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I need help

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I know that this doesn't pertain to the group..but i need help.........

For those that want to contact Viacom regarding BET/Viacom's decision not to

renew its contract

with Tavis Smiley for BET Tonight.

*, M (no city given):

" Thought the readers might want to know how to respond

from Tom Joyner's website (http://www.tomjoyner.com/indanews/)

'Of course the big story of the morning is that new owner Viacom

has not renewed Tavis Smiley's contract on BET. Tavis was on

our show this morning to tell us he'd thought about resigning

when he got the news (a four-line fax) but decided to continue

doing his show until his contract expires because he was

concerned about his loyal production team and of course

you, the audience.

Thanks Tavis. And we are letting you know just how much

we appreciate you by calling the CEO of Viacom. His name is

Mel Karmazin. His phone number is (212) 975-6500. We

understand his voice mailbox was full shortly after we gave

out his number so call the main number. It's (212) 258-6000.

Or you can e-mail Mr. Karmazin at Mel.karmazin@....

Please note that this is a different e-mail address than we gave

out earlier. Keep calling, e mailing and writing until Tavis

is back on the air!' "


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I know that this doesn't pertain to the group..but i need help.........

For those that want to contact Viacom regarding BET/Viacom's decision not to

renew its contract

with Tavis Smiley for BET Tonight.

*, M (no city given):

" Thought the readers might want to know how to respond

from Tom Joyner's website (http://www.tomjoyner.com/indanews/)

'Of course the big story of the morning is that new owner Viacom

has not renewed Tavis Smiley's contract on BET. Tavis was on

our show this morning to tell us he'd thought about resigning

when he got the news (a four-line fax) but decided to continue

doing his show until his contract expires because he was

concerned about his loyal production team and of course

you, the audience.

Thanks Tavis. And we are letting you know just how much

we appreciate you by calling the CEO of Viacom. His name is

Mel Karmazin. His phone number is (212) 975-6500. We

understand his voice mailbox was full shortly after we gave

out his number so call the main number. It's (212) 258-6000.

Or you can e-mail Mr. Karmazin at Mel.karmazin@....

Please note that this is a different e-mail address than we gave

out earlier. Keep calling, e mailing and writing until Tavis

is back on the air!' "


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You know, there are many reasons for belonging to this group and frankly, I'd be interested to know what yours is. You have shared the fact that you enjoy Rezoom, you have contributed some interesting poetry, and you have raised the point that no-one answered your question about the nutrient composition of Eygyptian cuisine, but how do you you see that these issues relate to Body For Life? Reading the posts of this group, you cannot help but be aware of the fact that many people work tremendously hard to achieve their goals and that they use this forum to share them: they seek and give support here.

It's my opinion that this isn't the place to solicit support for entirely unrelated issues. You have been thoroughly welcomed and embraced here as a member of this group for some time, so isn't it time that you participate in the same spirit? .

NB. Please be aware that in stating my opinion, I am not representing the list.

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you ARE representing MY opinion also. The first post that I can recall

this person posting was how this program wasnt working for them... after a

few months, I can now see why.....

That has been the ONLY relevant post since Feb 1st that I have seen....

I just have to wonder WHY????


In a message dated 3/25/2001 8:13:25 AM Eastern Standard Time,

eljayef@... writes:

<< You have been thoroughly welcomed and embraced here as a

member of this group for some time, so isn't it time that you participate in

the same spirit? .

NB. Please be aware that in stating my opinion, I am not representing the



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I know that you don't speak for the list, you I certain share your

opinion and comments. After all, this IS the BFL group!


> You know, there are many reasons for belonging to this group and

frankly, I'd

> be interested to know what yours is. You have shared the fact that

you enjoy

> Rezoom, you have contributed some interesting poetry, and you have

raised the

> point that no-one answered your question about the nutrient

composition of

> Eygyptian cuisine, but how do you you see that these issues relate

to Body

> For Life? Reading the posts of this group, you cannot help but be

aware of

> the fact that many people work tremendously hard to achieve their

goals and

> that they use this forum to share them: they seek and give support


> It's my opinion that this isn't the place to solicit support for


> unrelated issues. You have been thoroughly welcomed and embraced

here as a

> member of this group for some time, so isn't it time that you

participate in

> the same spirit? .

> NB. Please be aware that in stating my opinion, I am not

representing the

> list.

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I know that you don't speak for the list, you I certain share your

opinion and comments. After all, this IS the BFL group!


> You know, there are many reasons for belonging to this group and

frankly, I'd

> be interested to know what yours is. You have shared the fact that

you enjoy

> Rezoom, you have contributed some interesting poetry, and you have

raised the

> point that no-one answered your question about the nutrient

composition of

> Eygyptian cuisine, but how do you you see that these issues relate

to Body

> For Life? Reading the posts of this group, you cannot help but be

aware of

> the fact that many people work tremendously hard to achieve their

goals and

> that they use this forum to share them: they seek and give support


> It's my opinion that this isn't the place to solicit support for


> unrelated issues. You have been thoroughly welcomed and embraced

here as a

> member of this group for some time, so isn't it time that you

participate in

> the same spirit? .

