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Re: Digest Number 529

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> From: Sala <joeysala@...>

> Subject: help.......


> Question: what is the experience of those who have had a problem with

diarrhea relating to this? Could it be a reaction to the increase in

doxy? I'm taking lactobacillus acidophilus twice a day...am considering

increasing to three a day. My doctor assures me that if I develop this

problem there will be no doubt in my mind! I so seldom get diarrhea that

I can't help but be suspicious!


> So, I would appreciate hearing some opinions, if anyone has the time

or inclination.


> Thanx,

Maybe the particular type of acidophilus, but it sounds (sorry) more

like the flu. If you get the c difficile diarrhea, there is no doubt and

what you describe sounds far to mild to be that. c-d is more like every

3-12 minutes, nonstop, 24 hrs/day, day in/day-out. What you describe

sounds much more like flu... unless:

What you didn't say...

Does it happen on only on days when you take the increased dosages? If

so, look for it to be an adverse reaction to the increased dosage and

try cutting back.

As to the pepper, I can't speak for others but for me, pepper causes

tremendous and ferocious flaring, often accompanied by increased gastric

activity (acid indigestion) but *NOT* diarrhea.

BTW, the symptoms you are describing sound very much like what my dear

Bride has been fighting for sometime and she is on no medication and has

no long-term or chronic disorders we are aware of. Hence my pence would

be bet on the flu.



Geoff Crenshaw, ACC -----------------------

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  • 1 month later...


I found the section of Osler's Web that Ken was referring to. Its page 88

& 89 in the section titled Raleigh, North Carolina in the hardcover &

paperback. It's about a family in the US with a South African relative

that visits with flu-like symptoms & the resulting illness in the family

across the US. He published an aritcle in the New England Journal of

Medicine on the family's illness. The family contacted Dr Grufferman and

that's why he developed the interest in CFS and a possible cancer

connection and then went on to follow the sympony and its members with

CFS..... -E (I own about six copies of Osler's Web....)

><< the book " Osler's Web " appears to trace some of the last pandemic

> (1979-1984) with a possible " patient Zero " bringing a new version from South

> Africa, causing the incline village outbreak and spreading from there to SF

> and LA.... etc

> >>

>Ken, could you direct me to those pages in Osler's Web?

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In a message dated 12/29/99 9:52:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, esp@...


<< bringing a new version from South

> Africa, causing the incline village outbreak and spreading from there to SF

> and LA.... etc >>

That part must have zoomed right by me. Thanks.....I just reread those

pages. That must be why is " 00 " .....they already had a " zero! "


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

I am also interested in the question

asks..Are most of the same drugs available in Canada

the we have in the US but at a lower cost?? If so can

an American doctors prescription be filled there or

must it be from a Canadian doctor???? I take several

drugs, and for now I am in an HMO, but a good one, I

take Enbrel and it is $1200.00 US dollars for 8

injections, if I had to pay full cost, with the HMO, I

have been authorized for 6 more months, but they could

at that time decide I am costing them too much. But I

do know from a cousin that is a pharmacist that the US

government subsidizes pharmacys for this drug. I take

as many generic durgs as I can get but some have no

counter part and name brands are all that we can get,

those are $25.00 each and generic can be from $2 or $3

up to $25, that is the most we pay with our plan, they

are all different.

But if it ever hapened just knowing the drugs are

there and my own physician could write for them would

be wonderful.

We have many advantages in the country but the cost

of drugs is way out of line, and many are totally out

of reach for many people, I know some that ask

physicians for the cheapist drug to do the job,

because buying prescriptions means less food, or some

other choice or something they will have to do with

out just to keep blood pressure down or get over a

short illness. Many of our insurance plans have no Rx

plans at all. So many go without and should not have

to. Then others get Medicaid of some kind and get

some medications, but many do not meet the criteria

for Medicaid, they make a few $ too much or have a few

$ in the bank for retirement. All's not fair.


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Responding to questions about Canadian drugs and lower prices: Also, many,

many Californians, Arizona(ns?) and Nevada residents go to Mexico to get

their prescriptions filled for way fewer $$'s. All they need is a valid

prescription from their doctor and the drugstores will fill them. I've done

it in the past for certain medications, and most of the prescribing doctors

are well aware of it. Although I agree with Gillian regarding all the

research and years waiting for approval by the drug manufacturers, and the

immense amounts of money required, there ARE some drugs that the

manufacturers REFUSE to allow to be manufactured as a generic. Regards to

all, Bunny

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Chronic headaches can of course be caused by many things. He could not

possible be harmed by doing several things and will definitely be helped

by all. First, clean out his colon and do it well. Eat lots of fruit,

at least 4 servings per day and on an empty stomach. Next, take a high

potency vitamin and mineral supplement in powdered form, maybe in

capsules. Next, drink a great deal of good quality water. If

possible, get a good distiller and USE it. Hulda recommends a

filter. She is very knowledgeable so if you can't get a distiller use

her recommended filter. Next, drink some fresh veg. juice every day.

If you don't have a juicer, use your blender to puree your (possibly

carrots and celery) vegs, strain, and drink immediately. Take Vit. C in

fairly large amounts for a while. Bronson Pharmaceuticals puts out a

very pure Vit. C in powdered form that is easy to take. Exercise every

day for about 2 weeks at least. Maybe 30 to 45 min. per day aerobic.

Walking won't do it for many people. The colon cleansing will take a

while and need not be too explosive. QUIT sugar altogether. Use dried

fruits if you must, but no no sugar. Limit starches too. You can do

it. Just make sure substitutes are easily available and USE them. You

can do it. Best wishes pj

egroups wrote:



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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 3/14/02 10:40:02 AM,


<< What are other people paying in various parts of the country? >>

Does anyone know of any good prices for eggs, raw milk, cream etc. in the LA

or Thousand Oaks, CA area -- my local Whole Foods wants 3.50 a quart for the

raw milk and with 3 children, there is simply no way!!

