The unions have become 'suits' just like CEOs as we have seen in our own family where the bricklayers used to have a leader who had been a bricklayer for years, studied what he found useful at lawschool and ran for office.  That didn't please the over-group of union leaders.  Yet he was quite successful locally.

The idea of union solidarity in Poland is maybe more like community-built working class structure, which is how the Basques started out in Spain, being a minority nationally that stuck together against the fascist dictator to build the workers co-operative scheme, complete with banking and vocational training at the advanced level.

Curiously, both the Basques and the Scandinavian groups are racially monoculture...  hmmm.. and then there's the Israeli solidarity, starting to come apart but still strong...  wonder how that does explain why they were able to pioneer these community changing solutions.  Not that it's a complete precondition necessarily to be racially similar but it does show that some form of solidarity would be needed and we would wonder just how to achieve that cultural cohesion...  home-based education, alternative natural medicine, neo-hippie music/art, paleolithic-evolutionary wholesome diet, anti-violence almost amish work oriented producers..  could such a melding of people find self-image cohesiveness for solidarity and social trustingness?  

Gotta get some other work done.MJ Raichyk 


P.S. Bill,

My husband said, " That if it weren't for the United States Military, those nations that you admire would not have had the opportunities they did. Especially during the Cold War. These socialist utopias you admire are about to be overrun by the Islamists. Their days are numbered. Ours are too if we don't pull our heads out of the sand. "

I agree with an earlier poster, that this is not the forum for this conversation. We should take it elsewhere.


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When inexperienced (cheap) workers are hired experienced workers and their

families suffer. Product suffers. Customer service suffers. Consumers, the

ONLY job creators, suffer. Employers benefit. Training is not a big deal,

selflessly done by the lone remaiing qualified employee. Asking sincere

questions shows concern and may b taken emotionally as an insult or raise

suspicion or as an oppty to share information. In a rich country loaded with

natural resources suffering occurs due to poor distrubution waste and

favoritism. There's more than enough but that doesn't apply when hoarding. Our

advancements and working harder and smarter haven't reduced our work hours or

freed us to care for our families or enjoy recreation. Rarely is it the parent

pushing the stroller. Our grandparents thought by their working hard their

children wouldn't have to but its reverting backward to the olden days when it

should b advancing.




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Now that we have outsourced campaign financing and combined with gerrymandering

we can forget about natural and fair elections and count on these types of

wacky. Candidates who would normally not stand a chance. It won't work for

regular people not among the top 400. Amazing how many still have that dream

when considering the statistics.


> There is a reason why we have more small dairy farms than anywhere else in

> the U.S.!! To bad a thug like funded by outside corporate cash

> is trying to undo Wisconsin's progressive democratic traditions. We won't

> let him get away with it without a fight!

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  • 1 year later...
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Does anyone reading have an experience with the doctor in WI that does casting?

If so, I'd love to touch base. We have our initial appt with him next week.


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