> NB. Please be aware that in stating my opinion, I am not

representing the

> list.

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  • 6 years later...
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In a message dated 4/25/2007 6:12:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, hillery

schanck@... writes:

About 2 weeks ago he was going potty every 5 minutes because he

thought he " might " have to go. Miraculously that passed and now he

just WORRIES. We have instituted " worry time " ...ten minutes each day

by timer...so that he can save them up and vent them with mom. I can

see that it helps, but is a band aid that will not last. He wants

worry time in the morning, in the afternoon, etc.


Welcome to the group. had good ideas. I've heard a lot of parents

comment on the 'worry box' providing some relief for the child. I wonder if

you could let him choose which time of day his 'worry time' is going to be each

day - I mean, change it if he wants. Maybe today he wakes up & is worried

right away.... so have worry time in the morning. Maybe tomorrow the morning

will be good & he'll be worried after school - have it then. You know, that

kind of thing.

My dd also did the confessing - she actually worried about things she 'may

have done' YEARS ago though! She wanted to know if she should call certain

kids' parents to tell them things she when with their child (maybe said a bad

word or something)... It is just heartbreaking.

I don't know what to offer about you going on a 5 day trip. Is your husband

capable of handling everything on his own? As OCD parents, we know that

means WAY more than the usual husband has to deal with when the wife is gone!!!

Be sure you talk to your son a lot by phone. You could also leave a little

card with a note for him to open every day. In fact, you could tell him

that while you're on your trip, that's exactly what the cards are for - he can

open & read them... then he should write down his worries for that day, put

them inside the card & put it in a drawer. He does this every day while you're

gone, so when you get back you can look them at & help him " get rid of

them " . That could be like a special " worry box " for while you're gone.


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In a message dated 4/25/2007 10:01:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

hilleryschanck@... writes:

Actually, I am the dad.


OOPS!!! As my daughter would say, " My Bad! " I should have picked up on the

" e " in Hillery. My ex-brother-in-law's middle name is Hillery..... but it's

been so long since I've seen the name, I forgot it's masculine spelling!

In any event, it still holds true. When either parent, Dad or Mom, goes

away for an extended time, the other is left to dealing with not only what the

average family has to deal with, but SO much more! It takes a certain kind of

strength & energy to get through it. I hope your wife doesn't have too many

issues while you're gone.


************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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Welcome to the group! We have all been there and this sounds very familiar! I

have two kids diagnosed with ocd, ages 10 and 5.

It sounds like you are doing the right thing! I know how hard it is holding on

for that first appointment.

Tamar Chansky's book is a great place to start.

We are all here if you need support or questions!

Hang in there !!!



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Hi Hillery,

Well if you read through recent posts, you know you are definitely

not alone!

Only have a minute now but wanted to welcome you to the group. I

think it was a very good idea to do the " worry time " ! Since things

are sort of at a crisis/highly anxious time right now (and your appt

a month away), you might want to relent and have worry time twice a

day for now, with your son knowing the goal will be to reduce it to

once a day.

Some things I have read in the past here - and I don't know how well

your son writes at his age - is to have a worry box; write the worry

down and put it in the box instead of telling mom/dad; hmmmm...I

think sometimes " that's it " or sometimes they might be read later;

can't quite recall how parents did it, guess it's different in each

family. Or you can try to limit the number of worries/fears he is

allowed to tell each day, or at each time. With the goal being over

time to reduce it from, e.g., 25 worries to 24, 23, 22...per day

that he can confess.

There are some books for kids about OCD. He might enjoy them, let

him know he is definitely not alone and that his worries have a

name: OCD.

OK, very quick thoughts this morning but your family is definitely

on the right track. It *is* so hard to see how children suffer!

Right now my 18 yr old son is having a rough time with " bad

thoughts " ; his OCD began in 6th grade and there have been easy times

since but hit a rough patch this past year. He also used to ask a

lot of reassurance questions before 6th grade but his were more

about would something give him cancer, how long until a cut heals,

what is this blemish/mark on his skin...same questions again & again.

single mom, 3 sons

, 18, with OCD, dysgraphia and Aspergers/autism(mild)


> I have just joined this group yesterday.


> My son who is just about to turn 7 has all of a sudden had a surge


> OCD-like behaviors. When we look back we can really begin to see

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In a message dated 4/25/2007 11:46:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

hilleryschanck@... writes:

I noticed that you are in Virginia Beach. We are also. Our

appointment with with Dr. Zocco. Are you able to share who you are

using and your experience?


HA!!! NO KIDDING?? Dr. Zocco is the psychologist WE went to!!!! Of

course, our visits were only a few. I'll try not to go on here about it (as


sure the other folks on the board are sick of my story already! haha) but, it

took us MONTHS & MONTHS to find a psychologist (Zocco) who was actually

experienced in CBT & ERP therapy for kids with OCD. By the time we came across

her, our daughter was doing so well on meds that she literally told us on our

3rd appt that we may as well not come back because there are no symptoms left

with which she can teach our daughter to work on!!

