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Re: KT has a metallic aftertaste

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Hi Charity and EveryOne,

Every tea has it's own taste, that is one of the wonderful things

about tea...however some teas may have a taste you don't like.

It would really be best not to put any metal into your KT at any time.

I would recommend that for your next batches you refrain from doing

that, you can use a straw, a siphon, a turkey baster, a plastic ladle

or glass, a cup....you get the idea....anything but metal....

Let us know what you discover...if you don't want to drink the batch

with the metallic taste, you can use it as a hair rinse or put it in

your bath water, use it to clean glass or counter tops etc.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


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-- In kombucha tea , " chumlyumly " <chumlyumly@...>



> Hello -


> I've been brewing a couple of batches (my second brew!) for about 10

> days and am ready to bottle it up - the taste is good...except for a

> slight metallic aftertaste.


> Has anyone else had a similar experience, and if so, do you think it's

> okay?


> I made this brew with black and green teas, certified organic and fair

> trade...My first batch (which had no metallic aftertaste) was made with

> Lipton's black and a fancy loose leaf green tea. I don't know that it

> has anything to do with the tea, but just to throw that out there...


> Also, to try the KT, sometimes I'll dip a metal ladle into the jar.

> Could it be this very short amount of contact with metal that causes it?


> I'm using glass jars from Cost Plus.


> Thanks for any input! And thank you for all the info on where to get

> good jars with spigots!!


> Charity


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Thank you Bev!

I've stopped using the metal ladle and am now using a plastic cup to

dish out my taste tests...

I'm also going to use a different tea for the next round. [:)]


> >

> > Hello -

> >

> > I've been brewing a couple of batches (my second brew!) for about 10

> > days and am ready to bottle it up - the taste is good...except for a

> > slight metallic aftertaste.

> >

> > Has anyone else had a similar experience, and if so, do you think


> > okay?

> >

> > I made this brew with black and green teas, certified organic and


> > trade...My first batch (which had no metallic aftertaste) was made


> > Lipton's black and a fancy loose leaf green tea. I don't know that


> > has anything to do with the tea, but just to throw that out there...

> >

> > Also, to try the KT, sometimes I'll dip a metal ladle into the jar.

> > Could it be this very short amount of contact with metal that causes


> >

> > I'm using glass jars from Cost Plus.

> >

> > Thanks for any input! And thank you for all the info on where to


> > good jars with spigots!!

> >

> > Charity

> >


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Hi Charity,

Glad to hear you are no longer using the metal. Since you are using a

cup anyway, may I suggest that you use a glass cup or a ceramic cup

with no design painted on the outside. You want something that will

not leach into your Kombucha.

Once you figure out how long your KT needs to ferment to be the way

you like it, I recommend not continuing to dip anything into it all.

Each time you remove the cover and put something into the brew you

risk contaminating it by doing so.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


-- In kombucha tea , " chumlyumly " <chumlyumly@...>



> Thank you Bev!


> I've stopped using the metal ladle and am now using a plastic cup to

> dish out my taste tests...


> I'm also going to use a different tea for the next round. [:)]


> Charity



> > >

> > > Hello -

> > >

> > > I've been brewing a couple of batches (my second brew!) for about 10

> > > days and am ready to bottle it up - the taste is good...except for a

> > > slight metallic aftertaste.

> > >

> > > Has anyone else had a similar experience, and if so, do you think

> it's

> > > okay?

> > >

> > > I made this brew with black and green teas, certified organic and

> fair

> > > trade...My first batch (which had no metallic aftertaste) was made

> with

> > > Lipton's black and a fancy loose leaf green tea. I don't know that

> it

> > > has anything to do with the tea, but just to throw that out there...

> > >

> > > Also, to try the KT, sometimes I'll dip a metal ladle into the jar.

> > > Could it be this very short amount of contact with metal that causes

> it?

> > >

> > > I'm using glass jars from Cost Plus.

> > >

> > > Thanks for any input! And thank you for all the info on where to

> get

> > > good jars with spigots!!

> > >

> > > Charity

> > >

> >





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