Namaste, Liz

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Whole foods just told me that it is illegal to sell raw cream and butter in

CA. I asked what's difference between that and milk? They said they don't


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umbasheer@... wrote:

> Whole foods just told me that it is illegal to sell

> raw cream and butter in CA. I asked what's

> difference between that and milk? They said they

> don't know.

I'm not saying that this is a good or valid reason, but I have an idea what

the justification for the difference might be. I would suspect that the

difference is that butter and cream requires processing that would increase

the possibility of contamination.

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Don't believe them.

I buy raw cream all the time at Claravale dairy and he wouldn't risk losing

his license over this!

The owner also told me that it is legal to sell raw butter in CA, there just

isn't anyone producing it.

Importing it across state lines is illegal however. (Ok--so how many will

'fess up that they've done this?)

----- Original Message -----

From: <umbasheer@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 6:01 AM

Subject: Re: Digest Number 529

> Whole foods just told me that it is illegal to sell raw cream and butter


> CA. I asked what's difference between that and milk? They said they


> know.




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  • 4 weeks later...
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My husband just had his defib replaced, first replacement. it was a breeze,

we wish the same for all of you

Can we just get the monthly newsletter? We do not want to get any more


Thanks and good luck.

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In a message dated 4/7/02 8:00:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, NanBee8@... writes:

My husband just had his defib replaced, first replacement. it was a breeze,

we wish the same for all of you

Thank you for sharing that. I am about to get mine replaced am scared silly. I even postponed it several weeks because I was so jittery, wasn't that a smart move?

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

> From: bflmommie

> p.s. What brand of cottage cheese and yogurt does everyone use. The

> kind I'm not satisfied with the generic brand I usually get.

I highly recommend Horizon Organic Cottage Cheese and yogurt. Costs more

but worth every penny.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Vicki,

I was diagnosied with RA at 37. I am on MTX and Embrel both by injection. Its really easy and with the new super thin and sharp needles you really don feel a thing.

I started on MTX pills but had far too many side effects. I have nearly no side effects using injectable.

Because these drugs suppress immune function TB test, and vaccines are neccessary before starting these meds. It is harder on your body to fight infection when on immune supressent drugs. Pneumonia can be fatal for a person on immune supressents.

As far as how you will respond to your treatment, its hard to say because we are all so different. Some people do fine on MTX and folic acid. Some do fine on Embrel alone.

Embrel has excellent support services offered through the drug company. I'm sure many of the others have simular programs.

Good luck


In a message dated 11/19/03 10:44:08 AM Central Standard Time, Rheumatoid Arthritis writes:

Message: 6

Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 22:36:27 -0000

From: "Vicki" <Gagliardi1543@...>

Subject: On Methotrexate again

Hello all. Hope everyone is doing ok. I was originally diagnosed

when I was 6 and between the ages of 21-29, I had minimal flares.

Now we are back in full swing. I am learning about the new injection

medications, Enebral & Humira. I am a bit afraid of needles though.

I just started taking Methotrexate again. Is it possible that the

Methotrexate may help the disease alone? It did in the past, or

should I really plan on trying the new injections? How has it worked

for some of you? Also, I had to have a TB test and got a shot to

prevent pneumonia. Is this something that is normally done now? I

feel so new to this disease again, because alot has changed in the

past few years. It's nice to have a place to read about other people

going through the same thing though. I don't feel as much alone as I

did when I was younger.

Thanks and take care,


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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 10/31/2005 5:09:25 PM US Mountain Standard Time, neck pain writes:

Message: 4 Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 14:28:20 -0000 From: "skcritters" <skcritters@...>Subject: Question about swallowing difficultiesHello all! On 4/5/05 I had spinal fusion from C2-C6. The surgery went fine, but swallowing has been a challenge for me. For the first 3 weeks I could swallow nothing but thin liquids. Gradually I made my way to solid foods (after about 11 weeks). Still I can't eat some of my favorites, like steamed clams. Eating steak, pasta and breads are also tricky. Seems if it doesn't break down into tiny pieces, it seems to get "stuck" in the middle of my throat. I have a "thick feeling" all the time in my throat. I had a barium swallow study while in the hospital (3 days post-op)and another about 6 weeks later. Both showed swelling in my throat. Went to an ENT specialist who also said the same thing. I gave it more time, but although I am able to eat most solid foods, I still have problems with some, as well as swallowing some meds., and the constant feeling that something is "stuck" in my throat (reminds me of the feeling when you have post-nasal drip).Does anyone have any ideas? I have another follow-up appt. with my surgeon tomorrow.Tks.Sandi


Get your Thyroid ckecked, I'm not kidding. That's one of the first signs I had that mine was enlarged. It helps fight off germs & viruses. The shock of the surgery to your system may have made it act up. I would have to lean over & let what ever I had in my mouth just fall out or choke. Don't just get the TSH test that Drs'. give get a"full" Thyroid panel, make sure it's a full one. Good luck.


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  • 11 months later...

Hey Group: (FYI)

The FLU Shot is a 'must have' for each and every one of us Survivors. Due to

my health issues, I've had to have them each year for many years. One year I

forgot and had to be hospitalized, I thought I was gonna die from the side

effects. The shot will not give you the flu because the virus is dead. Our

immune systems are compromised with our bug and whether pro or con this shot. .

.. PLEASE get it, believe me it is a 'necessity' for you! I also make sure I take

the Pneumonia shot when I need it, though Doctors aren't on the same page as to

3,5,7,10 year intervals (hehehehehe).

" K "


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