She is a sweet, really neat lady. Very " real people " . As your wife knows

by now from phone calls, she has a big New York type accent... maybe it's more

Boston accent... but you know the type I mean. She's a very realistic,

kind, caring person (from the few visits we had with her).

We decided in that last appt that we would slowly start to decrease dd's

meds - when and *if* symptoms recurred, we would call her & she would get us

right back in. Dr. Zocco did say that in some cases - not real common, but

she's seen it happen - that when the meds are decreased, the symptoms just


return. That's where we seem to be at this point. My dd is down to 20mg

Prozac daily from 50mg.... all is well so far.

We do know that the OCD is something she will always have - forever. One

day, could be years from now, it might rear it's ugly head again on her. Our

only concern is that she never had the opportunity to learn the therapy & how

to fight it on her own.

Are we sorry for putting on meds because of this????? NO-FREAKIN-WAY!!!!

Our daughter went from hero-to-zero in the course of about 3 1/2 weeks. Her

life was shattered. She spent every night crying her eyes out. She was a 14

yr old girl who couldn't even shower by herself. No - we are not sorry in any

way, shape, or form for putting her on meds. It was best decision we made.

Now we know (and more importantly, SHE knows) what the watch for. Little

signs that OCD might be creeping back in.

How exciting for you to have found Dr Zocco right off the bat. She wasn't

on the OCD Foundation doctors list when I joined. And, I'm sure you've also

realized that these therapists don't have print ads in the phone book that say

" OCD TREAMENT " . They are not easy to find, even when right under your nose!

Let me know how your wife & son like Dr. Z after the appt tomorrow.


************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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My son sounds a great deal like your son. We saw odd behaviors when he was

around 4, nothing really extreme, just odd. Things you describe. Then around

the time he turned 7, he had a bad experience at a birthday party, it seemed to

start right after that. Now, that family also had strep, so who knows the real

start. But, we did see these behaviors before, now that we really look at it.

It started with a bang as well. He was a different kid all in one day. Violent

thoughts, crying, screaming, all at once it became so horrible for our whole


My son has bad thoughts ocd. He was doing the confessing thing, still does, but

not as much. He also was afraid of doing something wrong, " I think I said ----

was fat " The worst are the violent thoughts, he is such a sweet gentle child,

and we really sheltered him from violent movies and shows, most definitely, a

really good thing turns out.

Ben is doing so much better, one year later. He has never taken meds, we

haven't ruled it out, but hasn't been necessary. We tried the inositol, kiddie

calmer (still use that) and some other supplements. But, nothing right now. He

sees a therapist, right now as needed. I know that we are in a big waning

period. But, it will come back. He is so much better able to handle his thoughts

now. Mostly about other people being his parents, or kissing a girl. Those are

the ones that have stuck. He still does things, like lick his hands when he

thinks they are dirty, and sometimes his arm if someone bumps him. ewww. But,

the terror is gone, for now. We even all had the flu for two weeks and it knock

knock knock, hasn't been too bad.

We were already going to homeschool him, before ocd came up, so that has worked

out for the best too. He is still very high strung, very emotional for the most

part and probably has some adhd too. So, we know homeschooling is best for him

and are pretty sure he would be in a special class at this point. As I read

about school difficulties here, I'm glad we already made that decision. I was a

teacher, and I know how the " system " can be for special needs kids. It took me a

while to be able to say " I have a special needs child " . But, I do.

If you actually want to talk to someone, I would be happy to. Our little guys

sound very similar. Here is my email address


Take care of yourselves, it is so important. Take time away, and give yourselves

a huge break. This is something that encompasses your lives. We have a thingy we

say and do when things are hard for our family, Crisis mode--dealing with some

major upset--eat take out, relax, circle the wagons, stay home and be together.

Coping mode--things are not a crisis, but still difficult--still eat take out,

let the little stuff go and try and get some me time. Recovery mode--get back to

normal as best you can.

Take time to care for you, so you can be there for your son.

I Need Help

I have just joined this group yesterday.

My son who is just about to turn 7 has all of a sudden had a surge of

OCD-like behaviors. When we look back we can really begin to see the

pattern forming since he was about 4, but all of a sudden, bang!,

this is out of control.

It started when he was in preschool confessing each day things that

he did at school...minor things. He would talk to his mom on the way

home...she would reassure him and that would be that.

Now he is totally worrying, (and conscious of that fact) about

whether he stuck his tongue out at someone, or said something mean to

someone, or a whole host of other things. I am pretty certain (99%)

that he has done NONE of the things he talks about, but I cannot

prove it. So I do not want to give the impression that if he DID do

these things, that it would be OK. But he wants reassurance that

mommy and daddy will still love him if he did. Of course we do, and

tell him that fact.

About 2 weeks ago he was going potty every 5 minutes because he

thought he " might " have to go. Miraculously that passed and now he

just WORRIES. We have instituted " worry time " ...ten minutes each day

by timer...so that he can save them up and vent them with mom. I can

see that it helps, but is a band aid that will not last. He wants

worry time in the morning, in the afternoon, etc.

We have an appointment in a month with an OCD specialist in our area,

but I am so afraid of the next 30 days.

We have no idea what we are doing or should be doing. My son last

night asked me " why I keep praying to God to take away the worries in

my brain, but God is not answering me. " I started crying while in

putting him down for bed, and that just made him sad. I am leaving

on a trip today for 5 days, and I played it like I was sad because I

was just going to miss my family...but the reality is, I am terrified

to leave him because it feels like I am just watching my son drown in

his own mind, and I can do nothing.

I have started reading the book, Freeing Your Child From OCD, by

Tamar Chansky.

I need help. Can anyone talk to me?

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Actually, I am the dad. I had already planned on doing the cards.

He does choose the time for worry time...actually he decides each day

if and when he wants it. He has done it each day, but sometimes asks

me or my wife if we think he needs it. We always tell him that it is

up to him.

I am so appreciate of all the responses.




> In a message dated 4/25/2007 6:12:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,


> schanck@... writes:


> About 2 weeks ago he was going potty every 5 minutes because he

> thought he " might " have to go. Miraculously that passed and now


> just WORRIES. We have instituted " worry time " ...ten minutes each


> by timer...so that he can save them up and vent them with mom. I


> see that it helps, but is a band aid that will not last. He wants

> worry time in the morning, in the afternoon, etc.



> Hillery


> Welcome to the group. had good ideas. I've heard a lot of


> comment on the 'worry box' providing some relief for the child. I

wonder if

> you could let him choose which time of day his 'worry time' is

going to be each

> day - I mean, change it if he wants. Maybe today he wakes up & is


> right away.... so have worry time in the morning. Maybe tomorrow

the morning

> will be good & he'll be worried after school - have it then. You

know, that

> kind of thing.


> My dd also did the confessing - she actually worried about things

she 'may

> have done' YEARS ago though! She wanted to know if she should call


> kids' parents to tell them things she when with their child (maybe

said a bad

> word or something)... It is just heartbreaking.


> I don't know what to offer about you going on a 5 day trip. Is

your husband

> capable of handling everything on his own? As OCD parents, we

know that

> means WAY more than the usual husband has to deal with when the

wife is gone!!!

> Be sure you talk to your son a lot by phone. You could also

leave a little

> card with a note for him to open every day. In fact, you could

tell him

> that while you're on your trip, that's exactly what the cards are

for - he can

> open & read them... then he should write down his worries for that

day, put

> them inside the card & put it in a drawer. He does this every day

while you're

> gone, so when you get back you can look them at & help him " get

rid of

> them " . That could be like a special " worry box " for while you're


> LT




> ************************************** See what's free at





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I noticed that you are in Virginia Beach. We are also. Our

appointment with with Dr. Zocco. Are you able to share who you are

using and your experience?




> In a message dated 4/25/2007 10:01:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> hilleryschanck@... writes:


> Actually, I am the dad.



> Hillery


> OOPS!!! As my daughter would say, " My Bad! " I should have picked

up on the

> " e " in Hillery. My ex-brother-in-law's middle name is

Hillery..... but it's

> been so long since I've seen the name, I forgot it's masculine



> In any event, it still holds true. When either parent, Dad or

Mom, goes

> away for an extended time, the other is left to dealing with not

only what the

> average family has to deal with, but SO much more! It takes a

certain kind of

> strength & energy to get through it. I hope your wife doesn't

have too many

> issues while you're gone.

> LT




> ************************************** See what's free at





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Guest guest


I'm sure you've also realized that these therapists don't have print

ads in the phone book that say " OCD TREAMENT " .

Then again, some do, but when you talk to them they ask, " What is

ERP? " <rolling eyes> It's frustrating trying separate those who

know, from those who claim they know, but don't.

Welcome, Hillery. Boy, can I relate to the feelings you described

that you have concerning your son's OCD. I think most in here can.

It is an awful thing to see them slipping away and feel helpless, not

knowing what the right thing to do is. <hope that made sense>

Sounds like you are on the right track though. Reading and educating

yourself with good books, written by people who know, will give you

hope you can get through this while you wait to get into therapy.

Another good book is " What to do when your Child has

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder " by Aureen Wagner.

Glad you are here.



> In a message dated 4/25/2007 11:46:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> hilleryschanck@... writes:


> I noticed that you are in Virginia Beach. We are also. Our

> appointment with with Dr. Zocco. Are you able to share who you are

> using and your experience?



> Hillery


> HA!!! NO KIDDING?? Dr. Zocco is the psychologist WE went to!!!! Of

> course, our visits were only a few. I'll try not to go on here

about it (as I'm

> sure the other folks on the board are sick of my story already!

haha) but, it

> took us MONTHS & MONTHS to find a psychologist (Zocco) who was


> experienced in CBT & ERP therapy for kids with OCD. By the time we

came across

> her, our daughter was doing so well on meds that she literally told

us on our

> 3rd appt that we may as well not come back because there are no

symptoms left

> with which she can teach our daughter to work on!!


> She is a sweet, really neat lady. Very " real people " . As your

wife knows

> by now from phone calls, she has a big New York type accent... maybe

it's more

> Boston accent... but you know the type I mean. She's a very


> kind, caring person (from the few visits we had with her).


> We decided in that last appt that we would slowly start to decrease


> meds - when and *if* symptoms recurred, we would call her & she

would get us

> right back in. Dr. Zocco did say that in some cases - not real

common, but

> she's seen it happen - that when the meds are decreased, the

symptoms just don't

> return. That's where we seem to be at this point. My dd is down

to 20mg

> Prozac daily from 50mg.... all is well so far.


> We do know that the OCD is something she will always have - forever.


> day, could be years from now, it might rear it's ugly head again on

her. Our

> only concern is that she never had the opportunity to learn the

therapy & how

> to fight it on her own.


> Are we sorry for putting on meds because of this?????


> Our daughter went from hero-to-zero in the course of about 3 1/2

weeks. Her

> life was shattered. She spent every night crying her eyes out.

She was a 14

> yr old girl who couldn't even shower by herself. No - we are not

sorry in any

> way, shape, or form for putting her on meds. It was best decision

we made.


> Now we know (and more importantly, SHE knows) what the watch for.


> signs that OCD might be creeping back in.


> How exciting for you to have found Dr Zocco right off the bat. She


> on the OCD Foundation doctors list when I joined. And, I'm sure

you've also

> realized that these therapists don't have print ads in the phone

book that say

> " OCD TREAMENT " . They are not easy to find, even when right under

your nose!

> Let me know how your wife & son like Dr. Z after the appt tomorrow.

> LT




> ************************************** See what's free at





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I am overwhelmed this afternoon...not by my son, but from the great

support you have given me today. My wife and I have read each of

your messages and know that we are not alone.

Thank you...all of you.

Grace and peace to each of you.


> >


> I'm sure you've also realized that these therapists don't have print

> ads in the phone book that say " OCD TREAMENT " .


> Then again, some do, but when you talk to them they ask, " What is

> ERP? " <rolling eyes> It's frustrating trying separate those who

> know, from those who claim they know, but don't.


> Welcome, Hillery. Boy, can I relate to the feelings you described

> that you have concerning your son's OCD. I think most in here can.

> It is an awful thing to see them slipping away and feel helpless,


> knowing what the right thing to do is. <hope that made sense>


> Sounds like you are on the right track though. Reading and


> yourself with good books, written by people who know, will give you

> hope you can get through this while you wait to get into therapy.


> Another good book is " What to do when your Child has

> Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder " by Aureen Wagner.


> Glad you are here.


> BJ



> >

> > In a message dated 4/25/2007 11:46:12 A.M. Eastern Standard


> > hilleryschanck@ writes:

> >

> > I noticed that you are in Virginia Beach. We are also. Our

> > appointment with with Dr. Zocco. Are you able to share who you


> > using and your experience?

> >

> >

> > Hillery

> >

> > HA!!! NO KIDDING?? Dr. Zocco is the psychologist WE went

to!!!! Of

> > course, our visits were only a few. I'll try not to go on here

> about it (as I'm

> > sure the other folks on the board are sick of my story already!

> haha) but, it

> > took us MONTHS & MONTHS to find a psychologist (Zocco) who was

> actually

> > experienced in CBT & ERP therapy for kids with OCD. By the time


> came across

> > her, our daughter was doing so well on meds that she literally


> us on our

> > 3rd appt that we may as well not come back because there are no

> symptoms left

> > with which she can teach our daughter to work on!!

> >

> > She is a sweet, really neat lady. Very " real people " . As your

> wife knows

> > by now from phone calls, she has a big New York type accent...


> it's more

> > Boston accent... but you know the type I mean. She's a very

> realistic,

> > kind, caring person (from the few visits we had with her).

> >

> > We decided in that last appt that we would slowly start to


> dd's

> > meds - when and *if* symptoms recurred, we would call her & she

> would get us

> > right back in. Dr. Zocco did say that in some cases - not real

> common, but

> > she's seen it happen - that when the meds are decreased, the

> symptoms just don't

> > return. That's where we seem to be at this point. My dd is down

> to 20mg

> > Prozac daily from 50mg.... all is well so far.

> >

> > We do know that the OCD is something she will always have -


> One

> > day, could be years from now, it might rear it's ugly head again


> her. Our

> > only concern is that she never had the opportunity to learn the

> therapy & how

> > to fight it on her own.

> >

> > Are we sorry for putting on meds because of this?????


> > Our daughter went from hero-to-zero in the course of about 3 1/2

> weeks. Her

> > life was shattered. She spent every night crying her eyes out.

> She was a 14

> > yr old girl who couldn't even shower by herself. No - we are not

> sorry in any

> > way, shape, or form for putting her on meds. It was best


> we made.

> >

> > Now we know (and more importantly, SHE knows) what the watch


> Little

> > signs that OCD might be creeping back in.

> >

> > How exciting for you to have found Dr Zocco right off the bat.


> wasn't

> > on the OCD Foundation doctors list when I joined. And, I'm sure

> you've also

> > realized that these therapists don't have print ads in the phone

> book that say

> > " OCD TREAMENT " . They are not easy to find, even when right under

> your nose!

> > Let me know how your wife & son like Dr. Z after the appt


> > LT

> >

> >

> >

> > ************************************** See what's free at

> http://www.aol.com.

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

When I read your post I was STUNNED. More than any other post I've

read it sounded like my son...who at 7 became OCD and when we thought

back it had been since @4. Please let us know how the apppointment

went. I didn't find this group for a year. I'm glad you found it

now. there is hope - My son has been sub-clinical for over a year.

It is something we will always deal with but for now, It only rears

its ugly head when he gets sleep deprived. He is on low dose Zoloft.

It helped take the edge off so he could actually do the CBT-ERP.

best wishes




> I have just joined this group yesterday.


> My son who is just about to turn 7 has all of a sudden had a surge


> OCD-like behaviors. When we look back we can really begin to see


> pattern forming since he was about 4, but all of a sudden, bang!,

> this is out of control.


> It started when he was in preschool confessing each day things that

> he did at school...minor things. He would talk to his mom on the


> home...she would reassure him and that would be that.


> Now he is totally worrying, (and conscious of that fact) about

> whether he stuck his tongue out at someone, or said something mean


> someone, or a whole host of other things. I am pretty certain


> that he has done NONE of the things he talks about, but I cannot

> prove it. So I do not want to give the impression that if he DID


> these things, that it would be OK. But he wants reassurance that

> mommy and daddy will still love him if he did. Of course we do,


> tell him that fact.


> About 2 weeks ago he was going potty every 5 minutes because he

> thought he " might " have to go. Miraculously that passed and now he

> just WORRIES. We have instituted " worry time " ...ten minutes each


> by timer...so that he can save them up and vent them with mom. I


> see that it helps, but is a band aid that will not last. He wants

> worry time in the morning, in the afternoon, etc.


> We have an appointment in a month with an OCD specialist in our


> but I am so afraid of the next 30 days.


> We have no idea what we are doing or should be doing. My son last

> night asked me " why I keep praying to God to take away the worries


> my brain, but God is not answering me. " I started crying while in

> putting him down for bed, and that just made him sad. I am leaving

> on a trip today for 5 days, and I played it like I was sad because


> was just going to miss my family...but the reality is, I am


> to leave him because it feels like I am just watching my son drown


> his own mind, and I can do nothing.


> I have started reading the book, Freeing Your Child From OCD, by

> Tamar Chansky.


> I need help. Can anyone talk to me?


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Ditto for our DS, even the age range.

DS is now 14 and we see the doctor once every 2-3 months, instead of

once every 2-3 weeks.

Similarly, the Zoloft was and remains a breakthrough med for him. We

recently tried another step down in dosage, but had to bump back up to

150mg 1x/day.

" hilleryschanck " - Dr. Chansky's book, along with Dr. Wagner's were

critical to our ability to help our son. Honestly, it may get worse

before it gets better, but...it WILL get better. I believe there are

a lot of success stories in this group alone, and perhaps you can look

to those for some encouragement and reassurance. I admire and respect

your efforts to this point and I think you're definitely headed in the

write direction.

Praying to God - keep going with this one, remembering God answers in

his own way, in his own time. Yes, difficult maybe for a 7 y.o. to

understand, but I think you'll find a way. An example from my own

DS's experiences: He was having a particularly rough period. My wife

took him to one of his appointments; I was unable to attend. In the

car on the way home, my wife struggled to keep it together and not

cry, and our son picked up on it. He told her, " Y'know Mom.

Sometimes I'm glad I have OCD. If it wasn't for OCD, I don't think my

faith would be as strong as it is. " My wife was floored, as was I

when she related it to me.

Try to remain hopeful. Your family can make it.

Bill & family

> >

> > I have just joined this group yesterday.

> >

> > My son who is just about to turn 7 has all of a sudden had a surge

> of

> > OCD-like behaviors. When we look back we can really begin to see

> the

> > pattern forming since he was about 4, but all of a sudden, bang!,

> > this is out of control.

> >

> > It started when he was in preschool confessing each day things that

> > he did at school...minor things. He would talk to his mom on the

> way

> > home...she would reassure him and that would be that.

> >

> > Now he is totally worrying, (and conscious of that fact) about

> > whether he stuck his tongue out at someone, or said something mean

> to

> > someone, or a whole host of other things. I am pretty certain

> (99%)

> > that he has done NONE of the things he talks about, but I cannot

> > prove it. So I do not want to give the impression that if he DID

> do

> > these things, that it would be OK. But he wants reassurance that

> > mommy and daddy will still love him if he did. Of course we do,

> and

> > tell him that fact.

> >

> > About 2 weeks ago he was going potty every 5 minutes because he

> > thought he " might " have to go. Miraculously that passed and now he

> > just WORRIES. We have instituted " worry time " ...ten minutes each

> day

> > by timer...so that he can save them up and vent them with mom. I

> can

> > see that it helps, but is a band aid that will not last. He wants

> > worry time in the morning, in the afternoon, etc.

> >

> > We have an appointment in a month with an OCD specialist in our

> area,

> > but I am so afraid of the next 30 days.

> >

> > We have no idea what we are doing or should be doing. My son last

> > night asked me " why I keep praying to God to take away the worries

> in

> > my brain, but God is not answering me. " I started crying while in

> > putting him down for bed, and that just made him sad. I am leaving

> > on a trip today for 5 days, and I played it like I was sad because

> I

> > was just going to miss my family...but the reality is, I am

> terrified

> > to leave him because it feels like I am just watching my son drown

> in

> > his own mind, and I can do nothing.

> >

> > I have started reading the book, Freeing Your Child From OCD, by

> > Tamar Chansky.

> >

> > I need help. Can anyone talk to me?

> >


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Your son also sounds like mine!!!

Hang in there ... it will get better and life can still be great for your son!

You can call me if you every need someone to talk to. Email me off list and I

will give you my phone number, or I can call you if you wish.

Kindest Regards,

in TN

laurie <seversonhouse@...> wrote:

When I read your post I was STUNNED. More than any other post I've

read it sounded like my son...who at 7 became OCD and when we thought

back it had been since @4. Please let us know how the apppointment

went. I didn't find this group for a year. I'm glad you found it

now. there is hope - My son has been sub-clinical for over a year.

It is something we will always deal with but for now, It only rears

its ugly head when he gets sleep deprived. He is on low dose Zoloft.

It helped take the edge off so he could actually do the CBT-ERP.

best wishes




> I have just joined this group yesterday.


> My son who is just about to turn 7 has all of a sudden had a surge


> OCD-like behaviors. When we look back we can really begin to see


> pattern forming since he was about 4, but all of a sudden, bang!,

> this is out of control.


> It started when he was in preschool confessing each day things that

> he did at school...minor things. He would talk to his mom on the


> home...she would reassure him and that would be that.


> Now he is totally worrying, (and conscious of that fact) about

> whether he stuck his tongue out at someone, or said something mean


> someone, or a whole host of other things. I am pretty certain


> that he has done NONE of the things he talks about, but I cannot

> prove it. So I do not want to give the impression that if he DID


> these things, that it would be OK. But he wants reassurance that

> mommy and daddy will still love him if he did. Of course we do,


> tell him that fact.


> About 2 weeks ago he was going potty every 5 minutes because he

> thought he " might " have to go. Miraculously that passed and now he

> just WORRIES. We have instituted " worry time " ...ten minutes each


> by timer...so that he can save them up and vent them with mom. I


> see that it helps, but is a band aid that will not last. He wants

> worry time in the morning, in the afternoon, etc.


> We have an appointment in a month with an OCD specialist in our


> but I am so afraid of the next 30 days.


> We have no idea what we are doing or should be doing. My son last

> night asked me " why I keep praying to God to take away the worries


> my brain, but God is not answering me. " I started crying while in

> putting him down for bed, and that just made him sad. I am leaving

> on a trip today for 5 days, and I played it like I was sad because


> was just going to miss my family...but the reality is, I am


> to leave him because it feels like I am just watching my son drown


> his own mind, and I can do nothing.


> I have started reading the book, Freeing Your Child From OCD, by

> Tamar Chansky.


> I need help. Can anyone talk to me?



Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

Check outnew cars at Autos.

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I was reading somewhere that 7-10 is the age range it usually flares

for boys. Girls are usually older, around 12 , I think. Gee, I can't

even remember which book I read it in either, since I'm reading about

6 at the same time. Talk about immersion method. lol


> >

> > I have just joined this group yesterday.

> >

> > My son who is just about to turn 7 has all of a sudden had a surge

> of

> > OCD-like behaviors. When we look back we can really begin to see

> the

> > pattern forming since he was about 4, but all of a sudden, bang!,

> > this is out of control.

> >

> > It started when he was in preschool confessing each day things that

> > he did at school...minor things. He would talk to his mom on the

> way

> > home...she would reassure him and that would be that.

> >

> > Now he is totally worrying, (and conscious of that fact) about

> > whether he stuck his tongue out at someone, or said something mean

> to

> > someone, or a whole host of other things. I am pretty certain

> (99%)

> > that he has done NONE of the things he talks about, but I cannot

> > prove it. So I do not want to give the impression that if he DID

> do

> > these things, that it would be OK. But he wants reassurance that

> > mommy and daddy will still love him if he did. Of course we do,

> and

> > tell him that fact.

> >

> > About 2 weeks ago he was going potty every 5 minutes because he

> > thought he " might " have to go. Miraculously that passed and now he

> > just WORRIES. We have instituted " worry time " ...ten minutes each

> day

> > by timer...so that he can save them up and vent them with mom. I

> can

> > see that it helps, but is a band aid that will not last. He wants

> > worry time in the morning, in the afternoon, etc.

> >

> > We have an appointment in a month with an OCD specialist in our

> area,

> > but I am so afraid of the next 30 days.

> >

> > We have no idea what we are doing or should be doing. My son last

> > night asked me " why I keep praying to God to take away the worries

> in

> > my brain, but God is not answering me. " I started crying while in

> > putting him down for bed, and that just made him sad. I am leaving

> > on a trip today for 5 days, and I played it like I was sad because

> I

> > was just going to miss my family...but the reality is, I am

> terrified

> > to leave him because it feels like I am just watching my son drown

> in

> > his own mind, and I can do nothing.

> >

> > I have started reading the book, Freeing Your Child From OCD, by

> > Tamar Chansky.

> >

> > I need help. Can anyone talk to me?

> >


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Jessie My wife has had both knees replaced ( before stills )6 momths

apart she had them done one at a time which I highly recommend each

knee took about 6 weeeks to heal and rebuild the muscles as you will

need one goo dleg to stand on while going thru physical threapy LOL

all kidding aside she was 100 % better off after the surgeries although

it was rough for about the first week or so. If I were you I would ask

Dr to do them seperatly

Dave in Nebr.

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 I only know of a person who had there knees replaced and in that they were able

to walk again after and could not before. do not know if it was all done at one

time or not .

My mother had her hip done a few years ago she is way way better now . the first

month or so was not to fun but only from having to be so careful not from pain.

she never had a lot of pain after the first week. to day she is 80 and out walks

me any day and I am only 49 for at lest a few more days LOL. any hoot after

seeing these two Lady's i would never hesitate if i had to have it done but as

others have said I most likely would do one at a time so I had a some what good

one to help support the replaced one tell it healed then do the next one . just

my two cents and with inflation it is like an opinion not worth much LOL


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

 Stills ; An illness I know to well!

To learn about Stills  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

  and Hancock:

We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus! [April 18, 1775]


" The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the

general principals of Christianity... I will avow that I believed and now

believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and

immutable as the existence and attributes of God. "

• " [July 4th] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts

of devotion to God Almighty. "

– in a letter written to Abigail on the day the Declaration was

approved by Congress


God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be

thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the

minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not

to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I

reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever. " (excerpts

are inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in the nations capital)


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Guest guest


 I only know of a person who had there knees replaced and in that they were able

to walk again after and could not before. do not know if it was all done at one

time or not .

My mother had her hip done a few years ago she is way way better now . the first

month or so was not to fun but only from having to be so careful not from pain.

she never had a lot of pain after the first week. to day she is 80 and out walks

me any day and I am only 49 for at lest a few more days LOL. any hoot after

seeing these two Lady's i would never hesitate if i had to have it done but as

others have said I most likely would do one at a time so I had a some what good

one to help support the replaced one tell it healed then do the next one . just

my two cents and with inflation it is like an opinion not worth much LOL


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

 Stills ; An illness I know to well!

To learn about Stills  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

  and Hancock:

We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus! [April 18, 1775]


" The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the

general principals of Christianity... I will avow that I believed and now

believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and

immutable as the existence and attributes of God. "

• " [July 4th] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts

of devotion to God Almighty. "

– in a letter written to Abigail on the day the Declaration was

approved by Congress


God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be

thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the

minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not

to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I

reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever. " (excerpts

are inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in the nations capital)


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Guest guest


 I only know of a person who had there knees replaced and in that they were able

to walk again after and could not before. do not know if it was all done at one

time or not .

My mother had her hip done a few years ago she is way way better now . the first

month or so was not to fun but only from having to be so careful not from pain.

she never had a lot of pain after the first week. to day she is 80 and out walks

me any day and I am only 49 for at lest a few more days LOL. any hoot after

seeing these two Lady's i would never hesitate if i had to have it done but as

others have said I most likely would do one at a time so I had a some what good

one to help support the replaced one tell it healed then do the next one . just

my two cents and with inflation it is like an opinion not worth much LOL


the  rednecks

Marty & G.

 Stills ; An illness I know to well!

To learn about Stills  http://www.stillsdisease.org/stills_info

  and Hancock:

We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus! [April 18, 1775]


" The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the

general principals of Christianity... I will avow that I believed and now

believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and

immutable as the existence and attributes of God. "

• " [July 4th] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts

of devotion to God Almighty. "

– in a letter written to Abigail on the day the Declaration was

approved by Congress


God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be

thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the

minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not

to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I

reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever. " (excerpts

are inscribed on the walls of the Jefferson Memorial in the nations capital)


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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Does anyone have a child diagnosed with intermittent explosive rage? What works?

Or even someone who is autistic with aggressive explosive behavior? Or please

tell me it gets better in their 20's.

My son is 19, nonverbal, weighs 125 lbs. He has been on abilify for a couple of

years and we are trying to get him off. The doctor is NO help. He just wants to

switch to another antipsychotic drug which is worse in my opinion.

He was started on Risperdal but went back and forth between raging and being

out. Then they gave him Elavil for migraines, then Abilify for raging. He has

been raging for 3 years and we are at the end of our rope.

If anyone knows anything natural or anything drug that can help him without

killing him, please email me. I am desperate. The doc has suggested Lamictal and

Zyprexa. He takes a lot of vitamins but nothing helps.


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